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private Need for Heroes!

Cherry Blossom

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A static crackle came over, "... A blo... in the off... It's lead... -forced. Rad- ... bad. - copy?" Den sighed. It had been a long day, and he was still trying to figure out why an office would be lead-reinforced, but he was using the camera system to try to keep some semblance of order in the chaos and insanity that was the Asylum. He was not looking forward to his extended stay. He looked at the orange jumpsuit in the corner and gulpped.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"In the off-? The office?"

Nightfall was getting a bit concerned. He started half-trotting, half-galloping towards the Asylum. He didn't want his friend to get hurt... And he didn't want Sapphire to get hurt, either. The thought of Sapphire probably being in there and getting hurt sped him up a good deal.

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Photon merely stared at the insect before him. He probed the memories of his host. This pony was Jackson Snow, Blood Mage. The weakest form of dark magic wielded by a pathetic worm. This was nothing to Photon. In ancient times, he had feasted upon creatures stronger than this unicorn. "I fear you are mistaken worm. The one you call Lapis Lazuli is asleep." His voice had completely changed. It was more like a growl than actually words, yet he could still be understood. He quickly charged his magic armor. The lightning and plasma began to meld together upon his host's body. He no longer looked like a pony. He resembled that of a medium sized dragon made entirely out of energy. "You are very stupid. Do you not realize lightning feeds me? I should end you now before you hurt yourself." Photon raised both immense claws and struck at Jackson Snow.


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The Music Maven heard this banter and immediatly assumed the doctor to be the bad guy. After all, he sounded evil, and he'd just attacked a royal guardspony. She played a very slow melody, that speed up and crescendo'd as she got further into the song. She also climbed fully onto the roof and hid behind a roof structure.


Den: "Sir, ... Office... Lead... Radio Blocked... Fine... How?" He looked at the wall, reading the buttons. Oh, there's the deactivator. He clciked the button. "Sir, this is Den. We're in the A Block office. It is coated in a thin layer of lead, but I seem to have managed to get a radio signal through. How copy?"

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Nightfall entered the building, stopping only briefly to check the buildings map.

"I copy fine. A Block office? I'll be right there!"

He started cantering down the halls... Left, right, right, right, left... It seemed like a maze. Maybe to keep the prisoners inside...

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Den stepped out of the office before he ran past it. "Do you want me to change, sir? She. ehem, no I'm not repeating that! She wants to see you real bad sir. In... a secluded place. But, erm," he blushed, "First we should figure out what we should do here Sapphire! You're a cop now, we have laws and restrictions and priorties. That don't always include brownies and love."

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Den stepped out of the office before he ran past it. "Do you want me to change, sir? She. ehem, no I'm not repeating that! She wants to see you real bad sir. In... a secluded place. But, erm," he blushed, "First we should figure out what we should do here Sapphire! You're a cop now, we have laws and restrictions and priorties. That don't always include brownies and love."


"Technically, she herself isn't much of a police officer."

Nightfall had slid to a stop with all four of his hooves. He had blushed at the mention of Sapphire wanting to see him.

"We better get out of here, and fast. We don't know if is place is rigged to blow or not..."

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"Sir, internal elecmagical scan show no signs of an explosion. Not even in the venalation systems the pegasus favored so highly. We have a slight problem in that the prisoners are not in their cells anymore," Den says, kicking the ground, "And I have no idea how to get them back in them."

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Sir, internal elecmagical scan show no signs of an explosion. Not even in the venalation systems the pegasus favored so highly. We have a slight problem in that the prisoners are not in their cells anymore," Den says, kicking the ground, "And I have no idea how to get them back in them."


"Are they at least being held in some way? And if it's not your fault, then... Well... Do you know who did it?"

Nightfall seemed a bit nervous.

"And which block are they in?"

Nightfall blushed a bit. Did he seem like he was rushing? Did he seem like he wanted something? Thoughts like this made him blush a bit more.

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Jack picked up a small metal pipe and held it to his chest. "I don't care what you say or what you think. Your words are meaningless, or have you forgotten that you cannot touch me?" He looked at the metal object in his hoof. "I hate to use this attack. I find it devoid of any taste or artistry." Blood built up on top of the metal pipe and hardened into the shape of a sword. "SWORD OF SCARS!" He swung the sword to his side. The energy drawn in by his plasma Aura was easily keeping him from bleeding to death.


(Bullshit, Berry, Necromancy is the weakest form of dark magic!)


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Den sighs, "Just talk to the chick," he says, rolling his eyes. He shivered and Sapphire hugged Nightfall. "The stupid, air prone pegasus wouldn't even eat my brownies. The prisoners are in D block; they'll be fine. SOMEponies enjoy my cooking. And I wish I knew who he was. Then I could figure out where he is and introduce him to the magic of choclate pastry," she says, stomping her hoof. Then her face softened, "And then you came, and now you're going to make things all better." *Smiles*


(A few posts up, I posted a TMM post with a song that would be heard by everyone on the rooftop. In my opinion, the weakest form of Black Magic is astral projection.)

Edited by Dawnpath
  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Den sighs, "Just talk to the chick," he says, rolling his eyes. He shivered and Sapphire hugged Nightfall. "The stupid, air prone pegasus wouldn't even eat my brownies. The prisoners are in D block; they'll be fine. SOMEponies enjoy my cooking. And I wish I knew who he was. Then I could figure out where he is and introduce him to the magic of choclate pastry," she says, stomping her hoof. Then her face softened, "And then you came, and now you're going to make things all better." *Smiles*


Nightfall got nervous, but tried to hide it.

"D Block... All right. Do you think it's safe to leave them the way they are?"

Nightfall felt like backing up a bit, but he felt frozen. He couldn't move, no matter how hard he tried. This made him blush a bit more.

"And... Well, I do like your brownies..." he mumbled.

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She grins and hands him one. "Calm down Mr. Frowny Face, it'll be fine. And we could leave them there but we have to feed them and give them medicine; otherwise we wouldn't be doing our jobs and judges would be cross with us. Any news on the new ponies?" she asks him.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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She grins and hands him one. "Calm down Mr. Frowny Face, it'll be fine. And we could leave them there but we have to feed them and give them medicine; otherwise we wouldn't be doing our jobs and judges would be cross with us. Any news on the new ponies?" she asks him.


"New ponies? Oh, you mean that made I mentioned? She seems to have a musical ability..."

Nightfall ate his brownie.

"I guess we could leave them here... And we could come back later, if you want..."

He wiped the crumbs off of his mouth.

"I mean, I'm not really trying to... Um..."

Nightfall blushed a bit more, and he still felt like he couldn't move much.

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She giggled, "Oh, I wish we could. But if we leave here we have to fix up the silly city. Fixxy wixxy..." she says half-heartedly. She sighs, "I wonder why everypony left... I just don't know what went wrong!" she says. She sighs, a little saddly. But then she looks at him and almost instantly perks up.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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She giggled, "Oh, I wish we could. But if we leave here we have to fix up the silly city. Fixxy wixxy..." she says half-heartedly. She sighs, "I wonder why everypony left... I just don't know what went wrong!" she says. She sighs, a little saddly. But then she looks at him and almost instantly perks up.


"We would, but it's either staying in here taking care of everyone, or taking back the city... And eventually, we'll have to go out into the city... You know, for supplies.."

Nightfall hoped that she would think about his arguements. He was feeling a bit nervous, and noticed he was blushing a bit.

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"It's your decision, err, uhh, sir!" she salutes him smiling, "And Den says you have still neglected to swear him in. And he says he is a little bit angry at that because I swore myself in. And he is a little bit confused," she says happily. She was willing to toss all of her faith into Nightfall. The narrator hopes it isn't misplaced.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"It's your decision, err, uhh, sir!" she salutes him smiling, "And Den says you have still neglected to swear him in. And he says he is a little bit angry at that because I swore myself in. And he is a little bit confused," she says happily. She was willing to toss all of her faith into Nightfall. The narrator hopes it isn't misplaced.


"Well, I should swear you in soon. And him. Maybe you could be sworn in together..."

Nightfall didn't know that she was ready to do so. And he was still a bit nervous.

"So... Back to the station?"

He remembered that the mare had given him energy, but he now, somehow, still felt tired.

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TMM cringed at the explosion. This is getting to hot for me. I'm still new to the fighting buisness. She hopped of the roof. Besides, I have a preformance to go to. She got up on her balcony, and went inside. She changed quickly, grabbed her cello, and headed towards the music hall. This was her first gig in the orchestra in moths, and she was ready. She auditioned; they loved it, and she got her chair back. It was that simple. Now to pull of that evening's preformance; her replacement had gotten sick.


Sapphire nodded. "Unless you've got something else planned. Like, a romantic date, or a couple of music lessons, or brownies," she says, leaning against him. She hummed a little, and closed her eyes, breathing him in. "we'll make it through this, okay? It'll be something we can tell younger ponies about. The time when all but two ponies left the police force; That'll be a story of the ages!"

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Nightfall was still nervous, but didn't really want to move when Sapphire leaned into him.

"Well... Maybe we could go to the concert hall, or..."

He yawned. Wait, why was he tired? That mare had given him energy with her music...

"Or maybe I could get some rest... The fights that happened recently wore me out..."


((OOC: I'm going to bed soon.))

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(OOC: Sorry my forums is acting up)

"What ever you want, Nighty," she mumbles, stiffling a yawn herself.


Delphina tuned her instrument; she wanted everything to be perfect. A grand preformance that nopony would ever forget, one that would give her fans again, and sustain her job, and her self-pride. She was a little disracted by the fact the city was falling apart, but this was one way of preserving order; preserving the arts.

  • Brohoof 2


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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(OOC: Sorry my forums is acting up)

"What ever you want, Nighty," she mumbles, stiffling a yawn herself.


Delphina tuned her instrument; she wanted everything to be perfect. A grand preformance that nopony would ever forget, one that would give her fans again, and sustain her job, and her self-pride. She was a little disracted by the fact the city was falling apart, but this was one way of preserving order; preserving the arts.


Nighty. He blushed at that. She was already giving him nicknames.

"Well... Hm... We can go to the concert hall after some rest, ok?"

Nightfall finally did move, but he soon stopped.

"Wait... We're would we go to rest?"

He blushed.


((OOC: it's another DDoS. And I left my iPad upstairs, so goodnight!))

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Photon raised his claws and deflected the strikes. An inequine laugh issued deep from within his host's throat. "I've noticed you are using plasma to sustain yourself. How much of a fool are you? I could easily drain you of that aura. I'm guessing you are uneducated. I am Photon, dragon of energy. Though I must borrow this pony's body, make no mistake. Even in this restricted state, I am more than a match for you. I am a cold heartless beast. Sadly my host refuses to let me kill you without giving you the chance to run away. Do not take his mercy for weakness in myself. Given the chance, I'd obliterate you." he growled. Photon opened the his dragon mouth and fired a stream of plasma. It burst forward in a spectacular show of force.


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Scout had no idea how long he had been sitting on this buildings roof, he wasn't sleeping, but he certainly wasn't awake, but since he left that fight he was just sitting there. He had been thinking more,Maybe its not revenge i want... maybe something more... but not in a bad way... my parents didn't deserve death, i want to avenge them but... what if they would have died anyway, from that villain? This would all be a waste of time... I've never taken the time to talk to any of these hero's... maybe when i see one i will try.

And with that, he jumped down and landed on the sidewalk, Manehatten was always a busy city, day or night.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Time to blow up more buildings. He thought, putting some things into his saddlebag and flying out the window. Where are you going now ? I am going to blow up another building... I thought I... thought that. Shut up. I am not talking. Whatever. This is making no sense. We should go by pie. They thought as Windward walked down the street towards the town square.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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