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open Equestrian Civil War


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Equestrian Military Database


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New Lunar Republic Letter of Introduction

- To whom it may concern:


So, you've decided to join the Lunar Republic. From this day forth, you are part of the greatest army ever to exist in Equestrian soil. We will overthrow the tyrant Celestia and our Princess of the Moon bring forth equality and unity of all races: Ponies, Dogs, Griffons, and all other races alike!


The Lunar Infantry - Strong, Disciplined ground units.

The Lunar Mages - Powerful, Tactical Support Units

The Lunar Airforce - Fast, Agile Air Units


Solar Kingdom Letter of Introduction

- To whom it may concern:


So, you've seen the light and wish to fight for the values of righteousness? Welcome to the Solar Kingdom. It is our duty to preserve the peace and stability that the Great Princess Celestia had gifted us over the last thousand years for all ponies. It is our job to quell this rebellion and protect Equestria from Princess Luna and her forces.


The Solar Infantry - Strong Earth Pony Ground Units

The Solar Mages - Skiled Unicorn Support Units

The Solar Airforce - Fast Pegasus Air Units


The mission for both factions will be given by the Supreme Commanders of each faction. When engaging each other...don't kill other players without the consent of both players.


The Solar Kingdom's territory is:


Ponyville - Under pressure by Lunar Republic forces in Dragon's Mountain



The Lunar Republic's territory is:

Everfree Forest


Dragon's Mountain - Hotzone for attacking Ponyville

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
  • Brohoof 1




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Swift Echo was sitting in the Canterlot council chamber/war room, levitating a dagger and reading Advanced spell casting by Clover the Clever as he waits for everypony else to show up.


" why would anypony want to waste there time and consentration to conjure a Urser Major construct when a simple flying dagger to the face is more effecting and faster"


giving a grunt, Swift Echo lays his book on the table and picks up that latest issue of Swag magazine

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Celestia entered the war chamber, a stern look on her face. She had been late due to a group of separatist Royal Guards attempting to assassinate Shining Armor during a routine drill. Luckily, Shining Armor escaped rather unscathed, and the rebel Guards were captured and executed with little bloodshed.


Even so, that small incident left the Princess not only exhausted, but paranoid. After all, the 2000 year old Goddess was horrified of death. If even the most loyal, trusted members of the entire Empire would stab her in the back, then how can she rest? If her own SISTER, who she granted lenience after an attempted overthrow a thousand years ago, attempts to do it AGAIN, how can one have trust in anyone?


Celestia had at least some comfort in knowing the majority of the NLR forces were simple militia, who could do little but wage guerilla warfare. Most major population centers, such as Phillydelphia and Hoofington, were far back enough in her territory to mostly stay safe from enemy groups. Her main concern was Manehatten, the largest city in the Empire. The metropolis was within the Lunar Republic, and with a population as large as that, the Republic could have hundreds of thousands of recruits joining their army, rather than the few revolutionaries they currently have scattered throughout ambush points.


Celestia sat in a chair at the head of the table, a hoof on her head, while important members of the military, such as Shining Armor and Spitfire, filed into the room.


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Swift Echo got off his flank an kneeled before Celestia


"what happened? are you hurt?"


he then turns to Shining armour to scold him about not doing a backgroung check on all the guards, but then stoped himself because he was partly reponsable for obeying order to sweep the area rather then shadowing Celestia to ensure her safety.


"I see you're having trouble keeping your troops in check Shining Armour, but atleast your shield spell is proving useful" he said while saluteing and finaly deciding to stop levitating his dagger.


"are any of the rebeling guards still alive?"

Edited by PonyEcho

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Celestia's hazy, though filled mind was bombarded with questions by Swift, and it took her a minute to conjure an answer.


"I'm perfectly fine, although some of my finest Guards are not. We've lost nearly a third of our Guardians, so they will not be enough to keep our officers in the fields safe.


I'm just stressed about the situation in Ponyville, is all. The city has been under constant bombardment by artillery concealed on Dragon Mountain, and I fear for our troops stationed there. I should probably address the Council now, shouldn't I?" Celestia sighed as she levitated several papers, shuffling them.


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"I see, well we were lucky to have a good shippment of stolen medical supplies from the enemy camp in the everfree forest, thanks to the efforts of the wonderbolts."


turns to give a slight nod towards Spitfire and Sorin in respect


"I'll leave you to discuss with you council now, i've done a full sweep of the area as you asked, there was no supicious activity but just in case i have layed a few suprises down just in case"


"but now I have other duties to attend to, send a messanger bird to the training barraks if you require any thing else from me"


kneels before Celestia and trots out of the room brining only his copy of Swag magazine with him.

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Haste and Draco both sat on top of Ponyville's clouds, Haste was wearing the guard's armor, while Draco a mid-sized dragon looked at the surroundings "ehh.... what are you doing?" Haste asked cocking an eyebrow "oh nothing, just trying to find the rest of the other pegasi" "why?" "well, just making sure we're not the only ones out here" "na'h very unlikely, they're just really hidden"


Twilight Sparkle and both, Rainbow and Pinkie followed behind, Pinkie bouncing happily as if nothing was going on, Rainbow Dash walked with a stern look on her face, while Twilight just frowned and continued walking, until they finally came to a stop one the doors to the war chamber which Twilight opened with her telekinetic powers "Princess Celestia, I've sent plenty of mages to Ponyville, and General Dash sent some of her fastest fliers to guard, I'm certain that it'll not be able to replace the armada we just lost, but I hope it'll help in any way"




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Embers was hanging off the window upside down starring at Twilight, He took out a stick and threw if at the window next to him, it shattered, embers then proceeded to cutting out the window in front of him and sliped in


Haste and Draco both sat on top of Ponyville's clouds, Haste was wearing the guard's armor, while Draco a mid-sized dragon looked at the surroundings "ehh.... what are you doing?" Haste asked cocking an eyebrow "oh nothing, just trying to find the rest of the other pegasi" "why?" "well, just making sure we're not the only ones out here" "na'h very unlikely, they're just really hidden"


Twilight Sparkle and both, Rainbow and Pinkie followed behind, Pinkie bouncing happily as if nothing was going on, Rainbow Dash walked with a stern look on her face, while Twilight just frowned and continued walking, until they finally came to a stop one the doors to the war chamber which Twilight opened with her telekinetic powers "Princess Celestia, I've sent plenty of mages to Ponyville, and General Dash sent some of her fastest fliers to guard, I'm certain that it'll not be able to replace the armada we just lost, but I hope it'll help in any way"


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"Who goes there?!" one of the guards shouted pointing a spear at Embers (I thought you said your name was Sapphire :huh: ) "What's your business here?" The unicorn guard asked holding a spear with telekinesis






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There was a sudden flash of light in the corner of the war chamber as Starbolt teleported.

She looked around and saw who she was looking for, Celestia. She started to walk towards the Princess.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Swift Echo continued to walk down the streets of canterlot observing to damages to the buildings, his gaze then shifted to th ponies stareing at him with fear in there eyes.he then noticed a little fillie stareing with a blank exspression on her face, Swift smiled and nodded at the fillie before her mother brush her along so that she could not smile back.


"oh my well this is a welcomed suprise"


Swift Echo raised his head realising who voice it was "Lord Fancy Pants, I though you would have been at the council by now"

"ha! is that how you treat your old employer and friend, and im not your lord anymore must you continoue with the formal attitude"

"old habits die hard, and i must thank you for the recomendation that you gave to celestia of me"

"there is no need i dont think I could cope with a stallion of you talants being wasted as a common troop, now would you mind escorting me to the war room, with all the attac happeneing i would feel alot safer"

"certainly" Swift Echo turned around and walk down the street back to the palace alongside Fancy Pants. "hhmm it seem like this war against the luna republic is rely going to take its toll everypony"

" its a warponys will fight for what they belive and who wouldnt want to fight for a free and equile Equestria"

" True but sometimes there isnt much difference between terrorism and freedom fighting"

Swift Echo lowered his head in gave a sigh "so how the wife"

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''BWHAHAHA! I'M SO SCARED! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? POKE ME WITH A STICK!'' Linus said while chuckling. He used his magic to pick a knife up off of the floor. ''Come at me! Scumbags!'' Linus said while taunting Celestia.

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Starbolt looked at Linus then back at Celestia. She hasn't introduced herself yet and hoped that the guards won't mistake her for one of the rebels.

Starbolt saw Linus pick up a knife. She fired a bolt of magic towards the knife and put a barrier in between Linus and Celestia.

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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The knife was turned to slag as the magical bolt hit. Starbolt then put another barrier surrounding Linus, this barrier was lime colored instead of Starbolt's usual transparent grey barrier.

"I wouldn't threaten the Princess like that, and don't get any ideas about teleporting out my shield cannot be entered or exited by magic." She said towards Linus.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Celestia stood as still as ever. She was, of course, a powerful Goddess, and some rebel with a sword was little danger to her.


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Just then, 3 Lunar Footsoldiers crashed through the windows of the building. "Hold it!" said Private Snow Flake, his hands trembling while holding a short sword. "Let him go! Or else!" shouted Private Snow Flake.

Edited by SnowPegasus

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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''I HATE you Ponies.'' Linus said while rolling his eyes. ''Embers! Now would be a good time for the counter attack! ...Embers?'' Linus said while cocking an eyebrow. Embers was gone. ''SON OF A BI*CH!'' Linus Yelled while stomping his hoof on the ground. ''Lemme out! Or I'll beg until you do!'' Linus Yelled while punching the magic barrier with his front hoof. He fell on the floor and yelped in pain. ''OW!'' Linus screamed while falling. He looked at Snow Flake. ''ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! SLASH THEM! KILL THEM! KILL HER! KILL ANYONE!'' Linus Yelled Rapidly while pointing at Starbolt.

Edited by The Scout
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Celestia blasted a ball of magic at the attackers, while obsessively slamming the security button on her desk. "In ten seconds, a legion of our finest soldiers will enter with intentions to kill all of you. I suggest you leave while you can!




edit: >why did i put luna

Edited by Fizzydog


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'Backup?' She thought and saw the 3 rebel soldiers break in.

"Really? Attacking with only 4 ponies? Did you think this through?" Said Starbolt as she readied another spell.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Other guards came. While Twilight walked towards Starbolt "Thank you, I'd done something myself if I were any faster" she looked at the other pony "as for you, you'll be expecting serious punishment for threatening the Princess, if I were to-" she stopped as she looked at another 3 Lunar ponies came "Guards stop them" Quickly the guards came, while Twilight casts a spell to keep them away "Now, all of you are going to be imprisoned in the Canterlot dungeon"


ninja's everywhere.... gimme a sec to fix this post

Edited by Q. Pinkazoid The Bearded




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Starbolt seeing the guards arrive held back her next spell.

"You must be Twilight Sparkle." She said towards the purple unicorn.

'Oh wow I can't believe I get to meet her. Maybe she could teach me how to finally teleport accurately.' Starbolt thought barely holding back her excitement.

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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''I HATE you Ponies.'' Linus said while rolling his eyes. ''Embers! Now would be a good time for the counter attack! ...Embers?'' Linus said while cocking an eyebrow. Embers was gone. ''SON OF A BI*CH!'' Linus Yelled while stomping his hoof on the ground. ''Lemme out! Or I'll beg until you do!'' Linus Yelled while punching the magic barrier with his front hoof. He fell on the floor and yelped in pain. ''OW!'' Linus screamed while falling. He looked at Snow Flake. ''ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! SLASH THEM! KILL THEM! KILL HER! KILL ANYONE!'' Linus Yelled Rapidly while pointing at Starbolt.


Swift Echo and Fancy Pant entered the room


"oh i see my sweeping of the area was for nothing well thats annoying "


he starts to levitate the metal shards that make up his armour and lifts them above Linus "teleport away now and avoid a painful death ,as for your friend if my traps havent triggered then there someponyelses problem"

Edited by PonyEcho

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

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