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New favorite pony!<3


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Well I recently have been watching alot of videos of MLP, some things like

the fan made music videos, then I came across the "Equestrian Girls" video... and I

can now say with all my heart Pinkie Pie is my new favorite!! Fluttershy was more my favorite for purely

aesthetic looks and her cute "attitude" mind you she has one, just more of a mellow one... Pinkie Pie

is like a female version of me, but idk either way her voice is beautiful and she is amazing and she is my

new wiffey!! Soo anyone who loves fluttershy you can have her now haha ;) shell still be my second or third favorite, next to twilight sparkle! ANYWHOO??


So whos your special somepony :P



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Rarity, but my favorite pony is always changing. It was briefly Rainbow Dash when I first started watching. Then I feel in love with Fluttershy because I thought she was just adorable and so sweet how could you not love her? To now where I’ve seen enough of Rarity to fully appreciate her character. Recently Twilight has been coming on strong too, I used to think of her character as very bland, and boring, but I’m beginning to like her. I’m starting to find Twilight hilarious.


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Applejack was my favorite pony from the beginning. I like the "Jane Doe" kind of ponies, the characters without special quirks or odd behaviors or copious amounts of DAWWWW (see: Fluttershy). AJ is a cool pony and I think she has a lot of potential for development if the writers would make up their minds what they want to do with her. Yes, I know she can be a bit boring, but I find that's what makes her so relatable and inspiring. I think I identify most with Applejack as I am definitely stubborn and I don't like to accept help if I think I can do a job on my own. I also fear disappointing others. This is what makes AJ "real" to me. Yes, I realize it's a cartoon show so "realness" means something a bit different here. The fact that she's also blonde with green eyes, freckles, and a country accent are just qualities I think are pretty awesome. My two bits.




AJ is best pony >_>

So much Friendship!

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Rainbow Dash was my favorite pony but I think it was just because she's one of the (if not the) most popular ponies.

She's still my favorite out of the mane 6 but I'm starting to like Vinyl Scratch more. I don't know why, considering she only had like 6 seconds screen time throughout both seasons, but she's just awesome. :3



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I liked Rainbow Dash best at first, but my favorite of the mane 6 will always be Twilight Sparkle. She has a wider understanding of difficult situations than the other 5 do. When they're blind, Twilight leads the way. Even if she is the main character, she still knows her stuff better.

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Whats odd is that for a long time i said pinkie was best pony, but im realising how Applejack is more and more like me and more and more im starting to think that she is now my faviourite :P


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I am having a hard time choosing whether my favorite mane six pony is Twilight or Pinkie. Sometimes it's Twilight, sometimes it's Pinkie. Sometimes it's even Rarity, or Rainbow Dash, and maybe Applejack. Then Fluttershy.....



I can't decide!!! D: This is the question that can throw off even the most dedicated brony. However, I really enjoy Pinkie's personality/songs, Twilight's loyalty, Rainbow Dash's awesomeness, Applejack's cool accent, Fluttershy's cuteness, or Rarity's regalness....They're all great!


Also, who else fell in love with Applejack's western accent when they first saw the show? :wub:



*Woot! I'm a Butterfly!*

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Rainbow Dash, then Pinkie Pie, then Fluttershy, then Twilight Sparkle, then Fluttershy, then Rarity, now Applejack.


Really I love them all.. but Rainbow Dash seems a tad bit overrated so Ah don't think Ah'll never call her my favorite again. :|


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I must say that I do not truthly have a favourite one.

I love watching anything involving Dashie 'cos she's pretty much the opposite of my personality

(and also looks damn well), I think that Pinkie is the wisest of all the ponies in mane six (for her

optimistic approach to life), I can't really dislike Fluttershy - it's just beyond things a man can do,

and I'm rather indifferent to AJ and Rarity, mostly 'cos I haven't really seen a lot of stuff with them...

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Well, my opinion really hasn't changed since I started watching the show. Mine favorite throusewage first part of season one was probably Fluttershy because of ger overall cuteness, but then I started edging towards Rainbow Dash. It wasn't for her looks or big ego, but was here just being the "athlete" of the show that attracted me. Being athletic myself, I can relate...and shes been my favorite ever since.


Outside of the Mane 6 though, it's obviously Spitfire.


I honestly don't know what attracts me towards her, it's just sort of a weird obsession thing I guess. But then again, how could you not like her?

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I loved Rainbow Dash even before I actually started watching the serie. :lol: And well.. yeah, she´s still my top. But things changed about the other ponies. I was sure I won´t like Pinkie and AJ that much, and I was sure I will like Fluttershy and Twilight, because they´re more like me. Nope. Aj along with Pinkie are 2nd, while Fluttershy & Twilight shared the 3th place. But recently, I started to like Twilight more and more. Maybe she´ll leave poor Fluttershy behind and will be 3th on her own.

So RD is my waifu (?!).


RD fw:


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You know it never hurts to add some smileys and personality to your posts everypony, I feel

like im at dining party in Canterlot >< I dont maybe its just me, I just see a lack of personality and voice

in everyones posts latly, or maybe your just naturally that bland ><


Everypony is the best pony, but Pinkie is mine if you know what I mean <3


"I dont want to set the world on fireeeee...." Playing Fallout 3 ;)

Edited by Icewing
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my fav is pinke pie flollowed by fluttershy pinkie pinkie pie because of equstrila girls random bursting in song a huyper personality and the fact shes always happy and energized not to mention how she breaks the 4th wall... but flutershy because of how cute gentle animal loving and how she reminds me of myself in diffrent situations and first she was my favarite but then she develped the asserttive side which flip floped her chracter for me shes cuter when shes shy and a door mat for me ... i think it has to do with her eyes the point down when shes a dormat/shy but there normal when shes assertive or stern. but neither are my wifey....

Pinkie Pie : "And that's how Equestria was made!"

Pinkie Pie : "who turned off the moon? dont go near that cake theif! stop theif! oh are you ok theif"?

http://pinkeshyrose.deviantart.com/ my da account

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I heard about this show while surfing tv tropes and it seemed to have a pretty high following so after a while I wanted to see what the fuss was all about so I went to YouTube and one of the first things I watched was the rainbow dash you're gonna go far kid pmv. That convinced me that the show could be pretty cool and she's been my favorite ever since

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