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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Then captain spoil the moment arrived. "So it was you then. Out of all the ponies I never expected it to be you." Star Keeper trotted into the room, holding a harsh glare at Dogboots. "When I asked you to see if she was okay I never expected you to go and thrash her, What the hell where you thinking?"


"Eris, I wouldn't be surprised. But no, It had to be you. I chose not to file charges against the others because they didn't know what they were doing and were unaware of the consequences. You on the other hand assaulted with intent. I certainly hope you have a decent lawyer."


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........Whirlwind was lost, he had no idea where he was, all he could see was numbers that were nowhere near the number on his key.

"you should have let a receptionist escort you, you dumb ass"  he mumbled as he tried to pull out the map from the package he was give to get some idea of where he was.


"oh, I see these are the mares dorm area, i should have taken a left...... or was it a right.....Ah! even with a map i'm still lost!" Whirlwind quickly put his hoof over his mouth, he didn't rely want to disturb any pony.  

Edited by PonyEcho

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Now Rockshire's attention shifted to a familiar voice. What had looked like a hug from Rockshire turned out to be a strangling, as her eyes were now glaring right into Star.


"What the buck were you thinking?! If it wasn't for your stupid little love potion, I wouldn't be in this mess! Neither would Dogboots! The only reason why he attacked me was that I can be reverted! And it worked! I feel bad that my horn had stabbed him though, but we're both fine! And quit saying those things about him like that! Dogboots is a kind soul, really sweet, and sensitive! Besides, weren't YOU the one who left me when I drank that punch?! TELL ME!"


She threw him to the ground, walking back over to Dogboots.

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Then captain spoil the moment arrived. "So it was you then. Out of all the ponies I never expected it to be you." Star Keeper trotted into the room, holding a harsh glare at Dogboots. "When I asked you to see if she was okay I never expected you to go and thrash her, What the hell where you thinking?"


"Eris, I wouldn't be surprised. But no, It had to be you. I chose not to file charges against the others because they didn't know what they were doing and were unaware of the consequences. You on the other hand assaulted with intent. I certainly hope you have a decent lawyer."


He glanced down back at the floor in shame. "I...I was just trying to..." He said before trailing off. "He's right, how am I different from him? I'm just like Eris." He thought to himself as he sat in shame. At least somepony blamed him for his actions and Star had every right to do so.

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Star rubbed his neck after his throttling, picking himself back up. Time to do the most sensible thing and flee... again.


"Okay, I know I messed up. But do you really think that I'm the type to poison an entire dance? I left because I had to fix what I'd started, thinking that I had left you in more than capable hooves. I was wrong."


Star turned to the door, giving one last glare back at Dogboots before leaving. He scowled, but knew that he could never hold a grudge. Sure he would pout over it for a while, but he hated being the cause of trouble. Celestia was surely testing him now.


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Rockshire looked back at Star with a hateful glance. That was probably the first time that she had ever gotten mad at him... All of her thoughts were clouded... She didn't know what was right from wrong anymore... All she could do was sit on the ground, and start crying. She didn't want to cry in front of Dogboots, but she couldn't handle anything by Star right now...

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Rockshire looked back at Star with a hateful glance. That was probably the first time that she had ever gotten mad at him... All of her thoughts were clouded... She didn't know what was right from wrong anymore... All she could do was sit on the ground, and start crying. She didn't want to cry in front of Dogboots, but she couldn't handle anything by Star right now...


Dogboots no longer felt sorry about himself but felt sorry for her. He couldn't stand to see any mare cry in front of him. He fell to the floor trying to get up but his body was still numb from the medicine. He crawled towards her with every bit of strength he had in him and then hugged her. "I'm sorry. This is my fault. I never meant to start a fight between you two." He said as he held her in his hooves.

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Obsidian walked ackwardly through the stillness of night. She had just left the area of the Mares dorm and connected with the general walk way where she saw another stallion. She shuddered....males...she had had her fill of them...ugh..that came out wrong...she was SICK of them. She kept about 5 feet distance and moved her speed to a trot. She thought about just teleporting there but she didn't want to seem rude. the Stallion looked a little familiar. But she was new here and she had no idea all the new faces she had seen.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Her tears were already beginning to dry up from Dogboots' hug. Rockshire hugged him back.


"It;s not your fault... You were doing the right thing... Star just can't handle that he messed up. Trying to shift the blame on you..."


She looked back into his eyes, still blurry from her tears.

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Obsidian walked ackwardly through the stillness of night. She had just left the area of the Mares dorm and connected with the general walk way where she saw another stallion. She shuddered....males...she had had her fill of them...ugh..that came out wrong...she was SICK of them. She kept about 5 feet distance and moved her speed to a trot. She thought about just teleporting there but she didn't want to seem rude. the Stallion looked a little familiar. But she was new here and she had no idea all the new faces she had seen.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Whirlwind continued to wonder the campus in search of his dorm or at least some one to help him, but all that happened was him being right back were he was earlier in the walkway near the mares dorms "AHHHH! wouldn't it have been the logical thing to have signs or at leased have them lit up" he said to him self before a motion in the corner of his eye caught his attention.


he turned his head to see the feminine figure of an alicorn in the distance but he could not make out much, as he started to move towards her he noticed her picking up the pace as if she was wanting to escape him, but why. As he got closed he began to notice the mares feature such as her white coat with icy blue spot, bead dangling from her mane and the fact once of her wing was a different color, each of these features sparked memories and heart brake to Whirlwind.


"erm excuse me miss, can you help me?" shouted Whirlwind trotting toward the Alicorn before stopping completely, as the mare turned her head, he got a look at her horn. Whirlwind heart began to race as more thought rushed into his head.


'thats an onyx colored horn, my celestia is it her' he thought kept repeating that over and over as if he was entranced 

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Spark groaned and stretched as he woke up. He went to his bathroom and hopped in the shower after a few minutes he got out toweled off and brushed his teeth. He set off on a walk around campus to see if anypony was up yet, he walked onto the main "strip" that connected the buildings together when he saw obsidian and a new colt. Spark speed up as to catch up with obsidian,"Hey obsidian wait up!"

  • Brohoof 1

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Her tears were already beginning to dry up from Dogboots' hug. Rockshire hugged him back.


"It;s not your fault... You were doing the right thing... Star just can't handle that he messed up. Trying to shift the blame on you..."


She looked back into his eyes, still blurry from her tears.


It was different for Dogboots as he stared into her eyes this time. They weren't filled with lust like last time. It wasn't long before instinct suddenly took over him and he ended up kissing her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He thought before he realized what he had just done. He pulled back a little in shock and felt embarrassed. "I'm...sorry. I shouldn't have done that." He said as he began to turn around and crawl back to his wheelchair.

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Whirlwind continued to wonder the campus in search of his dorm or at least some one to help him, but all that happened was him being right back were he was earlier in the walkway near the mares dorms "AHHHH! wouldn't it have been the logical thing to have signs or at leased have them lit up" he said to him self before a motion in the corner of his eye caught his attention.


he turned his head to see the feminine figure of an alicorn in the distance but he could not make out much, as he started to move towards her he noticed her picking up the pace as if she was wanting to escape him, but why. As he got closed he began to notice the mares feature such as her white coat with icy blue spot, bead dangling from her mane and the fact once of her wing was a different color, each of these features sparked memories and heart brake to Whirlwind.


"erm excuse me miss, can you help me?" shouted Whirlwind trotting toward the Alicorn before stopping completely, as the mare turned her head, he got a look at her horn. Whirlwind heart began to race as more thought rushed into his head.


'thats an onyx colored horn, my celestia is it her' he thought kept repeating that over and over as if he was entranced 

She sighed and slowed to a stop. She would have to tolerate talking to this colt. Great. Oh well. She turned her head and looked him over a bit.


"Let me guess, you need Directi-......" she trailed off. She blinked her eyes and looked over the image in front of her. It couldn't be....theres no possible way it could be...she left him...she left him to save him from her darker side. He had no way to have tracked her.......



  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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It was different for Dogboots as he stared into her eyes this time. They weren't filled with lust like last time. It wasn't long before instinct suddenly took over him and he ended up kissing her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He thought before he realized what he had just done. He pulled back a little in shock and felt embarrassed. "I'm...sorry. I shouldn't have done that." He said as he began to turn around and crawl back to his wheelchair.


Her hoof had stopped his movement to the wheelchair, as Rockshire had pulled him around to where she was facing him again, and returned his kiss with her own. In her mind, alarms were blaring, saying it was a bad idea. But, she didn't listen to them. She just continued kissing.

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She sighed and slowed to a stop. She would have to tolerate talking to this colt. Great. Oh well. She turned her head and looked him over a bit.


"Let me guess, you need Directi-......" she trailed off. She blinked her eyes and looked over the image in front of her. It couldn't be....theres no possible way it could be...she left him...she left him to save him from her darker side. He had no way to have tracked her.......



It rely was her..... Obsidian Winter .....  Whirlwind couldn't believe it, ever since she left him because of the danger of her power he though he had lost her forever and with it the only pony that made him feel special.


Whirlwind sat down out of shear joy and amazement "Obsidian?, is that rely you're,plz because if this is my mind finally playing tricks on me, there won't be any late night snacking...." Whirlwind had no idea what he just said and seemed more focused on note crying or rushing toward her.

Edited by PonyEcho
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"Whirlwind.......its me but, how? I mean, I ran! You can't be here! Its impossible!"


Tears started to run down her face. She forgot about all her other pain. The heartbreak was overwhelming. The huge sex romp she didn't want earlier and now her former special somepony was standing in front of her.


"I-I...I'm sorry Whirlwind, I can't do this now."


She popped out and teleported to Rockshires room, the one she mentioned in her text. She wiped her tears away and saw Rockshire kissing................Dogboots........thats it........the world just went totally bat shit crazy.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Everyone seemed to be rushing to the hospital to visit Rockshire, but Ice Beam wasn't in the mood. All he wanted to do right now was wait for Lovely. She was incredibly late and Ice Beam was starting to get concerned. Hopefully the evening would go better once she arrived.

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Her hoof had stopped his movement to the wheelchair, as Rockshire had pulled him around to where she was facing him again, and returned his kiss with her own. In her mind, alarms were blaring, saying it was a bad idea. But, she didn't listen to them. She just continued kissing.


He was surprised when she started kissing him back but soon he abandoned everything and embraced her. He kissed her back passionately while holding her tight to him. He never wanted to let her go but, for once he felt happy to let go of his pain that plagued him for 7 years. Even if it was for a short time.

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How stupid am I? Of all ponies Dogboots did not deserve all of that. I didn't like this new pony who called himself Star, but sure as anything he had to go. First thing's first, I better go back and apologize. I know that he would never do anything spiteful towards Rockshire or me, he's just trying to help. After all it did work as the brain began to produce more adrenaline which in turn- well you get it. It worked. Maybe I should get him a small gift later. A little way of saying, "Sorry for threatening to send you to jail".


Which room is it again? Nope... nope.... nope... yes, that's it I think. Wait, I better knock first. Don't want to be rude. -Knock knock- I'm sure they're just having a friendly conversation, maybe talking behind my back, but I don't blame them. My recent attitude could rival Cherished (no offence to Cherished).

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"wait Obsidian NO!" Whirlwind cried out, but it was too late, she teleported away. "DAMN IT, DAMN IT DAMN IT!" he repeated to him self while punching at the ground.  he had just reunited with someone who he though he had lost forever and with in a few seconds its was over and she was gone again.

Whirlwind stood up and wiped his tears "you could have at least told me were the male dorms were" he continued to mope around until he eventually made it to his dorm, he couldn't even make a remark, he just didn't have it in him, he unlocked the door of the empty dorm room, dropped his pack and fell onto the bed. 

Edited by PonyEcho
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my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

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Rockshire was enjoying the kiss.. So much in fact that she didn't see Obsidian appear in her room. When she opened her eyes once, she could see her, causing to jump out of her arms.




She scurried back to the side of the bed, leaving Dogboots on the floor.

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Vinyl stayed in the shower for about another fifteen minutes. She just stood there and let the water run down her body. Tears streamed down her face, mixing with the water from the shower. Was it not for the tinge of red in her eyes, you couldn't even tell she was crying. She felt horrible and torn. She, though under the influence of an aphrodisiacal love potion, had let herself become a sex item once again. If she said she hated the feelings from last night, she'd be lying. She did, however, hate the disappointment of letting herself be used once again.


She stepped out of the shower, dried off, and brushed her tail and mane. She remembered Obsidian had gone over to the hospital to check up on Rockshire, but she didn't feel like walking all the way to the hospital. She felt weak – emotionally, mentally, and physically – so she teleported right outside of Rockshire's room. She peaked her head in the room and saw Obsidian, Rockshire, and Dogboots. "Oh, um... I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Dogboots crawled back to his wheelchair as fast as he could. Even he knew it would be bad if the both of them were caught. It would be even worse if Star had caught him kissing her. He pulled himself up to the wheelchair and sat back down. He continued to look down at the ground. "I should feel guilty but...I don't. It felt nice to be with her. However, it was stupid of me to do that. Besides, I don't know how she feels about me." He thought as he continued to stare at the ground. His face started turning a little red and it was becoming difficult for him to fight it.

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He had been in the shower for quite a while. He realized he was probably wasting water, but he stayed in. He felt bad, but it was that feeling where you want to cry but you can't. He felt lonely again, for some reason... as if he walked down some lonely road... as if that road was his home, and he would walk it all his life. He wished someone, most particularly Obsidian, would come and walk with him on the road... Maybe she would, but he felt as if he had to keep walking until he would find out.

Edited by Nightfall
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