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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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I'm annoyed by the amount of trash on TV.  I have yet to find one decent TV show to watch anymore.  Adventure Time is an ok show, but I don't see the glory of it like others.  Regular show is the same as AT. 


Also, I hate all forms of gaming as of late.  I've been burned out before, but the current gaming scene just digusts me.  A game is either rehashed, no innovation, or the game just lacks any sense of uniqueness as it strives for the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" model.  Games have "purty" graphics yet no soul to them.  Aliens: Colonial Marines is the game that just disgusted me with the practice of gaming as of late where developers feel their product so inferior they have to window dress it eye candy to make it palatable to the masses, like a parent who has to cover the taste of horrible medicine with a sugary treat for their young one. 


Like other people, I hate the news media as well.  Stories are sensationalized like some piece of trash Michael Bay film.  It makes it hard to get the actual facts to formulate thorough opinion on the matter. 

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I greatly dislike all forms of (US)illegal drugs and alcohol (weed being what I hate most, idk why), and would rather stay away from people who do that stuff
I also hate the Octavia*Vinyl Scratch ship so much

  • Brohoof 1
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Equestria Girls was just OK. It seems to get a lot of response from both sides (the fans and the haters) and honestly, eh, I think it's just in between being good and bad.


Is it worth watching. I never did bother to watch it.

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Here's a couple from the gaming side if things:

  • I dont really care about Nintendo; I don't like them,but I dont hate them either.
  • I loathe TCGs(Tarding Cards Games)
  • I find playing a game via disk is an obsolete form of gaming
  • I never cared about the Sims series
  • I loathe sport video games
Edited by COBLoneWolf
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I dislike Lord of the rings, Star wars and star treck. People keep on trying to insist it's the greatest thing ever.. I really don't see the appeal :/


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Return of the Jedi is possibly the worst Star Wars movie, not just out of the original trilogy, but the whole saga. It certainly strikes me as the most creatively bankrupt.




the ending to evangelion sucked


I thought this was an unpopular opinion thread.  :P

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't hate you and i am supposed to be a Christian behaving like an agnost.


OT:I have seen people supporting science to the level of religious fanaticism... It annoys me to no end.


I hate people who delusionaly believe that if religion didn't exist we'd be 1k years forward.


I hate people who hate capitalism but shun communism without even knowing what it consists of.


I hate game of thrones. The amputated finger torture and penis severation made me "puke" on the inside and i decided never to watch it again.


Vampire series suck... Except Blade and that other with the police guy.


"True Blood" should be renamed to "Vampire Porn".


Goat simulator has 0 meaning. I would never play it and i have seen people playing it.


Minecraft except custom creativity mode is a waste of time game with 0 meaning.


Every gamer should have a small glimpse to what D&D is.


Betting in sports is a waste of time for me.

Plenty of morons out there

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Return of the Jedi is possibly the worst Star Wars movie, not just out of the original trilogy, but the whole saga. It certainly strikes me as the most creatively bankrupt.




I thought this was an unpopular opinion thread. :P

But those prequels...


Well, at least I definitely agree that it's the worst out of the original trilogy, which I know isn't really unpopular but oh well. Boo fucking hoo.

Edited by LatinoChurro
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When I say Michael Jackson sucks in my town, some people get furious. Some of them say, "Oh, you don't like Michael because of those stories about him." No, I don't like him because his music sucks.


Lol, yeah. It seems like before he died everybody had forgotten about how "great" his music was and only focused on the stories. But then when he died, all of the sudden the stories were insignificant and all of the sudden he is the greatest pop artist ever. >.>


I've never cared for Michael Jackson at all. His music does nothing for me.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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But those prequels...


Well, at least I definitely agree that it's the worst out of the original trilogy, which I know isn't really unpopular but oh well. Boo fucking hoo.


From my recent viewing, I actually found Jedi about as annoying to watch as Phantom, but I'd still rank Phantom a little higher because it at least has interesting ideas going for it. Jedi also happens to come after the two best movies in the series, which makes it look even worse in my eyes. 


And for all their faults, I actually liked Clones and Sith. :P


OT: Mushrooms are spectacular.

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>I dislike Instagram/Vine/Snapchat/WhatsApp/Twitter/Tumblr/Google+/kik

>I don't know who is Ariana Grande (had to search google to spell name)

>I liked Equestria Girls :ph34r: (kill me)

>All Disney Shows are terrible

>I hate shipping 

>Dislike both PS4 and XBOX One

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