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I took this thread as meant to be funny and satirical, given that it's in Cloudsdale. So much srsness in here


Assuming no Klopp ninjas, Ary=girl on the internet=why the hell not

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I've got my own shipmate, and he's plenty fine with his mustache and awesome manliness. :)


>mustache and awesome manliness


I had one of these, at least. The stache is gone now, but it shall return, maybe in November. Unless awesome manliness comes with mustachablilty, nopenopenope I'll never have that. Maybe normal manliness eventually.


Did I seriously just use mustachability as a word

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My...my own shipmate ninja'd me! D:


And it seems my own shipmate was ninja'd.


I...hope..? :blush:


Anyway, the answer is blatant.


I was ninja'd! A thousand times yes to the topic at hand
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