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private RP - Train Ride Headed West

Ganaram Inukshuk

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"There were signs before hand you know," Draco said with a slight smile "I saw you checking out Beat Spark and I," Draco said trying to get a rise out of him. Draco began to chuckle as he loved messing with ponies. Now if this was Ponybvville he would set up a firework display for his friends.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"There were signs before hand you know," Draco said with a slight smile "I saw you checking out Beat Spark and I," Draco said trying to get a rise out of him. Draco began to chuckle as he loved messing with ponies. Now if this was Ponybvville he would set up a firework display for his friends.


Jade took another swig of his drink. I wasn't that obvious, was I? Nah, he has to be messing with me.


"Whaatever." Jade said, calling his bluff.  "Anyway, it'll be a while before we get to Appleloosa, and I'd like to spend the first part of that while drowning my sorrows in peace. Hopefully without getting my drink knocked away from me again."

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"Meh not promising anything mate" Draco said with his irish accent getting through again. "I always mess with my friends but yeah you were checking out Beat Spark. I don't have a problem with that actually so," Draco said as he  walked bakc to the passenger car. "Hmm I wonder if one of those saloon gals are still playing in Apploosa," Draco said aloud with a smile on his muzzle. He sat in the seat he was in before. "So Beat any lucky mares got your attention back home?" Draco asked.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Amber kept on moving towards the trouble maker, stuffing up her chest and willing to confront him. Whatever reason he had to punch Rook that way had her nerves aroused, especially because that whole situation slightly resembled the everyday of Manehatten's streets. If that 'brute' wanted to cause trouble, Amber certainly wouldn't be a pony to stay out of it.


Approaching him closer and coldly staring in his eyes, she was just waiting for him to answer her question and then make his comeback, so the situation could be settled either by the easy way or the hard way. But before anything else could happen, a crazy pegasus appeared out of nowhere.



Running on impulse as he did from back in Canterlot, Ganaram picked up a nearby chair and proceeded to whack the pony.


Amber suddenly snapped in scare, staring back and forth at the brute and at Ganaram, speechless. The completely unexpected happened just so suddenly.


"Woah... Um... That's a way to solve the problem, I guess..." She said, still quite shocked. "Good work, Anagram." She then noticed Electrobolt arriving the scene, and also eyed Rook behind him, still lying on the floor.


(( OOC: Now I shall wait for Anoni to post, I believe. :3 ))

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Stars were circling around Rook's head. Something about being punched in the face and hitting the wall seemed to cause huge headache. He tried to get up as fast as he could and hopefully fight back.


Instead, he saw Ganaram, Amber and their wins..... Wait, do they have twins? Rook blinked a couple of times and the double vision ceased. On the ground was the pony who punched him, along with a broken chair.


"Ach... my head. Thanks for helping me out." Rook picked himself up and looked around for his journal. "Hey guys, have you seen the journal?"


"Cho' mean dis?" Another large Unicorn had levitated Rook's Journal.


"Oh you've got to be kidding me..." Rook facehoofed. The other Unicorn ran past them and pushed Rook out of the way. "Get that book!" Rook yelled, running after him.


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When Electrobolt arrived at the door, he had seen Rook resting against the wall, most likely still recovering from the hit he had taken, and Ganaram near a pony that had seemingly been hit in the back of the head. Although he was curious about what had gone on, Rook, then asked about the journal. Remembering that he was going to help them if they got his journal back, and the curiosity about what could be inside said journal, he started to glance around the room. However, a unicorn had spoken up, levitating a journal with his magic.


"Oh you've got to be kidding me..." Rook facehoofed. The other Unicorn ran past them and pushed Rook out of the way. "Get that book!" Rook yelled, running after him.


That book seemed to be the journal he was looking for, and it was in the hooves of this unicorn. Well, not hooves, but the magical aura. Anyways, the unicorn took off, and Rook began to chase, hot on his tracks. Wanting to get this done with, Electrobolt began to dash off, also chasing after the unicorn who stole Rook's journal. Moving as fast as his hooves would let him, he was slowly beginning to catch up to the unicorn, eventually passing Rook. As soon as he felt he was close enough, he leapt after the unicorn, trying to hold him down...


Only to be evaded as the young colt wound up slamming himself face-first into the wall of the train. Yet again did Electro wind up hitting his face hard in one day, as he let out a sigh. "Ugh, darn it..." he muttered, wincing in pain from the collision. "This has to be the third time my face had been smacked into things today... This day must have something against my face or something..." As he pulled himself up into a sitting position, he rubbed his sore face, as he groaned from the pain.

  • Brohoof 1
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"Alright, fine, I'll get you an asprin... But I'm really a repairpony, not a stewardess; That's Flo's job."


Complying to Beat's request, Gem got up from her now-comfortable position and walked towards the back of the train, where she knew there was a water dispenser there.


"Where is Flo, anyway...?"


In the back, she located the water dispenser, and took a small paper cup, blatantly ignoring the larger cups to the side, filled it with water, and placed a coffee stirrer in place of a bigger straw. She then proceeded to pull out a painkiller from a nearby cabinet, but in doing so, she stepped in a puddle of pale-gold liquid. It was a cup of perfectly good cider, spilled all over the ground and had crawled over to the inside of the car. She looked out to see two ponies over on the back of the train, to whom she exclaimed:


"Hey ladies, whose mess is this that I have to clean up now?"






Ganaram slowly retracted and responded to Amber's voice:


"Why are you calling me Anagram?"


However, his statement was cut off by another unicorn, as large as the thug he had freshly knocked out, who had taken Rook's notebook and began to run off with it. Once again, reacting on emotions, he began to charge after the unicorn thug.



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Jade took another drink of his cider and returned to gazing out over the landscape. He didn't have long to enjoy it before a mare's voice came up from the door behind him, "Hey ladies, who's mess is this that I have to clean up now?". Jade sighed, irritably. I'm never going to get any peace and quiet, am I?


Jade opened the door and looked at the irate mare inside. Huh. I thought it was the stewardess from earlier... he thought, before he quickly looked down to the puddle of what Jade hoped wasn't urine. It took a few seconds for Jade to register what it was. "Oh, that's mine," Jade said, realizing it was the cider that was swatted from him earlier, "err, well it was, until a pony swatted it out of my hoof.", Jade continued, unsubtly shifting the blame onto Draco,

Edited by Jadefire
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(( OOC: I apologize in advance for the horrible drawings ahead once again... ))


"Why are you calling me Anagram?"


Amber looked over at the pegasus, confused.


"You told me your name was Anagram, silly... Unless it's an anagram of 'anagram', which then would be very ironical." She jokingly stated, playing with his name.


However, she was still concerned about that thug and, at last, about Rook. She was about to turn around and go meet the injured blue unicorn, when yet another intimidating figure raised from a nearby seat and ran away, carrying the supposed journal. Rook started to chase after him.


That scene... It was almost like those ponies were... bullying him, somewhat. And it looked so familiar. Back in Manehatten, when she was still a filly, Amber had to deal with these kinds every day.


Memories struck the mare once again. The name-calling chanting echoed through her head. 


















She angrily bashed her hoof on the ground, snapping back to reality.


Her horn began to glow a bright, loud-colored aura, though this time she wasn't going to cast any voice spell. She aimed right at the running 'bully' with wrath in her eyes.


You're DEAD!!




Before anything could be done, Amber was interrupted by another thump sound. She drifted her eyes to see Electrobolt who had just slammed his face against the wall in an attempt to catch the bandit.




She kept staring at the unfortunate pony for a few seconds...










...before she bursted into laughter.


That disturbed, immature mind of hers could have ended up doing something terrible, for herself and probably for other ponies inside the train. Luckily, though, she was able to laugh away her worries and fears and come back to her cheerful self once again before doing anything she would regret.


Seems like Electrobolt, even though unintentionally, saved her.


After ceasing rolling on the ground, she again wiped her tears of joy and approached the groaning pony, leaving the bad guy chase to Rook and Ganaram.


"Are you okay there, Bolty?~"

  • Brohoof 3
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Rook dodged other passengers and pushed his way through the crowded train cart. Electrobolt was no longer in pursuit with him, so Rook was on his own, it seemed. 


The goon went into the next train cart, which was a fancy restaurant. Several well dressed ponies were shocked to see the chase that disrupted the service. The goon then proceeded to use his magic to throw a cart of cherries jubilee in Rook's path. The carpet began to burst into flames from the fiery desert. Rook skidded to a stop to not get burned, all the while the other passengers were screaming in fear. Rook used his magic to grab a nearby water pitcher and dump it on the fire to extinguished it. He tossed the empty pitcher to a waiter.


Rook bucked the cart out of the way and rushed to catch up with the goon.

Edited by AnonyPoni


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(OOC: Rook and Ganaram should be continuing the chase, Gem and Jade should now be chatting somewhat, Beat and Draco should be together now, and Bolty and Amber should now begin with their side-scenario.)





Ganaram kept up the chase, ploughing through passengers, luggage, food, whatever was in his way. He didn't care for anything that was in his way, only about getting Rook's journal back.


It was probably the third moment so far where he had reacted violently to such a sudden event, but this was a big event for him, and he didn't want the bad guy to get away with it. He continued car after car, through more passengers and a service room...






"Well, however it happened,..."


Gem sighed and pulled out a rag to clean up the spilled cider. After doing so, she set the cloth aside and spoke to what she thought was the oddly-shaped mare who had spoken out:


"I'm just really stressed over what's been happening, but they want me working overtime here. Had I known about this, I wouldn't have signed up for this job, but I need the money for where I'm going, even though I'm not gonna like where I'm going. I know I shouldn't complain, but it's an ethics thing that I shouldn't."


Gem carefully pulled out a painkiller from a nearby cabinet and levitated both the tablet and the cup of water, after which she winced in pain, putting a forehoof to her horn and nearly dropping the cup and tablet. After which, she continued:


"Hey, uhh, are you with that red pony and the big stallion back there?"



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As Electrobolt was rubbing his face, wincing from the pain, he could hear a pony's laughter from behind him. He disregarded this, though, as he continued rubbing his face before hearing a familiar voice speaking up from behind him. Turning around, he saw Amber as she asked if he was ok. Sighing, he said, "Yeah, I'll be fine... Gah... Third time today, I should be getting used to this..." After saying the last sentence, he forced out a small chuckle. Then, he continued, "Well... It seems that Ganaram and Rook are closer to that pony than we would be..."


As he looked back in the direction of where he was running from, he began to think about the brute that had slugged Rook in the face. "Hmm, that one pony could give us some trouble if he wakes up..." he thought out loud. Looking over to Amber, he then added, "Maybe we should make sure he can't move around if he does wake up. And maybe we could ask him about why he had bothered to steal that journal in the first place, too..." He then started to look around the area around them, not seeing anything that could be used to hold down a pony.


"Amber, I'm gonna go ahead and check in that room over there," he said, using his free hoof to point to the room he had been in earlier. "If you can find anything in your saddlebag, anything at all that might be able to help, feel free to let me know." He then pulled his other hoof off of his face before trotting to the room, wincing slightly as the sting remained. Once he got in the room, he looked at the bed, as there was still a wet spot on it from when he cried out earlier. "Would have thought it'd have dried out by now..." he muttered under his breath, before starting to investigate the room.



OOC: By the way, in case you're wondering, yes, Ganny, this is the start of the stolen saddlebag bit. Drizzle and I discussed this earlier, and we agreed that Electro would go into the room he had been in earlier to begin with. Just clarifying this here :P


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"Well, however it happened,..."


Gem sighed and pulled out a rag to clean up the spilled cider. After doing so, she set the cloth aside and spoke to what she thought was the oddly-shaped mare who had spoken out:


"I'm just really stressed over what's been happening, but they want me working overtime here. Had I known about this, I wouldn't have signed up for this job, but I need the money for where I'm going, even though I'm not gonna like where I'm going. I know I shouldn't complain, but it's an ethics thing that I shouldn't."


Jade listened to the mare complain about her job, and interjected when she finished, "You and me both. I have had the worst morning ever, today." Jade took another drink of his cider. 



Gem carefully pulled out a painkiller from a nearby cabinet and levitated both the tablet and the cup of water, after which she winced in pain, putting a forehoof to her horn and nearly dropping the cup and tablet. After which, she continued: "Hey, uhh, are you with that red pony and the big stallion back there?"


Jade came closer when he saw that Gem was having difficulty with the painkiller. "The strange pegasus with the broken wing and the big one with the fancy mane? Unfortunately, yeah." After this, Jade noticed the bandage on her horn and the difficulty she had with levitation. "Uh, would you like some help with that?"


(OOC: I'm under the impression that Gem has a bandaged horn)

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Gem only:


"No thanks, I got it."


Gem winced through the pain from levitating what was essentially two small items. She thought to herself that she was overworked from working overtime, and it was apparent from her bandaged horn and her arcing aura.


Gem continued on back into the car where Beat was, who was now accompanied by the red pony from before.


"Uhh, here."


She handed to be the tablet and the ridiculously small cup of water, and went back to her seat to rest.



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Draco noticed the bandages "You know miss I can help you with that a nice massage helps sooth those magic pains," Draco said as he looked at Gem with a smile. He wanted to help out if he could. "You seem to be alittle overworked Miss Gem," Draco said as he looked out the window.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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A suspicious-looking earth pony was sitting roughly two or three seats away from the group. He was listening to the entire conversation and was intrigued by most of it - especially the one about a video-game. As soon as Rook got attacked and the group rushed for his aid, the earth pony quietly went over to Amber's seat, eyed the pink saddlebag - along with the electronic device - and snatched both, moving back a few carts right afterwards and disappearing from their sight.



Amber kept her childish grin after Electrobolt had responded, stating that that wasn't the first time that day he had bashed his snout into something. "Heheh... Today's definitely not our day, is it?" She completed, her smile turning slightly awkward. Despite all the unfortunate events happening one after another for herself and the entire group, she could always find a little bit of fun out of them. That way she kept herself from breaking down and going crazy, which then would be very likely to happen if she didn't know how to laugh.


Amber then noticed Electrobolt's concern towards the former thug Ganaram had 'defeated' earlier, who was now lying unconscious on the ground.


"Maybe we should make sure he can't move around if he does wake up. And maybe we could ask him about why he had bothered to steal that journal in the first place, too..."


She looked over at the green colt, suddenly realizing that he used the word 'we'.


Ugh... I can't believe I got myself involved into this silly game... Amber thought, facehoofing.


"Amber, I'm gonna go ahead and check in that room over there," he said, using his free hoof to point to the room he had been in earlier. "If you can find anything in your saddlebag, anything at all that might be able to help, feel free to let me know." 


Letting out a lengthy sigh, she nodded in agreement. "Alright... I guess I could play along with this just to kill the time." She then eyed the brute. "...Actually, I think it would be hilarious to make this guy a hostage." She laughed at her involuntary wicked thoughts, as Electrobolt trotted over to one of the train's bedrooms.


Amber then moved back towards her seat to search around saddlebag for something to tie the bad guy up, like Electrobolt had suggested. However, upon approaching the seat, her bag was nowhere near to be seen. She gasped, resentful, as the first thought to hit her mind was of the video-game loving green pony to have stolen it.


She immediately trotted towards the room where Electrobolt said he was going to look around, snorting angrily all the way. Upon arriving the room and seeing the colt, she shouted:


"WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, STEALING MY STUFF LIKE THAT?!" Amber moved a step closer. "Just because you lost your things doesn't give you the rights to steal other's!!" She looked around the room. "...You hid it somewhere in here, didn't you, you little thief??"


Aimlessly, Amber rushed inside the room and started searching around everywhere looking for the 'stolen' saddlebag, the bed being the first spot she decided to look. Upon approaching it and attempting to remove the sheet, she immediately backed off, startled. She slowly turned her head and faced Electrobolt, finding herself in a sudden loss of words due to her unpleasant discovery.


"Y-you were in this bedroom earlier, right?... The bed... It's... it's wet..."

Edited by DrizzleSTAR
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"WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, STEALING MY STUFF LIKE THAT?!" Amber moved a step closer. "Just because you lost your things doesn't give you the rights to steal other's!!" She looked around the room. "...You hid it somewhere in here, didn't you, you little thief??"


While Electrobolt continue to look around the room, trying to see if he could find something, Amber had barged into the room and shouted at him. This caused the young colt to jump out of shock, before turning around and seeing her stepping closer to him. When she accused him of stealing something of hers, he had a slight look of confusion. Yet that confusion was overshadowed by his nervousness, as he took a step away from the mare. When she asked if he hid the stolen item in this room, he showed his confusion again. "Uh... Amber... What is it that I stole, anyways...?" he asked, both confused and worried.


Amber then hurried over to the bed as she was intent on finding the stolen object, before backing away. His worries temporarily overcome by confusion, he looked at the bed, still seeing the wet spot from when he cried earlier, before looking at Amber again. She then looked at him before asking if he was in this room earlier, and stating that the bed was wet. Still confused about what was freaking her out, he slowly nodded. "Um... Yes...? Uh, why are you asking...?" the young colt replied back, tilting his head out of confusion.

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Gem only:

She handed to be the tablet and the ridiculously small cup of water, and went back to her seat to rest.

(OOC: Had messed up here and forgot that Gem handed the stuff to Jade instead. Just disregarded this bit.)


Looking back at Jade to see if he had the stuff for Beat, she got back into her seat and tried to get back into her former position. She was then interrupted by the same red stallion she had seen from before: 

"You know miss I can help you with that a nice massage helps sooth those magic pains. You seem to be alittle overworked Miss Gem."


"Oh, uhh,... Nah, I'm fine. I've dealt with worse pain before, and I've learnt to handle it."


Gem closed her eyes to try to get herself to relax, but she couldn't help but she was being stared at. After all, she was told to retrieve a painkiller and a cup of water, but she lazily got somepony else to do that for her.


Not that she'd care, anyway; She was too tired to care.


(OOC: She returns without the water and tablet. Either Beat gets mad, or Jade comes in at the right time.)



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Meahwhile Beat, was waiting for his painkiller in the the first car. All by himself. "This is pretty quiet compared to a few hours before, I wonder how the other ponies are doing?" He was about to get inmerse in his thoughts when he remembered!


"Gem!". Beat said. "This lady is taking so long, I wonder what's happening there..." but he was unable to move at all. Of course, the water and the painkiller was an excuse to make Gem do her work in the train whatever it was and not act like a normal passenger like she was doing. His pain was bearable, or at least that's what he thought.


Soon, the shameless mare get to the car first, without the water and the painkiller and sat in one of the seats again.


Deep inside Beat was infuriated. He couldn't believe how bold-faced was this mare that was supposed to do her job.


"Gem!" he yelled loud and clear, in a very fast paced but mantained tone. He could get her attention.


"Didn't I ask you for a glass of water with a straw and a aspirin or a painkiller? I thought I was very clear. Or, do you prefer that I ask for the aspirin to your superiors?" Beat said fearless and straight to the point.



  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Gem Only:


"Didn't I ask you for a glass of water with a straw and a aspirin or a painkiller? I thought I was very clear. Or, do you prefer that I ask for the aspirin to your superiors?"

"I had somepony else get it for you, OK?"
Gem looked around for Jade, and noticed that he was still nowhere to be found; Where was he?
"Besides, I can pretty much quit my job right now; I'm tired of what's been happening to me and I wouldn't care less if they did it for me."


Gem stared at the ground, feeling rather guilty, or rather, she did all she can to keep that expression from her face.


"They've been threatening to fire me due to my harsh attitude, but the problem is, they need me more than I need them. We've had several other mechanics before, but I don't know what happened to them, so I'm the only one left. I don't know how long I've been working now, but it wasn't that long in total... I thought I'd be able to work as a mechanic to get some extra money, but now I can see that it's totally not worth it."


"I hope to see the day to see a magic-fuelled train replaces these guys..."


With that statement, Gem began to drift off, nearly falling asleep...


"I think I'll just quit my job at the next station..."


(OOC That's all I had; Gem's a stressball.)



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Draco looked at his pocket watch "3...2...1...Now your able to walk now Beat but do be carefull alright my friend," Draco said as he looked at the irritated stallion. "I'll just shut up before I get yelled at for doing something stupid again," Draco muttered aloud,.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Or you two could wait the twenty additional seconds for the medicine to arrive before getting pissy with each other." came an irritable voice from the door to the car. Jade walked into the car with the aspirin and a cup of water floating next to him in a green aura. "In fact, I think I like that idea the most. Less hurt feelings and drama that way."


Jade walked by and hovered the drink and aspirin to grabbing distance of Beat. "Now, here's your happy pills. Take them and leave the lady alone, ok? We've all had a bad day today."


After giving them to Beat, Jade went to his seat and started nosing through his saddlebag from earlier.

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Draco looked at his pocket watch "3...2...1...Now your able to walk now Beat but do be carefull alright my friend," Draco said as he looked at the irritated stallion. "I'll just shut up before I get yelled at for doing something stupid again," Draco muttered aloud,.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Um... Yes...? Uh, why are you asking...?"


"Uh... No, no, no, I mean, no problems at all with that... Um... I mean, I too used to wet my bed when I was little, I'm pretty sure Anagram used to do it as well, everypony at least once... wet... their beds... Pardon me, how old are you again?"


Amber found herself in a loss of words: not only because of her blind assumptions that were making her lose control, but also due to Electrobolt's odd reaction to all of that. She kept on looking back and forth at the pony and at the bed, shrugging, almost forgetting about the scolding.


"Oh yeah! My saddlebag! It disappeared! And I know you were interested in the video game I showed you earlier, so tell me the truth!"

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Ganaram Only:


Ganaram kept chasing the thief, but with every passing car that he and the thief went through, he began to grow more exhausted. The distance between the two ponies began to grow greater, until he couldn't run any longer. He called out for Rook:



(OOC: Gem is asleep at this time.)



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