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Lord Theoretical

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I think you're misreading what I mean.

By no means do I hate atheists, or think they're going to "hell" (which was always a silly concept). I just think that the thought process that, when you die, that's all there is, is a bit depressing. There's nothing wrong with that thought process, it's just not for me.


I think it's more depressing that there are people who think this life is unimportant - just a training ground or test for the next life. Our world is such a wonderful place, and we're only given a few decades to experience it. For me, not believing in any afterlife is a big motivation to get everything I can out of this life, because once it's gone, there's nothing else. That's an empowering idea, not a depressing one.


Besides which, although I'm an atheist and don't believe in an afterlife, there are plenty of atheists who do believe in afterlives. Atheists don't believe in gods by definition, but other than that there's no rule about what else we do/don't believe in.

  • Brohoof 3

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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I think it's more depressing that there are people who think this life is unimportant - just a training ground or test for the next life. Our world is such a wonderful place, and we're only given a few decades to experience it. For me, not believing in any afterlife is a big motivation to get everything I can out of this life, because once it's gone, there's nothing else. That's an empowering idea, not a depressing one.


Besides which, although I'm an atheist and don't believe in an afterlife, there are plenty of atheists who do believe in afterlives. Atheists don't believe in gods by definition, but other than that there's no rule about what else we do/don't believe in.


Yes, I agree with this so much!


The belief in an afterlife and a God that can cause miracles can be very, very harmful to one's value for this life. I'll leave it at that, but I have a TON of personal experience on this matter, I guarantee that it can be very dangerous for some.


I don't necessarily like the idea that my mind just completely ends when I die, but the ideas that Christianity present are not much better, in fact I find them much worse.


Instead, plant value in this life. It is the only life we know we have, and it becomes so much more valuable then. Even when our lives end, others' lives begin. I see value in my life if I can do anything whatsoever to make the standard of living for people who live beyond me. As I said, this world is REAL. It is in front of us, and we know. To assign value to anything else is not only foolish, but harmful.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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People who gets bullied deserve it, it makes them stronger, if it dose't, they are weak.


a.k.a, Survival of the fittest.


Come at me bro.  :lol:

Absolutely not. Coming from someone who used to go to a school in North Baton Rouge Parish, I had bullies that packed knives. NOBODY deserves to have a spoiled little shit harass or threaten them with no promoting. Claiming that is, forgive me for saying this, an incredibly STUPID thing to say.


Do you want to know who else believes that just because those they target are not as strong as themselves, then their victims have no rights? Misogynists; radical racists against women who believe that just because specific females do not contain the physical strength of men such as themselves, then they have the RIGHT to do with them as they please. 


Survival of the fittest is not relevant anymore. Just because you are not strong physically or mentally does not mean you should be denied the right to live a happy life safe from dangerous or aggressive individuals.

Yes, Rainbow Dash is one of them, the other being Fluttershy. Yeah I know, not too original... But I do have supporting evidence from the show. That is another thread however.

This will never be true. This is blatant sexulization in a kid show and it does not belong here. Do not get me wrong, I am all for the legalization of homosexual marriage, but this is an upbeat, family friendly show that is about the benefits of friendship with one's neighbor. It is not about consensual relationships among characters. 


Also, their will always be absolutely nothing in the show that states your "head cannons" as facts.  

- Mankind is a plague on the Earth that should either stop destroying it or cease existence

- Mankind is violent and brutal; we will never stop killing each other or committing crimes or achieve true equality.

1. You are a member of mankind and nothing you do or say will ever change that. 

2. We can not stop trying, 

And here I am, once more having my opinions misconstrued. If I keep it up like this, I'll be misquoted in a major newspaper in no time!

Do not give up man, I understand your intentions and they are good. It is the aggressive people of the internet just wasting their time being needlessly hostile. And honestly I must agree with you. It must be so sad to believe that after death comes nothing. 

Edited by The Seventh Octave
  • Brohoof 5
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Absolutely not. Coming from someone who used to go to a school in North Baton Rouge Parish, I had bullies that packed knives. NOBODY deserves to have a spoiled little shit harass or threaten them with no promoting. Claiming that is, forgive me for saying this, an incredibly STUPID thing to say.


Do you want to know who else believes that just because those they target are not as strong as themselves, then their victims have no rights? Misogynists; radical racists against women who believe that just because specific females do not contain the physical strength of men such as themselves, then they have the RIGHT to do with them as they please. 


Survival of the fittest is not relevant anymore. Just because you are not strong physically or mentally does not mean you should be denied the right to live a happy life safe from dangerous or aggressive individuals.


If i hadn't been bullied i probably would have been unemployed, not have a girlfriend still living with my parents.

Iv'e been well... fat. And of course you should get bullied for that, bullying fat people is the nicest thing you can do, maybe not too nice for the kids who gets bullied but think it's parents, do you think they want a fat kid? or  the kid's girlfriend? 


I don't know where you are from, but getting stabbed and getting bullied is not the same thing, and wth is "North Baton Rouge Parish" should i know that?


Radical racist? Iv'e never picked on anyone because of there skin color, But since there are not to many White Muslims, that's something iv'e been called.


And speaking of misogynists, they are sexists. not racists. witch i am not. 


And you have no rights to be happy, you have rights to live, love whomever, choose god and such. but i never herd about "the happy rule"

Happy is for winners, some are born with happiness, some are not. And for me happiness equals money and health. two things that does not come easy. 


But let's just leave it. 



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I like to believe that Flash Sentry is a closet homosexual.

  • Brohoof 1


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There is no such thing as good and evil


It is better to seek out knowledge, than to be satisfied, but remain stagnant.


Lyra and Bon Bon were a bit close in Rainbow Rocks. Just saiyan.

  • Brohoof 2

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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Right then. Enough of that.

Not sure how unpopular this is but I'm not really all that excited for any movies that come out anymore.

I don't care about Guardians of the Galaxy.

I think spiders are cute, mainly the hairier ones.

I found Pokemon Sapphire boring, but I'm still going to get the remake for it.

  • Brohoof 1


^full sized avatar picture there

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Oh yeah they were total lesbians and not like really close friends. Cause fffft that's impossible. When girls get that close to each other they're totally lesbians./sarcasm

Didn't mean that in a rude way, I've just never seen people get that close to each other, unless they were intimate with each other. My bad.

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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