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open Möbius RP (Sonic RP)


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A portal opens up near crystal lake and silver jumps out. "This looks like the place." Silver says to himself. "It's a shame they get rid of this place in the future but at least I'll be able to see Sonic again, maybe even Blaze." Silver thinks while he walks over to the lake.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Ryan pricked his ears as he heard the portals swishing sound he say a white hedgehog he crawled out of his spot and approached him "Hey there you must be new here" he said as he held out his hand "I'm Ryan and its nice to see a new face in town" he chirped with a smile

Edited by GreenWind
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"New..uh yeah you could say that." Silver said as he looked at Ryan. "I'm Silver." he says. ~I should have expected someone other than Sonic to spot me. I hope this doesn't screw up the time stream~ he thinks as he talks to Ryan. "So I take it you live around here?" Silver asked.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Manic walks up to silver


Manic: hey wait a sec... You look strangely familiar


Manic looks at silver


Manic: ah yes... I remember, your silver... You attacked and worked with sonic multiple times...

So how do you travel through time... And most importantly why do you keep coming back?



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"Yeah I live around here I've lived here my while life it gets boaring though" he then heard Manic "Oh hey it's you again but what do you mean "Travel through time" I though that was just idea" it sertently was getting exiting around here with all the new faces what would happen next?!

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Knuckles looked over. "Hello, Silver." he looked back at Marine. "My name's Knuckles. And if you're looking to get your..." he glanced at the wreck. "ship... fixed, my friend Tails can fix almost anything." He grinned at her through Chaos. "I'm not sure the lady's too comfortable, Chaos. Try to... um... loosen your grip..."

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Marine felt herself slowly being crushed by Chaos' hug,o


"Hey...Any chance ya' could let me...Go?"


Finally she was released. She knelt, breathing deeply,


"Air! I love ya! Sweet air!....."


She noticed a couple of weird looks aimed at her,


"What? Never seen a gal breath before? sheesh, you'd of though I was doin something odd...Yeah right! I'm skipper, whatever I do is right...Right?"


She looked around for a while, striking a dramatic searching pose.


"So you, red guy, who're you?.....An' WHY is the god of chaos here? AN' HOW AM I GONNA FIX MY SHIP?!...."


She took a while to calm down,


"Sorry 'bout that, really gets to me sometimes, y'know?"

Edited by Shardikku
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Knuckles scowled. "I told you, I'm Knuckles the Echidna, guardian of the Master Emerald, last of my kind, blah, blah, blah... and Tikal told the "god of Chaos" here to get some R&R. And I understand perfectly... everyone has something that makes them tick." He looked at the ship and smiled. "In my opinion, the ship is totaled. But Tails might be able to fix it. Wherever that fox went."

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Ryan was lost his head was spinning with questions about all that's happened the strange things around town were enough and know there were a bunch of crazy people. With out caring he crawled back into his spot and tryed to proces it "Hm maybe there... Nah"

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Marine stopped for a moment...


'I need to calm down.....See what's around....Find Tails.....Hey! didn't he fix my ship last time?.....Huh, I'll find him later.....This echidna bloke...Knuckles...Right, Water dude, Chaos, got it.....Deep breaths Marine gal, take your time.....And,'


"Well thanks f' understandin', uh, Knuckles...An' sorry about bein' all shocked an' that about you Chaos dude...I just haven't seen anything like you afore.......Oh, right, you mentioned Tails, he's perfect for this sorta thing, last time I saw him, he fixed up some of my, heh, 'Prototype ships', yeah, they were kinda dangerous....."


She waved her tail around for a bit, looking slightly nervous and slightly unsure - Two emotions completely new to Marine!

Then suddenly,


"Huh? Silver......I swear I recognize that name.....Hmm......That's it, Blaze has a photo of you! I saw it when she was looking for some ancient artifact thing that I found......Yeah......She's a bit mysterious, ain't she?....."

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Nicholas had just stepped off the plane to Crystal Lake. "Yeah! Time to just relax, hang out, and make some buddies!" Nick said. He decided the first thing to do was to find a house. He eventually got one right by the lake. Nick walked outside, and just floated inches above the water.

Edited by Shade

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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"Uh." Tails muttered, looking at some other people. This was escalating quickly.


"Hey! Who are you? Have you seen my Sonikku?" Amy was telling this guy that just stepped off a plane.


Tails grunted. He spinned his tails and flew to the top of the island, looking for anything. ANYTHING, DANG IT.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Nick saw Amy asking him if he saw "Sonikku", which was obviously Sonic. "No, sorry Amy, I haven't seen Sonic around ever since I got here, albeit a few hours," Nick said. "Do you need help looking for him? I always wanted to meet him! He is so awesome!" Nick floated over to Amy.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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After awhile Ryan fell asleep and woke up to hear every one with the fuss going on he popped up and yelled "HEY! Whats the fuss about I'm trying to sleep!" he scratched his head and walked out of his spot "Theres more of you what do you do multiplay every time I leave?"

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"I don't know where he is." Amy told Ryan with a frown. Then a gleeful smile spread accross her happy, happy face.


"YEAHHHH! LETS GO ON AN ADVENTURE FOR MY SONNIKU~♥" Amy told Ryan, grabbing his arm and running off. Tails hightailed from above, cussing very loudly about how his tails hurt.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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(No Nike asked you Ryan just woke up) "Hey hold it I don't know anything about this guy!" it was to late Amy was on a chase! (And it's not an island) "I don't even now you" he said being dragged along by the wrist "Who's this Sonikku guy?" he said breaking away from her grip

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"I don't know where he is." Amy told Ryan with a frown. Then a gleeful smile spread accross her happy, happy face.


"YEAHHHH! LETS GO ON AN ADVENTURE FOR MY SONNIKU~♥" Amy told Ryan, grabbing his arm and running off. Tails hightailed from above, cussing very loudly about how his tails hurt.


(OOC: I'm Nick... not Ryan. I'm the one who stepped off the plane.)

Nick was running alongside Amy, looking for Sonic. "Do you have any idea where he might be? Where does he usually hang out?" Nick asked. They kept running, and Nick waited for an answer.

(OOC: Going offline for the night, just keep going desktop. Pretend we camp for the night and Nick is asleep or something.)

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Manic: AMY... Wait for me!


Manic gets on his hover board and catches up to Amy...

He lands beside Amy...


Manic: you know sonic could be ANY where in the world...

I don't know why you keep chasing him... Besides, He's quite attracted to Sally... In fact, they could be on a date right now...



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Ryan made a derp face and just decided to go home but all the sudden a think fog came in "Oh corse when I'm about to go home the fog rolls in I can't see anything" he was right it was so think I could barley see your feet ida you looked down at them in the middle of the lake there was a giant weeping willow that wasn't there before

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The second Amy heard those words from Manic, she hit him with her Piko-Piko hammer. Then she set up camp.


"Well...nice stars out tonight! Sweeeettttt." Amy said, looking up. Nick was already asleep.


Tails flew down next to Amy, and starting going to bed. This was a long night.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Ryan made his way to the weeping willow but to his suprise there was a path he slowly walked along it to make sure it didn't end in the lake "Hello?" there was no replie he got to the weeping willow and sat down at it's the truck "Is this what every one is afraid if a tree?" he whispers all around him they seemed to be talking to each other about something "There here there here!" one said exited another replied "Yes yes they are ours!" it was to faint for him to hear though

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As Amy, Tails, and the others left Silver continued on. ~Before I can relax I should find Sonic myself.~ he thought. ~Could my Chaos Emerald track him? Perhaps I should just ask around.~ Silver decided. After a bit of asking and looking Sonic was no where to be seen. "Well crap, maybe I should catch up to Amy and Tails. I'm sure Sonic is already running away from Amy's hammer at this point" he said as he went off in the direction of everyone else.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Nick had just woke up, but it was still dark out. He looked up, and saw... No way! It was Silver!

(OOC: Silver is Nick's cousin, hence they look alike *look below*)

Posted Image

"Silver! Bro! Your back from the future!" Nick exclaimed. "Dude, hows the future like? Iblis giving you shit? Or is he finally gone?" Nick ran right up, giving Silver a high five.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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OOC: Ahh fanon being mixed with canon, do not want. Maybe Nick could be Silver's ancestor or something? Either way Iblis never existed because the events of Sonic 06 were erased from the timeline. So Silver and anyone else doesn't know what Iblis is anymore.


"Oh uhh hey Nick" Silver says to his cousin. "How did you get back from the past? Did you find a Chaos Emerald too?"

Edited by N-Harmonia



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Manic is dazed after the hit from the hammer...

He snaps himself back to normal...


Manic: ouch... That wasn't nessasery

Amy you need to chill out about sonic... And stop swinging your hammer...


Manic: and by the way... I can locat sonic with my medallion...


Manic shoots a light into the sky from his medallion...


Mean while

Sonia is in the town... She sees the green light


Sonia: Manic!?


She gets on her bike and rides out of town...



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