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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Academy of Magic


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Daniel looked back up at Thalia as she spoke, listening to her question. "You could say that." He said simply, trying not to lead any information he wanted to withhold. He then turned his head back to it's original position, contemplating his next move, thinking about both the rewards and the consequences. As he made up his mind, he could feel the air between the two getting thicker and thicker, and knew he had to make a decision soon, or risk the conversation whittling away to nothing.


He made up his mind, and began to talk again. He concentrated, and as he talked, started to send a tendril of his thoughts to outside the door, prying for anyone who might have been listening up to this point. When he spoke, it was barely a whisper. "The reason I asked you here, Thalia, is because you are the person on this train I trust most, up to this point, other than myself, but only because you're the one I've talked to the most. I needed to make a pact with someone, and you were readily available, so you were chosen. I'm sorry if it inconveniences you, but in order for me to relinquish my reasons, I must know you trust me, as well."


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Ajax began to feel anxious as he felt a surge of negative emotions begin to well up within the train. Anger and feared littered the air like pollution in New York City, so he easily followed the trail to a particular room in the cabin. He realized who it belonged to after he took notice of the fancy furnishings and technology outside of it, but upon hearing the sound of struggling inside, he burst into the room and saw Luce being assaulted by an unknown figure. Ajax grabbed a vase nearby and smashed it on his head and then violently pulled him off her. He stood in front of Luce and handed her some sheets to cover herself with before he angrily turned back to the stranger.

"Wait, I have seen you somewhere before... Never thought you'd be lower than vermin though," he spat at Julian. Ajax tried to meddle with his mind, darkening his vision of Luce and the rest of his surroundings. He acknowledged Luce again and said, "Are you going to run or not?"

Ajax quickly turned back to the attacker and carefully watched him...

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Thalia suddenly barked with laughter. "So basically, because I've talked to you the most, that's the reason you trust me?" She smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Daniel, sweetie, you may need to re-evaluate your idea of who's trustworthy and who's not."


Standing up she padded to the window. "Let me tell you something. I may have a pact with you at the moment, but that doesn't mean I'm going to drop on my hands and knees for a boy I hardly know." She pressed her hand randomly against the glass, starting at her reflection in it. "If I can't even begin to love or to trust myself, what does that say about what sort of person I am?" She sighed and curled the hand into a fist, banging it half-heartedly against the thick misty glass. "When you're trapped in your own mind, it's very difficult to open up to another."


Thalia turned her head slightly so that she could see him out of her peripheral vision. "Give me a little time."




Julian heard Ajax and disappeared almost instantly, but not before aiming another hard kick towards Luce. She doubled up and coughed some blood, grabbing on to the chair for support and she hyperventilated. She then gasped and pointed behind Ajax.

The same figure was preparing to attack but before he could an acidic liquid hit him square in the face. Luce had a horrible look on her deformed face as it backed up. It didn't appear hurt, but it was confused, and Luce took advantage of that as she crawled painfully across the floor and pulled herself up, whacking it multiple times.

Edited by Azura


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Ajax noticed how the stranger went seemingly unharmed as Luce sprayed a jet of acid upon his face.

"You're not ready for this yet kid, I suggest you run before both she and you get killed," Plague said inside his head. Ajax nodded to seemingly nobody in particular and began to focus his energy. He snapped his fingers, releasing a small flash.

"That didn't turn out as big as I thought," he said as he hurried to Luce. He threw his jacket over her and tried to lead her out of the area.

"That flash was meant for him, it supposed to cause hallucinations and blindness for awhile, but I doubt it's going to do anything, best to get out now before he regains his full senses," Ajax said as he hurried her to get out of the room. He turned back towards Julian and tried to buy both of them some time. He concentrated once again as he saw a secondary flash, this time purple instead of bright green. A large bat came out and went for Julian, and with that, Ajax slammed the door behind him and barred it up as best as he could. He rushed to Luce, having been told by Plague it would do him no good to place physical barrier on the door to hold him off.

"Best stick close to her for now," Plague said once again to Ajax.


(really hope I didn't do anything to out of hand there...)

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Red found that his guitar was literally just gone. One moment it was in his hands, then as soon as he focused his attention completely away from it, it had completely and utterly vanished. Red hoped he would be able to hold it again later........without music, life was not worth living.....

Red's thoughts were interrupted when he was suddenly shoved rudely through the door, which was promptly slammed shut before he was totally out, resulting in his nose bleeding. "Ow..........what the f#$%?!" Red put pressure on his nose as he felt his frustration build, suddenly he found his hand sticking through the door. "oh, shit!" he screamed. He then darted down the hallway towards his room, grabbed his bag, and exited the train. He couldn't find Olivia anywhere near the station, so he headed for the dock to wait for the plane. As he walked through the tiny town, he noted how friendly the general populace was. They all seemed to know each other, there were no sort of cliques or groups singling out people. Everyone was kind and polite. Someday, Red thought to himself, someday, I'm going to find me a nice small town like this to settle down in.......

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(They haven't gotten off the train yet, Red...)


Luce was shivering as she stumbled after Ajax, clinging to him like a frightened child. Her face was swelling and she looked at the ground, hoping no one could see. She had wrapped the jacket around herself tightly, as she was only wearing her undergarments which were admittedly unsubstantial.

"So that's the second time you've helped me out," she croaked, but there was a ghost of a sarcastic smile on her face. When she noticed that her hand was starting to glow again, she quickly removed it and shoved it in the pocket, praying it would stop. However, it burned right through, and she held it behind her back. "I guess I should be thankful."

The door burst open and Ms Frey and Dr. Jaime rushed through with several guards. Ms. Frey gave a gasp of alarm and looked at Jaime, but before he could move Luce hid behind Ajax.

"I'm fine. It's fine. He's gone for now," she said quietly.

Ms Frey shook her head. "Ms. Bolton, we told you about this and you fully agreed-"

"I said it's fine," said Luce, her voice saying there was no argument.

Ms. Frey got an ugly expression but Jaime whispered something to her quietly and she turned on her heel and strode out.

Luce breathed a sigh of relief and came out from behind him with a bit of an embarrassed look.


Olivia heard someone yell and stood up with a quick apology, going to see what was the matter in the dining car. She saw Red running to his room looking panicked and, feeling bad, knocked on his door softly.

"Uhm...Red? You okay?"

(Dat Star Fox reference :D)

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Red looked around his room, it felt empty and foreign without his bass guitar in there..........he wondered what had happened to it. Maybe I left it in the sitting room he thought to himself. He set out, down the cart, towards the dining room. He made careful sure to avoid the room through which he punched a hole in the door. He went into the bathroom really quick, and washed off his face. He looked in the mirror and saw his past self, the "him" that he loathed, a hot head that didn't trust anyone in the world, not even his own parents. Red instantly reacted, "NO!!!!!" he screamed, "THAT'S NOT ME ANYMORE!!!!" He punched the mirror and felt it give, uh oh. Fortunately, there wasn't much room between the mirror and the wall, though it still drew blood from Red's fist. He didn't pay much attention to his hand as he made his way to the dining car, his bass wasn't in there either. He went back to the sitting room, heartbroken. He had LOST one of his only two instruments. How was he going to explain this to his family? His bass guitar was one of the biggest expenses his family had ever gone through and he had just LOST IT! Red slammed down into a chair, bloody hand dangling to his side. He looked to the girl next to him, he was pretty sure her name was Liv or something of the like, "Hey," he said letting his irritation show, "How you doin'?"

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*Sasha frowned, she was not very satisfied by Ms. Frey's answer to her question. It didnt really matter though, Ms. Frey seemed like she wouldnt say anything more.*

{What have I gotten myself into?}

*Sasha thought with a sigh.*


*When Jason put his arm around her, Sasha began blushing again and quickly drank more of the hot coffee she had to try and hide it, but she did give off a little cheer inside her mind. Once Ms. Frey had finished speaking and left the room, Sasha said to Jason:*

"So im thinking we can stop at the library and the art supply store in the village, then maybe check out that cool lighthouse near the water before we go."

*She suggested, pointing at the three locations on her map.*

"Im gonna go get dressed, meet me back here in about 20 minutes, okay?"

*She said to Jason before standing up, finishing off her coffee and setting the empty mug down on the coffee table in front of her. She then winked at Jason before walking off to her room on the train. Once in her room, Sasha opened up her suitcase and took out a fresh pair of jeans, a clean tank top and a clean jacket which she changed into. She then put on some clean socks and grabbed her boots which were sitting next to the bed and strapped them on, letting her jeans fall over them. She then took a picture out of her suitcase. It showed Sasha, as well as her friends Anna, King, Patrick, Douglas, and her mentor, Damian. She smiled at the picture and tucked it into one of her jacket's pockets. She then grabbed the talisman box and put that in another one of her pockets. She then packed up all of her loose things and closed the suitcase, heading back out into the sitting room, her 20 minutes up.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Even though Sasha's long hair successfuly discuised her red blush, Jason felt her shift uneasily. Maybe I'm moving a little too fast... He thought, not realizing that when he wrapped his arm around her. Quietly scoffing at himself, feeling a tad embarrassed, he sat up straight on the couch, removing his arm from Sasha's shoulder without looking too awkward from his view.


When Sasha mentioned the library and the lighthouse, he chuckled, seeing that they both had the same ideas. "Just what I was thinking." Looking again at the map, he saw the art supply store, and figured that it might be a good stop too. He was in desprete need for some more sketching pencils and possibly some colors.


"Sure. 20 minutes, on the dot." As Sasha walked away, Jason observed the map a little more. The town was pretty small, but it did have a fair share of strange locations. For instance, the graveyard, which wasn't located too far away from the lighthouse. Probably a five minute walk, if you were taking it slow.


Jason eventually got up to go get changed as well. A brown leather jacket over his white t-shirt provided enough warmth. Besides, if he was cold, he could just conjure up some fire. A pair of jeans completed his esemble, and was finished just in time to brush and rinse up in the bathroom.


He packed up what little he had in his room, the journal and his sketchbook in his backpack, and slung it over his shoulder, making it well before the 20 minute deadline. As Jason saw Sasha reenter the sitting room, he called out, "Alright, lead the way."

And stuff.

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Olivia stared at his hand. Her mind was reeling. She wanted to help, but if she showed her abilities then it was all over for her.

"You punched a mirror, didn't you?" she asked, then, not wanting to sound like a sociopath, quickly added, "I thought I heard one breaking."

She glanced around the dining car. It had been recently cleaned, she noticed-almost meticulously. And the furniture sparkled like new.

-Something fishy is going on here...- she thought, then chided herself. -Captain Obvious strikes again!-


She again looked at Red's hand, feeling guilty for how she had treated him earlier.

-Oh, stop it, Olivia...you can't help him now, and it'll heal soon anyways.-

However, she couldn't resist asking "Is there anything I can do to help?"


She had never tried her healing on people before, just injured animals like the pigeon she had saved earlier. How much harder could a human be? And it was just a hand, not something really big and gross-just a few more minor scratches,

"That might get infected...do you want me to look at it? I'm pretty good with this stuff."


-Oh, great, there you go. This is going to be a disaster.-


(If I type something in italics with two dashes in their thoughts. Easier to see than just italics.)


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Red sat for a moment, not understanding what Olivia was referring to. Then he looked at his hand, limply dangling at his side. "Oh, look at that.....I don't know.........I just remember getting angry......I tend to lose my temper and I don't often remember exactly what happens when I snap," he told her. He tried to move his hand, a sharp pain raced through his arm, "Yeah," he winced, "Definitely not a good thing......you know how to fix this?" he asked her, only just now realizing that he may have actually BROKEN his hand when it hit the wall. "I don't have the money to go to a hospital so anything you can do to help would be just awesome." using his unbroken hand, he held his crap hand up to Olivia. As Red looked at it he could see several cuts from the glass, the blood had already stopped from those. He looked a bit closer and noticed that his hand was swelling and starting to change color, "Okay, this is REALLY bad, do you know how to fix a broken hand?" He panicked, "I sure as hell don't! What am I going to do?! I'm supposed to be joining the orchestra at this school! There's no freaking way I can play now with this hand all fucked up!"

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Ajax moved away from Luce, noticing her somewhat sarcastic expression as she thanked him. On top of that, her glowing, acidic hand didn't help to ease Ajax's suspicion that Luce might be considering giving him a chemical bath sooner or later. He let the other people tend her injuries as he stood in an area where he could watch all of them without trouble. After a couple of minutes, Ajax finally spoke up.

"First of all, I'm going to need a new coat," Ajax said as he pointed out the acidic burn on it. "But on a more serious note, I think all of you should get to explaining what exactly is going on in this place. I think there's no doubt that all of here are in fact, 'gifted', but why have you rounded us up, and what do you have to give us anyway?"

Ajax then singled out Luce. "As for her, I assume you all have a past history with her judging by the way you talk with her..."

As soon as he finished his barrage of questions, Ajax began to feel it might not have been the best idea. Considering almost everyone he had talked to seemed to be suffering the same confusion of memory loss, he wondered what these people might do to someone who questioned their motives and knew of things ahead of time. Ajax kept his guard up, ready to "call for help" if he was able to...

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(The people had already left, Horus. *laughs* There was no time to question them, so I'm just going to ignore that part of your post. Also, I still haven't given the okay for talking about powers, so everyone STFU about that XD You can use them, as I stated, but you can't just be all "O LOL U CAN CHUT ACID OUT OFF UR HANDZ R U MAGIK DATS CUL I AM 2 HURRDURR".)


"Sorry," said Luce, almost robotically, as she fingered the hole that she had burned in the coat. "My nails are rather sharp, so appear to have ripped it...I can purchase you one soon."

She couldn't take it off now since she was inadequately clothed, so she instead answered his question. "I cannot say that I do know Ms. Frey, though we have had previous contact shortly before I was invited to this school."

Her formal guard was back up, and she noticed the rather suspicious look that he had when she talked to him. She supposed she was a little bit over-the-top, but she wasn't stupid enough to randomly attack this guy after what had happened earlier. In fact, it was an attempt to be nice in her strange sardonic way, but he had misinterpreted it.

Just like everyone else.

<And people wonder why I'm such a bitch.>


Olivia smiled a little. "It's okay, I'm sure you can still play. It just may be a bit longer in healing. Let me have a look." She gently touched his wrist and examined his hand, trying not to move it around to much.

"You've broken a few little bones in your fingers, and those cuts aren't looking too good, but I actually have what you need right here."

She flipped open the flap of a small satchel that had been over her shoulder and pulled out an unlabeled vial. She dabbed a strong smelling, stinging liquid onto his cuts before focusing on his fingers.

Frowning slightly, she glanced at him. "I don't have the proper materials for a splint, so it's going to have to be a temporary one for now. We can find some medical supplies when we get to the school."

As Olivia began to tear strips off of her shirt to serve as the bandages to hold it, she scouted out some chopsticks in a drawer and started her work. However, as she began to tie off the first chopstick, she could feel something pulsing in her hand. She drew it away, but it was too late-the fingers suddenly stopped swelling and returned to normal, and the cuts sealed over. His hand looked better than ever.

Feeling very faint, she smiled at him. 'Well... would you look at that...I was wrong. Nothings...broken, and the scars...should be okay-"

She suddenly collapsed to the floor, breathing heavily.

Edited by Dug


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(Crap, sorry about that >_<!)


Ajax nodded, trying to wipe off the susipicious look from his face as he sensed a slight feeling of... maybe annoyance? Or sadness. Either way, he was not yet skilled enough to discern subtle emotions right on the spot, so instead he decided to continue the conversation as much as he could.

"I'm sure that that can be easily fixed anyway, but I don't exactly know where the cheapest clothes repair store is. I think I'll just persuade a discount out of someone at the village," he said as he casted glances around the area to make sure no one suspiscious was around.

"As for you and Ms. Frey, I'm guessing you all agreed on something? Oh well, it is none of my business anyway. However... Do you know who that 'person' was? The one from your room that... Yeah, you get the idea," Ajax said as he took a seat somewhere. He wondered if this was someone from the school, an invited student, or just someone whom no one here knew at all.

"Also, you may want to get properly dressed before we get to the stop, but if all your clothes are still in there... Wonder if the people here have anything to spare you?"

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Olivia passed out right as Red's hand miraculously healed itself. "Woah!" he screamed as he caught her, "What the hell?"

He turned and screamed through the open door, "HEY WE NEED SOME HELP IN HERE! SOMEONE'S PASSIN' OUT!"

Red lied Olivia down gently on the floor, "Olivia what's going on? Talk to me here, are you alright?"

Red gently tapped her face to try and keep her attention. When help didn't come quickly he decided to pick her up carefully and carried her to the car where the staff was staying. Once there, he began kicking on the door loudly with his foot. "Don't worry Olivia, I don't know what's going on ever. But these people always seem to, I hope they can help....."


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"I'm rather handy with sewing, as I had practice as a young girl," said Luce. "If I can get some matching fabric in the village I'll be able to get it to you in a short period of time." She stiffened slightly at his next question, and replied tersely. "Yes, that is not your business, and I do not intend to allow you to pry into my personal affairs. Please refrain from doing so again." Her hands were shaking slightly, however, betraying her nervousness. She had let her guard down and accepted this strangers help, but she couldn't get reliant on others again. It was a recipe for disaster.

Luce suddenly unbuttoned the coat and shoved it in his hands, seemingly fine with her awkward attire. "I don't need your charity," she sneered, but her eyes seemed a little wet as she turned and stormed off.

Opening the door to a random room, she went straight for a bag that was resting on the table. The clothes were a little small for her and the messy sewn-in tag read "Olivia". They were rather unattractive and faded, probably homemade, but she was too afraid to approach her own room. Pulling on the shorts and tank top, she tied her hair back and stared at her reflection for a moment in the mirror.

Her eyes were red and she had a few small cuts on her face, and she swiftly wiped away any blood that remained. All her makeup was wiped away by now, and she felt bare.

Straightening, she adjusted the top, but it still clung tightly to her and she gave up as she strode out of the room. As she approached the door to get out, however, she found it locked, and groaned as she realized she was suck with Ajax for the time being.

She sat down on the ground with a flounce, crossing her legs and staring at the wall grumpily to hide her emotions.


Olivia sat up weakly. "It's okay, I'm fine," she said softly. "I just need a moment."

Jaime opened the door and gave Red a slightly cross look as he helped Olivia to her feet. He examined her and then said, "I should probably take you for a check-up. Follow me, if you wouldn't mind."

She nodded as two guards supported her, then smiled and shyly mouthed thank you to Red.


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A man threw the door open as Olivia woke up and mumbled something. The man, who Red now remembered was named Jaime, shot a glare at Red. Red returned the glare to show Jaime that he was not gonna be intimidated. Some guards helped Olivia up and began to take her away. She turned and tried to say something to him, but he couldn't tell what. Red decided at that point that he was going to see this through, he wanted, no, he needed to make sure she would be alright. He began to walk into the cart with the two guards shoving his way past Jaime. "Hope there's no sort of PROBLEM with me seeing this through, being as you guys obviously don't care about us enough to keep some sort of alarm on the train for emergencies." Red stared directly into Jaime's face, "If you've got a problem with me, and I can tell you do by the way you're looking at me, say it now! Otherwise, you can go piss up a rope. I have no problems helping people at the expense of a freaking door, mine or not. That's my priority, what's yours pretty boy?"

Red could tell already that he was either going to get a lot of respect for this......or an expulsion....

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"Hmph, and to think that the higher class was originally bound by a code of nobility and honor," Ajax called out as he leaned on the wall. "You represent your class well, I salute you," he said sarcastically as he tossed a couple of pennies, nickels, and dimes on the ground near Luce.

"Oh I'm sorry, I forgot that the gratitude the lower class has is too low for your liking, am I right?"

Ajax stood up straight and approached the door. He tried opening, but found it locked.

"Well isn't that a bitch?"

He fought for a while, and then decided to try something he hadn't thought of before. However, first he had to make sure no one would see him, so he silently walked over into a corner which was hidden from view. He focused a little, trying to cloud the minds of anyone nearby to render himself virtually invisible. It became painful after a while, but after a few more seconds he felt that the effects had reached their purpose. He staggered a little towards the door and rested upon it. Once again, Ajax focused, and though it nearly made him throw up from overexertion, he managed to produce a small spirit, vaporlike, which shifted itself through the locks and unlocked the door. He opened it slowly, and quietly walked out and stumbled through the halls, leaning on the walls for support.

Ajax could hear some people arguments, and by the looks of it it was near a medical area. Irritated as if late, he walked over and called out.

"You need to shut up Johnny Cash, and let the people do their jobs as they can without distractions. And you," he said pointing to Jaime, "You wouldn't have Tylenol and Red Bull would you?"

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JaaaaYSOOOOon let out a small sigh, seeing that Sasha hasn't returned yet from her quarters. Standing up off the couch, he looked around, observing some of the other passengers on the train along with him. He hasn't seen Ajax in a while, so he quickly decided to go have a small chat with him.


He eventually found him, seeing that the train wasn't that large, but when he got there, he realized something was about to go down. Ajax was talking with another young student and a man, who both seemed to be in a terrible mood. Actually, everyone in the small group seemed ticked off about something, making Jason feeling like the only one who was enjoying the train ride, even if something was quite off about it.


"You need to shut up Johnny Cash, and let the people do their jobs as they can without distractions. And you," he said pointing to Jaime, "You wouldn't have Tylenol and Red Bull would you?"


Walking up, he said, "Hey Ajax. What's going on here?" He looked at the man and the young student, a scowl on both their faces. Jason was ready to take Ajax's side if something went wrong, so he stood next to him tall, his hands at his sides. The young student seemed furious, and his angry stare would kill someone if it could.

And stuff.

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Red felt a spike of adrenaline as the guy called him Johnny Cash, "Excuse me?" he blurted as he slammed his forearm into the dude's neck, "You wanna run that by me again rich boy? I don't think I heard you quite right......." Red looked directly into Ajax's eyes, "I don't have any reason to trust these people, they waited a good 20 minutes before they decided it might be important to see why I'm out here breaking their door asking for some medical help. They took their sweet ass time getting here, then decide to treat me like I'm an asshole for helping someone, and you want to sit here and call me names and tell me what to do?!" Red's face began to turn red, "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!!!" Red brought up his other hand, made a solid fist and brought it down onto Ajax's abdomen. Red then released Ajax's neck and walked away, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go make sure that these dudefarmers actually do what they say they're gonna. If you wanna try being POLITE next time we speak feel free, otherwise you'll get the EXACT same treatment as you did this time."

Red walked off...

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"Ha, thanks for the free massage there Johnny-boy, remind me to tip you off next time," Ajax said derisively as he clutched his stomach. He ignored the pain, and though a voice in his head was telling him to pipe down, Ajax felt the strong urge to beat this kid to oblivion. He walked up behind Red, grabbed his collar and shoved him to the ground. He sent a strong stomp towards his ribs, scorning his opponent as he backed off him to taunt him more.

"Come on, surely the Hulk wannabe has more in him than that! Looks like YOU will be needing that urgent medical attention more than... whoever that is again," Ajax said as he balled his fists, ready to fight. He suddenly felt slightly familiar with a scene from before; there were more opponents, but all ran in fear as they were chased by chimera like creatures.

"Wait what?"

<Best you back off now kid, else this'll end up real bad...> Plague whispered in his head. Ajax immediately rejected his instructions though, preferring to bring this other guy down to scale in who he should direct his temper towards.

"Whats wrong? Cant take a joke? Maybe you'll find yourself outnumbered next time, should you choose to bitch at me again. Then again, I wouldn't need help to deal with you!"

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Luce noticed that Ajax had somehow opened the door and strode out, remembering to lift her chin high and keep her gaze haughty.

<I don't need these people, I don't need anyone at all,> she chanted in her head, remembering her parents training.

She looked around the room, arms crossed, noting that a fight seemed to be brewing between Ajax and that one angry boy. She ignored this when she heard the door open and saw Thalia walk in. She lifted an eyebrow at Luce, and when the tilted her head her bangs flipped, showing a sliver of white. Luce stared blankly at it for a couple seconds before she doubled up in sudden pain, a splitting force seeming to crack her head open.


"I don't want you seeing that boy anymore," said her father with a slight slur, his eyes glazed and stinking of alcohol.

"But Daddy," whined a tiny Luce, maybe eight years old. Her hair was tied back in two immaculate shining light gold braids, and her eyes were wide and innocent. "You NEVER let me talk to anyone. It's not fair." She crossed her arms across her tiny waist. "And Graham's nice."

"Now Luce, dear," said her mother, draped in a promiscuous way across a large leather chair puffing on a cigarette, "we're only trying to do what's best for you."

"No you're NOT!" Luce suddenly screamed. "You just don't want your stupid REPUTATION to be wrecked! You don't want me to be happy!"

Luce's father's face darkened and he stretched across over his desk and struck Luce. She collapsed with a sob, and her mother rolled her eyes.

"You always were such a weak child," she said coldly. "It's not wonder no one else wanted you, you ungrateful bitch. Get out of my sight before I have a mind to strike you myself."

Luce just continued to sniff and her mother rose, standing over her intimidatingly. "Did you fucking hear me, you little piece of shit? I said get out!"

In an enraged gesture she stabbed down with the cigarette, burning against her daughter's cheek. Luce scrambled to her feet, skin smoking as she gasped in pain, and staggered out of the room.

Her parents stared after her, and her mother narrowed her eyes and looked at her father. "We're really going to have to be rid of her one day. An 'accident' should do the trick."


When Luce came to, she was trashing out at the air, screaming "Stop it! Stop!" at no person in particular. She stopped suddenly and blinked, and then, uncharacteristically began to lose her cool.

"Just stop fighting already, you idiots!" she screamed. "You don't know anything! What is beating each other up going to fix?"

Edited by Dug


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The hit came out of nowhere, leaving Jason with no time to respond. It almost seemed to come at Ajax in slow-motion, but as he tried to move his arms to either push his friend away or block the attack, he found that he was frozen solid. After the student hit the neck and drove in another fist into Ajax's chest, Jason finally found the energy to say something.


"What the hell are you doing?!?" He yelled at Red with a scowl. "Calm the fuck down!" A second voice cried out a similar command, as Jason quickly saw to be a young girl standing nearby. A slight tinge of strength came to him, seeing that he wasn't alone to break these two up.


Jason had no intention to step in front of Ajax, being the poor fighter he was, but he took a step forward anyways. He stared down at Red as he was on the ground, before turning toward Ajax. He put an arm in front of him, stopping him from proceeding any further. However, Ajax's stomp still went through, despite the meek barrier.


"Don't man." Jason muttered, shooting another angry look at Red on the ground. "He's not worth the trouble."

And stuff.

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"Such a big fucking badass with all that money aren't we?" Red blared. He stood up, raised both of his hands, and put a fist into his palm. "Have a nice day motherfucker. You are not worth any more of my time."

Red turned to Jason, "Learn that there are always two sides to a story before you make judgments kid, you may just learn something next time." Red made the same gesture to Jason as well, showing him that he too was no worth his time. "I need to make sure that my friend is okay, if you'll please excuse me..."

Red walked off down the hallway looking aimlessly for the two men carrying Olivia, he had to make sure that she was okay. Then he needed to ask her about his hand. It had clearly been broken in several places, then suddenly right after she touched him, the pain went away and it was miraculously healed. She claimed that it wasn't as bad as Red thought, but a person knows when their own hand is broken, and broken hands don't heal in five seconds......more like five months. "Olivia," Red mumbled to himself, "What really happened?"

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"And that would be what?! The classic, 'Oh I had a shitty past and background and therefore I have acquired the right and ignorance to be an asshole to anyone I want,'?"

Ajax spat at the ground as his former opponent strode off in a self-pious styled walk. He wiped off his forehead ehich was beaded with sweat, and soon after suddenly became aware of Jason and Luce lingering around the area of the fight. He looked at them both with a scowl on his face and was about to say something, but soon began feeling his former exhaustion and pain come back with even more strength. Ajax walked off with the little strength he could muster, and when he finally arrived at his room, he locked the door behind him and plopped down on his bed.

<Don't expect us to come and help you and mop up whatever mess you make should you choose to ignore my counsel once more,> Plague hissed angrily in his head.

"Yes master Freak, because I really need the help of an alien creep who has a fascination with Dante's Inferno," Ajax responded aloud with weakness. Although he didn't receive a direct response, Ajax still felt that the creature had spared him from the fate he saw in his realm of pain. Exhausted, he closed his eyes and began to sleep.


A dream ensued in Ajax's rest. Again, the scene was familiar, with destruction reigning the area he stood in as creatures of all sorts chased and mauled people around him. Another creature, similar to Plague but with more reptilian characteristics and a snakelike tail, colors of red and green and grey, seemed to revel in the chsos.

"Wonderful! You'ree better at this than I am! Just a bit more and these pathetic protectors of Ma'at will have relinquished their treasured scrolls."

Ajax ordered one of the Chimeras to lash at the reptilian creature. "Allow me to remind you that those will be mine. Everything msut be mine if you want me to destroy your loathed rival."

"Of course my dear friend, I wont be needing those much after you're done anway'" it responded, somewhat implying it had a more sinister plan at the cause of the destruction. Ajax ordered the group of creatures to roast their enemies, clearly enjoyingnthe carnage around him. The dream began to fade as the people died in agony.

Edited by Horus
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