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Nope, I'm good up until that point. It only says "connected" after I select the realm and stops there.


@@Celli@@Akari of Duskshire


Never mind, Blizzard has been their typical awesome selves and got back to me with support. 

Good to hear! Make sure to tell us if your problem was solved. :)

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@@Steel Accord,@@Celli,


Well, while we're waiting for those twelve hours to be up, has any of you noticed how Illidan in the Legion box art has leaves in his hair? 


Hey yeah! He does!


Maybe it's his lingering Elfanity and connection to the natural world, a sign that he's not completely irredeemable?

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@@Steel Accord,


Just perhaps.  It's definitely a nice touch.  Now that I think about it, it sort of reminds me of Tyrande's Memento (a trinket for healers at that point in time).


Which in turn reminds me of the War of the Ancients book(s). It really fleshed out Tyrande, Illidan, and Malfurion as characters and their relationship to one another.


Tyrande and Illidan might be the only people that could bring Illidan back from the brink. Everything he ever did was for them and his people (so he tells himself and really more Tyrande than Malfurion, being the Cain to his Abel.)

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@@Steel Accord,


Like I said, just perhaps.  I hope for his redemption, but I also think that him not changing at all or becoming even more insane is just as possible.  I also hope they won't make him a loot piñata. 


I'm interested in seeing what they will do as well. I don't think they will do that though as he's already been a raid boss so they've had practice with how to treat him.

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


*Fuffle Puff happy sound* 


Naruskorr also came about cause I was seeing that a lot in my guild too. Really three backgrounds were almost word for word, with different names. He's fun to RP on my server cause a lot of people seem to have a presumption about his background. 


Yeah it's kind of hard not to be filled with rage when you are fighting the literal enemy that destroyed your world. The Iron Horde is just the same horde that decimated Dreanor minus Fel corruption. 


Oh I was just talking about her magical abilities. Since not everyone can cast magic or at least not to the degree some of them rise. It was more she had talent and wanted to use it to help others. 


On the Demon Hunter, how would you change the Time Magic bit to make it fit better? I can't think of a way to make it work within the game's lore. Since these aren't new Demon Hunter's they've been Imprisoned for a while. I get why the Illdari are locked up by why are the Night Elf Hunters locked up? Illidain just ruin it for everyone? 


Oh I reread your characters too. Since last night I was starting to get a loopy when I went back through the thread. 


A mage Hitman, Huh I tend to play to type. So seeing someone who breaks out of that a bit is always refreshing. Since you expect most Hitmen to be either Rogues or Hunters or the like. Seems like it's more a profession of convenience rather then true desire though. 


You just summed up Fury Warriors rather perfectly. 


Is black Fur Grimtotem exclusive? I've not checked out the New Taruen Models so I'm forgetting what options they had. Or is it something else that marks her as looking like them? Horn style or the like? 


@@Steel Accord,


Hee thanks. Naruskorr ended up being very interesting to RP. 


​Yeah nothing really new for Galadora, but she's the first Vindicator I've RP'ed as. I've shyed away from RPing NIght Elves and Dreani before because well...many of them are very very old. It's hard to get into the mindset of someone whose experienced centuries. 


Daphee is the least violent of all my characters. Being a mage suits her as she doesn't have to get close to someone when fighting. I also don't PVP with her. As she avoids unnecessary conflict. 


Archnei - Born during the exodus. Huh...that is interesting. I forget when I set Galadora's Birth. I think it was before the Exodus though. That's an interesting angle though to be around some who mourn the loss of a world he'll never know. And he wants to go back to the life of a Nether fairing nomad hmmm.


Warthick - I like it. Can't think of anything interesting to add...it's good. :D 


Summerstep - Again can't think of much to add. Though you had a clear thought out story and Motivation for your Panda Monk. I didn't. Kushao, my monk...I couldn't think of a single interesting thing to do with his background or character. Yet I played him for the entirety of MOP. One of my biggest missteps. 

Also I had a similar problem with logging in a year or two ago. I forget what the issue was but it was a small stupid one. They gave me back all the game time I lost that I couldn't play on though. 


Edit: Why is my text so small up top? O.o 

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​Yeah nothing really new for Galadora, but she's the first Vindicator I've RP'ed as. I've shyed away from RPing NIght Elves and Dreani before because well...many of them are very very old. It's hard to get into the mindset of someone whose experienced centuries. 


But that's where the fun is! I know it's not for everyone though.



Daphee is the least violent of all my characters. Being a mage suits her as she doesn't have to get close to someone when fighting. I also don't PVP with her. As she avoids unnecessary conflict.


Sir, I would like permission to marry your daughter for my main to marry your gnome. That is exactly why Wei Yu never goes to the Battlegrounds! He wants to foster peace between the Alliance and Horde.


Archnei - Born during the exodus. Huh...that is interesting. I forget when I set Galadora's Birth. I think it was before the Exodus though. That's an interesting angle though to be around some who mourn the loss of a world he'll never know. And he wants to go back to the life of a Nether fairing nomad hmmm.   Warthick - I like it. Can't think of anything interesting to add...it's good.     Summerstep - Again can't think of much to add. Though you had a clear thought out story and Motivation for your Panda Monk. I didn't. Kushao, my monk...I couldn't think of a single interesting thing to do with his background or character. Yet I played him for the entirety of MOP. One of my biggest missteps. 


Thank you so much. As a writer, I appreciate when people like the characters I create. 

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About the Demon Hunter, I'm not entirely sure.  I could understand how you would be able to get the Epoch stones, but I figured the bronze dragon flight would take extra special care with handling Kairozdormu's broken hourglass, since it was the very thing that unleashed havoc on Garrosh's trial in War Crimes and enabled Kairoz and Garrosh to go to the past and cause WoD to happen.  Perhaps he got a traitorous mortal Timewalker to assist?


And about your mage, I kinda figured there would be a lot of emphasis on the food conjuring spells that gives mages everywhere no shortage of annoyance from fellow players who demand that they set up that delicious mage table of food already.  Does she perhaps involve magic in her true calling that is making sweets?


Also, thanks for your comments on my characters!  It's true, being a mercenary is just convenience for my mage.  About my warrior, you're spot on about the spec!  Indeed, she's a furry warrior who dual-wields with a sword and hammer.  But I put more emphasis on her blacksmith aspect than her warrior one.  And no, Grimtotem black fur isn't exclusive and I don't think they have a horn style that marks them as such.  I mostly just included it as a constant source of annoyance for my druid and as a small jab at badly-written Grimtotem characters.


By the way, which demon hunter spec do you think you'll go for?  I'm personally thinking about going Vengeance.




Sir, I would like permission to marry your daughter for my main to marry your gnome. That is exactly why Wei Yu never goes to the Battlegrounds! He wants to foster peace between the Alliance and Horde.  


I find that amazing.  I didn't think you two would go as far as to not PvP as them.  I occasionally PvP, regardless of what character I'm playing as at the time, purely for OOC reasons.  And I royally suck at it.

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@@Steel Accord


Your welcome! :D as for marrying my Gnome. XD Uh...I don't know that be up to her. Hee hee. 


@@Akari of Duskshire


Oh well I was thinking Kayrain got the sand during that Whole Fiasco, grabbing it during the Chaos. Or perhaps purchasing it from a Blackmarket dealer who did manage to snag some. Traitorous mortal Timewalker, Hmmm...that could work too though. 


She did use magic to help with her foodstuffs. Preserving it, heating, cooling, weaving new flavors. That sorta stuff. I carried a lot more food on her then I did other characters. There's not a lot of Candy oriented cooking recipes (that I was able to find at least.) 


Vengeance is the Tank spec right? Yeah I was gonna go that route too, Probably still try out Havoc at some point. 


I just never felt she had a reason to PVP. Had my hands full getting her ready for Warlords....and then didn't play through the whole expansion. XD >.< 


By the Way Blizzard must be panicking a little. WOD hasn't even been out a full year yet and already their like: NEW EXPAC PLEASE COME BACK! 

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Yes, it certainly seems that way now that you mention it.  I found it surprising that they would bring up Legion this early.  If they're trying to bring folks back, well, it seems to have worked on @@Steel Accord, and me at least.  lD

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Well like I said, I'm quite fond of the darker side of things.  I like my rogues.


Actually I just got an idea. What if I roll a human rogue but instead of being a skulking cutthroat, he's a James Bond/Michael Westin/Sweetie Drops-esque spy working for SI:7 or such?


A good man at heart who wants to protect people, but who's entire methodology revolves around deceit, sabotage, and pragmatism? Not usually my style, but I could play a few story arcs with such a character. 

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@@Steel Accord,


Without a doubt doable.  There's definitely such thing as good-natured rogues (think Chaotic Good), just as there are malicious paladins.


Oh btw, is WoW working well for you?

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@@Steel Accord,


Without a doubt doable.  There's definitely such thing as good-natured rogues (think Chaotic Good), just as there are malicious paladins.


Oh btw, is WoW working well for you?


Thing is, in real life and in my games, I'm more of the Lawful Good persuasion. My detest for rogues or rogue-like characters are there generated content their underhanded tactics and predilection for criminality. My philosophy is that all noble deeds should be done openly, in the light. I know it's not a universal viewpoint but it is mine.


On that note, turns out it wasn't working because I didn't have Battlenet do the patch. Again I've been out of it so long I didn't realize the old client is obsolete. The patches are downloading now. I should be able to play tonight. (Fingers crossed.)

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@@Steel Accord,


Interesting.  Spoken like a paladin.  XD


*crosses fingers as well*  Well, least there's that possibility for you.  I have to wait till' October because I'm delaying gratification.


Well I don't have a lot to do in my free time. No tv or any other video games. So this is what I'm going to use. Plus, I need to actually level up my mains in order to even enjoy Legion's content.

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@@Steel Accord,


Ah man, the leveling.  That's the downside of being an altoholic.  So many characters to level, so many times you have to go through the same routine over and over again.  Gearing's even worse, since some of it is based on chance. 


Having some buddies does lessen it somewhat.  XD

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@@Steel Accord,


Ah man, the leveling.  That's the downside of being an altoholic.  So many characters to level, so many times you have to go through the same routine over and over again.  Gearing's even worse, since some of it is based on chance. 


Having some buddies does lessen it somewhat.  XD


Well that's why I'm limiting myself to two, my main and my former main.


Also, IT WORKS! *ode to joy*

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