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private Everfree Fugitive


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((OOC: Wow, that's some crazy stuff. Quite an enjoyable read, lol ))


Carrick rubbed his chin, "It's possible. Seemed they don't keep clear their tracks too well. They might be powerful, but they haven't seen me." Carrick said, confident in his tracking skills. This is some crazy stuff, I'm seemed to be over my head again. It's hard being a life of a detective. Carrick continued to track the hoof prints softly on the grass. Slowly, Carrick's vision slowly been obscure by the trees above him. This is...annoying.

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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(OOC, I love the attention I got for that post :) )


"Carrick, we dont need to follow every single hoofstep... If I can remember correctly, Nova had a bunch of secret labs, gennerally inside caves. There is a good chance that they are inside a cave very close by. I think the that they went for the nearest cave.... the cave we played in when we were foals"


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"So let me get this straight. We played in a cave that was the Brotherhood's secret lair? I guess that would explain how they knew about all of us." Blaze said. "Linus you're good with knives. If there are guards out front you think you could kill them without getting noticed? Yes you're finally gonna get to use that knife of yours." Blaze said, turning to Linus. The sun had started to go down. It would be the perfe time for a sneak attack.


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Linus grinned widely and jumped. ''HELL YEAH!'' Linus yelled while laughing. ''You hear that, old buddy? Me and you are going Hunting just like the old times!'' Linus said while picking up his knife and smirking.

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Blaze grinned. He knew Linus was going to get it done. Blaze knew what he was going to do when they got Lily was back. "Good. When we find the cave we will sneak to the entrance once the guards are dead. Carrick, I'll need you to tell us how we find her. What clues they left behind." Blaze said.


He turned to Rook. "Rook, I'm sorry about the headbutt. I was pissed. I'll need you to help free Lily."


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I hate to break it to all of you, but we are too late. The brotherhood has done what they need to Lily. All we can do is save her from them... We're here." Rook whispered as they hid in a bush. "Linus, do your thing"


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''Anti Avengers Style! HOORAH!'' Linus said while smirking and sneaking off. I hope I score with a special someone I know when this is all over.. Not Lily or Starbolt, Though. Starbolt is a fricking nerd, and Lily is ugly. If she can read my thoughts, than I am bucked!

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((OOC: This is my longest and most thought out post yet. My eyes hurt))


"Rook, once the guards are dead, you and I will find a place to hide the bodies. Carrick, you will help find us a path into where they have her." Blaze said while Linus went off. The 3 watched as Linus silently slit both of the guards throats slowly, blood spraying everywhere. Neither of the guards knew what had happened. Linus had this weird look in his eyes. Blaze reminded himself to keep sharp knives away from Linus in the future. Rook and Blaze hid the bodies in a nearby bush and wiped the blood from their hooves. First we're playing here, now we're killing here. Why can't we just have normal lives? Blaze thought, disturbed by what he just saw. "Ok, lets go." Blaze whispered as they entered the cave.



"They went this way." Carrick said. As they followed him, Blaze could smell the decayed bodies of past ponies. The smell made him sick. "How can they do this?" Blaze said to himself, the anger rising inside of him. "Just ignore it Blaze, we are here for Lily. Ignore all else." Rook said, clearly as disturbed as Blaze was.


After walking through many caverns, Carrick told them all to stop. "Ok. They are in the other room. We have to be careful though. We can't just run in all hail mary----Blaze!" Carrick said as Blaze zoomed past him in order to save Lily.


"Well well. If it isn't Blaze, the mighty hero." A familiar voice said behind Blaze. A shadowy figure appeared from behind a rock. Lily.


"Lily! Thank Celestia you are all right!" Blaze said. "We need to leave. Now." Blaze said.


"Go where? I'm perfectly fine with staying here. The Brotherhood has been so kind to me here. I have been given the honor of being the mother of The Great Ruler Nova!" Lily exclaimed.


"Lily? What the hay are you talking about? What did they do to you?" Blaze said, shocked by what he was hearing. This was not the Lily he knew. "Lily please. Come with me. Once we are out we can live together. Please Lily. I love you." Blaze said frantic.


"Why would I leave with some rag nosed pony, who couldn't even keep me safe from the Brotherhood? I have been guaranteed safety and glory here. Nothing that you could ever give me." She said, making each and every word hurt, like Linus' knife stabbing his heart, over and over again.


"Who are you...." Blaze asked, unable to do anything but stand there, shocked.


Lily laughed a maniacal laugh. "You just don't get it do you? I don't want to be with you. I never have." She said. There was something with her voice. Something was off. "Here I can have glory. Here I can rule supreme. With Nova as my son, we shall rule all of Equestria!" Lily shouted. What the? Her voice...it's....not hers. This isn't real. Blaze suddenly realized. "You aren't Lily." Her eyes grew. "Why of course it is me. Who else would it be? Your poor, old, dead mother?" Lily said, laughing.


Blaze quickly charged at Lily. He caught her off guard and picked her up and slammed her against the wall. Lily suddenly changed into a hooded pony. A member of the Brotherhood. Blaze was enraged. "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?" Blaze shouted.


"Kekeke. It's too late. He is a part of her. You can't stop it." The pony said. Bubbles started coming out of his mouth. He shuttered, and then went still. Rook and the others rushed over after seeing Blaze throw the fake Lily against the wall. "What in the world-" Rook started, but stopped as he saw who was really against the wall. "That... that wasn't her." Rook said.


"It looks like he killed himself." Carrick said, examining the foam. "Nightlock. It kills in under a minute. He must have taken it so he wouldn't spill any information."


Linus noticed a piece of paper sticking out from under the pony's hood. "What do we have here?" He said, yanking the paper from the hood. "It's a map!"


The others quickly gathered around the map. Except for Blaze. He stayed by the wall. "Look! Here's the holding cell." Rook said.


Blaze quickly shot off, grabbed the map and ran towards the holding cell. He was not going to let them do anymore than what they had already done to her. "Let's go!" He shouted without waiting for them to acknowledge his words.


They reached the cell. Lily, the real Lily, was lying on a slab, tied to a table, unconscious. Blaze quickly ran over to her and untied her. He threw her onto his back.


"Where do you think you are going?" A mysterious voice said. Blaze looked at the others. "Take Lily and run as far from here as you can." He said. The look in his eyes told them that they shouldn't be anywhere near here. "5 minutes. That's all the time you will have to get clear."


Rook knew what Blaze was going to do. "Blaze you can't--" He started but was stopped by Blaze's glare. "Run. Now." Blaze ordered. The others did as he said and ran.


"You think that just because you have her you have succeeded? Nothing can stop us now. Nova will be reborn. And the world will be ours." The hooded pony said as he stepped out from the shadows. "You know you can't win."


Blaze quickly charged at him, yelling. He was picked up by magic and thrown across the room. "Oh I am going to enjoy killing you." The hooded pony said with a grin.


"You'll have to try harder than that if you want to kill me!" Blaze yelled. Stall. Stall for 3 more minutes.


"You pathetic little pony. What makes you believe that you can defeat us? We are Nova's followers! You are just one, little, pathetic excuse for a colt. We are the last of the Brotherhood. But with Nova, we shall rise back to our once glorious empire. The Super Soldiers shall rise again. None will be able to oppose us. Not even Celestia and Luna." The hooded pony spoke.


1 more minute... Blaze thought to himself. "Yea, but there will always be those who fight. Just like before. And Nova will be nothing but a memory." Blaze said. 45 more seconds.


"Enough! Now you will suffer. Now you will know what happens to those who don't follow Nova. You will know exactly what her parents suffered." The pony said. He shot a magic bolt at Blaze making his limbs contort in all directions. Blaze felt as if his head was about to implode. This pain, this agony. Blaze started wishing for death. The pony withdrew the spell. "That was only a small taste of it. The worst is still to come." The pony said with a smirk.


Blaze slowly stood. "I'm...afraid....that...that willl have to wait." Blaze said. "Now, the fun begins." He said, throwing a huge bomb into the air. It started to beep, and Blaze flew towards the exit. I have 10 seconds before it detonates. Please Celestia let the others be far gone.


"Stop him!" He heard from behind.


"5, 4, 3, 2, 1." Blaze counted down. The bomb detonated. The explosion ripped through the cave. The sound wave slammed into him, pushing him even faster than what he was flying. The fire zoomed behind him, engulfing everything, and every pony in its wake.


Blaze shot out of the entrance of the cave. The fire engulfed a number of trees. He crashed into the underbrush. Burned badly, Blaze could only stare at the stars. Lily...please be alright. Rook, take care of her. Blaze thought to himself, right before blacking out.

  • Brohoof 3


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((That was quite the post! I read the entire thing.. Kudos to your awesomeness!))

''I barely made it out of that bucking cave in time!'' Linus whined while walking to Blaze with a heart on his knife. ''Does this disturb you?'' Linus joked while holding up the knife and laughing. ''Still, Where the hell is Lily?'' Linus said while looking around. ''You think she might be.. If I said it you would probably kill me..'' Linus said while rolling his eyes. ''Dead?'' Linus said quickly and quietly.

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Blaze faded in and out of consciousness. "Rook....Lily..." blaze said before blacking out again. He was to badly burned to be dragged anywhere. His bomb had done what he wanted. It killed All of the Brotherhood. Every last one.


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''Yeah.. I'm just going to wait here for those damn idiots. If I wasn't hurt, they wouldn't be hurt.'' Linus said while whistling. Blaze was doing a bad ass job... But I still think I did the killings with more swag.

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Lily murmmered infer unconsicious state. She slowly opened her eyes.

"not to sound cliche or anything but, where am I" she coughed a little as she stood to her feet. She looked around. "BLAZE!!!" she yelled as she saw him lying on the rough, dry grass. She knelt next to him and cried. "oh blazey boy, why are you always doing this to yourself?"

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''Wow! She is alive! That is a twist, people!'' Linus said sarcastically. ''Though where is Rook and Carrick?'' Linus said while cocking an eyebrow. ''Lily.. No offense, But I would be happy whether you made it out alive or not.'' Linus said while rolling his eyes.

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"Hey, Linus?" Blaze said as he slipped back into consciousness. "If I could stand, you'd be watching your mouth." He said barely audible. "Lily, I'm so glad you're ok." Blaze said. "What did they do---" Blaze spoke softly before dipping back into unconsciousness.


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"BLAZE!" lily yelled as blaze slipped again. She stormed over to Linus. "so help me if I was strong enough right now you would not exist!!! One more word from your mouth and I'll kick you into next week!!!" she was turning red with fury.

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''Take it easy, Female Tiger!'' Linus said while laughing. ''Still.. Calm down.. I've killed many ponies.. Do you see me freak out for murder? Someone slipping into unconsciousness isn't that bad.. Okay, maybe it is. But I'm not a paramedic.'' Linus said while whistling.

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"I'm here," Carrick said. He came out, his hat burned on his right hoof. "though my hat didn't last. Pity that, really." Carrick looked down for a second, than got back into reality. He saw Linus, Lilly, and Blaze. Blaze was unconsciousness, while Lilly looked she was going to kill him.


"Calm down, Ponies. We just survive an giant explosion. I think we should count our blessings." Carrick went over to Blaze to check his pulse. "He's fine. Just needs some rest, that's all."

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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''Rest? Why does Blaze need rest? I'm the one who needs rest! Have you seen how bloody my hooves are?!'' Linus complained while looking at his hooves. ''There so bloody it's disgusting! Is that a.. OH MY GOD! That's half of an eyeball!'' Linus said while his eyes widened. He stuck his tongue out and threw the eyeball at a tree.

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"Ok, guys," Rook said as he pulled out Blaze from the rubble. "Knock it off. It looks like it's going to rain. Lets see if we can get back to the house. Lily, are you ok? What happened to you?" The silence Rook got from her was answer enough. She looked away from every pony in shame. "Er...Let's get going, we should get there before the police and rain come..." Rook said.


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Lily stayed silent the whole walk home. She kept her face straight but her mind was racing. Did they really? She shook her head. She dismissed it and continued walking. As soon as they got to the house she walked upstairs. She sat on her pillow and closed the door, locking it with magic. She flipped through her diary and added a new entry. She drew a picture. Of her and blaze, happily together. She stuck it on the wall with the rest of her pictures.


Her crayons were almost gone by the time she had finished drawing. She had been gone for a while. She hoped the others wouldn't wreck the stairs if the looked for her.

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Run Blaze! Run!


Blaze was flying towards the forest. He crashed through the trees and heard a loud roar. He turned around and saw a giant wall of fire. "NOOO!" Blaze screeched. He flew back to the house, or what was left at least. He flew back into the forest and followed the dragon. He reached the cave, but was too exhausted to do anything. He collapsed at the base of tree and began to weep. Suddenly he was flying through a cave, trying to outrun a giant ball of fire. He crashed through the underbrush and got burned extremely bad.


GASP* Blaze shot up. He awoke from his terrible nightmare and found himself laying in a bed at the old house. What happened? Blaze thought as he surveyed his surroundings. LILY! "Where's LIly? And Rook? Is everybody all right?" Blaze asked, but quickly stopped himself. He could barely move and his whole body hurt. The burns were terrible.


"Hey look who's finally up." Linus said. "You know, you could give us a bigger warning next time you want to blow up a cave. It's been 2 days."


"Really?" Blaze asked in a daze. "How's Lily? And the others? I know you're all right. And next time, wait until I'm fully unconscious before saying anything about Lily in front of me." Linus only rolled his eyes.

Edited by Songbrony
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"Ahh... the demo- I mean hero, wakes up" Rook said as he levitated a bunch of tea cups into the room. He gave one to to Blaze. "This'll dull the pain a bit, not to mention it tastes like strawberries..."


"Where the hay is lily?" Blaze said, painfully


"Look, Blaze, I know that you want to see her, but we should give her some space. She just went through a really traumatic ordeal. If she wants our help, then we will help her. Right now, she wants to be alone..."


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"....What did they do?" Blaze asked confused. He wanted to see her, but didn't want infringe on her privacy. "What happened after I blacked out?" He asked as he took sips from the mysterious concoction Rook had given him.


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Lily had come in and out of that attic plenty of times while she was at the house. She was the only one who could get up there. The steps were tricky. She came down and walked into one of the old rooms. Blaze was awake and drinking. "hey blaze." she said, completely normally. She acted like nothing happened. "feeling better?" she asked, still somewhat distant in thoughts.

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"Yea. I still hurt from the burns, but whatever Rook is giving me, it sure is working." Blaze said taking another drink. "What about you? Are you alright?" Blaze asked worried. He didn't know anything that had happened to her and wasn't sure if she was ready to tell him.


"Hey Linus, I got the wood for the fire. Help me start it. Oh, hello there Blaze. When did you wake up?" Carrick said as he walked in with a load of wood. "About 10 minutes ago. I was wondering where you were." Blaze said. He returned his attention towards Lily. He was worried about what had happened.


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