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open Dead Silent Ponyville.

Cherry Blossom

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Lapis Lazuli attempt to remain calm. He sighed because there wasn't much he could do either. He had no idea where the other injured pony was, but he ran out the door in hopes he'd find them. Eventually he came upon a limping grey pegasus mare. Clearly this had to be the pony he was looking for. "Hello, I am Lapis Lazuli, and I'm here to help you." he said, introducing himself in a polite manner. Misty stood there looking at the odd stallion with confusion. The way he talked had a formal air and it bugged the more rough-around-the-edges pegasus. What bothered her the most was that he was an earth pony, yet he spoke like a unicorn. "Uh, yeah. Thanks I guess. Seems like they finally sent someone. I'm Misty Leaves, and I think we should get going." She gazed behind her warily. Lapis ignored her strange behavior and lead her to Sugarcube Corner. Inside, Lapis went to Octavinyl's side, surveying the damage. That stallion really hurt her, and she might need stitches.

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In another part of town Morning star was operating on a dead stallion. "interesting the virus seems to be growing at an alarming rate! but to be sure i need an alive test subject". Morning star went out side to look for his victim.

Edited by Prince_Morningstar
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Octavinyl regained consciousness and opened her eyes slowly. She started to cry, "I've never been more scared in my entire life!" she said to them as tears ran down her cheeks. "My body hurts so much! Agh!" She yelled as she moved around in pain.

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Drizzle went and started to knock on all the doors he could see to see if he could find anypony or anything but to him the place seemed empty but he still knew atleast sompony has to be here so he went around yelling and see if he could find anypony.

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Penmark could hear the banging outside, growing closer and closer.

What is that noise? He wondered. Peering out his window, he could see the pony from last night banging on doors.

"What are you doing?" He hissed at him. "You'll attract them!"

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Silver Heart had just finished casting as many spells as she could to help Octavinyl.I really hope she will be okay...these are some serious injuries. Silver Heart turned around to see the stallion from earlier returning with the pegasus mare that was bitten. "Ma'am do you mind sitting over here so I can take a look at your leg please? I can cast a few healing spells to help with the bleeding and to fight the infection. After that we need to get the two of you to the hospital. Octavinyl will definitely need some stitches. You may too."

As soon as she said that she noticed Octavinyl regaining consciousness. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry...I know a anesthetic spell that will help with the pain...the problem is that it will slightly paralyze you while it's active...I didn't want you to wake up and think you were actually paralyzed from your wounds. Do you want me to cast it on you?"

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He heard another pony so he looked around only to find that the Librayrin from last night was talking after hearing what he said he whisperd "Them? you mean those ..things a while back?" trying be silent as possible.

Edited by Drew171o5
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Flame leaned down next to Octavinyl, Try not to move. He said in a calming voice. We need to get her inside before more of those things come. he said to the pony's around him, Does anypony have something we can put her on to make it easer to get her to the hospital ? He asked.

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"I-I can't take the pain! Please knock me out cold!" She screamed as she moved around uncontrollably. She then tried to hold herself down as she looked at Lapis, "L-Lapis, if I don't make it, I just want to to know that I-" she stopped the sentence and just screamed more in agony. Edited by Octavinyl
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Morning star went into a nearby house and waited for a test subject to knock on the door. When they knock he'll attack them and then take them back to his lab alive so he can test on them, he hoped his idea would work.

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He nods anxiously.

"Now shut up, or they'll get you... and then me soon after!" With that Penmark closed the window again.

If I leaving him out there, he could get hurt. I can't do that...

Once again, Penmark opened the window and looked out at the colt. "It's safe here, come in."

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"Try to stay calm. You'll only make it worse." Lapis said, trying to sooth the poor mare. It pained him to see somepony thrash about like this. He looked at her, eyes full of sympathy. Misty sat down in a chair and held out her wounded leg. "Okay doc, heal me up." she said as if it was nothing. She had a way of being blunt that made her demands clear.
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Drizzle nodded and looked around for those things then waited for the pony to open the door.once he entered he was greeting with walls of books Then Drizzle asked the pony "Do you have any supplies like food and a weapon?"

Edited by Drew171o5
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"Hold on, I know it hurts alot. We'll get you feeling better soon. I'm sorry, but this is the strongest spell I know." And with that Silver Heart cast the anesthetic spell on Octavinyl. Silver Heart turned around to look at the pegasus mare. "Now what's your name? I'm nurse Silver Heart." While talking Silver Heart started casting spell after spell on her leg. "I'm sorry but after all the casting I've done today I don't think I can cast the anesthetic spell on you...can you walk through the pain?"

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"Food, I've got plenty of. Weapons... not so much..." He gives a downcast l. "I mean, I have a fireax, in case of emergencies, but it's at my house."

He gives a thoughtful gaze out the window, staring in the direction of his home.

"Supposing we could make it there, we could probably grab it."

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(OOC I go away for a few hours and you guys add another seven pages :blink: ?? I got a lot of catching up to do. But im just going to start off with Diehard walking around after he got attacked)


While Diehard and Razor where looking for their dad they something in the mist. Ay bro whats that? It looks kinda funny. I dont know. It looks like a pony but a very funny looking one. Diehard goes in for a closer look. Dude what are you doing? Just chill. Just then it turns and looks at Diehard and runs at him. Oh buck man run! Just then it bites down on his hind leg. AHHHHGHGGGG!!!!! yOU SON OF A BUCK! As he kicks it off and limps away. Dude are you ok? Yea ill be fine............ We need to find the others. Yea lets go. As they get to where the other are Razor knocks on the door. Let us in! Something bit my brother!

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Octavinyl passed out because of the anesthetic spell Silver Heart used. Ponyville was being surrounded by the monsters, it was like a horror movie. More of them came out from the Everfree forest, they wouldn't stop walking.

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"Well, I walked here, didn't I? Just help me get to where somepony can deal with my injuries and I'll be just fine. I'm Misty Leaves by the way." she said with unneeded aggression. Lapis stared hard at the rude mare, but choose to hold his tongue. What mattered now was their safety. Clearly something was wrong in Ponyville, and ponies were getting hurt. He'd have to try and help out after Octavinyl was somewhere safer than a bakery.


((OOC: BRB, got to eat))

Edited by Berry Pie
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"Name's Penmark, and yeah that's the plan." He looks out toward the foggy streets, they're starting to get pretty full.

The longer we wait, the harder this will get.

He pushes open the door, breathes deeply, then steps out. "Come on, we don't have much time."

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Penmark makes a sprint to his house and drizzle followed as fast as he could trying to avoid any of those things out in the street but drizzle started to fall behind "WAIT UP!" he yelled and started to walk but him seeing all of them looking at him made him go faster then he ever went and he got to Penmarks house and slammed the door shut.

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Morning star was growing impatient , he had to get his test subject soon so he fond a flare gun and shot it into the sky hoping that a pony would come looking for him , but what that pony wouldn't know is that he or she will be tested on in his lab.

Edited by Prince_Morningstar
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Ouch, that was...rude. She's probably just dealing with the pain...or did I do something wrong? I've never been good in social situations.

"Alright we'll help you to the hospital after we get something to carry Octavinyl, Miss Leaves."

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A bright light lit up the whole town "Hey look at that!" Drizzle said while covering his eyes "What is that" he said then he seen most of the those things were blinded by the light to, so he had a great idea "If you can get that axe fast we can make it back to the library in no time the things are blinded by that bright light!" he yelled.

Edited by Drew171o5
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