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private Everfree Fugitive


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"Lily I'm so glad you're ok." Blaze said happy to see nothing seemed wrong with her. "Linus how's Rook?" Blaze asked still looking at Lily.


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"10 years ago, my parents were killed by a dragon that burned our house to the ground. Everything was gone. My room, my kitchen, the only thing I could salvage was a picture of me and my parents after the Summer Solstice. I grabbed it and I ran into the forest and followed the dragon. I found his cave, but I couldn't do anything. I was too small and too weak to fly up and fight. I was ashamed.


I stayed in the forest for days. I cried and cried. I didn't eat and I didn't sleep. The sight of my parents dying, the house bursting into flames....played over and over in my head. To this day I still have nightmares. I was forced out of the forest by the police who went searching for me. They brought me back and I was put under foster care.


I went to school and after about 3 months of depression I met Lily. I was sitting by myself by a tree, the same kind of tree that grew in my backyard. I was holding that picture in my hooves, the scene playing over and over in my head. She walked over and said hello. I stayed silent. I never socialized. I never talked to anyone. She saw the picture and asked who it was. I told her and started to cry. She comforted me and asked if I was ok. I had a breakdown. I hadn't told anyone about that day. She was the first. I dont know why I trusted her, I had never even seen her before. But...for some reason I told her. I told her everything. 'The last thing my mother said to me before that day, was How strange it is how two, three, hundreds of us are connected.... How one, small act can destroy.'


I always thought it was just a lesson she wanted me to learn. To be careful in what my decisions were. I told Lily this too. It turned out, that one of her friend's mother told that to her. I was shocked. Then...she told me something. She never knew who parents. Never knew who they were. Ever since then, we had hung out, crying and talking together. I still sometimes dream of what my mom told me, the day before she died. We never spoke of that phrase. Not until today." Blaze said as he picked up an apple and stared at it.


"Lily, I'm sorry if you didn't want that out. I just felt like they needed to know. Since we both know that phrase." Blaze said, glancing at Lily, teary eyed.

Edited by Songbrony


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"Is he awake?" Blaze asked. "He might know more of what the pony looked like." Lily hasn't said anything....is she upset that I told everypony about what happened? Blaze thought, worried about what he may have done.

Edited by Songbrony


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Carrick woke up from the noises from the others. Blaze talked about his life and how that phase "How strange is it how two, three, hundreds of us are connected... How one, small act can destroy." are connected.


"I see." Carrick grabbed his notepad and started to write down notes. He keep to analyze bits and pieces of the story. "They could be connected." Carrick thought aloud. Carrick turned to Rook, He went to check on Rook "He's breathing, but he isn't awake. What the hell is going on? Did I miss something?"

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Blaze told the story over again. "That's what you missed." Blaze said, annoyed that he had to repeat himself. "It's not something I normally tell ponies."

Edited by Songbrony


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(OOC: You mean ponies, not people.)


That wasn't exactly what Carrick meant about that. He did listen to the story, but how choose to listen to it again to see if anything needed to be written again on his notepad. "Thanks, but I meant what happen to Rook. It looked like he got a beaten." He looked at Linus, "You too."

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"Some pony came and knocked them down. Linus got a knife in the pony's skull, but he didn't die." Blaze said

Edited by Songbrony


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