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ooc Equestria Divided (Grimdark)


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So! We have 33 pages of OOC. Great! But what progress have we made in the RP? Zippo! When are we starting? And I don't think that enough people will join to make the '5 people per house'.


PS... can I mod the Cult of Laughter? :(

A man after my own heart.


Scholar, one of the problems I had in your post pertaining to my OCs and guns is that you didn't actually tell me what you wanted fixed. However, I have devised a solution that will mesh with this and all following roleplays! Conspladulations are in order!

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OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Nightfall: I will allow it but I would advise you play your OC to be 'under the radar' of Twilight and not have him draw attention to himself. We should probably work out what your pony will do in House Moon and Star, something relatively low key preferably. Then once Twilight or another finds out who and what your pony is we can figure out a way to transfer you to the Guardians of Harmony safely. (Probably be a pretty big event to say the least)


Will do. His engine developments will be small at first, if he ever decides to go 'big.' I'll keep him out of sight from Twi as long as possible.

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Okay, finished! Anyone can look at the changes made, I put them at the bottom of "Backstory".

Further modifications as events warrant.

I've been trying to com up with reasons to make Twilight somewhat tragic and sympathetic but it's a lot harder than I thought. The best I can think of is that she's very disillusioned with the world after Celestia and Luna left and that kind of sent her round the bend.

Other than that, I think it's really difficult to brand anyone "evil"; there seems to be a very grey area regarding morality, and the only other "evil" person I can think of is Rarity, who seems to enjoy betraying people for gits and shiggles.

Or did that Crystalitis make her go mad? Can't remember off the top of my head.

Face it, Archi, Twilight is just a bit of a deutsche mark. She's bigoted, ruthless, and I honestly look forward to letting Red have a little fun with her. Heheheh...



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Guys lets not forget, like equestrian scholar said Twilight is probably the best mage in equestria. So in a 1 on 1 duel odds are most oc's would lose.

When the time comes, we'll see(if you don't know about my role, I might just surprise you). I even have an idea that involves a hidden stash of friendship letters(I won't use it/my OC won't find them until late into the RP when everypony starts to realize what their leaders are doing is wrong).


And about the Laughing Mare, I personally see her as the sad, betrayed spirit of Pinkie Pie just waiting to be released from the nightmare she had been sent to against her will.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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AnonBrony: No, no, no, no. Twilight is not the most evil and sinister nor was she the one that started the war truely. Each of the Six are equally to blame in their own way, which is why the dividing of Equestria happened. There was disagreement, there was a desperate plan (one twilight's part because she was trying to do what she thought was needed). Twilight may have played a big part in getting things moving but you have seen how she over reacts and gets extreme at time.

Her beloved mentor was gone, the princesses were gone, they just disappeared without a word, ponies were trying to say Celestia lied... there would have been no way Twilight would have accepted this. Twilight put together a plan to try have make an alicorn to bring back stability that had been lost with the sister being gone. Yet this plan cost her the life of one of her friends, and caused her to come into conflict with her friends... they left her. Slowly over the last 15 years twilight lost much of what she had learned, or twisted it without realizing it.

Each of the former Elements of minds have become clouded from the truth, have fallen from their purpose. So Twilight cannot be given full or even most of the blame. I apologize if I didn't make this perfectly clear. Each of the Six are the villains in this roleplay as dangerous as Nightmare Moon, Discord, and the Changling Queen... just without quite as much personal power. Instead of power alone they have power because of the factions they lead. Except maybe Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie, the Archmagister having probably become a mage more skilled then anyone else in Equestria and the Laughing Mare her own thing.


One when and if ponies will be leaving the Houses or the Cult that likely will not happen right away, my plan being that you all get integrated into your faction.



Honorable Meta Knight: You can make a pony that is a Wilding but not an Everfree Wraith. Also it has been brought down to at least 3 per faction, though having a bit more would be preferred as in many ways at least starting out it would be 6 roleplays run by 6 +1 people. Each House and the Cult having a separate roleplay starting out with threads that lead to an overlap at times.

Yes, you are right. Twilight isn't the only one responsible. But my OC is still going to have a different opinion on her anyway. Hm, each of the six are really dangerous eh? Some with armies and others with powers of their own. And we... we are only...ehhh 15 people? Give or take a few. Plus some others. And we are going to somehow go up against some of the strongest and most powerfull ponies in Equestria? Not to mention a couple of us might not even help. Oh boy... this is gonna be one helluva ride...


Did... did u just say 6? 6 roleplays? 6 seperate roleplays?... 6... really, more than 1? 6? Six? really 6? And and we are going to merge into one? Has this, even been done before? Six!? Six bloody roleplays?... And i'm moderating 1 of 'em... Can we even accomplish this?

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Oh god, this is going to get complicated fast :lol:


It seems that it's a given that all of our respective House leaders but Pinkie are doing something wrong (Pinkie is dead; she only really has control as a sort of spiritual form, at least that's what I've gathered) However, is everyone really as evil as we're making out here? I recognise that Twilight and Rarity are more than willing to engage in less than righteous activity, but the other leaders genuinely seem to care about Equestria; Applejack just wants the truth to be revealed and liars to be cast down, Dashie supports the Celestial Sisters but disagrees with Twilight's methods, and Fluttershy is basically looking to create a harmonious world of freedom and nature.


Maybe I'm missing the point, but what are these last three doing wrong exactly? I'm sorry for so many questions but I have an insatiable need for fictional lore :lol:


EDIT: Also, is 6 threads really necessary? I'm concerned about overlap and communication through that (eg: a battle between two houses)

Edited by Archi

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Happy New Year, everyone/everypony! Wow, lots of RP discussion going on. And won't we have eight RPs? There are some ponies with no faction, and there will eventually be a league of Peace Ponies. Wow, this will be pretty hectic to keep under control. Will people/ponies be able to look at the RPs for factions that are not theirs?

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Oh god, this is going to get complicated fast :lol:

It seems that it's a given that all of our respective House leaders but Pinkie are doing something wrong (Pinkie is dead; she only really has control as a sort of spiritual form, at least that's what I've gathered) However, is everyone really as evil as we're making out here? I recognise that Twilight and Rarity are more than willing to engage in less than righteous activity, but the other leaders genuinely seem to care about Equestria; Applejack just wants the truth to be revealed and liars to be cast down, Dashie supports the Celestial Sisters but disagrees with Twilight's methods, and Fluttershy is basically looking to create a harmonious world of freedom and nature.

Maybe I'm missing the point, but what are these last three doing wrong exactly? I'm sorry for so many questions but I have an insatiable need for fictional lore :lol:

EDIT: Also, is 6 threads really necessary? I'm concerned about overlap and communication through that (eg: a battle between two houses)

Applejack wants to rid the land of all unicorns and anything else that utilizes magic. Rainbow Dash wants to establish a pegasi military dominion, which would cause unicorns and earth ponies to be casted away. Fluttershy wants to expand the Everfree Forest, along with all of its dangerous beasts and ponies who aren't really ponies anymore.


Since there WILL be an interaction between factions at times, I say we keep it all in one thread. Remember that tool you can use to alter people's usernames for a RP? Use that to show everyone which faction you're in(or formerly in). For example, you can alter my username by adding "Moon and Star" after my username. The result would be MagicalStarRain (Moon and Star).

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Okay, okay I should have stated that differently. What I mean wasn't so much exactly 6 roleplay just 6 threads plus another for overlap/situations away from all factions. It will be more for orginization then anything, and we could have it that matter where everything takes place as condensedly as possible. Take for example members of House Earthborn going to House Whitegold to cause trouble, this encounter would go from House Earthborn's thread to House Whitegold's thread.


Now this setup may seem odd but I found such works better then having everyone in the same thread as it prevents the questions of "Where is my OC?" as well as limit players roleplaying over each other and burying each other's posts.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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But you guys are right, we need to come up with a system of how well do this. If we have 6 roleplays, their are issues with interacting with other houses, not to mention keeping up with all 6 roleplays could be hard, and the smallest mistakes could ruin the roleplay. But on the other hand if we make only 1 roleplay thread, we have like 15 roleplayers, witch can make very crowded posts.


I would really hate to see this roleplay fail because of bad planning. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas as to how we can do this, please post your ideas.

Edited by discorded
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I once participated in this roleplay called Founding of Equestria. Each group got a private chat were they could plan things without anyone else knowing. The only way to hear each other's plans ahead of time is by leaking information. We could use that.

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Also i finished the faction list for house stormwing and am almost done the one for house moon and star.




Can you guys give me feedback on my work. Also if you have any cool ideas for an extra faction group feel free to give me your ideas.

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Love it, discorded! I like how those elements for the elemental mages are the elements in the western horoscope(I'm a Sagittarius and my element is fire)! Can't wait to see the others!

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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I once participated in this roleplay called Founding of Equestria. Each group got a private chat were they could plan things without anyone else knowing. The only way to hear each other's plans ahead of time is by leaking information. We could use that.

Well, how do you suppose that could be of use here? Each faction talk in a private chat and we only speak in the RP when we are together or something? The private chat things i really just for planning though.

Idk how we can do this... But 6 roleplays just seems like too muhc. Even though its the probably the best way for organization but i mean... its 6 Threads. Six. Thats a lot for this Forum. Don't even know if we are even alowed to have 6 threads for 1 RP. Just seems like too much.


Also if we were to do a private chat sort of thing the only down side is that everone in the rp would have no idea whats happening in the other factions. Which actually seems more realistic but sort of ruins the story aspect of it. And plus the whole beggining of the roleplay takes place seperately. And there might be some confusion when we overlap and confront one another.


Also i finished the faction list for house stormwing and am almost done the one for house moon and star.




Can you guys give me feedback on my work. Also if you have any cool ideas for an extra faction group feel free to give me your ideas.

Pretty good there Discord. That seems like how the creator of Equestria divided, oh whats his name again... Poor Yorick or somethin' like that, would of made the faction list. Nice job.

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Hold it.

Six threads.



This is all wrong, what happens when there starts being inter-house shenanigans?

Okay, okay I should have stated that differently. What I mean wasn't so much exactly 6 roleplay just 6 threads plus another for overlap/situations away from all factions. It will be more for orginization then anything, and we could have it that matter where everything takes place as condensedly as possible. Take for example members of House Earthborn going to House Whitegold to cause trouble, this encounter would go from House Earthborn's thread to House Whitegold's thread.


Now this setup may seem odd but I found such works better then having everyone in the same thread as it prevents the questions of "Where is my OC?" as well as limit players roleplaying over each other and burying each other's posts.

By the way, hast thou browsed my quick-fix for my OCs? I think it will work quite well in these and other circumstances.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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By the way, have you checked my new bio?

Well, I think making six threads is the best way for it and we can make an agreement about in which thread we will do this inter-faction meeting or make one specific thread for it. Another alternative is to make a kind of post block. For an example, we must wait until all players from the house of Moon and Start finish posting, and then the turn of the next house come. May take a very long time, but well, just spitting out my idea.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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The OOC thread will be the roleplay's journal. We can record everything that has occurred in this thread in case someone gets lost.  And whether we'll use 6 threads or stick to one should be decided by votes in the form of brohoofs(because a poll would attract attention from people who have not joined).

Edited by MagicalStarRain
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By the way, have you checked my new bio?


Well, I think making six threads is the best way for it and we can make an agreement about in which thread we will do this inter-faction meeting or make one specific thread for it. Another alternative is to make a kind of post block. For an example, we must wait until all players from the house of Moon and Start finish posting, and then the turn of the next house come. May take a very long time, but well, just spitting out my idea.

Still having mixed feeling over this whole 6 thread thing. There could be problems that come with it, even if it is a good method. First of all, i don't know if we even should do six threads. Wouldn't that be a bit much? I mean come on, its 6 threads. Six! Has any RP had more than one thread before at the same time? And there might be problems with Houses interacting. And what about the charcaters not in Houses? And Scholars 3 OCs? what about them? I'm just not sure 'bout it.


But 1 thread may not be as great either... i guess we can have like times when Certain Houses would be discussing. We are seriously gonna all have to be in cooperation. And there are several people here who have been inactive... we should really check if they are still even in this RP...


Overall I'm just not sure... ever been good at making up my mind.

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Could we just have one community thread and then 6 separate OCC threads for private discussions among houses while guardians and non faction pones use the main thread?

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I don't see a problem with one thread as long as we do it right. A posting order with a time limit of say two days before it skips by default would ensure the RP keeps momentum and that everyone gets a turn and we can clearly see what's going on in each faction.

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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I don't see a problem with one thread as long as we do it right. A posting order with a time limit of say two days before it skips by default would ensure the RP keeps momentum and that everyone gets a turn and we can clearly see what's going on in each faction.

I guess a two day time limit would be alright. But how do you suppose it would go when multiple houses interact. Some players might not be able to respond.



Also i vote we do a role-call, cuz i want to know who is actually going to to participate and who isn't. We may have less players than we think we do.

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The thread situation may be difficult, but we'll (hopefully) manage. Hey, can you have one thread with different sections all next to each other? If that is possible, then nobody would have to wait to post, and everyone could see what's happening. There could be a section or two at the bottom for House overlaps. People with no faction could post anywhere as long as it fit, seeing as they could go anywhere. Is that an option?


Also i finished the faction list for house stormwing and am almost done the one for house moon and star.


Can you guys give me feedback on my work. Also if you have any cool ideas for an extra faction group feel free to give me your ideas.


That's great! Well, at least I believe it is. I can't really think of anything to add.

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