NavelColt 22,882 October 11, 2012 Share October 11, 2012 (edited) Title: Green Isn't Your ColorAir Date: March 18, 2011Synopsis: Rarity recruits Fluttershy as a model in hopes of impressing a famous designer with her dresses, but it's Fluttershy's modeling career that takes off instead!Caam nao Flootershy, ve must be on our way, we have dat thing at da place. You shall strut your stuff, and show the camera...DA MAGICZ. Edited May 27, 2014 by DashForever 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HomuraBL 851 October 13, 2012 Share October 13, 2012 Another one that was good, but not part of my favorites. I did like Pinkie Pie in this episode, but I didn't like the whole, "You can't tell the other about this." I hate it when their are moments when you can solve so many problems with one simple thing but you won't do it. Netherless, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were awesome. Rarity had her moments as well. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cherry Blossom 864 October 13, 2012 Share October 13, 2012 This is my absolutely favorite Fluttershy episode ever! Plus it's around my top 2 favorite ponies, Fluttershy and Rarity! I also love the character Photo Finish, her accent is, da magiks! Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint."It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Vallo~ 409 December 23, 2012 Share December 23, 2012 I know Photo Finish isn't supposed to be Lady Gaga, but I must admit it was the first thing that came to mind...besides the accent. 1 Your breath stinks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Icy Wonderbolt 34 February 18, 2013 Share February 18, 2013 I don't know about you people, but i just don't like this episode. This episode revoles around a problem that can be good or bad depending on the ponit of view. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 March 21, 2013 Share March 21, 2013 (edited) Once again, another one of the funnier episodes from Season 1. Fluttershy and Rarity are unfortunately a pair that haven't appeared together too much since, and that's a shame because they're really fun together in this episode! The "gift of the Magi" story arc that essentially ends up being played out (though in MLP's own unique and original way) is excellently executed, and it's very understandable how such a miscommunication could occur between these two ponies, one being so concerned with proper social behavior and not keeping her friend from being successful, and the other so kind she'd do anything to not let her friend down. Twilight's subplot also presents both an understandable quandary for a friend caught in the middle of a dispute such as this trying to help both parties while also presenting some very lively and amusing humor, compliments of Pinkie Pie. Some of the outfits Fluttershy and Rarity appear in are too cute, proving quite handily that these two are easily the most naturally graceful of the Mane 6. Oh yeah, and Photo Finish... she's funny. ... ... ... OK, fine, ya got me, I got more to say about her than that! Aside from the Diamond Dogs, Photo Finish might easily be the funniest one-shot supporting character of Season 1. The character design, the accent, her mannerisms, even her movements, it's all just freakin' hilarious every second she's on screen!!! Definitely in my Top 5 for one-shot supporting characters I'd love to see return to the show. So, all in all, "Green Isn't Your Color" is a hilarious and fun episode with a unique pairing among the Mane 6, a good lesson for both the protagonists and deuteragonist (i.e. Twilight), some great animation, and a fantastic one-shot supporting character. Once again, as so often is the case, Studio B makes DA MAGICZ!!!!! Edited March 21, 2013 by Batbrony 3 "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Preeminent Pisces 100 April 6, 2013 Share April 6, 2013 Question: If green isn't Fluttershy's color, then why are all her dresses green? Green's awesome!!!! 1 I have returned! Again. School blocked the Forums, but I managed I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'( But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now! Here's my latest: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Righteous Fury 344 April 6, 2013 Share April 6, 2013 Question: If green isn't Fluttershy's color, then why are all her dresses green? Green's awesome!!!! Either: a) It's not Fluttershy's colour because she hates the attention on her, it makes her look good but it's not who she is. Rarity wants the attention Fluttershy is getting, but she can't have it, green isn't her colour, it's Fluttershy's. c) Feeling green means feeling jealous, Rarity goes mad with jealousy even though she knows she shouldn't be feeling that way towards a friend. Pretty good title when you think about it, works on a few levels. This is probably one of my top 5 episodes. Just about flawless really, the main plot with Rarity and Fluttershy is good, the sideplot with Twilight and Pinkie is hilarious, and PHOTO FEENISH IS ZE BEST CHARACTEAR TO APPEAR ON ZE SHOW. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
True Rarity 1,240 April 19, 2013 Share April 19, 2013 Even though I haven't seen this episode, I saw the transcript and the gallery on the Wikipedia. AND I CAN'T WAIT TO ACTUALLY SEE IT!!!! It is only after you see this episode that you truly understand the importance of the true "Pinkie Promise": "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" My deviantART Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Righteous Fury 344 April 19, 2013 Share April 19, 2013 Even though I haven't seen this episode, I saw the transcript and the gallery on the Wikipedia. AND I CAN'T WAIT TO ACTUALLY SEE IT!!!! It is only after you see this episode that you truly understand the importance of the true "Pinkie Promise": "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" STOP POSTING AND YOUTUBE IT!!!! BEST EPISODE EVER!!! although it isn't until The Last Roundup that you see why Pinkie Promises are serious business. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
True Rarity 1,240 April 21, 2013 Share April 21, 2013 STOP POSTING AND YOUTUBE IT!!!! BEST EPISODE EVER!!! although it isn't until The Last Roundup that you see why Pinkie Promises are serious business. Well, today I saw it... and it was truly amazing! I think my favorite part was when Twilight stuck her head in a flowerpot. "Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my - OW!!!" ~Twilight My deviantART Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starlight Song 44 April 21, 2013 Share April 21, 2013 I can definitely relate to Twlight and Pinkie pie for not wanting Twlight to spill the secrets. I have a friend who constantly goes behind my back and I feel I can never trust her. Profile pic and signature by: darryshan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
True Rarity 1,240 April 24, 2013 Share April 24, 2013 I can definitely relate to Twlight and Pinkie pie for not wanting Twlight to spill the secrets. I have a friend who constantly goes behind my back and I feel I can never trust her. That happened to me once. I never trusted her again. But, more to the point, Pinkie Pie was really being a true friend in this episode. We really see the other side of her here! My deviantART Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starlight Song 44 April 24, 2013 Share April 24, 2013 But, more to the point, Pinkie Pie was really being a true friend in this episode. We really see the other side of her here! What do you mean? If you mean that Pinkie Pie wasn't in her usual crazy antics, I still think she was. I mean, she did lock her mouth, throw away the key, bury it, and move on a house on top of it. But I think all of the mane 6 are uaually all pretty good friends to each other. If you mean be serious, you must see Too Many Pinkie Pies. That was very good. Profile pic and signature by: darryshan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Righteous Fury 344 April 24, 2013 Share April 24, 2013 What do you mean? If you mean that Pinkie Pie wasn't in her usual crazy antics, I still think she was. I mean, she did lock her mouth, throw away the key, bury it, and move on a house on top of it. But I think all of the mane 6 are uaually all pretty good friends to each other. If you mean be serious, you must see Too Many Pinkie Pies. That was very good. well, Pinkie's ALWAYS going to be crazy, but there're real feelings behind her wildness. like Swarm of the Century - everything Pinkie did made perfect sense, it's just that she couldn't make herself understood Secrets are serious business to Pinkie Pie - and seeing as how Fluttershy and Rarity made up without Twilight having to interfere, she was right. If Twilight had told Fluttershy Rarity was jealous of her happiness, or told Rarity Fluttershy hated Rarity's dream, it could've ended badly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starlight Song 44 April 25, 2013 Share April 25, 2013 well, Pinkie's ALWAYS going to be crazy, but there're real feelings behind her wildness. like Swarm of the Century - everything Pinkie did made perfect sense, it's just that she couldn't make herself understood Secrets are serious business to Pinkie Pie - and seeing as how Fluttershy and Rarity made up without Twilight having to interfere, she was right. If Twilight had told Fluttershy Rarity was jealous of her happiness, or told Rarity Fluttershy hated Rarity's dream, it could've ended badly. The lesson really is true. Pinkie is one of my favorite characters and she seems to have the same values as me. It's hard to have a friend who doesn't trust you. Profile pic and signature by: darryshan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fimdash 1,196 May 7, 2013 Share May 7, 2013 One of my favorite episodes. I really like how this episode was about jealousy amongst friends. It happens quite often in real life, and makes this episode very relatable to viewers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brony182 48 May 14, 2013 Share May 14, 2013 I know Photo Finish isn't supposed to be Lady Gaga, but I must admit it was the first thing that came to mind...besides the accent. Lol my first Idea was Lady Gaga too! And now I cant really get rid of this idea everytime I watch the episode Lady Gaga idea pops in my min. I find the accent and the way Photo finish acts pretty funny Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spacestorm 183 July 31, 2013 Share July 31, 2013 Another episode that I enjoyed very much. Very nice opening scene in the beauty salon - it shows how close Rarity and Fluttershy were to each other. Rarity begging Fluttershy looked very amusing. Their friendship is so strong that even in such a role reversal and completely opposite thoughts on this, they showed that they care more about the happiness of the other one. Maybe it was stupid that they didn't tell a truth themselves before but what is not done not to hurt someone for whom we care? Like in other episodes i really love Rarity facial expressions (which also goes well with her body language) - and here were a lot of good scenes with her. However, most I feel sorry for Twilight, oh poor she, had to eat soil at the end to not blurt out but failed anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunatic Cake 1,618 September 14, 2013 Share September 14, 2013 (edited) Well, when I saw Photo Finish, there was something coming into my mind. If Photo Finish would've been a stallion, it most likely would've been a ponyfied version of him: (Karl Lagerfeld) Does anyone actually agree? I actually think her character was based on him but that's just my opinion (Besides I swear I heard her say "Wunderbar" in the episode, meaning of it would be "wonderful". Since Karl Lagerfeld is german, it would make sense, don't you think?) I think it was a great episode, especially because of Pinkie being everywhere! xD No matter where Twilight went, Pinkie was always waiting in the shadows, reminding her that she should never break her promise. :3 Edited September 14, 2013 by Lunatic Cake Sig by: Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 September 15, 2013 Share September 15, 2013 One of my all-time favorite episodes. I feel that it's one of the deeper episodes in terms of plot content, in a good way, and all the characters including Photo Finish are amazing in it. The premise of not telling someone how you really feel about a situation and it going both ways is very relatable I think, overall I feel this is an episode that hits all the plot and entertainment notes in the right way- simply astounding. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Persona22 205 October 28, 2013 Share October 28, 2013 So, I was watching this episode and I noticed something... kind of out there but hear me out. So Photo Finish, she has a blue coat and a white mane, she also likes to talk in the third person. Those colors and personality traits reminds me of The Great and Powerful Trixie. Does anyone think they may be related somehow? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Life Giver 1,063 December 19, 2013 Share December 19, 2013 Man... I didn't post in this one yet... well anyway I really loved this episode here.. but I think for one reason... Fluttershy... Also I loved how Photo Finish said Fluttershy's name... how do you spell it... By:Paradigm-Zero Been a brony since Oct. 28 2011 (On year four)"I'm a member of the old guard."- Life Giver "If tears had flavor ones of joy would taste sweet while ones of sorrow would taste sour."- Life Giver "My only purpose is to serve the holy light. "-Life Giver Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyanticket 44 December 22, 2013 Share December 22, 2013 I know Photo Finish isn't supposed to be Lady Gaga, but I must admit it was the first thing that came to mind...besides the accent. That's exactly what I thought too. "Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?"— Discord Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Mechano 630 December 24, 2013 Share December 24, 2013 I usually can't stand "jealous friend" plotlines, especially in children's animation, as these storylines are usually hamfisted and utterly forced. It's one of my least favorite tropes in writing, yet somehow translated into one of my favorite MLP episodes. I think this is because the characters do not behave in the traditional, trite, stereotypically "jealous" manner that most media depicts. Rather than becoming snarky or mean-spirited toward Fluttershy, thereby straining their friendship, Rarity goes to great lengths to hide her jealousy and be supportive of Fluttershy's career anyway. This is very realistic and very human, as we often feel envy for other people but still love those people and want the best for them. The moment when Rarity stands up for Fluttershy by applauding her in order to save her from the humiliation of a disapproving crowd is her crowning moment of the episode. Despite how jealous she is, despite how much she wants to be in the spotlight, despite any resentment she might be feeling, Rarity stands up for her friend and sticks her neck out for her because that's what a good friend does. The episode feels very genuine, and the friendship between Fluttershy and Rarity feels very relatable. 5 FLAMES! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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