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private Founding of Equestria (RP thread)

Cherry Blossom

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Cherry Blossom returned to Pegalopolis after a few hours. As soon as she set hoof on the cloud city, she rushed to the Congressional Hall. Though she gently stopped when there were nearby Pegasai, she didn't want to bump into them and knock them down, or rather get knocked down herself.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Lemon Scarlet, finally recovered from the rather long wait in the hospital as she was checked multiple time to see if she was really okay. It was terrible for her, boring, and nothing negative was found, everything was positive. She headed down the Castle Commons where many unicorns stayed in their free time. She didn't know where to go, what to do, and while she was in the hospital, she had heard that a scouting party had left that she would have been eligible to take part in had she been ready to serve. Blasted brain, she thought to herself, trying to figure out why she had even gone. She kept reminding herself that she had been bored, but now that she had missed her chance, it had seemed idiotic and stupid. What to do now, what to do...


((OOC: Anypony want to momentarily post as a random military unicorn who walks up to me and gives me a mission?))

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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((OOC: if my post is a little confusing to you that means you didn't read my post on page 29))


Workers, designers, and engineers in the workshop were working like a well oiled machine as opposed to the disorganized mess that the workshop was in before. New designs and prototypes went through the room post haste with little to no error in the final product. Some include a new, more aerodynamic carriage and sleigh as well as a saddle that distributed weight more evenly and allowed over 20% more capacity.


Martin stood at a desk with a pencil in one hoof and a ruler in the other, furiously scribbling on a piece of paper. He looked up from his work and wiped the sweat off his brow. Silently, he folded up his papers and put them in one of the fancy new saddles they designed and headed for the door. "I'm going to be heading out. You keep up the good work" he said to the ponies who were working, and with that, he was out the door.


As soon as Martin was out the door the entire room exhaled with relief; throwing their papers into the air and dropping their tools on the table, some slouching in their chairs and others just laying on the floor, all were taking deep tired breaths. "That pony... is crazy..." one says in between breaths "Yeah man... If he comes back I'm quitting..."


"Those guys are great" Martin thought to himself as he trotted his way to the Congressional Hall "I always love spreading my knowledge to other ponies. I only hope they are as appreciative of me as I am of me..."

  • Brohoof 3

avatar and sig by your's truly
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She passes Vinyl the berries, thinking, "You would think Wits would have been more polite... No matter; he helped where it counted. These berries, other than they're edible, I don't know much about them." She eats one, looking thoughtful, "They taste... A little bit sweet... With a spicy kick at the end." She felt less tired.


Vinyl pops one in her mouth and savored the flavor. "You're right, it does have a bit of a tang at the end. So what's the significance of these?" Vinyl laid back in her chair and put her hooves behind her head. She felt still felt relaxed, but she also felt like she had a bit more energy

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"Well, I prayed for something we could grow, at least as well as the EPK. I think these are it. I'd be willing to bet that they can be fed magic and moonlight, or traditionally, and we can use them in our rations. They are kind of like little energy boosts, in a berry."

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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((Posting for Mal again))


"They are right, we should get going. Everypony stay together and keep quiet. Be ready we might be attacked at any moment. No time to move the bodies, let's go." Sapphire said to the group as they headed towards a bushy area to move hidden.


"Yes, m-ma'am", said Star Rain, nervous once more. Oh great, we're gonna be attacked at any moment? This'll be wonderful. She summons her book again and makes it disappear after a minute of reading for fear that it could get swiped at any moment. After that, she didn't summon it again. Star Rain then treaded lightly with the group and the tip of her horn glowed a little to be ready to attack at any moment.

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R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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"Yes m'am." Flame saluted Greylight then started walking out of the Congressional Hall, But as he pushed open the doors he walked right into Cherry Blossom, Knocking them both to the ground. "Oh... Cherry Blossom, Im so sorry I should have been watching where I was going." He said, Standing up and helping her do the same.


(((OOC: I hope you dont mind I made Cherry Blossom arrive at the Congressional Hall.)

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"Ok, well, if we can grow them, that's great. If you get me a crate or something of these, I'll see about putting them in the rations. Anyway, is that all you needed to talk about?" Vinyl used her magic to take out a piece of paper and she started writing a letter to Cherry Blossom. When she was done, she folded the paper up and sealed the envelope with a kiss. "Do you think you could get this to her for me?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Aelicine shrugged, "I came because I felt that Syline wanted me to come. I will see about sending your letter to the clouds; there has to be some way, right?" She drank her coffee, and came to stare at Vinyl, and realized something. "Syline has blessed you, Vinyl!"

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Vinyl was a bit intrigued. "She has? Why do you say that? And what has she blessed me with?" She handed the envelope over to Aelicine. "Please make sure no one else sees this. I don't want any other pegasi or council members to see this. This is for her beautiful eyes only."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Aelicine nodded seriously, both to the question and the request, and took the letter. She carefully put it in her saddle bag, and then producing a mirror and presenting it to Vinyl, she made her hoof glow. In the blue-purple light, she brushed hair away from the mare's forehead gently, where a crescent-moon like shape presented it's self. She dropped her hoof, looking tired, and said, "From the placement and symbol, intelligence... Sorry, I've been rather active lately. It's really to late in the morning for me, but Syline tells me that it is the time I am most needed."

  • Brohoof 2


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Greylight was already in her office, wondering where Martin was in his progress and where Cherry Blossom was when she needed her. She looked around and saw organized chaos. Maybe she could somehow let Cherry be her personal assistant... She would have to be close at all times, but if she accepted, she would have some pony she at least knew a little by her side instead of some every changing guards. She began wondering what the Unicorns were up to. She had heard from the Earth Ponies, but the Unicorns were currently silent to the Pegasi. She should send out some scouts to the Unicorns and then to the Earth Ponies again...


((See what I'm doing..? Tying the three together, as well as letting Martin and Cherry Blossom in while seeing if I can "stop" Vinyl's letter to Cherry by putting Cherry close to Greylight. Oh, this RP will get good if anypony finds out about Vinyl. ;)))

Edited by Nightfall
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After Surge told the village what happened they were outraged and ready to take action. He called for Trench where ever he was in the town to meet him at town hall. He walked back in to see Fatigue sitting by the fire place. So.....your going to go and deal with it huh? Try to do things the "peaceful way"? Well Surge i will say this, you have changed a lot. What happen to you Surge? Why did you banish me? Because.......You were a danger to the village. How so Surge? I was i a danger? What do you mean how? You know what you did to the towns folk. You took your power as general and abused it. You would raid homes just because you wanted to. Your the reason we have to trade between the three breeds. You Fatigue are the reason the Earth Ponies are looked down upon. So to better the village i asked Martin to pass a motion to banish you. To help the EPK....we had to banish you....It was the only way. So....thats what it was. I see now......you banished me out of fear. What? You feared i would over power you and take your place as lead general. You saw Martin was starting to favor me more than you so you got rid of me. Fatigue now your jest walking crazy. That may be Surge....But i know....I know you always feared my power. Even from the beginning when we were young you were always weaker than me! Fatigue then tackles Surge to the ground. And you could never beat me! Because i am the strong one! You may be strong. But you know what you lack? Surge then reversed the hold on him and puts him in a hoof lock pinning him to the ground. You lack skill and technique. And that is where you will always fail. That it why im a higher rank than you. You may have been a good fighter but you were a mindless fighter. You were a brute.....And thats why we had to get rid of you. You think you can stop me like this? *tries to break the hold* Fatigue dont try me. I will put you down if i have to. Fatigue calms down and Surge lets him go. Tigue walks to his room in anger. Be ready to leave in the morning. Your coming with me. Whatever......He slams the door. Surge just sighs as he leaves. Just then Windscar walks in. Hi Surge.....Whats wrong? Oh its nothing WS. Im leaving in the morning the the Unicorn kingdom. What? Why? Sigh......They killed two of our guards that were on duty. Oh my. Dont they know this is an act of war? thats why im going to see their leader and talk to them about it. If we can come to an agreement there will be no need for war. But if they do not want to take responsibility for their actions.......I will have no other choice but to use force. But Surge what about the random kindness thing? Cant you still do that? Right now...I think its going to take more than kindness to get rid of this bad blood. I just hope things dont get violent while im there. Well.....*moves in on his chest*....i dont want anything to happen to you. Iv....iv come to like having you around.*nuzzles his chest and takes her coat off.* Surge looks down at her and blushes a bit. He then puts his head on hers and his hoof on her back. Iv grown very fond of you as well Windscar. And i promise...ill come back unharmed. Surge....i want to stay. I want to stay in the earth kingdom....with you. Really? So your truly ready to leave your home and stay here? Looking up at him. As long as im with you im home. *kisses him on the nose*. Well....im happy to hear that from you. and i want you to stay with me as well......as my wife. Wait Surge....Slow down a bit ok. Are you sure you want to do this? Im mean you have only know me for a few days. Are you sure about this? Well if not now......in due time then. I just.....iv never met a mare like you before. Your just different. She starts to blush as he talks. She then cuts him off and kisses him on the lips. Then i will. Ill be your wife when your ready. But for now.......there is something i want to give you. Just in case you dont return. She then walks over to Surge's door with a very seductive walk. She brushes her tail under his chin leading him to his room. As they both go in she closes the door and pins him to the bed. They kiss. Windscar.....are sure about this? Shhhhhh.....Just let nature take its course. (Fade to black). But in the hall Fatigue saw the whole thing. So sleeping with the enemy now are we Surge? Well i now have some dirt on you Surge. This is enough to get you put down or maybe even banished as well. But ill wait till the time is right to let this out. All in due time. Goes back into his room..

  • Brohoof 4

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The door to Greylight's office suddenly opened, but very slowly and gently. "C-Commander Hurricane! I h-have something to report to you!" she exclaimed as she flew into the room. "T-The Earth Ponies have our supply of the food, but i-it seems like they want Martin in return." Cherry Blossom continued to pant.

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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"Great. Starve or give up my right hand informant. Leave it to the EarthPonies to put me in a terribly hard decision."

She sighed and walked to a window.

"Go tell a guard to bring in Martin. I need him to help me with this. He also is my head assistant, so..."

She closed her eyes. Giving up Martin would mean giving up her new coltfriend.

"We might just have to go to war with the Earth Ponies. Let's see what Martin says. Hopefully he hasn't hurt himself or done anything too bad in our workshop."

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"Y-Yes ma'am!" Cherry Blossom saluted and flew off to the workshop. After a few minutes passed by she reached the workshop and knocked on the door. "E-Excuse me monsieur Martin, but Commander Hurricane needs to see you right now." she knocked on the door again, just in case he didn't hear.
  • Brohoof 1

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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((OOC: Cherry, Martin was already on his way to Greylight :P ))


Martin was just trotting into the Congressional hall when a guard came up to him "The Commander wants to see you"


"Well of course she wants to see me I'm-" he stopped himself "her... number one assistant..." Martin trotted past the guard and into the Commander's office "You wanted to see me Grey?"

  • Brohoof 2

avatar and sig by your's truly
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((OOC: Cherry, Martin was already on his way to Greylight :P ))


Martin was just trotting into the Congressional hall when a guard came up to him "The Commander wants to see you"


"Well of course she wants to see me I'm-" he stopped himself "her... number one assistant..." Martin trotted past the guard and into the Commander's office "You wanted to see me Grey?"


She looked over at him, looking torn, tired, and sad.

"News from the Earth Ponies: they have the Pegasi rations, but... They want you in exchange. I needed you because-" Cherry was also in the room, so she thought for a moment. "- because you're my head informant and assistant. I want to know what you would do in this situation."


(This "sad" incident isn't made better by BarlowGirl's Never Alone (Acoustic). :lol::P)

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Cherry Blossom tipped her head to the right a little and stared at the two ponies. Greylight's speech sounded very saddened and she hadn't found about what happened between the two. She sighed and just turned away from them, thinking about what decision will be made.

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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((OOC: well now I have to download that song :P ))


Martin thought about this; he walked up to Greylight and put a hoof on her shoulder "I'm not leaving you" he didn't want to leave for obvious reasons but if he stayed then innocent ponies might starve... It would be selfish of him to stay but he did have a plan that might work out better in the end, in fact, that's why he was coming to Greylight in the first place (well that and he was getting a little lonely :blush:;) ), to present his idea. "I have a plan that can make everything better for everypony" Martin took off his saddle and unrolled a huge piece of paper onto Greylight's desk (what is on the paper will remain unknown to everypony for dramatic purposes ;) ) "By using this, we can bring prosperity to your-" he looked at Greylight and corrected himself "-our empire" he smiles


((OOC: if Martin ever sounds unromantic that's because he's normally not a romantic pony and I just don't really know how to put romance in with him while staying in character))

Edited by Krystal
  • Brohoof 1

avatar and sig by your's truly
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((OOC: well now I have to download that song :P ))


Martin thought about this; he walked up to Greylight and put a hoof on her shoulder "I'm not leaving you" he didn't want to leave for obvious reasons but if he stayed then innocent ponies might starve... It would be selfish of him to stay but he did have a plan that might work out better in the end, in fact, that's why he was coming to Greylight in the first place (well that and he was getting a little lonely :blush:;) ), to present his idea. "I have a plan that can make everything better for everypony" Martin took off his saddle and unrolled a huge piece of paper onto Greylight's desk (what is on the paper will remain unknown to everypony for dramatic purposes ;) ) "By using this, we can bring prosperity to your-" he looked at Greylight and corrected himself "-our empire" he smiles


((OOC: if Martin ever sounds unromantic that's because he's normally not a romantic pony and I just don't really know how to put romance in with him while staying in character))


She smiled, and even blushed a bit when he put his hoof on her shoulder. She looked at the sheet for a good long time, studying it carefully.

"This requires war, though. Should we start a war..? Do you think we have a basis on which we can actively declare war on the Earth Ponies..? And if we do, I would like you to immediately start setting this up."

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She smiled, and even blushed a bit when he put his hoof on her shoulder. She looked at the sheet for a good long time, studying it carefully.

"This requires war, though. Should we start a war..? Do you think we have a basis on which we can actively declare war on the Earth Ponies..? And if we do, I would like you to immediately start setting this up."


"War is never the best choice, but right now all three factions are being pinned to a wall; war is inevitable. We have to know when the right time to strike is and for us, I think it would be better if we take the first move." Martin admired his handiwork and notice a small error. He quickly pulled out a pencil and corrected it "I set this up to be as non-lethal as possible, for both our forces and theirs. Once we have the Earth Kingdom under control, I can take command of it as a colony of the Peagsian Empire..." He looked back at Greylight into her enticing red eyes "... if that's alright with you..."
  • Brohoof 1

avatar and sig by your's truly
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She walked in silence, leaning into him.

"You must do what the general's told you to, Velnir... I can't hate you for obeying orders... Just one promise from you..."

She looked at him, then kissed him softly, pulling away after only a few moments.

"Don't die..."


Velnir felt her lean into him and smiled. When she kissed him, he relished every moment, trying to absorb the feeling. So when she told him to promise, he almost missed it, however, he was completely sincere when he said, "I would not be going if I did not feel I would come back alive."

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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((OOC: We've got a flatline pulse in this RP! Somepony get me the defibrillators!))


Cherry Blossom's ears perked up at the sound of the word 'war'. She just didn't feel it was the right thing to do and she was opposed to violence.She imagined all the horror that would occur if a war was ignited, causing flames to burn in every corner. It gave her a headache and made her feel very dizzy.

Edited by Cherry Blossom
  • Brohoof 1

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Velnir felt her lean into him and smiled. When she kissed him, he relished every moment, trying to absorb the feeling. So when she told him to promise, he almost missed it, however, he was completely sincere when he said, "I would not be going if I did not feel I would come back alive."


"I just want the reassurance."

She closed her eyes, smiling, trying to hide the fact that she was sad.


"War is never the best choice, but right now all three factions are being pinned to a wall; war is inevitable. We have to know when the right time to strike is and for us, I think it would be better if we take the first move." Martin admired his handiwork and notice a small error. He quickly pulled out a pencil and corrected it "I set this up to be as non-lethal as possible, for both our forces and theirs. Once we have the Earth Kingdom under control, I can take command of it as a colony of the Peagsian Empire..." He looked back at Greylight into her enticing red eyes "... if that's alright with you..."


"Hm... Well, I'll put in in control of it, but you must agree that you will be ready to back out if they start a riot, ok? I don't want you hurt..."

"Anypony could be watching... Best play it safe..."

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