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private RP - Train Ride Headed West

Ganaram Inukshuk

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Marty was trying to enjoy himself in the company of Beat, but the old pony couldn't feel confortable by the thought of not doing his job, and even worse than that, he didn't wanted to deal with the anger of his manager.


He nervously looked around to all the directions while carefully zipping his drink.


On the other hand, Beat noticed this pony pony, Jade, comming to the restaurant car and having a seat by the bar. He couldn't help but giving him a some sort of nasty look...



he then turned his head. With indiference...


"ok Mr. Spark, I'm sorry but I can't take it anymore!" the old Marty said to Beat.


"what's going on Marty?"


"I really have to go...I'm sorry"


"What's the worst that can happen to you? get fired? there's another pony here who wants to get fired really bad, at this rate she is achieving it. This train doesn't seem like a good place to work anyways."


"Eddie would do more than firing me, I'll get going. Many thanks Mr. Spark" said Marty as he redirected himself to the kitchen.


"But Marty!" said a very concerned Beat. "I would not believe that this gentlecolt would abuse of a charming ancient pony like Marty, could it be?" Beat wondered.



"That heartless witch stole everything from me,"


"Draco must be delutional again" he thought.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Rook had been to Manehatten many times before for various reasons. He found it to be a rather bustling and chic city, with all the sights and sounds that reminded him much of his hometown Baltimare.... just with a thousand times more ponies.... and colder weather.


Rook walked with the group to Amber's apartment building as the sun fell below the horizon. He wasn't normally keen on going to mares' apartments (or rather, the mares weren't keen on him coming to them), but circumstances were much more dire right now. Rook had lost his journal, and he was probably going to need the help of these ponies to get it back.

Edited by AnonyPoni
  • Brohoof 1


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===== Ganaram Only =====

Ganaram felt a bit uneasy about what had happened, but figured that he needed a break to calm down his mind, so he had no objections entering Amber's old apartment...


... And the architecture was quite exotic, to say the least.


No, it's an understatement. What kind of staircase doesn't have a guardrail? That's suicide-- Waitaminute, Ganaram has wings...


He turned his head looking for the others, but focused on Rook in particular. He could tell that Rook was unnerved as he was, but his limited experience with social interactions meant that what he saw wasn't necessarily the whole picture.


He remembered the journal from before, and the mess that he had help created back on the train, or rather, he was feeling a bit self-conscious about what everypony else back there thought of him.


But he felt that the journal was important to Rook, but quite important to the conspirators who had successfully made due with it. He held back the urge to say "What's so special about the journal?", but he inevitably had to ask about it sooner or later...


[OOC: Feels like we need Amber and/or Electrobolt to speak out here right before Rook.]



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[OOC: I'm assuming all the characters are in the living room at the moment...]


"Okay!..." Amber exclaimed followed by a lengthy sigh, coming back to the living room from one of the bedrooms and levitating a notebook. "The spell doesn't look as complicated as I remembered... Good, good..."


It was such an unpleasant sensation she felt from that place. That was the apartment where all of the Coal Dust members once lived in, where most of their story took place, before everything crumbled and they all took separate routes in their lives. The apartment had nearly no furniture anymore aside from a pair of large couches, a TV, a half-empty fridge and a couple of beds. After the band's departure, the place was being kept by the building's employees. Either as a tribute to the band, or until they paid the rest of the rent.


Despite the rather tedious appearance, spending the night there - if the rest of the group agreed with it - would be in fact very convenient. Now that the night had arrived, it was about time they settled down after all the stress they went through. Yet, they still had one last business to take care of.


Amber sat down on the couch and put the notebook down in front of her on the floor. "Apparently, all I need is a clue of both the receiver's location and his-slash-her magical aura. We know that they're headed west, and they're most likely arriving Appleloosa at this point. I dunno, Annie is the navigator here... And I also remember a tad of that white unicorn's aura when he attacked that royal guard..." She looked away for an instant. "...I just don't seem to remember his name." She then giggled. "Hopefully he remembers me though!"


After that, she shifted in her seat and prepared to cast the communication spell. "Let's give it a try..." After a few seconds of concentration, her horn began to glow.



"Alright, It's calling! Let's hope he picks up... Also, it would be great if somepony can remember me of his name before he picks up and I stutter like a fool."

  • Brohoof 1
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Jade was sitting at the bar staring at nothing in particular when suddenly a shiver went down his spine. What the, Jade thought to himself, did...did somepony just give me the Head Turn of Indifference!?


...there was a pause, when another shiver went down his spine and his horn began ...responding to something. It was a strange sensation he wasn't familiar with. No, it's not that, Jade thought, then what the hay is going-wait, is somepony trying to contact me? Is this that long-distance-psychic-communication spell thing I heard about in college? Who the hay even knows this spell? Caramel? Wait, no, he's an earth pony. *riiiiiiiiiing, shiver* -I doubt Red or Midnight would know it either, complex psychocommunication isn't exactly the forte of an apothecary or a-wait, maybe it's Caramel's dad? I guess a doctor would have use for it. But then again, why would he even be calling me? I only met the pony like, what? Once? Nah, can't be him. Maybe-


*riiiiiiiiiing, shiver* ...yeah, I should probably answer this, Jade thought as another signal brought him out of his train of thought. Jade dropped out of his seat and quickly trotted into the next car over.


"The pony you have tried to reach is currently un-" Jade's voice cut in, "Um, yes, hello?" Jade answered, after he was content he was now alone.

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Although he was with the small group of Ganaram, Amber, and Rook, that didn't exactly make him feel comfortable. But once they had arrived at and entered the appartment, Electrobolt seemingly calmed down. Perhaps it was because they had arrived at their destination and shelter that had helped the young colt relax, or was it something else? Regardless, Electrobolt began to look around the apartment. "Wow, pretty nice place here..." he muttered, wandering around slowly. It was then that Amber had returned, getting herself ready for the communication spell.


After some time trying to recall the pony, she began to try remembering the pony she wanted to contact. She had mentioned a white unicorn, but was unable to remember his name. At this, Electrobolt began to think about who she was referring to, before hearing her say that he hopefully remembers her. She then began to attempt to contact him, adding that if either of them could help her remember the pony's name, she'd appreciate it. He thought for a little longer, then recalled there was a similar unicorn, whom he had met on the train first thing. "Oh yeah," he spoke up. "I'm pretty sure his name's Jade. Jade Flare."

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Amber clearly had one of the most lavish apartments Rook had ever seen. Lots of space, modern decor, and view to rival those in Canterlot. How much did she pay for this apartment that she doesn't live in?



But he felt that the journal was important to Rook, but quite important to the conspirators who had successfully made due with it. He held back the urge to say "What's so special about the journal?", but he inevitably had to ask about it sooner or later...


 Rook was about to answer when Amber started with her horn-calling somepony (probably one of their friends on the other train). Rook stayed quiet so they could talk, but began to question his involvement with these ponies. How much help/burden would they be for him in his little quest?


Rook silently laughed when he thought what everypony would think when he explains what the journal is for. Either they'll think im nuts, or they'll be greedy and want it for them selves. Rook then took a look at Ganaram, awkwardly standing there listening to the one side of Amber's horn-call, and remembered how he risked his life to help him get the journal back .... Maybe they'll actually help.


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"I'm pretty sure his name's Jade. Jade Flare."

"Um, yes, hello?"


"JADE!!" Amber shouted in response to the almost-too-late Electrobolt.


"Oh, my! P-pardon me!... That came out quite loud... Oh boy, this thing is awesome! Guys, guys, he picked up! Um... *ahem* Jade! It's me, Amber! Amber Vox from the train! Remember me? Anagram, Electrobolt and I got lost in all of that commotion back in Canterlot and we picked the wrong train by accident! Now we're in Manehatten! Where are you guys? Are you in Appleloosa already?? You gotta- you gotta take care of our luggage until we regroup, okay? Uh... I mean... Do us this favor, will ya? Anyway, what's up?? How're you guys doin'? Oh yeah, and about Rook! Rook... He lost his jour--"


She made a small pause after finally realizing she was talking nonstop.


"...I mean, hi."

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There was a small pause when Jade answered the call, before Jade wondered if he answered the spell correctly. However, before he could wonder what to do...


"JADE!!" shouted a female voice inside Jade's head.


"Gah!" Jade shouted as he tumbled over backwards.


Jade slowly picked himself back to his hooves as the voice talked to him. At the very end, he heard the voice slow down and state normally, "...I mean, hi."


"Um, hi...?" Jade replied to the voice, before continuing, "I'm sorry, could you start over? All I caught was "Appleloosa"".

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===== Gem Only =====


[OOC: A bit of improvisation here: Gem was in the same car Jade, and Jade didn't notice. I'm also assuming that what Jade is hearing is only being heard by Jade.]


Gem had began to daze off in her seat when she began to hear the sound of mumbling from afar. She turned her head from behind her seat and notice it the same grey-coated unicorn from before. The same pony who defended her from Beat just hours before... Somewhere within her was the idea that he may be the only who knows what kind of position she was in, and how much it sucks. Did Gem ever get to hear his name?


But as Gem continued on thinking, the unicorn seemed to be talking to himself, which was odd; Is he schizophrenic or--


Then it hit her like a ton of bricks with how the pony was talking and how his horn was glowing: He was telecommunicating, but with whom?


As much as she wanted to try to figure it out herself, her horn's still broken, and more importantly, he likely didn't knew that she was in his presence. It would've looked like she was eavesdropping on the unicorn. She needed some way to attract his attention, but she wasn't one for talking directly to somepony.


Gem had an idea: Focusing her unicorn magic through her horn, which felt like threading a thread through a needle in a haystack whilst using a crane to do so, she managed to surge high amounts of power through one of the lightbulbs in the ceiling.


This was exhausting work, and she felt like collapsing in the middle of the car the moment the bulb burst...


Which she did and added to the effect since it looked like she ducked. Gem let out a small yelp to complete her staged "Oh no, another lightbulb broke, I gotta fix it" routine:




Surely it would've gotten the attention of anypony in the room, and now it looked like she was walking down the car when the bulb exploded above her.



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"Um, hi...?" Jade replied to the voice, before continuing, "I'm sorry, could you start over? All I caught was "Appleloosa"".


"...Seriously? ALL you caught was 'Appleloosa'? Come on Jade, I don't even remember what I just said! I'm still in complete shock because I managed to make this spell work!" She sighed loudly. "...Anyway, it's Amber speaking. Amber Vox from the train, remember? We stopped at Canterlot and you tried to kill one of the Royal Guards and that caused so much trouble that our group unintentionally separated afterwards... Remember??"


"I'm in Manehatten right now - again, unintentionally - with Electrobolt and Anagram and we wanted to ask you guys over there to take care of our luggage until we regroup. Is that okay?"

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"...Seriously? ALL you caught was 'Appleloosa'? Come on Jade, I don't even remember what I just said! I'm still in complete shock because I managed to make this spell work!" She sighed loudly. "...Anyway, it's Amber speaking. Amber Vox from the train, remember? We stopped at Canterlot and you tried to kill one of the Royal Guards and that caused so much trouble that our group unintentionally separated afterwards... Remember??"


Jade winced, is he ever going to live sucker-punching Aevum like that down? Jade at least recognized the voice, it belonged to that really high-energy unicorn from this morning. Jade, however, was more surprised she was using a spell that he had only just heard about.


"Yeah, I remember."


"I'm in Manehatten right now - again, unintentionally - with Electrobolt and Anagram and we wanted to ask you guys over there to take care of our luggage until we regroup. Is that okay?"


In the meantime, Jade wandered over to and looked out the window. "That shouldn't be too much of a problem, you ponies just left them in the front car, right?" The sun was going down, and the sky was taking on an orangey hue. "We'll be pulling into Appleloosa fairly soon. How long do you think it'll be until you catch up with-" There was a crashing sound and Jade jumped "Gah!"


Jade spun around as a bunch of sparks dropped from the ceiling and faded away in the air, and underneath them stood a slightly-overweight blue unicorn mare.

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===== Gem [Am I really that fat...?] =====


"Uhh, I was just walking down, and then I heard something explode above me..."


Gem was hoping here story would convince the unicorn. Perhaps it may have done so. She got up to face the grey-faced pony and responded to him:


"Uhh, I believe we met earlier today...?"


She tried to think of what to say next...



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After Amber had finally calmed down and progressively got used to the communication spell, she was relieved that Jade remembered the 'lost half' of their original group from the morning of that same day, and even more delighted to know that their stuff would be safe for the time being. That counted one less preoccupation for that night.


"You guys hear that? No need to worry anymore! Jade's got that down for us." She happily turned to speak back to her partners and tell them the good news - in case they didn't hear it yet - as Jade continued speaking from the other side.



"We'll be pulling into Appleloosa fairly soon. How long do you think it'll be until you catch up with-" There was a crashing sound and Jade jumped "Gah!"


"...Pardon me, I don't think I follow. How long it will be until we catch up with "gah"? Who's Gah?" Amber asked, sincerely confused.


At that same moment, though, she remembered about Rook and his journal. "Hang on, Jade, we'll talk about Gah in a minute. There's something else I wanted to ask. We've met a friend on our way here and his, uh... newspaper or something got stolen, and he needs our help finding the thief. We think that said thief could have ran away somewhere over there to the west, not too far from Appleloosa... Uh... One second." She quickly turned away to speak back to the blue unicorn. "Hey Rook, do you mind describing your buddy for Jade over here? I dunno, or else the search will be rather difficult."

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Draco looked at the radio slightly when the song ended. He chuckled slightly to himself. He looked over and saw Beat there looking at him as if he was crazy. Just noticing him there. "Oh you saw that eh Beat? Do you want me to explain why I'm the way I am right now?" Draco asked his friend without looking him in the eyes.

@Beat Spark

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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===== Ganaram =====


Ganaram listened as Amber babbled on, and to keep himself from getting in the way, he begin to think to himself. It was a pretty hectic day. First Canterlot, then the train, and now they were waay off-course.


It was something that he couldn't keep off of his mind.


When Amber spoke about Gah (Who's Gah?), he tapped on Electrobolt's shoulder:


"Hey, uhh, do you think this trip's been a disaster for you...?"


===== Gem =====


"I hope my scream didn't scare you there..."


Gem felt increasingly nervous standing in front of Jade, but then she tried to change the subject:


"So, uhh, who are you talking to? I mean, it looked like you were talking to yourself, but then I figured you can't possibly be talking to yourself..."


[idea: Perhaps Amber can hear what Gem's saying...? @]



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"Gah!" Jade shouted as he tumbled over backwards.

Beat couldn't help but look again at Jade after he heard him shout. His horn was glowing in a very intense green color.

He looked like he was casting  a spell, though nothing was happening. That awoke his interest.


Jade looked like he was talking a lot which it was weird to see in a unicorn that was casting a spell, he didn't know much about unicorns and their magic, but they certainly don't act like that when they are casting a spell...



"he's up to something, why is him so mysterious?" he mumbled to himself.


when suddenly.... 






apparently a bulb in the restaurant car just popped, and as if it wasn't coincidence, Gem, the repair pony, appeared. Beat threw a weird look at her...


Inside the bar, while Marty was cleaning the bar, Eddie came out of the kitchen angry. 


"Marty, what did you break now!?!!?" he come close to him, and whispered into his ear. "do I have to punish you again, you old fossil?"


"No Eddie I didn't break anything!" the poor Marty responded.


Then Eddie looked past the bar, and saw Gem around some small pieces of shattered glass, he knew her because they work at the same train, Eddie wasn't very fond of her, but he wasn't known for being "nice" anyways.


"Gem? what's going on?" he angrily asked...



"Sweet Celestia! this is getting good" Beat Spark thought to himself.



"Oh you saw that eh Beat? Do you want me to explain why I'm the way I am right now?" Draco asked his friend without looking him in the eyes.

"shhh! not now Draco" he told his friend.

Edited by Sparkity


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Draco looked up as he watched the drama. He looked confused slightly. Today and yesterday was an emotional roller coaster for him. He just pulled out a flask of his finest fire whiskey and drank slowly. "This will get interesting but this Eddie pony is an arse. Marty looks to be a nice pony since Beat seems to know him. Poor guy maybe I can hire him and Beat if they ever quit their day jobs. I do need a mascot that would bring in more mares. Hmm I'll ask Beat what he does for a living," Draco thought to himself. His silvers eyes showed the gears turning in his head. Gem has came in and Draco sighed. as he thought once more to himself "She has got to have a lover," he thought out.


Draco then whispered to Beat "What the buck is going on?"

@Jade Flare,@Beat Spark,@Ganaram Inukshuk

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"My friend?" Rook said in responds to Amber's question. "As in the guy who tried to kill us?" Amber said something in response that Took, didn't hear. He continued. "Uh, yeah. He's dark brown, unicorn...... Goonish? Not sure what else to say. Right before Amber turned to speak to the Flare pony or whoever, Rook remembered a detail. "OH OH! Part of one of his ears was cut off in our fight! That should help them find him....."


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"Uhh, I was just walking down, and then I heard something explode above me..."


Gem was hoping here story would convince the unicorn. Perhaps it may have done so. She got up to face the grey-faced pony and responded to him:


"Uhh, I believe we met earlier today...?"


"Uh, I dunno. D-did that lightbulb explode?" Jade asked, caught off guard. Suddenly Amber started speaking in his mind again. "Hold on a sec." Jade said as he directed his attention to Amber


"...Pardon me, I don't think I follow. How long it will be until we catch up with "gah"? Who's Gah?" Amber asked, sincerely confused.


At that same moment, though, she remembered about Rook and his journal. "Hang on, Jade, we'll talk about Gah in a minute. There's something else I wanted to ask. We've met a friend on our way here and his, uh... newspaper or something got stolen, and he needs our help finding the thief. We think that said thief could have ran away somewhere over there to the west, not too far from Appleloosa... Uh... One second."


"Uh, alright. Don't think I saw a thief, though, just a-" Jade trailed off as it looked like Gem was about to speak up again. Jade turned his attention back to her, and she spoke.


"I hope my scream didn't scare you there..."


"N-no, it's alright." Jade said, a little awkardly. He wasn't quite sure what to say.


"So, uhh, who are you talking to? I mean, it looked like you were talking to yourself, but then I figured you can't possibly be talking to yourself..."


"No, I'm not, I just got contacted by some mare I met this morning who, uh...I'm not even sure I ghe-"


Jade jumped as he was interrupted by an outburst from a staff member coming out of the woodwork, and turned his attention to him.



Inside the bar, while Marty was cleaning the bar, Eddie came out of the kitchen angry. 


"Marty, what did you break now!?!!?" he come close to him, and whispered into his ear.


"No Eddie I didn't break anything!" the poor Marty responded.


Then Eddie looked past the bar, and saw Gem around some small pieces of shattered glass, he knew her because they work at the same train, Eddie wasn't very fond of her, but he wasn't known for being "nice" anyways.


"Gem? what's going on?" he angrily asked...


"Wait, what?" Jade quickly asked to nopony in particular, caught off-guard by the sudden turn of events. Now this angry-looking supervisor chewed out and scared the bartender, and was now bearing down on this mare Jade was just talking to. Next to him, Jade heard somepony whisper something to somepony else obviously about the staff's outburst, and Jade quickly felt his anxiety sharply rise.

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===== Gem only =====




Gem was hoping that she didn't have to confront anypony else, but it looks like she's gonna have to...


"There was a light bulb in the other car that exploded above me. Something tells me it's because the wiring's all faulty."


Gem looked at the others at the table, only wishing that she could be a part of the table, and not working incessantly...


"Fine, I'll clean up the mess..."


Gem picked up a brush and dustpan from behind the counter, and headed off to clean the mess that she had technically created. Once there, she can't help but talk to herself:


"Smooth move, Gem... Why couldn't you just break something more loud and more obnoxious than a lightbulb...? Do they even know how hard it is to even change a lightbulb?!!"



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"My friend?" Rook said in responds to Amber's question. "As in the guy who tried to kill us?"


"Yeah, yeah, whatever, get on with it. We haven't got all night." Amber responded in a rather harsh tone, while still whispering and with her right hoof covering the glowing horn. Not like that would prevent the conversation from being overheard on the other side, but she still didn't know exactly how the spell functioned anyway.


"Uh, yeah. He's dark brown, unicorn...... Goonish? Not sure what else to say."


She turned again to speak to Jade. "Yeah, the thief is a dark bro--"


"OH OH! Part of one of his ears was cut off in our fight! That should help them find him....."


Amber just gave Rook an annoyed look for a second- as if she had been rudely interrupted - and then resumed with her conversation. "...He's a dark brown unicorn, tough looking, missing one of his ears or something. How's that for ya?"


She didn't really have any hopes up for this search. And even though she still didn't know the purpose of that journal, she was hardly interested in it. Nonetheless, since the blue unicorn was now following them, she didn't want to be rude to him... At least not this time.


Amber heard Jade talking to somepony else for a few seconds, and it seemed like there was quite a commotion on the other side of the call. She was slowly wasting the small portion of patience she had - unnecessarily, of course.


 "Uh, alright. Don't think I saw a thief, though, just a-"


The talk was cut off again as Jade continued to interact with other things Amber couldn't see. Right there, she lost it.


"You know, I feel like I'm talking to myself here, Jade." She raised her voice a little bit. "I thought you'd be a little bit more excited to finally talk to us after that episode in Canterlot." Raised her voice even more. "Shouldn't you at bucking least be worried about us?!"


Amber sighed out loudly and regained her breath.


"Look... We'll most likely be getting out of here by the morning, and then we should regroup somewhere... Where, though? What do you think? Annie?" She turned to Ganaram, as to drag him into the call.

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She turned again to speak to Jade. "Yeah, the thief is a dark bro--"


Amber just gave Rook an annoyed look for a second- as if she had been rudely interrupted - and then resumed with her conversation. "...He's a dark brown unicorn, tough looking, missing one of his ears or something. How's that for ya?"


Jade turned his attention back to the voice in his head. "No, haven't seen anypony like that. I haven't seen anything suspicious since Canterlot."


All the commotion and the ponies around him had truely made Jade uncomfortable, so he decided he really needed to get out of there. Jade trotted past the angry unicorn mare who was cleaning up the lightbulb mess and talking to herself. Jade wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but given how she acted earlier, Jade figured she must've been as uncomfortable with what was going on as he was. Jade wanted to say something, but when no words came he quietly regarded her and proceeded to walk somewhere a little less stressful.




 -king least be worried about us?!"


Oh crap, was the voice still talking? Jade turned his attention back to Amber.



Amber sighed out loudly and regained her breath.


"Look... We'll most likely be getting out of here by the morning, and then we should regroup somewhere... Where, though? What do you think? Annie?" She turned to Ganaram, as to drag him into the call.


"Well, we'll be pulling into Appleloosa in a few hours, we've already made it to the desert. I don't know how long we'll be staying there, though, but if you leave by morning you will be really far behind." Jade answered her.

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===== Ganaram =====
"Huh, what?"
Ganaram's conversation with @@Electrobolt, was interrupted by Amber...

"Look... We'll most likely be getting out of here by the morning, and then we should regroup somewhere... Where, though? What do you think? Annie?"

What now...? Oh, where to regroup? Maybe...

"We'd have to regroup somewhere. Anyway, our next stop was supposed to be Appaloosa, but then..." Ganaram looked back at Electrobolt, and then back at Amber:

"Maybe we'd be able to meet at the station, or maybe somewhere beyond Appaloosa, but I don't know what town to stop at. Amber, can you see if that's OK with the others?"


===== Gem =====


[OOC: I wanna try to get Ganaram and Gem as close as possible. If not, we'll go for the next reliable stop. Other than that, right now, we have Amber, Ganaram, Jade, Rook, and probably Beat all talking together right now.]


"Augh... That was brutal..."


Gem crawled back into the dining car, hoping to see that Jade was still there. She was still curious to know what was going on with him. But looking into the car, she can tell that things were unchanged from when she left to clean up the mess she had made.


Jade, Beat, and Eddie, and Marty... Still there... And ohjeez!!! FLO!!!



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((Ganaram  your missing Draco. He's in there too you know))

A unicorn mare walked in with the uppity attitude worthy of a Canterlot royalty. Her color was white. On her flanks was her cutie mark which was a microphone. She noticed Beat Spark and walked towards him slowly as if savoring the hunt. "Well hello handsome how are you this fine afternoon?" she said her voice seductive.


Draco's ears perked up but he kept his head down with his fedora covering his eyes. He knew who that mare was but he won't speak up just yet. He pulled out his pocket watch and noticed that an hour had passed. He rolled his eyes as he placed his watch into the pocket. Draco motioned for another whiskey.

((Yeah Ganaram I think we should have the trains go right towards their destination this is taking to darn long))

@Beat Spark

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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