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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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He is no such thing :( He is a Fanon interoperation of an epic character.


?I think people who thinks Molestia is horrible and deserved to be shutdown, deserves a C&D on everything pony related they are apart of/made.?

He's sexualized, something I'm just not fond of. I also can reconize this Braeburn: Braeburn_ID_S1E21.png

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He's sexualized, something I'm just not fond of. I also can reconize this Braeburn: img-2815328-1-Braeburn_ID_S1E21.png

Okay, it's your opinion..I find that Sexy Braeburn is the most best version of Brae, but anyways that's your thoughts.

Edited by NightGuard
  • Brohoof 2


"Stupid Sexy Braeburn is best Braeburn" ~ NightGuard

Signature Image by ~ Aeron-Quillson

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I loathe  the following game franchises:

  • CoD
  • Battlefield
  • Zelda
  • GTA
  • Pokemon

Here is few other things

  • South Park & Futurama >Family Guy,American dad or any other Fox cartoons
  • Skyrim>Dark Souls
  • Don't Starve> Minecraft
Edited by COBLoneWolf
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Hmm... let's see here... I bet I have more than a few unpopular opinions  :ph34r:

1. Technically, due to my beliefs and standpoints, I'm a conservative... but I'm not actually radical about politics.

2. Spike deserves less hate.  So, he does some stupid stuff sometimes?  That shouldn't mean he don't deserve some love.  I mean, when he ran away that one time because he thought Twilight didn't love him anymore... I just wanted to hug him and tell him she still loves him but she was just mad at him for thinking Owlicious was trying to take his spot.

3. I wish I never watched 'Cupcakes' (I didn't make it all the way anyway though)... but seriously, OMG, I just can't take it.  For one, I hate gore.  For two, Pinkie is NOT a psycho!  For three, I was crying and nearly throwing up by only watching half of it.  Lastly... WHY... just, WHY!?

4. I hate fanfics that involve hurting other ponies.  However, I don't mind sad ones.  Though I was nearly balling watching My Little Dashie... it was just absolutely excellent.

5. Light hearted jokes about Derpy are okay, but those who bash her should be ashamed.  I always feel warm and happy when people say nice things about her.  She deserves more actual love and less ironic/sarcastic love.

6. I loved the battle scene in the season 4 finale, idc if others though it didn't match with MLP.  However, when Twilight blasted him to the ground, and then blasted him while he was down - that should have been a kill shot (or rather, she should have defeated him there).  Pony-hame-ha!

7. Black licorice/jelly beans are tasty.

8. I do not like Bill Nye the science guy in the least bit.

9. Tartar sauce.  It's good on fish.

10. I like any kind of fuel/energy source for cars.  I'm not a hater towards electric/hybrids, nor am I a hater of diesel fuel, gasoline (petrol for you brits), or any other fuel source.  I do, though, wish they would not have 10% ethanol in gasoline by default anymore.  E85 is fine since it is obviously labeled as being 15% ethanol and people can use it in flex fuel vehicles, but having regular unleaded have 10% ethanol by default is ridiculous since non-flex-fuel cars actually suffer from the ethanol - it fouls up a bunch of stuff it the fuel system and engine.  That's why I regularly run fuel additives to clean out my system (such as STP, Gumout, Regane, MMO, etc.).

11. I wear my sunglasses at night... lmao, nah, jk.

12. All news channels are biased.  ABC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX - all of them.  So I don't see the big deal in saying "Oh this channel is less biased and does better research so that's why I watch it."  Personally, I watch both Fox and ABC.  Two is better than one, in the sense of news, anyway.

13.  My lucky number is 13.  That's why I went to 13, and that's why I'm stopping here.



Someone else that also likes licorice

Edited by Jake DiscoTech
  • Brohoof 1

1zxbprt.jpgbabadumbadum BAH

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I liked the Rainbow Power Transformations.


I think they look cool.


  • Brohoof 5



I play loads of Rocket League and GRID 2 on PC if you want to join me at some time. Account is linked in the pic above.

If you want to play Halo: Reach, Forza 6 or GTAV  with me on Xbox One, hit me up with a friend request at 'Yeloooh'

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I dislike the whole "Molestia" and "Trollestia" stuff, especially the former.

Rape jokes aren't funny.


Also, Sanic has gotten incredibly old. I hate that freaking High-pitch Green Hill Zone that makes me want to throw my ears out the window.

  • Brohoof 2
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I dislike Family Guy, American Dad, Futurama and all that.

The Simpsons is the true master race of 8:00 programming.


Oh, and I can't stand Anime.

Edited by The Wheezer
  • Brohoof 1

In this world...In this world, it's not about how determined you are. It's about how far you are willing to go to get what you want. You punch me, I'll stab you, you stab me, I'll shoot you, you shoot me, I will murder every last member of your family. However far you're willing to go...I'll go further.

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I loathe  the following game franchises:



  • GTA
  • Pokemon












But I guess, to each their own.

  • Brohoof 1



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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i hate dubstep and most of electronic music.

i also think r34 is weird and creepy



im gonna get hanged for this..

(although i do not hate people who like it,its just my opinion ;( )

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A lot of people say Rainbow Dash's personality in The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well was bad, but honestly, she's acted WAY worse before. *cough* Dragonshy *cough*


Also, I didn't really see what was the problem with Owl's Well that Ends Well. In fact, that's one of my best friend's favorite episodes.

Edited by Skarloey
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"The (X) genre is overrated." is a popular opinion.


You can play high end games on a crappy PC if you mess with the settings enough. There are also config files, texture packs, model packs, etc. that can help as well. Trust me, I have an integrated 1.4 Ghz dual core processor yet Team Fortress 2 works like how it should with Chris' configs and 640 X 480 resolution.


There are games that you should be worrying about more than CoD. I don't see anyone poking at Bejewe- I mean Candy Crush.


iPhones, iPads, or any iDon'tGiveA**** will never replace desktops or laptops. 


Norton is the worst antivirus software my eyes have seen and be insulted by. Get Malwarebytes.


Every current generation gaming console, as of now, doesn't catch my attention. Not by the fact I'm a PC elitist. (Not really elitist, just addicted to it.)


Well, I think I wasted enough data on this site for my rage. Oh, and by the way, your sentry's getting sapped.

Edited by Kilobyte_Writer9K
  • Brohoof 3

out of my swamp

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We are all worthless blobs of smaller and smaller particles floating around on a pointless journey through the universe until this form breaks down and we flow back into the tiny rock that we are anchored to therefore everything we have done and everything we are going to do is meaningless. 

I have accidentally made people cry by expanding on this *facehoofs* idk emotional things


Oops, too deep?


Um... reading? Not many people seem to like my reading irl, I got banned from reading in school because I did it so much  :(


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Um... reading? Not many people seem to like my reading irl, I got banned from reading in school because I did it so much  :(



Finally, a kindred spirit! My elementary days were filled with the soft ruffling of paper and all my teachers would get annoyed as I didn't really pay attention to any of their lessons because Firestars' ascension was far too important and their lessons were too boring.

  • Brohoof 2

I'm bad because I listen to music with swears.

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  • I don't know if I posted this yet but, I didn't really enjoy watching Attack on Titan. I didn't hate it either, but I found it boring.

I don't like watching the Amazing Atheist. He is belligerent and rarely has anything interesting to say. I hope he makes a video whining about this post too.

I hate coffee.

I value education more than money.

I like the Twilight/Flash ship.

I like cold weather.

I have a strong disliking for dubstep.

Edited by Star Stripe
  • Brohoof 1


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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No offense to whoever this may apply to, but...


Most OC avatars I've seen here aren't good, especially the generic pony creator ones.


Finally someone sees it aswell.

Every time I see an OC with ridiculous colors schemes like green with blue or black and red (hate this scheme the most,) ridiculous heights and shapes, and especially alicorn OCs, I get a little vomit in my mouth.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature created by: Gone Airborne


Imagine if you will being on your death bed – And standing around your bed – the ghosts of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life.

And that you for whatever reason, you never acted on those ideas, you never pursued that dream, you never used those talents, we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book.

And there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying "We came to you, and only you could have given us life! But now. We must die with you FOREVER!

The question is – if you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts, would die with you?

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Finally, a kindred spirit! My elementary days were filled with the soft ruffling of paper and all my teachers would get annoyed as I didn't really pay attention to any of their lessons because Firestars' ascension was far too important and their lessons were too boring.


You are now my friend 

Reading4Life :D

  • Brohoof 1


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  • I hate coffee.

That's messed up, dude...  Real messed up.



Lmao.  Some mornings I just don't even... until I drink my coffee.


Edited by Miles



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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That's messed up, dude...  Real messed up.



Lmao.  Some mornings I just don't even... until I drink my coffee.


Coffee has never helped me much. lol




Bu-but! Coffee is good for the soul!

But not for the heart.

  • Brohoof 1


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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I have to update my earlier one...


  • Classic =/= good.
  • "Airplane!" is the most overrated comedy of all time.
  • "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" (yes, the original 1964 Rankin-Bass one) is the most overrated Christmas special of all time. I went there.
  • Brohoof 1
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