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Okay, so I've been seeing a lot of Alliance vs. Horde discussion, and I'll add my two cents in. Alliance is boring unless you go gnome or dwarf. Horde side is a lot more memorable on the leveling side, plus Alliance are always douches in PvP.

My opinion on the Alli races:

Humans: Boring.

Dwarves: Awesome.

Gnomes: Awesome.

Worgen: Hairy humans.

Draenei: Basically the Protoss.

Nelves: Douchebags.

Why are the Dwarves and Gnomes so awesome anyways? Do you like the Horde or the Alliance better?


I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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Why are the Dwarves and Gnomes so awesome anyways? Do you like the Horde or the Alliance better?



I know this wasn't meant for me, but I love all of the races, so if you don't mind my two cents: both the Dwarves and Gnomes have very fun personalities. The Dwarves are hard drinking, jovial, loyal, gunslinging, mountain dwellers. Meanwhile the Gnomes are zany, inventive, friendly, tinker addicts. Both of their general aesthetics are cool to look at, with the Dwarves favoring heavy stone and geometric designs, while the Gnomes prefer an almost toy-like atmosphere of cogs and springs.


Okay, so I've been seeing a lot of Alliance vs. Horde discussion, and I'll add my two cents in. Alliance is boring unless you go gnome or dwarf. Horde side is a lot more memorable on the leveling side, plus Alliance are always douches in PvP.

My opinion on the Alli races:

Humans: Boring.

Dwarves: Awesome.

Gnomes: Awesome.

Worgen: Hairy humans.

Draenei: Basically the Protoss.

Nelves: Douchebags.


Why must we bring that horrid topic here of all places?  :(


Why can't we all just get along? There are heroes on all sides and both Alliance and Horde are amazing. In response, I give the following:


Humans: Noble crusaders seeking justice and safety for their people.


Dwarves: Stout defenders of their clans and masters of craft.


Gnomes: Selfless inventors pursuing knowledge and invention as virtues in of themselves.


Worgen: Repentant isolationists seeking to balance the better aspects of civilization and savagery.


Draenei: Blessed exiles dedicated to a Higher Power, at last standing to oppose an apocalyptic evil.


Night Elves: Wardens of the world and keepers of all life.


Now . . . . for the Horde.


Orcs: Honorable pariahs atoning for the sins of their ancestors. (And all "orcs" in media by proxy.)


The Darkspear Trolls: The inheritors of the world, pulling themselves from extinction and ascending to true nobility.


Tauren: The former nomads now holding a permanent place in their hearts and to their friends.


The Forsaken: Freed slaves of an insidious evil, now vowed to never again be at the heed of another.


Blood Elves: Masters of magic, the Sin'dorei bend whatever ancient power they can to serve their people. 


Bilgewater Cartel: Ambitious, inventive, driven, occasionally ruthless, now stranded; the goblins of the Horde may see profit in all things but ultimately will do what is right.


See? Alliance or Horde, to a fan, is a false dichotomy. Saints and sinners abound on both sides and the only reason they keep fighting is a mutual hatred that should have ended long ago.

Edited by Steel Accord
  • Brohoof 1
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as much as i love wow wildstar won me over 


I was playing Wildstar paying with plat when I forgot to buy Cred so I ran out. :/ I was bored for a week and resubbed to WoW and then Wildstar announces FTP with bonus for subs :( I qq'ed a little.


My main is an Aurin Spellslinger, so cute!


So in WoW I play mainly on two realms, one Horde and one Alliance. Blood Elves and Night Elves :) I have a thing for Elves.

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I was playing Wildstar paying with plat when I forgot to buy Cred so I ran out. :/ I was bored for a week and resubbed to WoW and then Wildstar announces FTP with bonus for subs :( I qq'ed a little.


My main is an Aurin Spellslinger, so cute!


So in WoW I play mainly on two realms, one Horde and one Alliance. Blood Elves and Night Elves :) I have a thing for Elves.

ah hell if u want add my battle tag john_seddon@yahoo.com :)



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ah hell if u want add my battle tag john_seddon@yahoo.com :)


I play EU so I can't, sorry. I think I'm like the only EU'er here.

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My MMOs are as follows:

WoW (Number 1)

GW2 (Currently just logging in for dailies, may get into it more again after HoT)

Planetside 2 (Weekly to twice weekly log on for awesome co-op play with my guild)

TSW (Want to play, can never find the time)

  • Brohoof 1
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On 6/9/2015 at 1:36 AM, Tempest Shift said:

not true :D I'm a Euro too!! What realms do you play on?


AD for Alliance and Sha'tar for Horde.


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Oh Hell yeah! I LOVE that game! What's your side? 

I have one in each.

It's interesting because TSW is the only game I know where each faction both attracts and repulses me.

Templar: I like that they try to help, but they're also zealots.

Illuminati: They're basically an evil corporation, but they also have the cool sci-fi tech look going on and the ultimate lifestyle bit.

Dragon: I like the chaos, I dislike that they still have an organizational structure that seems very anti-ethical to their stated purpose.


I think I like Dragon best, but Templar is OK too.

Illuminati I like the least, because prologue.

  • Brohoof 1
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I know this wasn't meant for me, but I love all of the races, so if you don't mind my two cents: both the Dwarves and Gnomes have very fun personalities. The Dwarves are hard drinking, jovial, loyal, gunslinging, mountain dwellers. Meanwhile the Gnomes are zany, inventive, friendly, tinker addicts. Both of their general aesthetics are cool to look at, with the Dwarves favoring heavy stone and geometric designs, while the Gnomes prefer an almost toy-like atmosphere of cogs and springs.



Why must we bring that horrid topic here of all places?  :(


Why can't we all just get along? There are heroes on all sides and both Alliance and Horde are amazing. In response, I give the following:


Humans: Noble crusaders seeking justice and for their people.


Dwarves: Stout defenders of their clans and masters of craft.


Gnomes: Selfless inventors pursuing knowledge and invention as virtues in of themselves.


Worgen: Repentant isolationists seeking to balance the better aspects of civilization and savagery.


Draenei: Blessed exiles dedicated to a Higher Power, at last standing to oppose an apocalyptic evil.


Night Elves: Wardens of the world and keepers of all life.


Now . . . . for the Horde.


Orcs: Honorable pariahs atoning for the sins of their ancestors. (And all "orcs" in media by proxy.)


The Darkspear Trolls: The inheritors of the world, pulling themselves from extinction and ascending to true nobility.


Tauren: The former nomads now holding a permanent place in their hearts and to their friends.


The Forsaken: Freed slaves of an insidious evil, now vowed to never again be at the heed of another.


Blood Elves: Masters of magic, the Sin'dorei bend whatever ancient power they can to serve their people. 


Bilgewater Cartel: Ambitious, inventive, driven, occasionally ruthless, now stranded; the goblins of the Horde may see profit in all things but ultimately will do what is right.


See? Alliance or Horde, to a fan, is a false dichotomy. Saints and sinners abound on both sides and the only reason they keep fighting is a mutual hatred that should have ended long ago.

That. Was. AWESOME!


By the way, do you know how long it would naturally take for World of Warcraft to download because I'm downloading it now and it's taking forever.




  • Brohoof 1

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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That. Was. AWESOME!


By the way, do you know how long it would naturally take for World of Warcraft to download because I'm downloading it now and it's taking forever.


Thank you. Dedicated Lore nerd and RPer. I can't stand the insistence of conflict between two otherwise heroic groups because I see the good in all of them. Part of the reason a Pandaren in my main toon.


A long time, trust me it's not just you.

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Thank you. Dedicated Lore nerd and RPer. I can't stand the insistence of conflict between two otherwise heroic groups because I see the good in all of them. Part of the reason a Pandaren in my main toon.


A long time, trust me it's not just you.

According to the download, it says that the rest of the download is optimal and I could play it now if I want but I'm unsure what that means. Should I allow it to continue downloading or maybe not?


  • Brohoof 1

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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A long while ago, Blizzard added a function where you may play the game despite not all of the files being present on your computer due to how fucking enormous the game is. Naturally, this isn't "optimal," as the launcher states, since there may be missing textures or whatnot, but you may begin play once the download bar makes it to the yellow, or "playable" section. The green, or "optimal" section, is picking up random ass not-easily-noticable things, like, as I've said, textures and objects.


Let the download finish. Otherwise, you're good to go.

  • Brohoof 2


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According to the download, it says that the rest of the download is optimal and I could play it now if I want but I'm unsure what that means. Should I allow it to continue downloading or maybe not?




A long while ago, Blizzard added a function where you may play the game despite not all of the files being present on your computer due to how fucking enormous the game is. Naturally, this isn't "optimal," as the launcher states, since there may be missing textures or whatnot, but you may begin play once the download bar makes it to the yellow, or "playable" section. The green, or "optimal" section, is picking up random ass not-easily-noticable things, like, as I've said, textures and objects.


Let the download finish. Otherwise, you're good to go.


What the Legendary Pokemon said.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

When is Blizzard going to make any change to Destro locks? It's been too long since they've been viable in PvP.

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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I switched to affliction. I like it more than the other two specs.

On another note, how are you guys liking the new patch?

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I honestly wish they'd separate PvE from PvP more. I'm sick of having the already most played specs buffed because of some PvE imbalance.

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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At least your buffs didn't go live and then were reverted not two days later and implemented 5 days after that. #DKProblems


On a side note:


- Really liking the raid. Tyrant Velhari's a huge fuck-all fight though, as is Hellfire High Council.

- Shipyards are atrocious. Swapping equipment costs way too much. Losing ships as a price of failure when the missions are actually balanced around failing once or twice is unacceptable. Being forced into a Spirit Lodge for Mission Completion Orders to speed up the two day waiting periods is also unacceptable. The fact that the legendary ring is explicitly tied to a mission that is impossible to achieve 100% success rate on is also mind-blowingly stupid.

- Oh look, Assran is still...ass. Hooray!

- Tanaan Jungle is...okay. Doing three bonus objectives sucks some serious ass, and on my ilvl 660 priest, it takes a century to do. Ground layout leaves something to be desired, and I shake my head every time I have to walk across the northern part of the zone, what with Ironhold Harbor annoyingly in the way. Other than that, the reps are fine, one encourages exploration, one's a straight grind, and one is highly structured, if in a mediocre way. Not as good as the Timeless Isle, in my opinion, and nowhere near the Isle of Thunder, but it's alright, I guess.

- Timewalking dungeons aren't hard, which was disappointing. Back in my day, I remember when a form of CC was me off-tanking one of the mobs because I was a fury warrior. Now it's just "run in there and smash HERLING BLERST" over and over.

- I haven't tried a Mythic dungeon yet. I probably should, considering my cloak is an ilvl 670 piece of poop from H Highmaul.


So, yeah. B- for the patch.

  • Brohoof 1


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So apparently 6.2 is the last patch of WoD

If that's true, then I continue to lose faith in Blizzard.

As for my thoughts on the patch, it sucks. 

The shipyard is nothing more than a second command table, Timewalking dungeons could have been better, can't be bothered to do mythic dungeons. The "content" in Tanaan is the same boring and repetitive Apexis crap we've been doing all xpac. And they clearly don't care about PvP/ class balance.

I'm not trying to say that WoW is dying, but Blizzard needs to get their game up or WoW is going to go under.

As for the patch, I'd grade it D- The only thing that I like is the new Raid, and the new zone is pretty cool.

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