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private The Malice of the Draconiquis


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"Princess Luna will be fine with it, I promise. Umm...besides, I-I don't think she would send anypony to the moon," Aurora said thoughtfully, although a seed of doubt made its way into her mind. She didn't exactly want to be the lucky...or unlucky...pony chosen for a one-way ticket to a freezing rock in space. Still, though...it wasn't completely, well, noticeable. Aurora had a funny feeling that the Sky Explorer suddenly shattering into a million pieces would draw much more attention than a telescope around a hundredth of its size. As long as they kept quiet about it, nopony would know.


Ice Storm lifted the entire mess, with some effort, up off of the floor and froze it solid, which unfortuantely had the detrimental effect of chilling a room that was already barely above freezing. "Umm...I...don't actually have anyplace to put that," Aurora said sheepishly. "Unless...ya wanna dump it out the window?" Aurora regretted those words as soon as she had said them, as a horrible image of a thousand shards of glistening ice pelting hapless passerby popped into her mind. "Ahh...ya might want to check to make sure the coast is clear, though."

  • Brohoof 4


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"Daylight....a very nice name, yes." Fermata responded before glancing at his cutie mark "So your cutie mark tells me that you can make light with magic huh, that's cool! I use my magic primarily to amplify my soft voice whenever I sing ehehehe." Afterwards, the golden stallion asked her


"Do you want to come with us? That way we can get to know each other better. That is... if it's OK with you though Alex." He said turning to look at him.


"What was that? Um..go with you guys...err I don't know um..." Fermata was surprised at his offer "C-come....With those guys? Uh...A girl....with a group of guys.....is that okay?" She was sweating "I know I've been assigned into a group of colts in school during all those.......those glee sessions, I suppose it's okay then...it's not like they're going to do anything bad...right? I mean....this is Ponyville...where everyone is friendly and hospitable....So..yeah I should accept his offer.... okay then it's settled."


At last, Fermata made up her mind "Err...all right then...I'll come with you guys then if that's okay with him, if he agrees, I'm sure I'll enjoy my time with you guys, um.....is it okay?" She asked with a poker face.


Then her thoughts went about in her mind "Uh yeah....I guess this is okay after all..hopefully.....Dear Luna and Celestia....What have I gotten myself into?!?" Her sweating increased even more.

  • Brohoof 2


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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Skipe, after what seemed like an eternity's worth of searching, crawled out of the closet with...frankly, he had no clue what it was, but as far as he knew, he thought he had found it a few months back, and the store owner had told him it could dry out liquids; it was something called a...something with an H. After further inspection of the object, and there's no fun in telling anypony what it is, as only I know, he shrugged and ran all the way back up.


Puffing fanatically, he held up the machine, but his hand dropped, as his jaw, as he stared at the mass of ice above him.* He suddenly felt no use of the object he was holding, as the ice would simply turn back into water, but with no intention to return back downstairs before coming back up, he set it down on the ground at the left side of the stairs where the wall turned to the left toward the Foal Educational Media Centre. He hurried over to Aurora Flame and waited next to her. He knew the probability of a severe punishment was small, but it was there nonetheless.


As mention of the window came up, Skipe protested. "I wouldn't consider it. Last time I checked, which was looking out the window of the janitor's closet downstairs, the MESE** was passing through, and they at the rate they're going, I doubt they've past us by now. Probably a celebration parade."



*Slight exaggeration, nothing to be afraid of.

**MESE: Major Emergency Squad Elite


Edited by Colgate Revolution
  • Brohoof 2

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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After Electrobolt had spoken to Alex, saying he'd go along, he heard a different voice speak up, introducing herself as Fermata Spark. Turning his head around, he saw the mint-green unicorn whom he had seen earlier. *Wow, so her name's Fermata Spark, huh...? That's a nice name for her.* the young colt pondered, a small smile on his face. She had then greeted Daylight and even said her talent was music, as noted by her cutie mark. As she showed off her cutie mark, Electro got a good look at it, seeing a musical note. That part was understandable, but what made him curious was the little spark in the middle of the note. What was the spark supposed to stand for?


"What was that? Um..go with you guys...err I don't know um..." Fermata was surprised at his offer.


When Daylight had offered Fermata to join them, the mare seemed rather flustered. Was she surprised by the sudden offer to join them? Then again, it was very sudden, and they all just met for the first time. Before he could say anything, however, he heard Fermata say that she would join if it was ok with Alex. Although he was still a bit concerned, he only nodded. Just then, however, he recalled that he hadn't even introduced himself after Fermata had introduced herself. Feeling slightly embarrassed about this, he stated, "Oh yeah, um... I forgot to say, my name's Electrobolt. It's nice to meet you, Fermata..." Looking at her cutie mark again, he then asked, "So, you sing, huh? I'd like to hear you sing sometime soon... I mean, whenever you feel like it..."

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When Aurora stated that Princess Luna would be fine with it. Besides, she didn't think that she of anypony would send anypony to the moon. "You have a point," she stated as she held up the frozen mess that was now suspended in the air. She heard her mention that she didn't really have any place that she could put the water other than out the window, and that she should make sure that there was nopony walking by as she did so. She giggled at the thought slightly but walked over to the window and double checked. She didn't see anypony so presumed that it would be okay and just lobbed it out of the window. There were a few ponies walking past Well this isn't going to work.... she thought to herself. She looked around for a bit and noticed a nearby pond and let the ice fall into it. "There, now the mess is all taken care of... albeit at the expense of making it slightly colder, which I didn't think about until now, but still," she told her with a sheepish smile.


Though now that the slipping, falling, and breaking things had been concluded, she hoped, it was time to get down to the reason why she had even come here to begin with. "Now, you mentioned that the reports and everything was on the second floor, is that where you needed help? Like I had mentioned, the only thing I remember was that you needed my help with something but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. Hopefully that won't be a recurring trend," she laughed.

Edited by Ice Storm
  • Brohoof 1


Princess Luna is best pony

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Alex looked towards Electrobolt who agreed to come with him to find the bulletin board and soon, the golden-rod unicorn joined in.  He stated that his name was Daylight before stating that he was a detective, although he stated the latter fact to the unicorn mare sitting at the table near the door.  The fact that Daylight was a detective unsettled Alex a bit, but he didn't show it.  Frankly, he wasn't worried since the detective isn't working on cases right now.  "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Daylight and it's good to see you're coming too, Bolt."  Alex said to the two until the other unicorn spoke up to him.  

"Oh! a very good morning to you too!, say I haven't seen you before, kinda odd because I know almost everypony in town, Err, my name's Fermata Spark by the way. Um...Maybe we can be friends? I love meeting new faces." Fermata smiled.


Alex listened on to the new unicorn with interest as she introduced herself as Fermata Spark.  "Uhh, sure.  It's nice making some new friends.  You wouldn't know me since I came from outside Ponyville.  I'm just travelling through, but I need to earn some more bits before I can continue going."  Alex explained to the mare.  Alex didn't want to go in full detail where he was from to these ponies that he barely knew.  Daylight and Electrobolt had asked the unicorn mare if it would be all right if she would come with them.


At last, Fermata made up her mind "Err...all right then...I'll come with you guys then if that's okay with him, if he agrees, I'm sure I'll enjoy my time with you guys, um.....is it okay?" She asked with a poker face.


Fermata asked with a straight face, but her voice told differently.  Alex pondered it for a moment and decided.  "All right, that's fine by me.  Let's get going, everypony."  Alex said to Fermata before addressing his group.  He opened the door out to Sugarcube Corner.


"Thanks for stopping by Sugarcube Corner!  Come see us again!"  Lavender's voice called out from inside the shop.  Alex turned back to hold the door open for his group.

  • Brohoof 2

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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 "Oh yeah, um... I forgot to say, my name's Electrobolt. It's nice to meet you, Fermata..." Looking at her cutie mark again, he then asked, "So, you sing, huh? I'd like to hear you sing sometime soon... I mean, whenever you feel like it..."

"Electrobolt huh...that's a cool name! Come again? You'd like to hear me sing whenever I feel like it? Sure! I'd be very happy to do so!" Fermata smiled at her new friend. "If we go near the hills, I'm sure you'll enjoy my singing there!"


Alex listened on to the new unicorn with interest as she introduced herself as Fermata Spark.  "Uhh, sure.  It's nice making some new friends.  You wouldn't know me since I came from outside Ponyville.  I'm just travelling through, but I need to earn some more bits before I can continue going."  



Next, she turned to a blue pegasus and responded "Ah.....I see, no wonder why I've never seen you before. Oh yeah, Ponyville's known for their warm hospitality and friendliness. I really hope you enjoy spending your time here, because this nice town has a lot to offer for you! She explained to him.


After Daylight and Electrobolt persuaded Fermata to come along with the group, the blue pegasus agreed.



 "All right, that's fine by me.  Let's get going, everypony." 



"Eh? I can go....with you guys?....Wonderful! Ehehehe....." Fermata seemed happy, but on the inside, her feelings of nervousness started building up.


"Oh....that' just great.....three guys....one girl.....it's been a while since I've hanged out with several guys...and being the only girl....I really...really hope this goes smoothly" After a pause, she told the three ponies "Um...I'll be in your care....uh...let's get going to wherever that place is shall we?"

  • Brohoof 3


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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As Electrobolt listened to Fermata speak, she said that she would be glad to sing when they could. She added on that if they went to the hills, he would be sure to enjoy her singing there. His smile broadened more as he thought of listening to Fermata singing by the hills. Nodding to Fermata, he said, "I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Thank you." As he looked at the rest of the group, he noticed Alex said that the mare could come along, before looking back to the musical unicorn. She seemed to be pretty happy, though her voice seemed to be stuttering.


Shaking it off, he looked over to Alex as he began to walk out the door, before stopping to hold it open for the rest of the group. Looking back to Daylight and Fermata, he said, "Well, shall we go now?" After saying that, he joined Alex outside, before thinking of something. *Alex is new to Ponyville, so he probably doesn't know his way around town yet... But I wonder if he'd like to have a tour of the place, or if he'd be able to work it out on his own...* Taking in a quick breath, he then asked, "Oh hey, Alex? Um, after we check the bulletin board, perhaps I could give you a quick tour of Ponyville? I mean, if you'd like one, of course..."

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  • 3 weeks later...

As Alex allowed the ponies to get outside of Sugarcube Corner, he looked over at the area where the mayor of Ponyville was gathering the townponies together for the meeting about Nightmare Night and the Annual Running of the Leaves marathon.  Alex looked down at his necklace for a quick second.  It was a silver necklace that bore his name in the middle of a star.  Even though nopony else could see it, but on the back it also bore another inscription.  As Alex looked back at the congregation around the mayor, he could tell that they were nearing the end of the town meeting as he saw the mare speaking to the crowd about how things have been going pleasantly here in Ponyville.  To Alex, this was a strange place to be in as he was more used to the city and the hustle and bustle of it.


"No, Alex.  You have to keep your mind on the present, which is here in Ponyville where you need to look for a job to get some bits to continue traveling as well as a place to stay in."  Alex thought to himself, dismissing the thought of the city from his mind.  He had to admit though, he didn't particularly mind the scenery that enveloped Ponyville.


"Oh hey, Alex? Um, after we check the bulletin board, perhaps I could give you a quick tour of Ponyville? I mean, if you'd like one, of course..."


@@Electrobolt, Alex was brought out of his thoughts by Electrobolt asking to give him a tour of the town after they checked the bulletin board.  "Ummm, yeah.  Sure, that's fine by me, Bolt."  Alex said to the young colt as he looked to see a town map just to their left.  Alex walked up to it to try and find the town hall where the bulletin board was at.  It turned out that the town hall was on the other side of the town where they are at right now.  He found the quickest way to there was past a planetarium, which was just a block from them.


@@Electrobolt,@, @@Dave247,  


"Okay, the bulletin board is on the other side of the town.  The quickest way is past that planetarium over there."  Alex said to the three ponies around him.  "I'm gonna head to it that way, if you're still willing to tag along that is."  Alex added to the ponies before heading over to the town hall en route from the planetarium.


As Alex walked up near the planetarium, he saw a chunk of ice fall out of the window into a pond just to his right.  "Huh?...  That's...  Strange..."  Alex said to himself as he looked up curiously at the window.

  • Brohoof 1

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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While Day was waiting for a reply form Alex. He turned back to Fermata as she respond to h question, she appeared unsettled by it, before agreeing to it without showing any emotion on her face. She was clearly trying to hide her nervousness, but wasn't doing a very good job of it though as the way she spoke gave it away. He looked back to Alex who had seemed to notice the discrepancy too as he was pondering over what she had said, but luckily he agreed which made Day breathe a sigh of relief. Alex then proceeded to leave with Electro following him.

Um...I'll be in your care....uh...let's get going to wherever that place is shall we?"


Day then turned back to Fremtia to speak to her.

"Come on then! Let's get going and don't worry, I'll take care of you." he said with a friendly smile before following the other two out the shop.


He found the other two standing just outside Sugercube corner discussing where to go next. He heard Electro mention to Alex about a tour which he thought would be a good idea as although he used to live in Ponyville some things had changed a bit and he wouldn’t mind being showed around again.


"I think a tour would be good, it's been a while since I've been to Ponyville and just from walking around earlier I noticed some things had changed since I was here last."


Alex then stated he was going to head to the bulletin board, before heading off in that direction. Day followed him, and looked over at the crowd gathered where the mayor was discussing the town’s upcoming events as he walked. How we would like to experience one of those again... He had good memories of the times he went in the past.


As they walked by the Planetarium, He heard a loud splash and Alex stop to look at something. He stopped next to him wondering what could of made that noise and if that was Alex was looking at when he saw a big chunk of ice floating in the pond below an open window of the observatory. He looked up at the windows as Ales was doing, guessing that someone must of thrown it out from there. As strange as it seemed to him that why on earth ponies would be dumping ice outside their window he remembered that dumping of any sort wasn't allowed in Ponyville when he used to live here and he doubted that rule would have changed, and he didn't like when ponies broke the rules.



Day turned to Alex with an annoyed and determined look.

"Dumping is against the rules, or at least it used to be but I doubt that has changed since I was last here. I don't mean to hold us up but I need to speak with whoever just did that..."

He then walked up the path to the Planetarium door. As he approached, he didn't remember a planetarium being here the last time he was here...


When he reached the door, he banged on it loudly and forcefully, as to make sure whoever it was inside heard, and that he meant business.

@@Ice Storm, @@Aureity

"Open up!" he shouted still looking determined, hoping whoever was inside could hear. "I want to know who is responsible for that illegal dumping!"

Edited by Dave247
  • Brohoof 2

My Ponysona: Daylight
Avatar by the very skilled: @ErBoi
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While Ice was waiting for Aurora to respond to her, and answer what it was that she had needed help with, Ice had heard a knock on the door as well as some muttering coming from outside. At first she thought that it was just a couple of fillies trying to pull a prank or two before the school day started, but she heard the knocking once again, and this time she heard the voice more clearly. Something about someone who had violated the Anti-Dumping law. "Huh? Illegal dumping? I've never heard of such thing... Though if that is the case, I'd hate to see what Sugarcube Corner's record is like with as many cakes that end up flying out the window," she giggled to herself before she made her way past Aurora. "I'll go ahead and get it," she told her as she started making her way down the flights of stairs.


It took her a few moments because her hooves were still a bit damp from the water that she had just cleaned up, and sliding across the floor and falling was one thing. Falling down five flights of stairs was something completely different. She finally got to the door and opened up and it was Daylight. "Oh hey Daylight, sorry about that. I wasn't aware that there was a law on dumping, then again, when you see as many cakes flying out of sugar cube corner as I do, then  it's easy to lose track of... Surely you can forgive me this once?" she asked with a sheepish grin.

Edited by Ice Storm
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Princess Luna is best pony

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Aurora frowned, puzzled, as an annoyed voice from downstairs began yelling about an anti-dumping law of some sort. She tried to recall the finer points of Ponyville law, but drew a blank almost immediately. "Well, it's not my fault the mayor's droning voice puts ponies ta sleep," she laughed to herself, rolling her eyes as she recalled the vast crowd of ponies slumped over their seats, fast asleep, at the last town meeting the mayor had held a few months ago.


She trotted to the window, leaning out to take a peek at the spot Ice Storm had let gravity do its work on the icy mess, only to catch the last chunk of it bobbing slowly in a pond below. Well...that was strange. Maybe it was just her, but Aurora thought common sense would say that throwing ice into water wasn't littering of any sort.


Ahh, whoever it is is probably just usin' it as an excuse ta sell me something, she concluded, secretly glad that Ice Storm had chosen to answer the door instead. Aurora *always* fell for salesponies' tricks - it was the reason that her house contained everything from encyclopedias to bottle rockets.

  • Brohoof 2


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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As he stood awaiting the door to open, he had a annoyed look on his face. But that suddenly changed when he saw who opened the door.

"Oh... Hey Ice. Long time no see..." He said rather surprised trailing off into awkwardness. He remembered meeting this pony in Manehatten once during one of his cases and he thought he would never see her again.

"Umm... don't worry about the dumping law. I kinda... made that up..." He said matching Ice's sheepish look while rubbing the back of his head with his hoof.

"It was a block of Ice that did land in a pond anyway so... it should be alright other then the pond possibly overflowing when it melts. I just don't like it when I see ponies throw stuff out of their window when their too lazy to dispose of it properly as it can become a hazard to other ponies where it lands. Sugercube is the only exception to that though" he said grinning.

"So anyway... what have you been up to and how did you end up in Ponyville? I thought you were going back to Canterlot for good? Never thought you to be a star gazer in charge of a observatory. I'm here on vacation from Manehatten and are just following some new friends that I made as I have nothing else to do here" He said gesturing his hoof at Alex and the others standing nearby.

  • Brohoof 2

My Ponysona: Daylight
Avatar by the very skilled: @ErBoi
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Day turned to Alex with an annoyed and determined look. "Dumping is against the rules, or at least it used to be but I doubt that has changed since I was last here. I don't mean to hold us up but I need to speak with whoever just did that..." He then walked up the path to the Planetarium door. As he approached, he didn't remember a planetarium being here the last time he was here...


Alex looked to his left to see Daylight explain about a law in Ponyville about dumping.  "Ummmm, I'm not sure if it's considered dumping if somepony dumps a block of ice into a lake, Daylight..."  Alex voiced his opinion to the goldenrod unicorn as he saw him walk up to the door of the planetarium.  He looked onwards at the building, eyeing it curiously.  It was a large building, very well made from fine stone.  He had not been inside a planetarium for awhile.  The last time he had been in one was...


"No, Alex.  You don't need to remember that place...  It's all in the past..."  Alex thought to himself as he shook his head to perish the thought.


"Oh hey Daylight, sorry about that. I wasn't aware that there was a law on dumping, then again, when you see as many cakes flying out of sugar cube corner as I do, then  it's easy to lose track of... Surely you can forgive me this once?"


Alex looked on to see an older mare answer the door for Daylight. She was a light blue unicorn with a blue mane and a white streak in the middle of her mane.  He also happened to have a Cutie Mark on her flank in the image of two blocks of ice in what appears to be snow.


"That's what I said."  Alex said to himself as he heard Ice mention about the no dumping law and how it didn't seem to make sense when it is just ice being thrown out into the pond.




At this moment, he happened to look up at the window again and he noticed a familiar face.  It was ivory unicorn he almost got bowled over into earlier.   Alex gave her a friendly wave from where he was before looking back at the two unicorns at the door.


"Sorry about that.  I'm assuming you two know each other?"  Alex asked curiously to the two unicorns.

  • Brohoof 2

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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 "Come on then! Let's get going and don't worry, I'll take care of you." Daylight said as he wore a friendly smile before following the others, his words made Fermata blush "Eh? That was an expression, was it? I....I don't know what to say..." she thought, "Oh, um....right let's get going! Ehehehe...." she replied as she followed along. 


The next thing she sees is a big chunk of ice floating on a pond nearby a building which seemed to be the planetarium, "Woah, that was an odd site, its kind of facinating that somepony was that powerful to create a big chunk of ice" She watched as Daylight started get frustrated at the sight of it, saying that it dumped there legally, "Eh? W-Why get mad about ice in water? It will melt right? It wouldn't be a big problem, right? Also there was an anti-dumping law? Err...I'm not really sure about that," Fermata was quite puzzled at the situation, still she kept on following them to the door, where Day demanded that the pony inside to open the door and confess to this little mess "Eh? He's going this far to warn that pony?!?" She continued to watch as the door opens to reveal a cyan mare, by that time Daylight's annoyed expression changed "His expression changed!?!"



"Oh... Hey Ice. Long time no see..." He said rather surprised trailing off into awkwardness. He remembered meeting this pony in Manehatten once during one of his cases and he thought he would never see her again. "Umm... don't worry about the dumping law. I kinda... made that up..." He said matching Ice's sheepish look while rubbing the back of his head with his hoof.



 Fermata was quite surprised "What!?! H..H-He made that up!?! Plus they knew each other!!?? Huh?" She just stood out there pondering on what happened.

Edited by Narutardedscum
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OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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When Alex had agreed to the tour, he nodded as he was waiting for the rest of the group to come out so they could get going. Once Daylight had popped out, he must have overheard Electrobolt asking Alex if he'd want a tour, because he had said he'd like one as well. Smiling, he nodded and said, "Sure thing, Daylight. For now, though, let's get moving to the notice board." He then heard Alex saying the quickest way would be to go by the planetarium. Seeing him already heading off in the direction of the planetarium, Electrobolt decided to catch up to the pegasus as he followed behind.


However, once they got there, he had noticed a chunk of ice floating in the middle of a pond. Looking at it curiously, he wondered why the ice was there, as well as how it landed there. The next thing Electrobolt heard was Daylight knocking on the door, asking about who tossed out the ice and bringing up something about an illegal dumping. *Illegal dumping, wha...?* thought the young colt, confused at this. He never heard anything about an illegal dumping law before, as he looked at the unicorn stallion. "Um, Daylight, I don't think---" he started, before the door to the planetarium opened up.


She finally got to the door and opened up and it was Daylight. "Oh hey Daylight, sorry about that. I wasn't aware that there was a law on dumping, then again, when you see as many cakes flying out of sugar cube corner as I do, then  it's easy to lose track of... Surely you can forgive me this once?" she asked with a sheepish grin.


Looking at the now-open door, he saw a cyan-blue unicorn mare as she spoke to Daylight, as if she had known her from before. *Hold on... She knows Daylight...? Huh?* was what he was thinking right now, before seeing Daylight's expression changing as he spoke, calling the mare by the name of Ice. *So they do know each other...? Interesting...* He then shook his head as Daylight added that he made the whole anti-dumping law thing up. *I thought there wasn't such a law...* As he was looking over to Fermata, he noticed she seemed to be lost in thought about something. Approaching her, he asked in a calm voice, "Fermata, is everything alright...?"

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Ice let out a small sigh of relief when she had heard that Daylight had just made up the entire thing about the dumping law, and as he said, it was just a block of ice that had been put into the pond. The more she thought about it though, the more she realized after her own misfortunes of the treachery of water, she could easily see why it melting anywhere else would have been a problem. Not to say though that it wouldn't have been at least entertaining in the process as long as no pony was hurt. His voice though snapped her back into reality though when he had asked her how she had come to be in Ponyville, and that he thought that she had stated that she was going back to Canterlot for good.


"Well, that's what I had originally thought as well, but there were a few ponies and myself that didn't really see eye-to-eye. It was one of those situations where I needed to get out of Canterlot before I lost my cool and did something I would have regretted later. Luna told me to try this place out and that it was a lot better for ponies with tastes like mine. That the Canterlot crowd didn't always understand what the true finer things in life were and only sought nobility. So I moved here, and have since created my own frozen parlor here," she told him with a smile.


"As far as the stargazing goes though, yeah. I've always been infatuated with the evening sky, even before Princess Luna became a mentor. Though as much as I would like, I do not own this observatory. Aurora here keeps everything in check on it, and I just visit on occasion to help out. I do most of my gazing in the park now, which is where I was actually this morning," she said with a smile. "That being said, what brings you here from Manehatten? I know you said that you were on vacation but, honestly this place isn't much of a tourist attraction," she asked him as the darkish-blue pegasus asked if they had known each other.


"Oh! yeah, back from when I still lived in Canterlot I went to Manehatten for spring break at the magic academy. I met Day there, and we talked for a bit, shared a few laughs, and all kinds of fun stuff. Never actually thought we'd run into each other again, though I'm... not really complaining that we did," she said giving another sheepish smile to the mix.

Edited by Ice Storm
  • Brohoof 2


Princess Luna is best pony

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"Well, that's what I had originally thought as well, but there were a few ponies and myself that didn't really see eye-to-eye. It was one of those situations where I needed to get out of Canterlot before I lost my cool and did something I would have regretted later. Luna told me to try this place out and that it was a lot better for ponies with tastes like mine. That the Canterlot crowd didn't always understand what the true finer things in life were and only sought nobility. So I moved here, and have since created my own frozen parlor here," she told him with a smile.


"I understand that." Day said nodding. "I've only been to Canterlot once and only breifly for something I had to do and... I know exactly what you mean." He said with a straight and face. Before smiling again.

"It's nice to see your able to make a new life here. It's a nice, simple and relaxed little town, but it could no longer provide me with what I required." He said shaking his head with a look of slight disappointment.



"As far as the stargazing goes though, yeah. I've always been infatuated with the evening sky, even before Princess Luna became a mentor. Though as much as I would like, I do not own this observatory. Aurora here keeps everything in check on it, and I just visit on occasion to help out. I do most of my gazing in the park now, which is where I was actually this morning,"


"Ahh yes, now I remember you mentioning that to me how it was one of the things you loved." he relied nodding. He wandered who this Aurora could be as the name did not ring any bells but he assumed the two were probably friends.

"In the park in the morning you say? Did you fall asleep there watching the stars like that night when we..." He stopped suddenly when he remembered that there were other ponies nearby listing to the conversation. Lucky Ice had also asked him another question.


"That being said, what brings you here from Manehatten? I know you said that you were on vacation but, honestly this place isn't much of a tourist attraction,"


"Anyway..." he started off awkwardly. "You remember what I told you about Ponyville right? I used to live here before Manehattan but moved because left so I could better peruse my career as a detective. I just decided it was about time I came back to visit." he said shrugging. " I haven't been back in the five years since I left because I've been quite busy."


He turned to face Alex when he heard him ask a question.


"Sorry about that. I'm assuming you two know each other?" Alex asked curiously to the two unicorns.

Day was about to answer his question before Ice did first. Recalling what happened back then made him... uncomfortable as as something he would rather keep private.


"Uhh... yeah. What Ice said." He started nervously. "I was doing some investigating at a snow cone stand as there were reports of ponies getting sick. I never did trust those lemon flavored ones..." He trailed off in though for a brief moment.

"Anyway we met there, talked and basically enjoyed each others company while we uhh... did some things together" He said and finished with a sheepish smile to try and hide his nervousness.


When he turned back to Ice he saw the sheepish smile she was making which only made him more nervous as he felt his heart to beat in his chest.

"Umm... if your not doing anything... would you like to join me... I mean us?" He quickly corrected.

"You can ask Aurora to come to as well. The more the merrier!" he said in a slightly higher pitch voice then usual.

Edited by Dave247
  • Brohoof 1

My Ponysona: Daylight
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"It was a relief that he made it up, I really thought that the anti-dumping law also existed in Ponyville, I remember that they have one such law in Fillydelphia, all put in place to keep the city clean. If they really had that law here, that would've been a bit harsh in my opinion" Fermata thought.




While thinking about the about it, Electrobolt had noticed her worried face, so he calmly asked her



"Fermata, is everything alright...?"



"Huh? Oh! Yeah, everything's all right, there's nothing to worry about dear," She replied with a smile. "Hehe...I don't know why....but it feels kind of.....funny talking to a pony whose coat is of the same color as mine, it feels as if.....were siblings...wait a minute, what am I thinking? I should be enjoying my time with these new friends that I've made,"


She watched as Alex asked Daylight if he and the cyan unicorn named Ice knew each other, he said yes, but also he provided a reason on how the two met, which sounds skeptical to Fermata herself "Uhhh.......he kinda sounds like he's making it up again, I mean really, the tone of his voice. Oh well, it's not like I really want to know how they met, but a little reunion for between the two is something to be cherished." She smiled again.

Edited by Narutardedscum
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Alex looked on as Daylight explained about his knowledge of the Cyan coated unicorn.  To Alex, the mare looked to be within his age range by probably a year.  She had this sort of air around her that spoke of confidence that would make her the center of attention.  Looking at her Cutie Mark, he had the assumption that her special talent had something to do with Ice or something with cold elements. Alex facehoofed himself when Daylight admitted that he may have made the whole thing up about the anti-dumping law here in Ponyville.  *She was dumping a block of ice into the pond...  How is that illegal?  I can understand the anti-dumping law back at my home...*  Alex thought to himself as he readjusted his satchel that he had across his body.


Day was about to answer his question before Ice did first. Recalling what happened back then made him... uncomfortable as as something he would rather keep private.   "Uhh... yeah. What Ice said." He started nervously. "I was doing some investigating at a snow cone stand as there were reports of ponies getting sick. I never did trust those lemon flavored ones..." He trailed off in though for a brief moment. "Anyway we met there, talked and basically enjoyed each others company while we uhh... did some things together" He said and finished with a sheepish smile to try and hide his nervousness.   When he turned back to Ice he saw the sheepish smile she was making which only made him more nervous as he felt his heart to beat in his chest. "Umm... if your not doing anything... would you like to join me... I mean us?" He quickly corrected. "You can ask Aurora to come to as well. The more the merrier!" he said in a slightly higher pitch voice then usual.


Alex listened on as Daylight explained their chance encounter to him.  Alex was starting to get the feeling that he was getting all flustered in Ice Storm's presence, which made Alex inwardly chuckle to himself, but he tried not to think of the idea too much.  He was brought out of his thoughts by his suggestion to have Ice Storm come along with them as well as somepony named Aurora.  Alex wasn't trying to start a whole new expedition, but he figured that he couldn't say no.


@@Ice Storm@@Aureity,


"Well, if that's what she would like to do, then she is more than welcome to tag along.  Aurora is also welcome to join, too."  Alex said to the cyan unicorn, awaiting her response.

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Listening as Day spoke, she waited until he was finished and would address everything as a whole, as they obviously had a lot to catch up on. Apparently though he's had similar experiences in Canterlot though so it seemed as if that he knew exactly what she was talking about when she mentioned the Canterlot society. He also mentioned that he was glad that she was able to find what she was looking for here. that Ponyville was indeed a nice little town, but unfortunately even though he used to live here for the longest time, it just didn't suit his profession anymore. Which she could understand that. There was hardly any crime in Ponyville at all so having a detective here, honestly didn't make much sense.


He then spoke about their night in the park when she fell asleep next to him stargazing, and how he should have remembered that stargazing was one of her favorite things from that evening. The comment though made Ice blush profusely though because of the puddle they both woke up in the next morning. His mentioning of investigating a snow-cone stand and not trusting the lemon ones only made her blush more. "Yeah... I remember that night too... I'm still super sorry about that..." she told him trying to bury the memory of that once again before it drew too many questions. If it did, she would just do her best to avoid talking about it. It's not like everypony else needed to know about it. "Aside from that though, I'd be lying if I said that wasn't one of the happier nights in my life. And It's good that you finally made it back to Ponyville. I hadn't actually remembered myself that you used to live here until you just mentioned it..." she told him with a blushed smile, and the morning sun beating on her wasn't helping her already rising body temperature. Thankfully her coat, hopefully was hiding the fact that she was starting to perspire.

"Speaking of that case, did you ever figure out what was going on? Considering that they primary item at my shop that is sold is snow-cones, I kinda wanna know what kind of bad rep that this mare has given my treats," she asked him as the question of her joining them came up and if Aurora wanted to come as well. "Well, I can't speak for Aurora, but I'm down. Where we heading?" she asked.

  • Brohoof 3


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After Electrobolt had asked if Fermata was alright, she simply smiled as she said everything was alright. But when she had called him 'dear', he blinked for a second. *Wait... Did she call me dear...?* he thought, a bit confused. *We just met a few minutes ago... And she's already calling me dear...? Huh...?* He then shook his head, as he looked over to the rest of the group for now. They seemed to be talking about how Daylight and Ice had met each other. *Maybe she didn't mean THAT kind of dear... I don't really know... Well... At least she's alright...*


Deciding to listen in on the conversation, he then heard that Daylight and Ice Storm were out at night, stargazing, before moving on to the topic of why Daylight was in Ponyville, to which he said he used to live here. As he looked at Ice, he recalled seeing her somewhere before. *But where did I see her...?* he thought, trying to rack his brain, before coming out empty-hooved. A little later, he heard Daylight ask if Ice Storm would like to join them, to which Alex then chimed in and said that if she wanted to, she was free to do so.


He then added that Aurora was free to join them, as well. It was then that Ice had said that she would join them, before asking where they were going. Recalling hearing that Ice ran an snow cone stand before, he was pretty curious about them. Putting that curiosity aside, however, he approached the group before facing the cyan mare, and said, "Um, hello Ice, uh... I'm Electrobolt, it's nice to meet you... Anyways, we were going over to the notice board. Alex was wondering if there were available jobs there or not... Afterwards, I was going to give him and Daylight a tour through Ponyville. From there, well... We'll just have to see, won't we...?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Daylight stood there, feeling rather uncomfortable but happy at the same time. Seeing her blush was one of the cutest things he remembered and he couldn't help but blush himself as he remembered that night they had spent together.


The change of topic came at the perfect time as to not make the others too curious.


of that case, did you ever figure out what was going on? Considering
that they primary item at my shop that is sold is snow-cones, I kinda
wanna know what kind of bad rep that this mare has given my treats,"

"Uhh yeah, about that..." he said hurriedly trying to shift his thoughts away from his daydreams. "It was nothing bad. Just turned out that when we got the lab results back from a sample we took from one of her snow cones it was much too cold for pony consumption and so it was giving them Hypothermia. The guys had real trouble trying to get it to the lab without melting though, so we had to end up borrowing one of the pushbike freezers and ride all the way to the lab. Let me tell you the pony who ended up having to ride that got one hell of a workout" He said grinning.


"As for where were headed... actuality... I don't know... we were all just following Alex over there who was going to check out the notice board... where we go from there... is a mystery" he said as he finished with his charming smile.

Edited by Dave247
  • Brohoof 3

My Ponysona: Daylight
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When Fermata saw Electrobolt's confused face after her response, she felt puzzled "Eh? Why the face? Could it have to do with what I said? What was it? Hmm...Oh well, it doesn't really matter...but for some reason, he looks so cute with that face" Fermata thought then smiled while giving of a small chuckle "I guess I'll be enjoying this,"


She continues to watch Daylight talk to the cyan unicorn who was apparently named Ice,



"Speaking of that case, did you ever figure out what was going on? Considering that they primary item at my shop that is sold is snow-cones, I kinda wanna know what kind of bad rep that this mare has given my treats," she asked him as the question of her joining them came up and if Aurora wanted to come as well. "Well, I can't speak for Aurora, but I'm down. Where we heading?" she asked.



"Oooh! Snow-cones! That really brings back memories! I love eating those at the snow-cone stand near the school with my friends back home, my...those things are the best treats around, I always thought that I'd never get to enjoy one again in Ponyville, it's great hear that she runs a snow-cone shop! I'd love to drop by soon, but a mare giving a bad rep on her snow-cones? Who wouldn't want to enjoy one? Almost everyone back at my place enjoyed it." Fermata wondered.



"Uhh yeah, about that..." he said hurriedly trying to shift his thoughts away from his daydreams. "It was nothing bad. Just turned out that when we got the lab results back from a sample we took from one of her snow cones it was much too cold for pony consumption and so it was giving them Hypothermia. The guys had real trouble trying to get it to the lab without melting though, so we had to end up borrowing one of the pushbike freezers and ride all the way to the lab. Let me tell you the pony who ended up having to ride that got one hell of a workout" He said grinning.  



"As for where were headed... actuality... I don't know... we were all just following Alex over there who was going to check out the notice board... where we go from there... is a mystery" he said as he finished with his charming smile.


"Hypothermia? Her snow-cones were that cold huh, that's crazy! But sure I'd love to have one again! Even getting brain freeze from those feels fun too! But I'm sure that hypothermia is a serious thing to consider...I should be cautious then." She smiled


@@Ice Storm


After Daylight finished talking, Fermata took the chance to talk to Ice about her snow-cone shop, so she approached her and began "Hello there! My name is Fermata Spark and I heard that you run a snow-cone shop, um..you see, I enjoy snow-cones a lot so may I request where your shop is please?" She politely asked.

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Ice was a bit surprised that somepony would ask her to go somewhere when the pony that had asked her hadn't even known where they were going themselves. Ice couldn't help but giggle at the situation. Of course she would be delighted to meet new friends presuming that they weren't as rude as some others in Canterlot had been. So far though they seemed as nice as anypony else so she didn't see any reason to think otherwise. Then again, The Canterlot crowd were the same way until they found out she wasn't born there. Then she became the plague or something like that. She couldn't figure it out, all she knew were that the ponies in Canterlot tended to be pricks, and as far as she was concerned they could stay there. With the exception of Luna though. Ice Idolized her, and even more so after becoming one of her apprentices.


She turned her attention to Daylight though once again as he explained the snow cone situation. "Really? I kinda wanna know how exactly she managed to get it that cold without the entire thing being one solid sphere of ice. Heck, I use magic to make all of my frozen products as cold as they can be before they start to lose their powderyness. After all, the best part about eating a snow-cone is the light fluffiness that a properly made cone provides while eating it," she explained still baffled how something of the like could get that cold. She then heard another mare, similar in liking to herself except with a green tint instead of blue, and a lavender and Salmon colored mane and tail came up to her and also inquired about her store, more importantly, where her store was. "Oh, sure thing Fermata! My store is actually right across from the Ponyville Spa in between the Library and the School. It's called Frozen Delights, and snow-cones are just part of what I offer there. I also have Ice cream, smoothies, shakes, I even do Ice Sculpting!" she smiled back at her extending a hoof. "Name's Ice Storm, but most just call me Ice or Icy for short."

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