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Garrisons turned out horrible in my opinion. I will not miss them. I like the idea of class halls, though, and sending champions off to find an area, come back, and allow you to go there and discover, maybe fight some tough monsters and get some nice gear, and maybe some gold, or find a quest for your class. Also, if they add treasures, I hope they're simple stuff like cosmetics or gold, and hard to find, and rare mobs should be rare.

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Let's not dwell so much on what made the past expansions poor.  Let's remember what was improved on and hope that Legion will be even better than the last. 

I know that Legion will be good. The blizzard crew is not stupid, they just need.. umm magic.

I am just praying they won't kill Tirion Fordring and Thrall.... By Metzens beard I don't want to lose the best characters in the story. :(

Oh and my friends returning would also be nice. I have been playing alone since WoD came out.

Edited by A Cat

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I'd love for them to give Sylvanas some positive traits for once.  I'd love for Genn Graymane and the worgen to FINALLY be shown doing something useful.  I'm interested in seeing what's going to happen with Anduin (love his new model, hehe... ).


If those are IRL friends you're talking about, I'm jealous of you.




What if one of the treasures could be a mount of sorts? 

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I'd love for them to give Sylvanas some positive traits for once.  I'd love for Genn Graymane and the worgen to FINALLY be shown doing something useful.  I'm interested in seeing what's going to happen with Anduin (love his new model, hehe... ).


If those are IRL friends you're talking about, I'm jealous of you.

Anduin looks like a BEAST now. Bolvar Fordrgon and Valeera Sanguinar both thought him to fight and I think we soon will see him fight just like the beast that is his father.

Oh and a new battle for Gilneas would be the dream. That may actually be enough to get my friends back by itself.

Come on finding irl friends is not that hard if you know where to look.

Edited by A Cat
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Perhaps not like a warrior, more like a priest that's just as offensively powerful as any paladin.  


And I do have IRL friends, but none of them play World of Warcraft.  I was in a guild for a while, but it ended on a very bitter note and I haven't been on since then. 

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Perhaps not like a warrior, more like a priest that's just as offensively powerful as any paladin.  


And I do have IRL friends, but none of them play World of Warcraft.  I was in a guild for a while, but it ended on a very bitter note and I haven't been on since then. 

Anduin is a priest, but Valeera Sanguinar thought him how to toss and duel with daggers, which is pretty cool.


Oh, I see. I just found myself a guild. I hope I'll get to SMASH Archimondes head off. I mean play the raids the way they are supposed to be.

Edited by A Cat

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And didn't some past stories say that he was good with a bow?


Honestly, I want to BLAST the guy's head off with a well-placed Ice Lance.  Or tear it off with my druid claws.  One of those. 

Yes, he was often a side character in the comics and books.


But first I have to finish gearing up again. :(

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Begone from this world, Legion!  FOR THE EARTHMOTHER!


And I'll just laugh if the Horde and the Alliance decide to start killing each other again in the lore (like with that ICC boss) instead of, oh, I don't know, KILLING THE GUYS WHO ARE THREATENING THE WORLD IN THE FIRST PLACE?!

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Begone from this world, Legion!  FOR THE EARTHMOTHER!


And I'll just laugh if the Horde and the Alliance decide to start killing each other again in the lore (like with that ICC boss) instead of, oh, I don't know, KILLING THE GUYS WHO ARE THREATENING THE WORLD IN THE FIRST PLACE?!

Oh man. That sums up ashran pretty darn well.

They signed a treaty after pandaria and for some reason they suddenly started fighting over a little pile of rock. How does that even make sence?

  • Brohoof 1

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I know folks will want some special place for PvP in the new expac, but can't it make more sense? 

In the reveal for Legion they said that "the Horde and Alliance will be at each others throats", but the class orders will fight the legion.

So PvP will make sence again. WOOHOO!

  • Brohoof 1

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Sounds reasonable, I guess.  I just hope we don't have another Wrathgate.  XD 

Yeah, I don't want the forsaken to be even more of a third faction.

The horde has lost a lot more than the alliance through the whole story of WoW and making it worse soo soon after Garrosh got rekt would just be mean.

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@@Steel Accord,


True.  With everything said, I'm interested in seeing how these "class halls" will turn out.  What do you personally think they will look like (I don't know if there are already snapshots and I'm too lazy to look them up)? 


The one they showed off in particular was the Paladin class hall. It looked like a grand militant church, white stone, well lit, pews, banners, the whole shebang. Good because one of my toons is a Vindicator. (Draenei Paladin.)


For my Shaman, I hope that the Shaman class hall will look a little like the Crystal Hall in the Exodar, with elemental spirits hanging about in places associated with their respective elements.


For my monk, who's my main, I would imagine (and hope) it take at least a little inspiration from the Shaolin Temple. You can bet it will have fighting halls or other "arena" styled rooms for the purposes of training and sparring.

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For my Shaman, I hope that the Shaman class hall will look a little like the Crystal Hall in the Exodar, with elemental spirits hanging about in places associated with their respective elements.

The shaman "club" I think will be located around the maelstorm.

  • Brohoof 1

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Anduin looks like a BEAST now. Bolvar Fordrgon and Valeera Sanguinar both thought him to fight and I think we soon will see him fight just like the beast that is his father.

Oh and a new battle for Gilneas would be the dream. That may actually be enough to get my friends back by itself.

Come on finding irl friends is not that hard if you know where to look.


Yeah he's been learning under the Prophet as well. The kid is shaping up to be a messianic figure in the lore. Perhaps it is he who will finally bridge the Alliance and Horde.



In the reveal for Legion they said that "the Horde and Alliance will be at each others throats", but the class orders will fight the legion.

So PvP will make sence again. WOOHOO!


*sigh* I'm honestly growing weary of that, as I've said in a couple posts past. I want the Alliance and Horde to star making overtures of peace between each other. The Burning Legion was once the one thing that COULD bring them together.

The shaman "club" I think will be located around the maelstorm.


That would make sense, the spirits in utter chaos e.g. their natural state.

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Yeah he's been learning under the Prophet as well. The kid is shaping up to be a messianic figure in the lore. Perhaps it is he who will finally bridge the Alliance and Horde.

I hope he won't bridge them together but I hope he and vol'jin at least will get along.

If he had made peace my guild leader would go nuts, something like this.

Warning: Really ORC bad language.



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@@Steel Accord,


For the druid hall, I hope for something sort of like a cross between a treehouse and a longhouse.  I don't want anything that looks too night-elvish.


I'm pretty sure hunters are going to get some kind of log-cabin.  Or a leather tent.  One of those.




... *takes my draenei hunter and hides*

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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I hope he won't bridge them together but I hope he and vol'jin at least will get along.

If he had made peace my guild leader would go nuts, something like this.

Warning: Really ORC bad language.



They already are on good terms and I'm going to keep pushing for peace IC and out for as long as I play this game! If Alduin is learning the ways of the Light and knows of the Prophet's vision of a great army that will defeat the Legion, hopefully he possesses the wisdom to see how inane this feud is.


@@Steel Accord,


For the druid hall, I hope for something sort of like a cross between a treehouse and a longhouse. I don't want anything that looks too night-elvish.


I'm pretty sure hunters are going to get some kind of log-cabin. Or a leather tent. One of those.




... *takes my draenei hunter and hides*

Well Cenarius DID teach Malfurion first and he taught it to the rest of his people. The Night Evles kind of started the whole thing. Not saying I want the Druid Hall to be such just that it wouldn't be a faux pas if it was.

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@@Steel Accord,


Good point.  I'm just saying that I don't want it overtly so. 



Well actually, do you know what would be a REALLY cool idea? What if, the Hall was IN the Emerald Dream?! Think about it, walking the Dream is one of the most sacred skills a Druid learns and it's how they uphold their vocation of protecting the natural world. It's non-physical nature also makes sense as a neutral ground. Politics and factions of the physical world disappear in the Dream and it's not like anyone who's not a Druid could force them to stop.


I also forgot I have another toon who is a Worgen Druid. In fact my first ever character was a Night Elf Druid, named . . . . ugh, "Moonmage." GOD I was uncreative back then!

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I'd totally LOVE that!  But, where would your body be?  In a special barrow, I hope?


Well technically speaking whenever a Monk character goes to the Peak of Serenity, unless they walked their themselves, they are meditating and astrally projecting themselves there. (Yet you are fully corporeal when you get there for some reason.) That's why when you return, you end up back from where you left, you left your body there.


So presumably the body is left wherever you find it convenient and secure to lay down for a nap. That's the Watsonian answer. The Doyalist answer is "the character model disappears where you activated the spell from."


Yeah I prefer the Watsonian mind.



And hey, my first ever character was a night elf druid and I was such a Warrior Cats fan back then that I named her "Rainingclaw"!


Druids of the Cenarion Circle represent!



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