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open Life in Ponyville


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"I was trying to burn through a metal sheet. Unfortunately Fae gave me the wrong spell and there was an explosion." She replied.

'I already said sorry okay.' Fae told Starbolt.

"Well what have you been researching?" She asked Lapis.

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Discere was just walking around and around.... and around. He was so caught up in thinking that he didn't realize that he was walking in acircle around the fontain in the center of ponyville. He just kept walking... creating a solid circle of hoofprints.

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Grey Thunder had still not found anypony that could help him find a pet when he got to the fountain. There he saw Discere walking around it. "He must've done that for a while since there's hoofprints around it." Thought Grey. "Hey, Discere! What's happening, why have you made all these hoofprints around the fountain?" Said Grey.

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"Yeah, I hate Shipping too. Er, Spike, Shipping is when people want two ponies to be together. Like, lets say, Soarin and RD. It's kinda like that, and I think it's gross." Timeless said with a sneer on her face.

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Discere stopped his pacing and saw who was talking to him. Grey thunder was over by one of the benches calling his name. He approached the pegasus still racking his brains, for what he know realized ,for no apparent reason.

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"Once again, Discere, what's going on with you today? You seem a bit lost? You can tell me anything, and I promise I can keep a secret if you don't want anypony to know." Said Grey and winked at Discere.

((OOC: I will be away a couple of hours and I will not be able to reply... Sorry, I didn't expect that I would be going away today.))

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"Honestly Grey thunder, I don't know wahat is wrong with me." He started. He took a seat next to the bench and stared at the ground.

"I genuinly don't unerstand myself right now... I should be happy with every thing good that happens to me, but im just getting depressed. I feel almost like I don't belong here"

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"I have been researching the Everfree Forest. It doesn't conform with other pony occupied locations. Also, Ponyville has been capable of surviving next to this anomaly for many years. I have been trying to learn as much as I can about it. But, beyond that, I have been studying some of the ponies of Ponyville. There are some odd characters in this town, and I hope to write an article at the very least." Lapis explained. "By the way, who is Fae?"

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((OOC: Sorry I was gone for so long. Ws at my aunt's and she didn't have internet.))

Byron walked over to Discere, looking guilty. "Look, Discere, I am sorry about before. I was just kind of,,, overreacting. I hope you can forgive me." Byron said. "We still friends?"

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Discere looked up at Byron.. "dont worry about it Byron... besides its not really bugging me that much." He was telling the truth. That wasn't the reason he was upset, but he didnt know the real reason.

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Without waiting for an answer, she walked outside Twilight's door, and looked around for Discere and Byron so she could give them a good scolding. Her horn followed her in the right direction. She met up with the two, and started having an outburst. This was pretty normal for her.




However, right in the middle of all her rambling, a sharp searing pain shot across her forehead.




She felt her head, and her outburst stopped.

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Before Grey could ask why Discere felt the way he did, Byron walked up to Discere and they began to talk, Grey understood that they had been arguing... Then the pony he hadn't seen before came up to them and started screaming at them, he decided to back of a bit. Grey now got the whole picture about what happened when he heard the yelling at the library. "Love can be a battlefield..." He thought.


((OOC: Search for Love can be a battlefield - Florence Rawlings on YT))

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Byron got tense. His veins bulged, his face clenched, and his horn started glowing incredibly bright. "JUST SHUT UP! IS IT WRONG TO HAVE A CRUSH IN THIS WORLD? I BET YOU'VE HAD ONE TOO!" Byron yelled with such anger the ground shook furiously. A powerful beam of light came from his horn at high speeds, just missing her. A huge explosion rocked the ground, making a gaping hole in the ground, at least a mile deep. Byron went limp, and fainted.

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Just then, the ground shook furiously and a beam shot out of that guys horn. A huge explosion rocketed at the ground making a hole a mile deep. Timeless noticed what she had done, and began to cry.


"I-I...I'm sorry...I just had an outburst...I'm...I never...just..."


Timeless ran back to her potion shop, and quickly made a health potion. Her first two attempts were failures, but her third seemed to be a success. She grabbed the Desire Potion that she had been saving for a special occasion too.


She thrust the health potion's contents down Byron's throat, and then put the Desire potion right next to him. Tears filled her eyes, and she ran off.

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Byron felt a soothing feeling in his body. With a groan, he woke up. "Wha- Discere? What happened?" Byron said. He looked to his side, and saw a glowing potion. "A Desire potion, able to make whatever one's heart's desire come true." Byron said. "Oh god, what happened to Timeless? I gotta go apolagize!" Byron ran off, but not before throwing the potion into the mile-deep crater. Byron dashed around, eventually finding Timeless. 'Timeless, I'm so sorry about what I did! I just have a very short temper..." Byron said. "When I get mad, I just can't control my magic..." A tear ran down Byron's cheek.

Edited by Shade
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Byron eventually caught up.


"Timeless, I'm so sorry about what I did! I just have a very short temper...When I get mad, I just can't control my magic..."


Timeless blinked. Was this the same pony who shot a beam at her a second ago?


"I'm...sorry too. Don't worry, no unicorn can control magic when dead...there there...it's fine. I lose my temper too, your just like me. Uh...well..." Timeless struggled to get the last words out, she was taking a liking to this 'Byron'. "Do you want to have lunch with me? Food always helps my temper." She chocked out. She kept on thinking; 'Great, you blew it!'.

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Discere walked onto the scene. He saw Byron and Timeless... talking, and there was something in her eyes, then he noticed it in Byron's eyes. He wasn't an idiot... so he let them be. H e instead went over to Byron's crater and started surveying the damage.

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Fae hoovered behind Starbolt.

'Really now.' She told Starbolt.

"Give them a break Fae I don't think they saw you." She told Fae.

"This is Fae." She said pointing to the flying fairy.

Fae rolled her eyes.

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"Okay, the floating sparkly thing. You call it 'Fae'?" Asteria asked, staring at it. "I thought it was some sort of spell." The little unicorn tried to swat at the fairy, but to no avail. "Can it talk? What does it eat? Is it friendly?" Asteria was getting charged up again with her questions.

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Fae avoided her hoof.

'Can you tell them to stop that.' She told Starbolt.

"She can only talk to me telepathically since I summoned her." She replie.

"She eats mostly fruit, and she is usually friendly unless you try to hit her." She added smiling slightly.

'Oh haha Starbolt.' She said.

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"Interesting. I would like to learn more about this creature. But, perhaps another time. I have a few duties to tend to. I plan on studying some of the wildlife. Asteria, if you'd please show Ms., erm...." Lapis faltered. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I caught your name." Asteria whispered is the blue stallion's ear. "Her name is Starbolt." "Ah yes. Ms. Starbolt, if you'd like, Asteria will show you the way back." Lapis offered.

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"Oh, okay." She replied to Lapis.

'So Starbolt I'll just head to the Everfree to get some ingredients for potions.' She told Starbolt.

'"Sure thing Fae." She told Fae.

Fae flew out the window past Lapis and into the Everfree forest.

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Grey was stunned from seeing what he saw, he had never seen anything like it. He was standing at the edge of the crater that Byron made. "Wow, I didn't know unicorns could do that! AMAZING!" said Grey when he finally got his senses back. He saw a bench not far from him and decided to sit down to contemplate over what just happened.

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Byron felt something inside of him... some feeling he felt when he first saw Timeless. "Uhmm... Sure! I would love to go out for lunch with you, Timeless." Byron said. This feeling... Was it love? It sure felt like it.

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"Okay, if you'll just follow me." Asteria said, opening the front door. While the two were making their way back to the town, Lapis Lazuli sat thinking to himself. "This Starbolt has something about her. This is the first I've heard of faeries. Further study should help..." he mused to himself, lost in thought.

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