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private RP - Train Ride Headed West

Ganaram Inukshuk

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Draco got out of the shower stall all wet. "Time to dry off," he mutteed to himself as he dried off. He walked out a noticed Gem and he smiled mischiviously. He walked up to her slowly "Well hello pretty lass how are you?" He said with a flirty tone. He was going to joke with this mare alright. "Hey is Apploosa close now?" Draco asked as he looked at a wall map.

(Sorry Motion)

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Beat trotted out of the stallion's stalls all wrapped up in towels with an upleassant look on his face, and passed by the hallway in where Gem was hiding, of course he was minding his own bussiness, so he didn't notice her at all.


He went back to the passengers car just to take his big saddlebag. "It's time to finally see my room" he said. He nosed through one of the pockets of his big saddlebag and grabbed his ticket, so he can read his room number. "ah-ha! so this is the number of my room, I hope it can keep up with my standards"


He put the train ticket inside the pocket again and took the saddlebag with his mouth, but he felt like it was too heavy too pick up


"What's happening? I must be a little weak by that beatdown I got. But I'm Beat Spark, I'm the strongest stallion around"


He tried one more time. He took the heavy saddlebag and placed it on his back, his hooves flexed a little bit by the weight, and almost lost his balance but managed to keep the bag on his back "I'm getting out of shape already!" he said somewhat disappointed.


He walked to the rooms car and opened the door of his room. He lifted the light switch on, and took a peak of his room. "Hmmm...nothing special.... but it would do" It had a nice big bed, a nightstand with some small drawers, a small couch and a big lamp.


"At least it has a window...I'm going to close it"


He put the saddlebag by the side of the bed and took off his towels, his wet mane fell on his face, he needed to comb it before it would get uncontrolable. He took his mane dryer and his manebrush "This time I'm gonna do things right!" he said remembering the previous "accident" he had with his mane dryer.


He plugged in the mane dryer hoping everything would be alright with the electric energy and hopefully the train didn't explode. He let out a small sigh in relief. 


"Time to work"


He carefully dried his mane and tail from the tips up to the roots, while combed carefully, fortunatelly, there was a huge mirror in front of the bed so the process was easier and faster.

It took him almost 10 minutes to fix his mane, he applied a bit of mane spray to keep it in place. He looked himself at the mirror and said "perfect", he had the perfect amount of curlyness he would require.


"My injuries are almost invisible, these talismans are quite the gem isn't it?" he said while he checked himself out.


It was kind of dark outside, yet the night was feeling relaxing and quiet despite of the sound of the train. "I think I'll relax in the bar. Yes that sounds like a good idea, I've been too stressed already. Let's see, Ok, time to put some accessories on... I wonder what I would wear?"


He looked through some of his clothes, he saw his gentlecolt boots from before. "These are pretty wrecked from the crazy time we had in Canterlot, I'll donate these to charity. Hmmm...maybe Draco can use them instead, he needs a touch of good taste haha"


"What else do I have here? let's see? Oh! this bowtie is marvelous! I'm going to wear it. I'll keep it simple though, so I won't wear any kind of shoe. Yeah, that's what I'm going to do"


"I'm ready to go!"


Beat put everything in place, closed the door and headed to the restaurant car, in where the bar is.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Draco walked out of the stall he was in as he grabbed a towel. He dried himself off slowly as he walked out of the shower car. He noticed Gem hiding. He smiled slightly as he said "Atleast let me buy you dinner before you start peeping Miss Gem. I'm just joking Miss Gem," He walked to his room that held both his travel bags and his delivery bags, Draco sighed as his stomach grumbled. He knew he was hungry so he might as well get dressed up for the mares on the train. He chuckled slightly as he thought to himself 'Yeah right like any of the mares would look to a courier's direction'  Draco shrugged as he put his his baby blue suit. It consisted of a Black jacket, a white undershirt, and a blue tie. He wore a blue fedora as he looked into a mirror. "Show time,"


Draco walked out up his room humming a song that he used to sing when he was in a bind when he was younger. Draco walked into the resterant car. He out let out a verse from the song "We've only tasted the wine, We're gonna drain the cup dry," he ordered a hay steak with a cup of wine.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"H-- How did you?!!"


Gem wriggled her way out of the musty underside of the seat she had hid herself under. Both her natural and artificial coat were covered in dust, which drifted off of her body as she stood up. She explained herself as Draco walked off:


"I was just coming back from the back of the train when I noticed somepony walking up. I thought it was the tall pony from before..."


She brushed off the remainder of the dust off her coat and proceeded to head back to the seat from before. Before she could catch up with Draco, she heard a voice from in front of her:




It was Flo...






Ganaram looked back at Amber, then at the others, then at the now-surrendered thief. He decided to play along with what Amber said:


"I dunno, Amber; I think he deserves to swim with the fishies, unless he fesses up... Right, guys?"


Ganaram performed the obligatory eye-wink at the others signalling them to play along as well. He turned back at the thief and whispered into his ear:


"What's it gonna be, confession or fish food?"


The goon yelled out in fear:


"Alright, alright!!!"

  • Brohoof 1



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"I did it! I was lookin' in her room!" The goon started to sob. "I wanted to see her in the... and then I saw the.... and I stole her baaaggggg!" He broke down into more tears. "Please don't hurt me!"


"Wait Wut?" Rook said from behind everypony. He quickly shoved Ganaram and Amber out of his way, "Who the hay are you?"


"I'm a bad poooooonyyyyyy!" The theif cried.


Rook facehoofed, "Guys, this isn't the thief who stole my journal!"


"I stole her baaaag!"


Yeah yeah, we know "UGH! Where the buck is the other guy!? The one we knocked out?" Rook asked everypony.

  • Brohoof 1


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"I-- Ugh... Gawwww..."


Ganaram felt ashamed for interrogating the wrong victim. The pony that he had now terrorised was now in a puddle of his own tears. Ganaram, with his head pointed down again, responded to the others:


"So where's the pony I was supposed to terrorise...?"


Ganaram tilted his head back up and noticed that Electrobolt had already left. He got out of the now-ravaged engine room and began weaving his way back to the previous car, assuming Electrobolt had gone the same way...






"Augh... What do you want, Flo?"


Gem was surprised to hear her co-worker from behind her. It wasn't the right time for her to meet up with somepony that she worked with...


"I demand an explanation!!!"


... Or rather, somepony she frustratingly has to put up with... Gem turned around to confront Flo:


"Listen, Flowolf--"


"Don't try to pull that card on me again. I know what you've been doing..."


"Those idiots must've ratted me out--"


"Uh-uh. Nopony told me about it. I can sense what's going on, especially when I can hear it from across the cars..."


"H-- Have you been spying on me?!!"


"That's nothing that you should know about."


"Listen, Flowolf, those three derps have nothing on my behaviour. It's the fact that you've been forcing me to work here continuously, and it's wrecking my entire body and my mind."


"This is about the reputation of the crew; Our reputation's been declining during the last few months, and I can sense it. Just be glad I've been keeping it silent amongst the others. Ever since you've joined the team, you've terrorised nearly everypony on board. It's my job to maintain a high standard aboard this train, and I'm not gonna let a brat like you ruin it for everypony else."


"I can quit any time I want."


"No you can't. Right now, you're the only repairpony on board, and without you, the train'll literally fall to bits. You care about the company, right?"


"... Yes..."


"Then you understand that your place on this train is far too important to ignore, and in realising so, you also acknowledge that any bad behaviour towards anypony will lead to severe consequences on you. Everypony else on the team knows what you've been doing, because I've been informing them of what's been happening, and half of them left out of fear. You'd better clean up your act..."


Flo walked out of the car, leaving Gem in her former position.

  • Brohoof 1



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While Electrobolt left the engine room with the rope in tow, he continued back towards where the knocked-out thug was. But as he was going, he figured an interrogation in a public car might look odd, not to mention tying him up in public. Just then, he recalled the room he was in as a light bulb went off in his head. So taking a quick detour, he moved into the room he was originally in as he dropped off the rope. After that, he went out and looked around. At that moment, he was curious. "Where are Ganaram and the others...?" he asked himself in a whispered tone.


Shrugging it off, Electrobolt continued a little further back, before seeing the knocked-out thug lying on the ground. As he approached the pony and began to lift him up, suddenly a random pony entering the room noticed this and ran over. "Excuse me, sir, but what are you doing?" asked the pony, a slight look of confusion on her face. Looking at the mare, Electrobolt looked at her confused. *Why is she asking? I can't just tell her that I was going to tie this guy up... Wait... Maybe that would work...*


Clearing his throat, he responded, "Oh, I was just going to take him to my room and make sure he's alright. I don't know what happened to him, but I would take care of him." At this, the mare looked concerned. Electrobolt suddenly was worried himself, so he quickly added, "Don't worry, miss, I can take care of him no problem. I've handled a few ponies before, so he's in good care." As soon as he had said this, the mare sighed and had a look of relief on her face. "Oh, thank goodness... Alright, then. Say, you sure you don't need any help carrying him?"


Electrobolt nodded as he responded, "No, I'm capable of carrying him myself. But thanks for the offer." And with that, he got on the ground as he began to work the unconscious pony onto his back. Once he was on his back, the young colt got up again as he started to slowly return to the room. Because this pony was rather heavy, Electrobolt was finding it rather hard to move easily. However, after a few minutes, he made it back to the room. After entering, he tossed the thug onto the bed as he grabbed the rope.


After about a minute, he finished tying the pony together as he breathed a sigh of relief. Afterwards, he looked around and noticed nopony around, except for him and the thug. "Where are they..." he muttered before sighing. "Wherever they are, they'd better hurry up..." Shaking his head, he walked over to the door and opened it up. After opening it, he walked outside and then closed the door behind him, before staying near the door. He would wait for the group to come this way, then they could start off the interrogation.

  • Brohoof 1
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Amber looked over at Ganaram with a smile when he joined her in messing with the saddlebag's thief. She let out another quiet, evil laugh and continued staring at the pony on the ground. She wasn't really going to do anything about it other than possibly call the guards, but it was always fun to mess around - especially against such evildoer.


But her play mask suddenly turned into a confused look when Ganaram mentioned something about confession. Did that pony really have anything else to confess other than the obvious fact that he stole a mere saddlebag? It didn't take too long, though, for the hopeless thief to start whining about what had happened, and begging to not be hurt.


"Wow... You're really good at this." Amber commented about Ganaram's fake threatening's effect on the thief, before Rook stepped up.


"Guys, this isn't the thief who stole my journal!"


"Well, duh! All this guy did was rob my saddlebag like the FOOL he is!!" She  turned her head in order to give the pony another threatening stare.


"So where's the pony I was supposed to terrorise...?"


"You should know, Anagram... You were the one to mercilessly knock the guy out with a chair." Amber stated in a slightly sarcastic tone. "Anyway, Bolty went ahead to tie him up with a rope... I mean, hopefully he is still fainted and didn't run away like that other one. Either way, we should go meet Electrobolt now, wherever he is."


Amber then proceeded to exit the room, before turning to the bag thief on the ground once again. "And you... Um..." She looked around, thinking of some other way she could punish him, before realizing she didn't want to waste any more of her time. "...Just get a life!" She shouted at him and rapidly trotted away, looking around in search of Electrobolt.


After a few seconds of walking straight, she reached a train car where she could see the green colt standing in front of a room's closed door. She approached him.


"Hey... So, did you get him?"

  • Brohoof 1
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Beat headed to the restaurant/bar car which resulted to be kind of empty with only 2 tables being served and one of them was Draco's table.


"Oh! it's Draco" Beat thought and waved at him. Apparently he was waiting for an order, so he decided to sit by the bar, since he just wanted a drink. He started to look at the menu already placed on the bar's table.



"pardon my no-noble mister, in what can I serve you with?" Beat heard a rusty kind of old voice and looked back at the bar direction.


He quickly noticed that the bartender pony was talking to him, but he noticed that he was very old, and normally a bartender pony is usually a young colt, at least that was what Beat thought of him.



"Ummm yeah..." Beat have found a small tag on the bartender's chest with his name on it. His name was Marty. 



"Marty? yes, I would like to have an..." he looked at the menu. "...apple cider on the rocks, don't blend it ok?"


"as you wish mister. One more thing, do you mind if I ask for your name? If you are offended please excuse me, it's not my intention" Marty said with his rusty but friendly voice, with an expression of submission.


"sure. My name is Beat Spark."


"Thank you Mr. Spark, I'll get your order very soon!" he said while he took the menu with his mouth.


"That was strange" He thought while he heard Marty's bones tweaking and making noises as he walked to prepare Beat's beverage, Beat thought that at least he needed some assistance. But none of the waitresses ponies stopped to help him a bit.


He looked back again at Draco. "What in the hay is he wearing, he can't combine black and blue in that way. Well...he looks like he's rocking that attire, who am I to stop his fun?..." he said in a very low tone of voice, he chuckled a bit.


"Here is your drink Mr. Beat" Marty called for Beat, he looked back at the bar again and he noticed Marty carrying a tray on his back with a drink on it. He looked like he could collapse at any moment. Beat was really worried and expecting him to fall at any moment, he wanted to say something but hesitated.

Marty slipped and fell on the floor, the tray fell too and the glass with the drink broke, making a huge noise in the restaurant car. Beat facepalmed and tried to look inside the bar to make sure that Marty was ok, but he then, heard a loud voice yelling:




"what was that?" Beat said while Marty was struggling to stand up because that voice clearly made him kind of nervous and unconfortable. He kept repeating "I'm sorry" countless of times.


Then from the kitchen door emerged a stallion with a powerful presence. He had a pale white coat, a fancy wine red suit and blue mane, combed in a really elegant fashion. He was a unicorn apparently. But he has a really pissed expression on his face. "Marty, stand up and come here!" he said with asertiveness and superiority, very slow.


"yes, yes I'm comming" the very shocked bartender pony replied, while struggling to stand up and walk towards that stallion.


"walk faster! now!" repeated the stallion. Beat wasn't confortable with this situation.


When Marty was close enough, it was evident that he was being told off by that angry stallion, or at least that was what Beat thought, perhaps this stallion was Marty's boss.



Beat couldn't hear what this stallion was saying to Marty but by the expression of their faces he could see that Marty was so ashamed that he didn't know where to put his face. For some reason this made Beat feel hurt. Then when the stallion finished talking to Marty he looked on Beat's direction and trotted  where he was at.


"Hello Mr. Spark, my name is Eddie, manager of the dinning room division of the Equestrian Express, is everything OK Mr. Spark? Is Marty treating you OK?" Beat felt so bad about Marty at this point that he decided to lie.


"Marty is treating me fantastic, I wanted to apologize, I'm so clumsy. I dropped the glass of apple cider. I'll pay for it if you don't mi..."


"really? oh, Mr. Spark don't worry for that, this one was for the house, ok? order whatever you want, Marty will be joining you very soon, enjoy your evening Mr. Spark... and nice spell" he winked back at Beat and trotted back into the kitchen. Beat felt like another stupid unicorn thought of him as another unicorn that was hiding his horn, he must come from Canterlot.

When Eddie reached Marty again he started to say some other things to him, this time Beat was trying to use his big ears for something useful but he was unsuccessful to be able to hear everything Eddie was saying to Marty, he could only hear at the very end "...you disgusting old dirt eater." That last sentence infuriated Beat to no extend, but he kept his cool.

He thought he got rid of the racism to earth ponies back in Canterlot but now he has to deal with another racist on board of the train. He really wanted to "fix" Eddie's neck.


Marty trotted back to Beat's seat and said "Thank you for what you done for me, my boss is quite demanding and the only thing he wants is for us to offer the best service that we can. I'm really sorry Mr. Spark, if you prefer I would tell the truth to Mr. Eddie so you ca..."


"Don't worry about that Marty, just bring me another apple cider, it's all good. Be careful this time, if you need help you can ask me, ok?"


"oh no! I could never..."


"I insist! I would not accept a no for an answer."


Marty chuckled a little bit "ok Mr. Spark, as you wish, I'll bring your beverage and then I'll clean up this mess."


"Thank you Marty" Beat said while Marty went to the bar to prepare another drink.


"Why Celestia? why I can't have a normal day?...oh wait, a day hasn't even passed! great!" Beat whined in a soft voice with a feel of sarcasm in it.

Edited by Sparkity


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Draco watched his friend slightly. He chuckled to himself while rolling his silver eyes,  he heard a fan squeel in delight. Draco tenced slightly when he saw a mare walk up to him. She had the looked of a fan alright. She looked to be about 20 years old and she was a pegasus. "Oh my gosh your Ol' Silver Eyes I used to go see you sing at the Coco Bucko in Cantertlot when you went to the universaty. Can I have an autograph please?" she said as she pulled out a pen and paper from her saddle bags. Draco nodded as he gave her the autograph. "Can I make a request Mr. Silver Eyes. Can you sing One for my Baby right now?" She asked with a cute pout.


"Sure just let me eat first," Draco said and sighed slightly. It was only acouple years ago that he did that and it was so he can get enough money to get his buissness going. His family was always musical so they expected his cutie mark to be something musical not a sign of a courier. When his mark wasn't that of a musical instrument or something they were disappointed but still supported him. So to make them proud of him he interpreted his cutie mark as one who can deliver exelent service. That worked alright he practiced his singing voice till it gave out when he was younger. When his meal came be gan to eat slowly.

@Beat Spark,@Ganaram Inukshuk

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Rook followed Bolty and Ganaram to the place where the real goon was. Electrobolt opened the door to an off room in another cart. The goon was tied up.


"Alright, that should do it" Rook said. The goon started to wake up, "And not a moment too soon."


"Wha?" The goon said "Da Buck is gon' on?"


"You tell me. Why the hell did you steal my Journal?" Rook angrily said, his face pressing against the goon's, staring in his eyes.


"I don' know wha' you'se talkin' 'bout." The goon looked away and smiled a bit.


"Alright, Alright." Rook backed off and looked as though he was going to the door. He suddenly reared his hind legs and kicked the goon straight in the face, knocking the goon down while still tied to the chair.




"You think this is some joke!? That journal is extremely important! What the buck did you want with it?" Rook yelled. He he kicked the grounded goon again, "Now answer! Where did your friend take the other journal?"


"Ach! Wha'? You'se sayin' dat the otha guy lef' me?"


"Perceptive, I see?" Rook sarcastically said. He lifted his foreleg, threatening to hit again, "Now, answer the damn questions!"


"I dunno!" The goon braced himself for another hit, and continued talking, "We was jus' tol' to get da journal! I dunno wha' it's 'bout! I just listenin' to ordas!"


Rook quickly moved his hoof again towards the goons face,




"WHERE!?" Rook demanded again.


"GAH! Appaloosa, Miramare, Las Pegasus! I dunno! Jus' somewhere west!"


"Who wanted it?"


".... I ain't talkin' no mo'" The goon said. "Kick me all ya wan', I ain't talkin' no mo'...."


Rook looked he'd kick again, but instead just took a deep breath. He turned around and started to walk out of the room, pushing Ganaram and Electrobolt out of the way. "I need some tea..."






((OOC, At this point, Amber walks in, passing Rook. Gararam and Bolty quickly explain what just happened. She then tries to coax the last pieces of information about who gave the orders and why by being nice to the goon (feminine charm? I dunno)))


((EDIT <...< I fixed it))

Edited by AnonyPoni
  • Brohoof 2


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As he waited around the door to "his room", he looked around. Eventually he smiled slightly when he saw Amber approaching him. When she had asked if he had gotten the thief, he gave off a grin and nodded. "Did I get him? Not only that, but he's all tied up." As soon as he finished that, he heard more hoofsteps as he started to look nervous. What if somepony heard him say that and was about to turn him in? However, as soon as he looked over to where the hoofsteps came from, he saw Rook and Ganaram approaching. Sighing, and ready to get the interrogation done with, he opened the door and allowed the others to enter before shutting the door behind the group.


But as he listened to the interrogation, it didn't really sound like they were making much progress as the thug remained steadfast on not talking. However, he finally spoke up, saying that the guy he was in cahoots with was headed somewhere west, and from what Rook said, somepony must have wanted it. But why did this mysterious pony want such a journal? However, now the thug was being tough to deal with and wouldn't speak up anymore. After this, though, Rook began to leave the room after pushing him aside. Blinking for a moment, he thought, *Geez, what's with him? Couldn't ask if we could move out of the way first...?* He then sighed and shook his head. "Well... We at least have a clue, although a tiny one..." he muttered silently, before looking back to the door.

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Amber followed the group inside the room, where the said goon was tied up in a chair, just like Electrobolt had confidently said. Then, almost immediately and as expected, Rook started to interrogate the 'hostage'.


As the arguing went and there were some furious, aggressive approaches by Rook, Amber watched it all slightly horrified. But at the same time, she didn't want to get in the way just yet - after all, what a scene that was. All she wanted at that moment was a bag of popcorn and a comfortable chair to sit on. Then finally, after squeezing the last bits of information out of the goon, Rook stepped out of the room asking for his tea.


"Well... All of that because of a piece of paper." Amber mumbled, sarcastically. She didn't acknowledge the situation yet, so most of that commotion seemed a little unnecessary at first. Even though she acted like she didn't care, deep inside she wanted to know more about the journal and why it was so seemingly precious, but something else had caught her attention at that moment.


After giving the goon, fallen still on the ground, a last look, she turned to speak back to Ganaram. "Anyway, Annie... He mentioned something about dah otha guy takin' it som'where west... Isn't that where you said our original train was supposed to go, to Appleloosa? The train that most likely has Beat Spark and the others inside?" She asked, intrigued.

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<At this point, Ganaram should be with the others.>

Ganaram felt nervous to be around Rook, and with good reason: He was angering up a storm in front of the thug that, what felt like several hours ago, Ganaram hit with a chair. Then again, he was tied up, but what of Rook? Clearly the guy was infuriated...

After the argument ceased, Amber asked him:


"Anyway, Annie... He mentioned something about dah otha guy takin' it som'where west... Isn't that where you said our original train was supposed to go, to Appleloosa? The train that most likely has Beat Spark and the others inside?" 


To which Ganaram replied:


"I believe so. It means we have a conspiracy on our tails now..."



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Draco finished his hay steak as he got up and walked towards the bar slowly. He recalled the one memory about his heart break. He sat down next to Bet not noticing  the stallion. Draco ordered a glass of whiskey as he let a tear fall from his cheek. He began to sing  once more in over 3 years.

@Beat Spark,Ganaram Inukshuk

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"For the vandalism of the Griffon Ambadassodor's bidet, I accuse YOU, Jade!"


Jade snapped awake and looked around before sighing. He was floating in the pool of water that had formed inside the shower stall. Jade had placed a spell to seal the shower's drain (enchanted sealing glyphs make for excellent drain plugs) and allowed the water level in the inexplicably water-tight stall to rise into a makeshift bathtub. Jade didn't really care that he was misusing the train's facilities, he just knew that a nice bath would really do him good.


A little too good, apparently, as Jade apparently had fallen asleep.


Jade dispelled the seal spell and the water in the stall quickly dropped. Jade quickly checked that his scroll was still in its locker (it was), before pocketing it and heading out of the bathroom.


The bath/nap worked wonders on his body, Jade noticed with pleasure, he was now in a really good mood despite what had happened that morning. Perhaps, if he was lucky, he could get through the vacation without killing somepony.


His thought, however, quickly changed as he opened the door to the next car. "Wait a minute, when did this train get a restaraunt?" Jade said to himself as he looked around the restaraunt car.

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"I believe so. It means we have a conspiracy on our tails now..."


Amber thought about the situation for a moment, stroking her chin and looking slightly away.


"There may be a way to contact them..." She continued speaking with Ganaram. "I remember something about some sort of communication spell I was forced to learn a while ago in the band, something about telepathy between two unicorns... Though I never really made any use out of it, so... yeah..." She looked away and smiled awkwardly, as to say she had forgotten how to use the spell.


"I can look for it though. I may have it written somewhere in my old apartment, not to mention Rook can help me. That way, not only we may get to know about Rook's friend and their little toy, but we can also get your luggage back as soon as possible!" Amber then smiled warmly to both Ganaram and Electrobolt, before transforming the smile back into an annoyed frown.


"By the way, are we there yet? I'm sick of this train and the ponies in it..."

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Beat was already enjoying his drink, when Draco decided to leave his table and join him at the bar. He had a sad look in his face.


He ordered Marty to bring him a wisky, and so he did. "Mister Draco, here's your drink. Mr. Spark told me your name, I hope you don't find it offen..."


"Marty?...what have I told you?" ... Beat said to Marty. "I'm sorry Mr. Spark, sometimes I forget." Marty replied lowering his head.


Out of the blue, Draco started singing a very emotional song, a tear ran down his cheek.



Beat at first was completelly weirded out by the fact that Draco was singing in a almost empty restaurant without any musical assistance, but then he felt moved because he had the feeling that Draco wasn't feeling alright.


"...Draco..." Beat whispered



He felt like putting a hoof on his shoulder but he was really inmerse in his song that he didn't want to interrupt. 

"I think I go hide in the kitchen Mr. Spark, I don't want to interrupt this moment" Marty whispered to Beat.


Beat thought for a moment, and said to him "NO! you can't go, in fact I want you to get a drink and join us"


"But I can't...Eddie..."


"No excuses! and if Eddie ask you something, I'll handle him, just leave it to me. Now go get that drink and enjoy this concert" Beat winked at Marty.


"Ok, I'll be back" Marty said smiling

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Draco's song finished as he looked into his drink. There when his song was done he knocked back the whiskey."In the end I lost.my heart was broken by that very mare. I guess we were just strangers in the night," Draco said aloud still not noticing Beat next to him. He wiped the tears away "Heh look at that tears. How many years has it been since I cried during a song," he said more to himself but still aloud. he heard the mare who requested the song burst out crying into her husband's chest.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Ganaram hoped that he would be able to blur out the events of what had happened during the past hour by the time they would get off the train, which, by the looks of things, was beginning to slow down. The one thought that he would like to keep in the back of his mind was the idea of calling the others using unicorn magic; Was it even possible? He replied to Amber:


"I, I think the train's stopping..."


And by looking out the window, he confirmed his suspicions: Right outside the window was the vast city of Manehattan...


[unless there are any objections, the next post will skip ahead several hours to the apartment.]






Gem retracted back to her seat, thinking to herself how she even got in the position she was in. The poor girl can hardly remember how she even got the job, but what she remembered that she was low on money.


"Why me...?"


The only thing on her mind was to leave the infernal train, but clearly she was in no state to do so, her horn's still broken so she would effectively be handicapped, and the train was whizzing by at 60MPH. Or is it everything else outside of the train whizzing by at 60MPH and the train was stationary?


[Gem's in no mood to join the others.]



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Electrobolt was starting to wonder what was so important in the journal that it would warrant somepony wanting to steal it, that he started thinking of a number of possibilities. Was there some valuable information on a treasure? Was there possibly crucial data on something important? Just what could it be? Sighing and shaking his head, he decided that he should wait until they get the journal back to see what it was. His mind back to the area around him, he then heard Amber mention something about contacting other unicorns via a communication spell. At hearing this, Electro blinked. *That's certainly the first I heard of such a spell...* he thought.


It was then that Amber had spoken up, saying that she was sick of being on this train, to which Ganaram responded that he thought the train was stopping. Along with him, Electrobolt looked outside the window to see the scenery slowing down, showing a massive city through the window: the city of Manehattan. At the sight of the city, Electro gulped. *Oh boy... A big city...* he thought, feeling a little nervous. This was the first time he had ever visited a city such as Manehattan, so he felt tiny - tiny and scared. Shaking his head, he looked back to the group. "Um, yeah, it seems we're already here..." he said, trying to look as calm as possible.

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"I, I think the train's stopping..."


After hearing that, Amber immediately rushed towards the window, running over everything in the way. Her eyes shrank and her entire body shivered upon seeing the city of Manehatten raising from a distance.


"Well... Looks like I'm back..." She said silently, as she tensed up and suddenly appeared strained and sorrowful. Amber never thought in a million years to return to that place - she didn't want to. So much stuff happened, so much pressure was put into her, until she ran away and decided to never go back. But that time, she had to face her demons once for all.


She backed away from the window and slowly turned back to Ganaram and Electrobolt, not even trying to hide her uneasiness.


"I believe we're headed to my apartment then... We can spend the night there and hopefully solve all of our problems. It's the least I can do for you guys." She then forced a smile and sighed, walking her way out of the room. That was going to be a long night...



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Jade walked into the restaurant car looking around, before thinking to himself, Hmm, might as well get some more cider while I'm in here. Jade sat down at the bar before calling the barkeep.


"Ello, governer. What can I get for you?" The bartender, another Unicorn wearing a fancy uniform, asked as he approached.


"A mug of cider is all."


"May I see a form of ID?"


Sigh. "Just get me non-alcoholic." Jade replied.


As Jade waited for his drink to arrive, he couldn't help but wonder, when were they going to arrive at Appleloosa? Will there be a pile of royal guards to arrest him when they got there? Jade suddenly lifted his head as he wondered about something more important: did he remember to shut the shower off before leaving the shower room?

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@Beat Spark,@Jade Flare


Draco's ear's perked up when he heard the radio started to play a familiar song. He snarled slightly as his blood started to boil. "That heartless witch stole everything from me," Draco said as he knocked back another shot of whiskey. He sighed slightly but then he looke at his empty glass. He had two friends but he didn't tell them anything about him. but they never told him about themselves.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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===== Manehattan Timejump =====


The group had finally arrived at their stop: Manehattan. As nervous (and flustered) as the group was, Ganaram in particular was keen on trying to keep things to himself. Amber and Electrobolt, on the other hand, were quite nervous.


Their plan right now was to follow Amber's plan: To find some sort of spell that could aid them with trying to reunite with the others they left behind back in Canterlot.




The group had now come up to the apartment building where Amber once lived at, and the sun was just about to set...

  • Brohoof 2



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