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If the Mane Six were in Love with somepony then...?


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I'm not even sure if this is the right place to post this. If it's not then I'm sorry. oAo;


Anyway, the question is simple. How would each member of the mane six act if they were to fall in love with somepony? ...Not anypony specific. Just... somepony.


Mainly I am asking this because of a project I am working on. For the sake of simplicity I will say it's a fan fiction, which is both true and not true.


Also... I'm just currious what the colective minds of the brony comunity think would happen if any of the mane six fell in love for some reason. I'm sure most of us have at least had it cross our minds. Or read a few fan fictions. Or something. ^^


Completely Optional Specific questions...


What kind of pony do you think would be their "type"? (I'd wager that Rarity goes for the "princely" types, but maybe a bit less after the Gala-fiasco.)


How would they react to flirting? (...yeah, I know there's a lot of kinds of flirting but still. In general.)


How might they try to show their affection? (Presents? Awkward compliments?)


What would they considder "romantic"? (I highly doubt Rarity's idea of romantic is the same as Rainbow Dash's, for example.)



...Now this is all speculation and headcanons here, so yeah. ^w^;



DO NOT FEEL INTIMIDATED! YOU DON'T HAVE TO WRITE AN ESSAY UNLESS YOU WANT TO. JUST A SENTENCE FOR EACH MARE WILL DO. ...but if you want to write more, by all means. Don't let me stop you. ;D

Edited by MintyNinjaPrincess
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Wow... that is a lot of explaining!


First: Twilight Sparkle


Twilight wold most likely fall for someone intelligent, but humble. I imagined she would be shipped with a pony who was socially awkward, and was nervous while talking to other ponies. She would probably make the first move (in a friendly way), and start flirting with him. She would maybe tease him a lot, and laugh at everything he would say, making him feel more comfortable around her. Finally, when he loosens up, he makes his move and asks Twilight out! :P


Twilight would either be the "flirty-dominate" one (in the paragraph above), or maybe she would be the "awkward-stuttery" one. If she were to be the awkward one in the relationship, I imagined her boyfriend being a hansom, brave stallion. (I would imagine somepony like Shiningarmor)


My case for Twilight's relationship: One of them would be socially awkward in the relationship, and the other would be bold and confident. It would be very much like collage love.


Second: Applejack


This one would be pretty simple. Applejack is a humble mare, who probably wouldn't fall in love twice. I would imagine her to find a responsible, hard working, and loving Stallion. Thinking of their future together, I would say Applejack and her partner would grow up to be loving parents, and great grandparents. (Think of Granny Smith, who has many great stories and strong relationships with her grand children.)


Applejack and her partner would probably live on a farm (bucking apples, would ya think?), and start a big family to continue the traditional business of Apple Acres.


My case for Applejack's relationship: Growing up old with a humble loving husband to help grow their family and business!


Third: Pinkie Pie


Oh, boy, Pinkie Pie with a crush...


I think her relationship would be with somepony "similar" to her. That special somepony would be someone who was funny, energetic, and could keep up with her. Pinkie would learn how to flirt, and discover what fun it would be to flirt. She would be SUCH a flirt, that it would seem as it's the only thing she enjoys doing! Pinkie would mostly have it be a fun and friendly relationship, with lots of dates, talking, and flirting. Although, as the relationship seems all "Happy best friends forever!", there is that point when maturity hits.


Pinkie Pie's partner would care for her, and love listening to what she'd have to say. They would grow up together very happy, and most likely take over the cake shop when the owners die (hopefully from age, and not Pinkie's basement :blink: )


My case for Pinkie Pie's relationship: Mild and friendly relationship while young, but grow up with intense and true love, and making a huge bond of trust between them! :)


Fourth: Fluttershy


I'm sorry Fluttershy, but I think you'll be single for the rest of your life... :(




Although Fluttershy is the meekest mare in all of Equestria, and she wouldn't do good in a normal relationship, there still is that one stallion out there waiting to meet her (Probably Dimitri hehe)! This stallion would have to be very protective of her, but most of all, RESPECTFUL TO HER! Sad thing is... Fluttershy could easily be taken advantage of by a stallion and suffer rape bad things, and that would DEFINITELY NOT be the right pony for her! Fluttershy is a trophy, and her future husband would have to be someone who could treat her right, and make her feel safe.


Fluttershy would have a relationship unlike any other... she would (hopefully) have a HUGE bridge of trust with the stallion she is with. Trust is the main reason on why she would be with them. Her future (If her spouse was perfect) would be a life of safety, and comfort. She would still be attached with her little animals, but still spend lots of time with her partner.


My case for Fluttershy's relationship: Trustworthy, respectful husband to keep her comforted and loved.


Fifth: Rarity:


Rarity is a gem. She is beautiful, cunning, and generous. :D (Rarity is my favorite pony)


Rarity's somepony would be me of course! the exact opposite of PRINCE BLUEBLOOD! *cringes with hatered* Not as in looks, or life style, but as in personality, and life morals. Rarity most likely learned her lesson at the Gala on what aspects to look for in a stallion besides looks, and wealth. Me Somepony, who is worthy, humble, respectful, and loving, may qualify for being Rarity's partner. Her relationship would be a mature, and professional one, where there is a balance of flirting, activities, romance, and lust. Rarity would have such an AMAZING experience falling in love, and would grow a different perspective on life. She would view everything in a different way after her first magical experience with romance. One thing for sure, I guarantee a 100% chance of her getting married, as she is the perfect one for relationships.


As for Rarity's and my future, I predict that she would have a quite standard, but perfect marriage. She would be a very busy mare, involved with her dress designs, new fillies to deal with, and other important tasks. Her husband would help her with the children, and give her all the time she needs in her work. I imagined that it would be a hard and busy life, but our their intense love would keep them moving forward.


My case for Rarity and I: A stallion to treat her right, and to support her in all of her goals. The intense love between the two partners would help them endure any task ahead in life.


Last: Rainbow Dash


"Rainbow Dash, the fastest mare in all of Equestria, getting in a relationship??" You might think it's unlikely, but you'd be surprised. -_-


All though Rainbow Dash is arrogant, cocky, and mean, she still could get into the best relationship ever. All Dashie needs is to be humbled, and a glimpse of what it means to be "equal" with somepony. The time will come, to when she will find a stallion who can change her life. This stallion is someone who is humble, funny, smart, and outgoing. I can just tell, that Rainbow Dash will eventually loose all of her pride in an accident of some sort by showing off. When that happens, a certain stallion would come to her and help her gain her self confidence back, and not her cockiness.


Rainbow Dash will be over lusted for this guy, and she will appear to be extraordinarily different from whom she use to be. In the future she would have, it would be an amazing view. She would put others before her, and possibly become the new element of generosity!


My case for Rainbow Dash's relationship: Humbled, and extremely grateful for her partner. Powerful emotional attachment, lot's of flirting, and many treasured memories to come. :wub:




Well there you have it! 3 hours of writing and intense thought! (from 1:30am to 4:30am)


If you noticed, further in I get more serious about the relationships, and less about the things you were talking about (Flirt skills, opinions on romance, etc.)


Man, I have too much time on my hands. :)

Edited by Beat Shock
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Daaaaaaaaayyyyuuuum. I hadn't expected THAT long of a reply. Not that I'm complaining. I think it's rather insightful. I understand your cases for them. And I agree with a lot of it ((Especially Rarity's and your her husband's life together))


And you do raise a good point about Fluttershy... but I'm going to have to disagree on one point... I don't think it's a 'protector' that Fluttershy needs. She needs somepony to give her confidence, ...Now I'm not saying she'd never need to be protected. I mean, everyone needs to be protected sometimes, and given her shy nature, yeah, I could see her making some bad relationship decisions and putting up with a few class-A jerks before the right pony came allong. But the right pony wouldn't just be her protector. He'd also give her the confidence to protect herself when he's not there, and to protect him when he needs somepony... because in equestria, even the most strong and confident of ponies can be attacked by dragons and parasprites and mean griffons and all maner of crazy things. XD


...And Rainbow Dash...? Yeah, I an see her pride getting in the way of her being happy in a relationship. Might not happen in the way you say, but yeah. ....My own headcanon, which goes allong with a lot of what you say, says that one day she meets somepony who is pretty good at flying, and he beats her record at something. Rainbow becomes harshly determined to take the record back, trains super hard, and does just that. She's won! Oh boy she can't wait to see the look on his stupid fac-... but he's smiling at her. He says he's happy for her, and that after how hard she trained she really deserved to beat the record a second time. He happily admits that she's the superior flier. ...Rainbow suddenly feels ashamed. She had hated him for breaking that record, and she imagined he had broken the record out of personal spite towards her. But really he's just a nice pony who likes to fly. She humbly asks him out to lunch, and everything goes from there. <3


And I 100% agree with "Oh, boy, Pinkie Pie with a crush..." ....I once drew the cover for a fan fiction where Pinkie Pie went with an OC named Killowatt Hour (he's the yellow and brown one) , an electrician pony who'd likely been zapped too many times and become just slightly loco as a result. ...I remember saying that if he and Pinkie ever reproduced then it would mean the happiest armogeddon ever.

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