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private RP - Train Ride Headed West

Ganaram Inukshuk

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While Amber began to speak again, his eyes began to widen. Suddenly, her implications about the bed being soaked were becoming clearer to him. She thought that Electrobolt had wet the bed earlier. His face was becoming a bright red as she spoke, still thinking he had wet the bed. As he was about to speak, trying to clear the matter up, she then carried on about her saddlebag, that it was stolen. She then pushed Electrobolt to tell her the truth. Electrobolt, face still brightly flushed, shook his head.


Clearing his throat, he then started to clear things up, starting with the bed. "Ok, first of all... You thought I wet the bed...? Well... Technically I did, but not in the way you would have thought. No, when we accidentally boarded this train, I thought it was the one we boarded originally, and that this was my room. Before finding out this was the Manehatten Express, I was looking in this room for my saddlebag. It had my Gamepony Advance in it with some games for it, along with a few other games, my mane-styling gel, and all of my bits. After being unable to find it, well..." He looked to the bed, then off to the side, facing away from Amber, almost ashamed. "Well... I cried... Yeah, a fifteen year-old colt crying his eyes out..."


Sighing, he then looked back to Amber. "My face was planted on the bed when I cried out, too. So that wet spot? That's the tears that haven't dried up yet, for some odd reason... But anyways, as for your saddlebag." Taking in a quick breath, he spoke up once more. "If I took your saddlebag, wouldn't you have seen me wearing it on the way here? Plus, I walked straight past where we sat, so I couldn't have stopped to pick it up. Plus, I truly was looking for something to tie up that one pony with, so I wouldn't have had the time to hide it, nor would I have reason. Why would I want to steal from anypony, anyways?"

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"Oh, come on!" Rook yelled in anguish, "Are you kidding me!?" Rook shook his head and kept on running. Not far in front of him, the goon had just run inside of the Engine. Rook magically blasted the lock of the door, and kicked it open. 


Almost immediately upon entering, Rook was hit in the face with a coal shovel.



(OOC I'll do a fight post once Ganaram catches up.... I'd write more, but the melatonin is kicking in ((THANKFULLY)))


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After a short while, Ganaram got his second wind and started catching up to Rook and the goon. He began running towards the engine, which was where the other two ponies ran off to. He found the door to be closed, so using his momentum, he busted down the door, tackling the goon who was right behind it. To the side of the door, he found Rook in a half-dazed position.


Rook began to come to, and saw Ganaram staring angrily at the thief, who was thrown back to the engine. It was payback time; Rook wanted his journal back, and he wanted it now. He stood up and prepared himself for a fight...






The next few hours on the train have passed by uneventful, and the sun had already begun to set to the east of the train. The sky was beginning to darken outside when Gem finally awoken again. The other ponies were still in their respective positions as before. Gem was the first to speak out, feeling refreshed:


"I don't think I felt so good from sleeping before..."


Gem stretched out her forelegs before looking outside. The sky was tinted red, obscuring the dark sky. She figured that she slept the entire afternoon away.



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"Ok, first of all... You thought I wet the bed...? Well... Technically I did, but not in the way you would have thought. No, when we accidentally boarded this train, I thought it was the one we boarded originally, and that this was my room. Before finding out this was the Manehatten Express, I was looking in this room for my saddlebag. It had my Gamepony Advance in it with some games for it, along with a few other games, my mane-styling gel, and all of my bits. After being unable to find it, well..." He looked to the bed, then off to the side, facing away from Amber, almost ashamed. "Well... I cried... Yeah, a fifteen year-old colt crying his eyes out..."




Amber widened her eyes in understanding, and soon felt ashamed herself. Even though she wasn't sure about the saddlebag story yet, those assumptions were making her sound like a jerk most of the times.


"But anyways, as for your saddlebag." Taking in a quick breath, he spoke up once more. "If I took your saddlebag, wouldn't you have seen me wearing it on the way here? Plus, I walked straight past where we sat, so I couldn't have stopped to pick it up. Plus, I truly was looking for something to tie up that one pony with, so I wouldn't have had the time to hide it, nor would I have reason. Why would I want to steal from anypony, anyways?"


And that explained the rest of it.


Electrobolt sounded sincere enough, and again Amber felt quite ashamed because of her hasty assumptions. Being proven wrong was something she was used to anyway. Poking the ground and facing downwards, embarrassed, she spoke up with a strangely quiet voice.


"I-I'm sorry..."


But soon she snapped once again, pacing side to side and complaining, outraged.


"But who was it then?? I left my saddlebag on my seat, you saw it! Perhaps I should've taken better care of it, yeah, but... ugh, I didn't know Canterlot had such a big amount of bandits!..." Amber stopped, raising her front hooves in the air. "Dear Celestia, what else could go wrong for us today!?" then collapsed on the floor, curling herself into a ball and holding back a few tears again.


"I never thought I would say that, but... I just wanna get to Manehatten and end this day..."

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After he had finished his explanations, Electrobolt looked at Amber's face, as he saw that she seemed rather embarrassed and ashamed of herself. She then began to apologize to him in a small voice. He felt rather sorry about her situation, and was about to say something to help her feel better, but then she just popped her head up as she seemed to have snapped. While she was pacing around the room, she complained about everything that happened to her.


"But who was it then?? I left my saddlebag on my seat, you saw it! Perhaps I should've taken better care of it, yeah, but... ugh, I didn't know Canterlot had such a big amount of bandits!..." Amber stopped, raising her front hooves in the air. "Dear Celestia, what else could go wrong for us today!?"


Electrobolt was startled when Amber had gone from ashamed to annoyed, but he listened to everything she had said. When she mentioned that she left the saddlebag on the seat, he had to restrain himself from facehoofing himself. That would be why she thought he originally stole the saddlebag, and why it was missing now. Somepony on the train must have overheard them speaking about it and saw the bag resting on the seat. Then, when nopony was looking, not even them, said thief snatched it from them. He then noticed Amber dropping to the floor, before curling into a ball.


"I never thought I would say that, but... I just wanna get to Manehatten and end this day..."


Seeing this sight left him frowning, as he realized he was also part of the reason the saddlebag got stolen. He could have taken the bag with him and ensured it's safety in not being stolen, but instead, he had left it on the seat. And now, her stuff was gone. Approaching Amber and patting her back gently, he sighed. "Amber... I feel as if I'm the one at fault for your saddlebag getting stolen... Wait..." He then looked out the window, as he saw the scenery rushing past. "I think the thief is still on the train. So there's still a chance that we can get your saddlebag back! I'm gonna go and try to find it, alright?" He then got up and started to leave the room.

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Amber sniffed once and raised her head, smiling warmly at Electrobolt after he had patted her back.


"Amber... I feel as if I'm the one at fault for your saddlebag getting stolen..."


"Nah... I can't really blame you for that... If anything, I should have asked for you to look after it for me." She stated, standing up on her hooves again. Now that most of her doubts were cleared up and the stress had passed, she was able to reason about the situation more calmly.


The most valuable item she had inside that saddlebag was most likely the video game only. Aside from that, just a few make-up and useless accessories she didn't even use that often and merely two bits that were given to her back in the restaurant at Canterlot. Besides, upon arriving Manehatten, she could try to 'face her demons' and search around the places she used to indwell, such as Coal Dust's headquarters, in order to grab some goodies. It could even come in handy for her partners as well.


After that brief thinking, Amber noticed Electrobolt suddenly realizing something while looking out the window.


"I think the thief is still on the train. So there's still a chance that we can get your saddlebag back! I'm gonna go and try to find it, alright?"


"W-wait! You don't need to...!" But the colt quickly got up and rushed out of the room.


Amber was left behind inside the room, not sure what to do for a second. But soon, she sighed, followed by a cheerful, yet discrete laugh. Well... That's a kind pony... She thought, as she began to run after the green colt.


"Right behind ya, Bolty!"

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Allthough Beat Spark heard the mare's story he was just focused on that fact that she didn't bring the things that he asked for. Her words had no effect on him, however he just stared at her.


When she finished talking, he felt like saying something, but as soon as he was about to open his mouth, Jade interrumpt getting into the car levitating a plate of some sort with his green aura...


Jade walked by and hovered the drink and aspirin to grabbing distance of Beat. "Now, here's your happy pills. Take them and leave the lady alone, ok? We've all had a bad day today."

Beat wasn't happy for such a response, but what caught more his attention was the presentation of the tray.



He thought it was disgusting, the tray was all wet with water spilled on it, instead of a glass he got a very tiny plastic-made cup with a coffee stirrer in it, and the 2 pills were directly touching the tray.


He then looked back at the mare with despise, but Draco got in the way and said to him


Draco looked at his pocket watch "3...2...1...Now your able to walk now Beat but do be carefull alright my friend," Draco said as he looked at the irritated stallion. "I'll just shut up before I get yelled at for doing something stupid again," Draco muttered aloud,.


This chaotic train ride finally got a possitive turn to it. "Thank You Draco" Beat replied to him "But I think I'm gonna rest for a while. I still feel a bit of pain" he said while he let out a long yawn. "wow, excuse me for that!"


Despite the fact that it was unaceptable the way he got this tray, he was too tired to think. "perhaps these pills will also help me to sleep" He took both of the pills and ziped the water in the cup. Then placed the tray on the floor and rest his head on his seat, and sooner than later he dozed off.





.... ZZZZ ....


couple of hours later (it's past afternoon, almost at night)








Beat opened his eyes....


There was a lot of silence in the train, all other ponies were sleeping. It was dark but a lot of light was comming from the windows, He looked at his window, and saw one of the most beautiful sunsets he has seen ever. He couldn't help but smile right away.

Involuntarily, he started to move his hooves, forgetting that hours before he was completelly paralized by the power of Draco's talismans. He then noticed he was covered by a very warm red blanket.


"Who put this on me?" he asked to himself. "It's red" he thought, then he kind of knew who was the owner of this blanket. "Draco" he mumbled, while he slightly grinned.


He moved his hooves again but this time he tried to reach the floor. With a bit of struggle he managed to stand up without falling and he slowly started to walk up to Draco's seat while grabbing the blanket with his mouth.

As soon as he got near Draco, he covered him with the blanket and mumbled: "Thank You" while he smiled.



"I need a bath! URGENT!" He thought to himself. With more effort he walked to his saddlebag. Nosing through his stuff he grabbed a towel and placed it on his back. He let out a subtle "OUCH!" while he turned his neck. "Hmmm...I guess I'm not fully recovered, I must be more careful". He took off his very heavy golden necklace and took off this gentlecolt boots. "I need new boots" he said while he looked at them.


With very small bursts of pain through his spine, Beat walked 2 cars back in where the bathroms were. He took one stall, and opened the shower. The stream of hot water felt very refreshing agaisnt his fur. He closed his eyes and started to meditate about all the things that happened today. In his thoughts was this pegasus royal guard that saved them from the other royal guards. "Why did he help us?", "does he needs something from us? I mean it was very easy to get all of us arrested while he were there." 



He soaped his body and he was very careful in the way he washed his injuries. "I don't want to end up with any scar" he thought while he washed.


"#$"#$&/" Beat heard a very strange sound nearby the stalls. He quickly opened the upper door of the stall. "Is somepony there?" He asked very suspicious.


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My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Draco awoke from his slumber hours later yawning. He got up slowly and noticed his blanket on himself. "Well now this is kind of him," Draco said as he put his blanket away. He sniffed himself "Ugh need a shower," He muttered as he took off his bandages slowly. He needed to replace them anyway better to be clean than comfertable his mother had always said. He walked to the shower stalls slowly rolling his head geeting the kinks out of it. He hummed a slight happy tune. When he got there he heard somepony curse. He got ready for combat.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Upon leaving the room, he heard Amber calling out, saying she was right behind him. He smiled, inwardly at least, as he began to look around the current car to find the thief with Amber's saddlebag. As much as he looked around in this car, however, he couldn't see head nor tail of Amber's saddlebag. Shaking his head, he recalled the only way off this train would be jumping off the edge of the caboose, and that would be dangerous. If this pony was a unicorn, he could easily teleport away, but even then that would be risky. There wasn't much chance the thief could have jumped off if the train was still moving as fast as it was.


Looking back to Amber, he said, "It's not here... Let's check the next car." He then went off to the next car, hoping Amber was following him, as he started to look around the car. However, no more than twelve seconds passed when he caught a glimpse of Amber's saddlebag. His eyes sparked with curiosity as he approached the pony whom seemed to have the saddlebag. As he started to approach, however, the pony, an earth pony, had suddenly sprang to life and fled the scene, carrying Amber's saddlebag. As Electrobolt watched the thief run off, he recalled that was the direction the thug he tried to chase down earlier went. Not looking back to Amber, he called out, "He's trying to get away! Let's hurry, Amber!!!" Without checking to see if Amber was chasing the thief as well, Electrobolt began to chase down the pony.




As the thief was sitting in the passenger car, the surrounding ponies completely oblivious to the theft he had pulled off, he opened the saddlebag of that one mare's as he began to peruse through the saddlebag. Inside the saddlebag, he saw two bits - *Bah, not worth my while...* - some accessories and make-up - *Like I'd need that...* - and the prize at last, the video game system. His eyes gleamed at the sight as he had a grin on his face. However, just as soon as that grin appeared, it disappeared, turning into a frown. In the corner of his eyes, he saw that green colt from before, and he seemed to be approaching him. *Just great... He somehow figured out I stole this saddlebag, eh? Time to turn tail and get outta here, then!* And with that, he hopped out of his seat, holding the saddlebag in his mouth, as he fled towards the engine room.



OOC: I'm using italics to show the thoughts of the thief, and the color blue so that his lines don't get confused with Electro's... Just in case I do this again and mix the two up. Just a heads up. And Drizzle gave me the all-clear to control the thief this post


Edited by Electrobolt
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Rook was seeing stars after that first blow. His dizziness made it difficult to stand back up, and a strange feeling of sleepiness kicked in as well (either from a lack of tea or the urge to pass out). In his blurred vision, Rook thought he saw a grey Pegasus starring down the Unicorn, both ready to fight.


"Wha-what? Ganaram?" Or was it Anagram?


Rook didn't get much time to think it over. The goon quickly used his magic to throw Ganaram into Rook, smashing them both against the hot metal interior of the train engine. Rook pushed the Pegasus out of the way, picked up a pipe that was next to him, and gave the goon a swift wack across the head.  Ganaram got back on his hoofs, and flew up and tried to hold down the goon by tackling him at his neck, holding on as if he was in a rodeo. The goon tried to buck him off. Rook tried to reach for his journal, which was tossed aside next to the wall when the fight broke out. 


"Oh no you don't!"  The goon yelled. He used his magic to quickly break a shelf of tools that was right above where Rook was. A pile of shovels landed on him, scraping and cutting him. A pick-axe speared itself into the floor mere inches away from Rook's nose. Badly bleeding from all over, Rook got up used his magic to pick up a shovel.


The goon finally flung off Ganaram, who crashed into the door and broke it from the hinges. 


"HEY!" Rook yelled at the goon. The goon turned to Rook and got a face full of shovel. "THAT'S FOR THE JOURNAL!" He struck again "THAT'S FOR THE FIRST SHOVEL!" And struck again, this time actually cutting a part of his adversary's ear off. "AND THAT'S FOR THE OTHER SHOVELS!"


The goon was now on the ground, bleeding. He rolled out of the way before Rook hit him again. As if by chance, the goon was right next to Rook's journal....


There was a moment of silence where the goon and Rook stared back and forth from the journal and each other. Rook dropped the shovel and tried to run for the book, but the goon quickly picked it up and vanished with a bright magical flash.




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Ganaram only:


Ganaram got up in pain, only to find the goon to have disappeared with Rook's journal. It seems that he had teleported away, but the biggest question now was this: WHERE?!!


He got up to look around the room to see if there was anything that would be a hint. The room was damaged by the previous battle, and there was blood and debris all over the floor. Ganaram didn't think he could find anything, but he was taken aback by a sudden galloping sound that was getting louder from outside the engine room...



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The thieving pony continued to run, one car after another, as he attempted to shake off his pursuers. However, both the earth pony colt and unicorn mare were still chasing him down, dead set on retrieving the saddlebag. *Argh, why don't they just give up already???* he groaned in his mind, as he continued running. Eventually, he looked behind him, seeing as the two were, indeed, still chasing him. However, as he was doing this, since the pony wasn't watching where he was galloping, wound up stumbling onto some debris as he entered the engine car, the saddlebag getting launched into the air.




Electrobolt continued to chase after the thief, as he was determined to get this saddlebag back for Amber. No way was he about to go back on his word to a friend of his, and he couldn't stand theft of any kind of item. Certain that Amber was still behind him, he kept his eyes on the thief. Winding up running into a large crowd, Electrobolt tried to weave through as quickly as he could, saying, "Sorry", "Pardon me", and "Excuse me" as he maneuvered through. *Come on... You can get him...!* he thought, still chasing the earth pony down.


However, when he saw the pony trip over something, the young colt's eyes went wide. When the thief tripped, Electrobolt saw Amber's saddlebag being propelled into the air. Not wanting to chance the contents being damaged, he picked up the pace and moved faster towards the engine car. Once he was at the door, he leapt over the thief as he caught the saddlebag in his own mouth, before taking a rolling tumble onto the floor, his body rolling into one of the walls with a *thud*! This had caused the wall - and it's contents - to shake a bit, which then eventually caused a strand of rope to fall on top of him. Letting out a small groan from the impact, he looked over to Amber and said, "Ugh... Got it back... Heh..."

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Amber kept following Electrobolt as he searched carefully through the passengers looking for the stolen bag. Even though she was right behind the colt and the crowded place made the task more difficult, Amber tried to look for the saddlebag as well. Perhaps there was still a chance after all.


As soon as the two moved to the next train car, Electrobolt approached one of the passengers, who then quickly jolted away.


"He's trying to get away! Let's hurry, Amber!!!"


Amber was startled. She couldn't see anything, but she assumed that the earth pony who desperately ran away was the robber they were looking for. Blindly, she followed Electrobolt once again as he chased the fleeing pony.


While accidentally bumping into all the passengers, the two chased down the robber until he finally tripped over and was thrown into the engine car - the saddlebag went flying. Immediately, the green colt accelerated his pace, jumped over the thief and grabbed the saddlebag in mid-air, before clumsily hitting the ground and tumbling, crashing against the wall. Amber was completely jaw-dropped during the entire scene. 


"Ugh... Got it back... Heh..."


Panting and sweating due to the sudden run, she approached the engine room entrance and smiled at Electrobolt on the floor.


"Heheh... Oh my!... Good job, Bolty! You're my hero~" She continued towards the colt to help him, but her attention was soon caught by two other ponies that were in the room.


"...Rook! Anagram! What are you doing here?"

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Ganaram and Amber:


Ganaram's attentieon was momentarily diverted to Electrobolt, who apparently just rolled into the engine room. He turned to the door and found Amber, who spoke out to him and Rook. Ganaram replied back to Amber, who was confused as he was:


"Am-- We tried to get back Rook's journal, but then the thief got away..."


Amber was confused, because when she looked around the engine room, all she could see were the windows to the sides and the giant furnace that provided the heat energy for the boiler. Climbing out the window would be absolute suicide:


"How... How could he have gotten away...? I mean, there's no way you could safely climb out the windows--"


"He teleported away."


Amber was still confused. Ganaram continued on:


"And now we don't know where he went at all..."


After what felt like an eternity, and what Ganaram could swear was the sound of rusty gears rattling in somepony's skull, Amber spoke out with an idea:


"Oh!!! I think I know somepony who does!!!"






Gem was more or less in the same position as she was before when Beat left the car. She still felt a bit guilty for giving Beat a hard time, but as before, she did her best to not express it at all. She instead picked up her saddlebag and tried to levitate something out of her bag.




She cringed in pain; Her horn was still in rough condition, and there was on way she could do anything. Gem got up to go to the back of the train, the same place where she got the painkillers for Beat just hours before...



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It had been several hours since Jade left the other other ponies to their own devices. He had nosed through his travel bag, and confirming that everything inside was unmolested, retired to the back of the train.


Now he sat in the caboose of the train, his bag in front of him. "Hmmph," he said to nopony in particular, before his horn glowed green and the bag opened. Levitating out of it was a humble tan scroll, rolled and bound with string, that stiffly floated in front of him. It was very tan, and it's frayed edges and crispy patches in the parchment showed how old and delicate it was.


It was the real reason Jade was on this trip, traveling back home to Salt Lick. "I hope you're worth all this trouble I'm going through. Assassins, Canterlot, facing my parents after my exile..." Jade shook his head. "I better find more information back home. At least find out what you do and why you have my family crest printed on you..."


The scroll, obviously, did not reply.


Gingerly, Jade undid the string and opened the scroll, revealing it's contents: a large mass of amazingly intricite symbols and runes, all bound up in a complex web of lines and diagrams. The sky, maybe? Maybe a horse's nervous system?


Delicately and slowly, Jade followed the instructions and began recreating the complex spell written on the parchment. It was complicated and delicate, him carefully weaving the various energy forms around and into each other in the air in front of him, but he hoped it would give him insight into what the hay the spell was supposed to do.


A green pulse of light and a rush of wind brought an end to the process, and Jade stopped the spell for fear of something exploding. The spell reacted to something he did wrong. Jade growled to himself, it's far too complicated to perform without understanding the magic itself. Doing it blindly would certainly have an unpleasant result.


Jade began to fold the scroll back up, but a residual wind gust pushed it out of his magical grasp. Being carried on the air, the paper elegantly danced in the air for a moment...before slipping under the crack in the door.




Jade busted through the door and chased the parchment through the next car before it slipped through an ajar door to the next car.


Jade opened the door. He was in a showering car now, there was somepony currently using one of the stalls, and the room thick with steam and warm humidity. Jade watched the paper elegantly dance through the air.


...before it landed right in a puddle of water on the floor, discoloring as it got soaked in water.


"#$"#$&/" Jade swore, before diving at the scroll and grabbing it up in his hooves. Jade slipped on the water on the floor and careened into the opposite wall, ending up tumbled upside down against it. Jade looked up, and soon realized that both Draco and the wet Beat Spark were now staring at him. "Oh...hello again..." he said, sheepishly.

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"#$"#$&/" Jade swore, before diving at the scroll and grabbing it up in his hooves. Jade slipped on the water on the floor and careened into the opposite wall, ending up tumbled upside down against it. Jade looked up, and soon realized that both Draco and the wet Beat Spark were now staring at him. "Oh...hello again..." he said, sheepishly.
"It's just Jade being an idiot again," Draco said with a laugh as he looked at Jade. He sighed as he said with a joking tone "You know Jade if you wanted to see Beat here so badly why not ask him out," he laughing slightly as he was joking with his two friends. He smiled then said "So Jade what caused you to come into here all of a sudden,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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When Electrobolt heard Amber calling him a hero, he blushed slightly. All he was wanting to do was help get a friend's stolen items back, and the thought of being a hero never entered his mind. However, as the mare started to approach him before stopping to look at the two ponies in the room, he took a look at who the ponies were. At that moment, he recognized them as Rook and Ganaram. Confused, he began to squirm around in the rope before getting free, as he then approached the group. It was then that Ganaram began to explain what had happened.


As he listened on, he heard that the goon who had stolen Rook's journal had teleported somewhere, and they didn't know where he went. It was at that moment that Amber had said there was somepony that would know where he would be going. At that moment, he remembered that they were originally looking for something to tie the first goon with. Looking back to the rope, his eyes glimmered, having finally found something to hold him down with. Looking back to the group, he nodded. With the saddlebag in his mouth, he would be unable to say anything, so he approached Amber and carefully positioned it on her back.


"There you go, Amber..." he said, before looking back to the rope again. "And yeah, I know just the pony that Amber is talking about." Going back to the rope, he sat down there before flipping it onto his back. After that, he returned to his hooves and began to approach the group of ponies again. "We were originally looking for something to tie up that one goon from earlier, but then... We had a bit of a road bump along the way. Anyways, now that we've got some rope..." Looking back to Amber before nodding, he started to approach the door, moving around the thieving earth pony that was still on the floor. "How about we go do a little interrogation?"

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Jade blushed, while still on his shoulders with his back propped up against the wall and his hind legs in the air, "What? No! It's not like that. It's about..." The parchment that was the cause of the kerfuffle fluttered down in front of Jade's face and he grabbed it with his mouth. "...this thing."


Jade's horn glowed green again and a small green flame appeared next to the parchment, rapidly drying it.

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Beat heard somepony singing something very weirdly in the next stall, the echo distorted the sound into a kind of macabre tune


"Draco, is that you?" Beat asked. 


All of this happening when he heard sompony curse "#$"#$&/"


"Is somepony there?" he said while uppening the upper door of his stall.




"#$"#$&/" Jade swore, before diving at the scroll and grabbing it up in his hooves. Jade slipped on the water on the floor and careened into the opposite wall, ending up tumbled upside down against it. Jade looked up, and soon realized that both Draco and the wet Beat Spark were now staring at him. "Oh...hello again..." he said, sheepishly.



he noticed Jade with the most annoying and silliest expression on his face laying on the floor. "what's going on?" he said worried.




"It's just Jade being an idiot again," Draco said with a laugh as he looked at Jade. He sighed as he said with a joking tone "You know Jade if you wanted to see Beat here so badly why not ask him out," he laughing slightly as he was joking with his two friends. He smiled then said "So Jade what caused you to come into here all of a sudden,"




Beat had a very unpleasant and serious look on his face while he was thinking:

"what? since when these two became such good friends, we only met today!" Beat then thought about Draco's second statement "well, I don't blame Jade, I am a very good looking stallion after all haha! what? what am I talking about...This mare must've hit me really hard in my head. Focus Beat!" 


He then saw Jade blushing and trying to give a poor explanation on why he was in the shower stalls. Beat closed his eyes, turned around, closed the shower handle and made his way out of the stall. Without saying a word, he grabbed a towel with his mouth, and dried his coat with his fore hooves and his mouth and placed the towel on his back, and with another towel dried his mane, and wrapped it on his head.


While he was making his way out of the bathroom, he looked back at Jade and said:

"After all the drama that you caused a couple of hours ago with your award winning routine about your past in Canterlot, you dare to come and disturb my beauty bath and break my concentration because you were chasing and old piece of paper when deep inside you just wanted to spy on me while I took a bath, like nothing happened...then you don't want me to believe that you were behind with what happened in Canterlot. That's very inmature of you"



"Anyways, I prefer to leave...I have a very wild mane to dome before we reach Appalooza and it will take me a while to fix this mane, so if you excuse me, which I don't care, I have to leave now"


Beat said while trotting out of the room.




My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"Yeesh Beat blaming a pony?" Draco said as he got into the shower. "Sorry if I was feeling alittle unpleasant afew hours ago Apploosa has some bad memories that I really don't want to talk about," he said as he winced when the water hit his wing. Draco watched Beat go then said "Yep he's definitely from Manehatten, well maybe I can get a trade contract with him. Hmm I'll have to ask when he's not worrying about his looks," he said muttering to himself then asked Jade "So what is that parcel in your magic there?"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"After all the drama that you caused a couple of hours ago with your award winning routine about your past in Canterlot, you dare to come and disturb my beauty bath and break my concentration because you were chasing and old piece of paper when deep inside you just wanted to spy on me while I took a bath, like nothing happened...then you don't want me to believe that you were behind with what happened in Canterlot. That's very inmature of you"


"Yes." Jade answered bluntly. "And I charged in here because this paper is worth far more than that necklace you stole. If I wanted to spy on you, I would've been a lot more subtle about it."


At this point Beat Spark had left the room, and Jade mumbled to himself, "Narcissistic son-of-a-nag. I wonder if he's always this grumpy?"


"Yeesh Beat blaming a pony?" Draco said as he got into the shower. "Sorry if I was feeling alittle unpleasant afew hours ago Apploosa has some bad memories that I really don't want to talk about," he said as he winced when the water hit his wing. Draco watched Beat go then said "Yep he's definitely from Manehatten, well maybe I can get a trade contract with him. Hmm I'll have to ask when he's not worrying about his looks," he said muttering to himself then asked Jade "So what is that parcel in your magic there?"


"It's alright. We've all got memories like that. I'm sorry you had to see me explode over mine." Jade answered. When Draco brought up Manehatten, Jade commented "Funny, he'd fit right in Canterlot, actually. Racist unicorn assassins notwithstanding. As for this paper thing? Ancient history, really."

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"I'm willing to listen," Draco offered as he showered. "Ah ha I knew it you are a colt cuddler aren't you Jade," he acussed jokingly. Of course being a courier you have to listen to your customers. Even if you didn't want to hear it from them. Hyperactive ponies like Pinkie Pie would have talked off the ear.

(OOC:Oh Draco just loves to mess with poor Jade and Beat))

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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<OOC: About damn time, too. No, I don't have pictures yet, but I may have some time to draw them. I'm a little lost on the Manehattan end. , help?>
Gem only:
Gem groggily trotted to the back of the train, hoping to get something to alleviate her own bout of pain.
"Do they call it Aleve because it alleviates the pain or does it make the pain leave, or does it make the pain leave out the window...?"
As she got to the door, of the back car, she noticed that there was a glow coming out of the crack between the door and the trim. She figured that somepony else was in there; Who it was, she felt like she didn't want to figure out.
She turned back to return to her seat, hoping that she may try again later.
. . .     . . .     . . .
Gem was walking down a completely vacant sleeping car when she heard what sounded like a ruckus coming out of the back of the train.
It perked up her ears as she violently turned her head the other direction. She wanted to see what was happening...
>> "#$"#$&/"
>> "It's just Jade being an idiot again..."
>> "well, I don't blame Jade, I am a very good looking stallion after all haha! what? what am I talking about..."
On second thought, she didn't want to; She could tell who it was.
Gem continued walking down the corridor back to her car when she heard the footsteps of another pony coming right behind her. She worried if it was Beat. After what she went through just several hours ago, she didn't feel like she would wanna show herself. Gem hid herself under one of the seats, hoping to avoid whoever it was who was approaching...
<Abridged version: Gem wanted to go to the back of the train, but found that Jade was there already. She instead went back to her seat, but hid herself when she heard the hoofsteps of another pony (either Beat or Draco) coming right behind her.

Edited by Ganaram Inukshuk



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"I'm willing to listen," Draco offered as he showered. "Ah ha I knew it you are a colt cuddler aren't you Jade," he acussed jokingly. Of course being a courier you have to listen to your customers. Even if you didn't want to hear it from them. Hyperactive ponies like Pinkie Pie would have talked off the ear.

(OOC:Oh Draco just loves to mess with poor Jade and Beat))


"It's a long story." Jade dismissed, before glancing around. Perhaps talking about it in public wouldn't be such a smart idea. "I'll get into it later." Content that the scroll was now dry, Jade looked it over. Thankfully, it hadn't sustained any damage.


Jade looked around the room, and saw a row of lockers for users to store their personal effects. Jade dropped the scroll into one of them and magically locked it. His injuries had started to hurt,so perhaps, while he was in here, a shower is in order? Jade entered one of the stalls, closed it, and turned on the hot water.

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After Ganaram had explained the situation, Amber began to wonder even more about that silly-sounding journal of Rook. Even though she hadn't the slightest idea - given the fact that she didn't even show much interest at first -, she was almost sure it was, indeed, something of great value. Nevertheless, everything seemed to have finally calmed down for a moment after all the commotion.


After that, Electrobolt freed himself from the ropes and returned Amber's stolen saddlebag, placing it on her back.


"There you go, Amber..."


Amber lowered her head in order to let the saddlebag be properly positioned, and then rose up again with a slight reddish tone on her cheeks and a warm smile. "T-thanks a lot, Bolty..." She said. "I really appreciate that."


Afterwards, Electrobolt finished to explain about the former goon that was left unconscious on the other train car. Nodding in agreement and oddly intrigued to know more about the journal, she followed the green colt out of the room before reaching the earth thief quietly lying on the door.


"Tch..." She called his attention with a poke on his head. "I know you're awake."


"...For buck's sake. Alright, alright, you win! Just call the guards already so I can be in peace..."


"...What do you guys think?" Amber turned to speak with the group. "Should we let him live?..." She stared back down at the thief with the scariest smile on her face. Obviously, she was just relieving her frustration by teasing the surrendered pony. The thief then shrunk in fear, just as planned.

Edited by DrizzleSTAR
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