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Okay, but seriously, what's wrong with it?

Nano: well, that's just it, isn't it? From my end, everything about the building looks perfect. Too perfect. Something is almost certainly going on, but they've hidden their tracks well. I wouldn't go in there if I were you.    

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/Nano- Which makes me want to check it out even more. Too late to stop me now, I'm already going!

/Anon- Yes Anon, a program can be a user too.

*Disconnects wired connection (but still keeps comms open) and flies towards the labs.

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*proceeds to fly at top speed towards what appears to be the nucleus of the building.*

(I can only imagine people's reactions to seeing this thread in this state. Kek :P )

Edited by A.I. Pony
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"Not so fast!" 


A.I. didn't get more the a few feet beyond the entrance before he was grabbed by a mare In a tour guide uniform. 


"Just what do you think you're doing scaring these pour children!?"


Several foals huddled behind a statue of Dr. Warp smiling broadly as he gave medicine to a sick child. All about the room were exhibits detailing Dr. Warp's accomplishments and humanitarian work.


"Well!?" the tour guide demanded. "What do you have to say for yourself!?"

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"What do I have to say for myself?

One word:


*At that instant, a low, but loud distinctive humming sound began to rumble from A.I. as he faded from view and from the guides grasp. He had turned every single molecule in his body into a supercharged tuning fork. Every molecule had begun to move so fast that they disappeared from sight as well as generate an incredible amount of heat and sound.*

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Oh you think I should stop? Fine, as you wish.


*Leans close to the guide*

But if I were you, I'd run. I'd run faaaaaar away. You don't want to be here when I'm done.

*Saunters towards the center room... again.*

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Faster then greased lightning, an incorporeal tentacle erupts from the tour guide and reaches inside of A.I. cutting off his motor controls. The ghostly tentacle then carefully picks up the helpless robot. None of the foals seem the least bit surprised at this turn of events.


"Serves you right for hurting the children!" chastened the tour guide "I'm taking you to Dr. Warp. He'll know what to do with you. Come along children."


The foals followed behind the tour guide, as they made their way into the center of the complex. The tour guide pointed out different things along the way, conducting the tour as if nothing were wrong. Eventually they made their way to the center of the lab, which was a strange mix of a throne room and a scientific lab. Dr. Warp sat in his throne, and next to him the mayor lounged on ghostly tentacles of his own. The tour guide dumped A.I. onto the floor in front of the throne.


"Please reactivate his voice module, but keep his motor controls offline. I'm sure our guest has a few questions."

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Oh haha, I find it funny that you didn't even come to me, but instead provided me with transportation as well as some help removing some of the scrap metal from in my neck. Erm, ONE of my necks, but nevermind that.

Let's get back to business! Ask away!

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Dr. Warp laughed.


"My, now that is a long story! You see, about two years ago I made a horrible discovery. Strange extra dimensional beings had somehow possessed a large potion of the city's population. They acted like parasites, controlling the ponies' every movement. Of course, I did my best to try and separate the parasites from their hosts, but to no avail. If I tried to harm the parasite the host was harmed as well, the bond between the two was too strong to sever. But with the power of SCIENCE!, I outsmarted the alien parasites. I switched around the bond, and now the host controls the parasite! The puppet controls the master!"


Suddenly, Dr. Warp's smile became a frown.


"And then you came along. For some reason the sonic waves you give off harm the parasites greatly, and in turn harm their hosts. Your very existence is slowly killing half the population of the entire city. What am I to do with you?"  

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"Well you could destroy me, but that would just end up badly for everyone. Yes that includes you too.

I mean, I could solve your little problem. Buck, I could make it beneficial. However from what I've seen you do so far, I'm not too sure if I should join you."

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"I"m afraid your going to have to as the mayor that question. The secrecy was his Idea." 


A.I. turned to look expectantly at the mayor. 


"Well uh, I didn't want to panic the citizens, of course!" The Mayor nervously replied. "and ponies don't vote ponies infected by a monster back into office."

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"And second, do you think that ponies would panic were they to find out that there are ponies that are infected with something that makes them physically superior in every way? Or, more importantly, would YOU panic if this were released to the public?"

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