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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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It was a pretty quiet night for the staff at the Blueblood hospital in Canterlot. With such a city as great as Canterlot, injuries were not quite common. The usual patients either got their shots for illnesses or appointments. Nothing as serious as what was about to come soon. The ambulance pulled up to the entrance that led to the ER as two ponies were bought out on stretchers. The paramedics quickly rushed both ponies into separate rooms. 


Two doctors along with a team of surgeons made their way to the rooms of the patients that occupied them. "Which one do you have?" One of the doctors asked casually. Neither of them seemed phased by what was happening at the moment. To them it was just a job for them to do. The second doctor checked his clipboard and lifted a page. "Earth Pony, male, suffered serious head trauma and needs to be operated on immediately. According to the description he also has scars and burns around his entire body. Hell, it practically covered up his cutie mark. You?" The second doctor replied as he quickened his pace to the operating room. "Unicorn, female, has a few broken ribs and one of them may have punctured her lung. There's also bits of blood and bone on her horn as well. On the way here she said she also suffered from a headache as well. Anyways good luck on yours." The first doctor said as he approached the room. The staff had already had put her under and were waiting for him operate. "We're ready doctor." One of the surgeons said as the doctor began putting on gloves and a mask. "Alright, lets get started." He stated as his team began to operate.


"Thanks, i'm going to need it." The doctor said as he entered the operating room. His team was in complete chaos with the patient as bloody rags soon started to liter the floor. "Doctor, the bleeding on this one isn't stopping. We're doing the best we can by applying pressure but there's no way to stop it unless we perform surgery on him immediately!" One of the surgeons said as he keeping pressure on Dogboots head. "We're going to have to give this one a metal plate. With an injury this serious it's the only thing we can do. Get ready everypony, its going to be a long night." The doctor said as him and his team began with the lengthy operation.

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(gona be post some stand alone stuff to flush Whirlwinds character out and give time for whats actually happening to finish so my post may seem out of place and it totally is )


Whirlwind sat down on the bed of his room, rereading the letter he had receved from his application to the Canterlot College.


Dear Whirlwind

we are happy to inform you that you have been accepted into the college on the terms of you Athletic scholarship, however you must also participate in another form of study here to further you grades, this is a place of learning and you will be expected to do just that.

here is a list of class still available

-History of Equestia and the outer lands     


-Public Service 

-Magical Studies 





Whirwind stop reading and leaned back onto his bed spreading his wings out "so what other classes should it take?" he said to himself "how about magical studies" he said humorously at the though of that "History of Equestria sounds good, so does Drama and Fashion...... BAH who cares what I take i'll just pick one when i get there anyway!" he began to sit back up retracting his wing before sliding of the bed and toward his satchel as he began to pack.


"OK text book? Check, toothbrush? not checked i'll need to buy a new one, towels? check and stolen from a hotel, scrapbook? check" Whirlwind continued to pack before glimpsing at the empty whiskey bottle, the last one he ever had before vowing never to be that kind of pony again.

"can't forget you can I?" he said as he packed the empty bottle in before closing up his satchel      


"well that's it isn't it, time to head off to the train station" he said turning his back on his room, then his home, and then the path in front of him because he forgot something.... then he turn his back on his home again. 

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Rockshire was laying in the bed, a bit in pain from her headache. Her lung was hurting her quite a bit when she took in breaths, and her sides hurt. She needed to let somepony know. Where was her phone? Although she was risking more pain, her horn glowed orange, and started to levitate her phone towards her, as she quickly sent a message to Obsidian.


Hey, I'm at the hospital... Got a little roughed up.


Percussive had ran back inside the gym, and sat in the same seat he was before, still waiting for Lovely to show up. He didn't care about the scene earlier, he wanted to be with Lovely...

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"It seems like your awake. Welcome back to reality, Miss Rockshire" The doctor said to Rockshire as he looked at her file on the clipboard. "I know your still in a bit of pain but, we just have to ask a few questions and then we'll get you all sorted out. First, Do you remember what happened prior to your injury?" The doctor asked as he checked to make sure the equipment was still working.

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Before Ice Beam could respond to Star Keeper, his phone bleeped and Ice Beam saw that he got a text from Percussive. Apparently Rockshire had gotten into some kind of accident.


"Shit dude! Rockshire is in the hospital! Something must have happened to her!!"

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"It seems like your awake. Welcome back to reality, Miss Rockshire" The doctor said to Rockshire as he looked at her file on the clipboard. "I know your still in a bit of pain but, we just have to ask a few questions and then we'll get you all sorted out. First, Do you remember what happened prior to your injury?" The doctor asked as he checked to make sure the equipment was still working.


"Uh... Not really... All I know was that I drank some punch, and then everything else was blurry... Next thing I knew was I was on the ground crying from my pain... That's all I can remember...", Rockshire explained to the doctor. When would Obsidian text back? She really needed her...


Percussive was just staring at the door, waiting fo-- You heard this quite enough.

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Before Ice Beam could respond to Star Keeper, his phone bleeped and Ice Beam saw that he got a text from Percussive. Apparently Rockshire had gotten into some kind of accident.   "Shit dude! Rockshire is in the hospital! Something must have happened to her!!"

"Well, that's too bad. But I'm sure that wont effect how things go for us tonight." Star stood up from his seat and moved to an uncomfortable close distance from Ice Beam. The gaze he had was nothing sort of spine chilling. He seemed to be getting closer.


"Squeal when you want me to stop." This was getting a bit too weird.

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Ice Beam shoved Star Keeper away from him. "Dude what the fuck?! Did you even hear what I just said?!"


"Damn it, when the hell is this stupid potion gonna wear off..." thought Ice Beam.


Rockshire was in the hospital and Star Keeper didn't even care. This was not good...

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Ice Beam shoved Star Keeper away from him. "Dude what the fuck?! Did you even hear what I just said?!"   "Damn it, when the hell is this stupid potion gonna wear off..." thought Ice Beam.   Rockshire was in the hospital and Star Keeper didn't even care. This was not good...

"Something about a rock caught in a hospital and blah blah blah, does it matter. I certainly know what does." He drew yet even closer, not really hesitating that much. He whispered softly into Ice Beam's ear, making sure to sound as seductive as possible.


"Don't fight it." This was going to be fun to explain in the morning.

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"Uh... Not really... All I know was that I drank some punch, and then everything else was blurry... Next thing I knew was I was on the ground crying from my pain... That's all I can remember...", Rockshire explained to the doctor. When would Obsidian text back? She really needed her...


Percussive was just staring at the door, waiting fo-- You heard this quite enough.

"I see, Do you know anything about the pony that was in the room with you? I'm assuming he was the one that harmed you?" The doctor asked as he jotted something down on the clipboard. "I'm also assuming that you caused that hole in his head?" He continued to ask as he glanced at Rockshire.

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"... No, I haven't.. I didn't even know that he was next to me on the floor... And. I caused a hole in his head?! How? Was it my horn?", Rockshire asked the doctor, a seriously worried expression on her face.


Percussive... You get the picture. He fumbled around the box in his pocket.

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"Indeed, it was. When you were bought in your horn did have some blood and a bit of bone on it. The earth pony that was bought in with you suffered severe head trauma. In fact, i'm a little surprised that he was still alive when the paramedics bought him in. Right now, he's currently in the ER undergoing a very lengthy surgery." The doctor replied as he looked at the other pony's file that was bought in with her.

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Obsidian moaned and stretched. Oh by the stars shes HURT. She hurt in places she really had no business hurting in. She was in a bed and considering she hurt in rather private places....Vinyl and her must have done some pretty kinky stuff. She didn't remember it at all...Not even how they made it back to their room. She nuzzled up against who she thought was Vinyl and whispered in her ear


"I am sore as hell, but I feel amazing. I didn't know you could make me feel this. Its like I've been gang banged or something"


She laughed sweetly but got no response. She must have been exhausted. She heard her phone beep and used her magic to bring it to her. She gasped when she read the text from Rockshire.


"Oh my Stars! What the hell happened!"


She texted back - I'm with Vinyl. I'll be right there.


She must have looked like total hell. She turn and nudge Vinyl by the........wing? Wait.....Vinyl doesn't have Wings....She pulled back the covers and gasped...



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My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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He was glad he made Obsidian feel good... Right up to the moment she started yelling at him.

"Agh! No, don't hurt me! Something happened when you drank the punch, and you and Vinyl suddenly... You two suddenly wanted me! Honest! And I couldn't do anything to stop you! You two brought me in here and started... Well, you know, and now, all of a sudden, you're better! Don't hurt me!"

He curled up into a ball.

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"Indeed, it was. When you were bought in your horn did have some blood and a bit of bone on it. The earth pony that was bought in with you suffered severe head trauma. In fact, i'm a little surprised that he was still alive when the paramedics bought him in. Right now, he's currently in the ER undergoing a very lengthy surgery." The doctor replied as he looked at the other pony's file that was bought in with her.

"I can't believe it... Did I... Nearly kill a pony?", Rockshire asked, sinking a little more into the bed. Not before her phone beeped. She checked the message, seeing Obsidian is on her way.


*Good... Why the hell hasn't Star texted back yet?*


She shot Star another message.

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Star's pocket began to vibrate as he receives another text. He let out a slight groan of irritation, taking it out and deleting the message. Just as things were getting interesting."I don't think I can take anymore interruptions. Meh, who needs it." He tossed the small phone across the room and into the dark. It was out of sight. "So... where were we?"

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"I can't believe it... Did I... Nearly kill a pony?", Rockshire asked, sinking a little more into the bed. Not before her phone beeped. She checked the message, seeing Obsidian is on her way.


*Good... Why the hell hasn't Star texted back yet?*


She shot Star another message.


"I can't believe it... Did I... Nearly kill a pony?", Rockshire asked, sinking a little more into the bed. Not before her phone beeped. She checked the message, seeing Obsidian is on her way.


*Good... Why the hell hasn't Star texted back yet?*


She shot Star another message.


"Hurt You? HURT YOU?! I'm GOING TO KILL YOU!" Suddenly she gasped and reached around her neck.


"Where are my beads? What did you do with them? I'm losing control of myself, where are they Nightfall?"


She frantically started searching for them and then saw Vinyl and Parso....


"Oh Luna, no....no no no no no"

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My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"I can't believe it... Did I... Nearly kill a pony?", Rockshire asked, sinking a little more into the bed. Not before her phone beeped. She checked the message, seeing Obsidian is on her way.


*Good... Why the hell hasn't Star texted back yet?*


She shot Star another message.


"I don't blame you honestly, I mean sometimes we have to take drastic measures when your in danger. I'm guessing he was beating you up and you must've used your horn to strike back at him. It's a little unconventional but I understand. Then again it makes sense too. With a body as scarred as his. He must've been holding back some serious pain and decided to take it out on you. That's the problem with those Earth Ponies. They can't stand being low class so they take it out on the higher ups. Anyways, you should consider yourself lucky that your alive." He said trying to reassure Rockshire.

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"I don't blame you honestly, I mean sometimes we have to take drastic measures when your in danger. I'm guessing he was beating you up and you must've used your horn to strike back at him. It's a little unconventional but I understand. Then again it makes sense too. With a body as scarred as his. He must've been holding back some serious pain and decided to take it out on you. That's the problem with those Earth Ponies. They can't stand being low class so they take it out on the higher ups. Anyways, you should consider yourself lucky that your alive." He said trying to reassure Rockshire.

"All of this was bullying... I see.", Rockshire said, looking back at her phone. Star still had t answered. This time, she tried calling him, only getting a voice mail.


"Hey, where are you? You didn't answer any of my texts... I'm starting to worry. Please just be at the hospital..."


She ended the call.

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"I'm sorry, Miss Rockshi-" Before the doctor could finish his sentence a nurse came into the room. "Pardon me doctor but here's that file on the other patient that came in this evening." The nurse said as she handed the doctor Dogboots file to him. "Thank you, now lets see here. Dogboots, Earth Pony, Occupation: Janitor and part time security at Canterlot College, nothing here about his scars though. hmmm, weird. Sorry to ask but do you know this Dogboots?" The doctor asked as he took his time looking over the stallions file.

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Parso awoke from his high

"Buck, I feel like shi- oh Luna, what the buck. Vinyl, Nightfall, and another mare I don't know, in the same bed as me. Shit! I backstabbed the mare I love.argh I hate myself now"

Without any response, he run out of the room towards the bathroom to splash water on his face

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"Hurt You? HURT YOU?! I'm GOING TO KILL YOU!" Suddenly she gasped and reached around her neck.


"Where are my beads? What did you do with them? I'm losing control of myself, where are they Nightfall?"


She frantically started searching for them and then saw Vinyl and Parso....


"Oh Luna, no....no no no no no"

Vinyl woke up to Obsidian freaking out and looked up at her. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" All of a sudden, Parso gets up from behind her and runs into the bathroom. She looks up at Obsidian in bemusement. "Did I...? Did we...? So does that mean Parso...? What was in that punch?"

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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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With Nightfal speechless, she turns her attention to the Stallion who just jumped up and ran to the bathroom. She climbed over Nightfall, kneeing him in the gut as she did, and stopped at the door.


"Who are you?! What did you do?! What the hell happened?! Where are my beads?! They're Chrystal, long, very important!"


She spun around.


"Vinyll..what the hell happened?! What did we do?! Have you seen my beads?"

Edited by Obsidian_Winter
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My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"I haven't heard the name before but I think I may have seen him only once before. It was when-" She stopped herself mid-sentence as she started thinking back at the time Star was planning to leave the college. She remembered Draco, Spark and some other pony there who tried convincing him to stay. "Was that other pony Dogboots? If it was, then...why would he bully me if he tried helping me and Star back then? Does he hate us? gah, can't think right with this headache. What's taking Star so long? He usually responds back." She thought to herself before the doctor was staring at her with a confused look. "When?" The doctor asked quizzingly as he raised his eyebrow. "It's nothing important." She said as her glanced at her phone anxiously. "Oookay then? Do you plan to press charges against him?" The doctor asked as he was beginning to fill out some paper work. "I...I don't know. I need some time to think about it." She replied to the doctor hesitantly. "I see, well i'll leave you be then. If you need anything just call the nurse." The doctor said as he made his way out the room. Rockshire laid back on the hospital bed as she waited for somepony to come and see her. 

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With Nightfal speechless, she turns her attention to the Stallion who just jumped up and ran to the bathroom. She climbed over Nightfall, kneeing him in the gut as she did, and stopped at the door.


"Who are you?! What did you do?! What the hell happened?! Where are my beads?! They're Chrystal, long, very important!"


She spun around.


"Vinyll..what the hell happened?! What did we do?! Have you seen my beads?"

"I don't know, but I feel a bit... sticky. I'll help you look for your beads." She looked in and around the bed and in the drawers of the nightstand. Nothing. She got up to look around the rest of the room and felt something strange. "Umm... Obsidian, I think I found them."

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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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