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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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"YOU! YOU did this!? What the hell is wrong with you Star?! Do you have any idea what I've been through? Do you have any idea how much of a slut I feel like all because I was under the impression of MAGIC?!"


She closed the distance between them and her beads started to glow as she began to lose control.


"I was COVERED in bodily fluids of various kinds. I can't even remember all that was done to me but considering nearly every hole I have just aches, I don't know I want to remember. I had two stallions and one mare on my flank and your SORRY?!"


Her horn began to glow and icy fog began to fall from it


"No, you're not sorry...but you will be...."

  • Brohoof 4

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Vinyl quickly ran up to Obsidian and started nudging her off of him. "Calm down, sweetie. Look, I'm sure he didn't mean to. Don't lose yourself. Just... relax." She put her hooves on Obsidian's shoulders, then started stroking her mane. "It's gonna be alright, babe."

  • Brohoof 3

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Nightfall decided enough was enough. If he was going to be hurt by Obsidian because he took advantage of her and possibly got her pregnant, he needed to do it now. He got up. He didn't know where she would be, or were she would be going. He closed his eyes and tried thinking. She had gotten a text... Something about a hospital... Maybe even about Rockshire, whoever they were. He walked up toward the hospital, and inquired after Rockshire. He got a location, and stood just outside. He heard Obsidian getting mad, and Vinyl comforting her. He had a chance to save whoever Obsidian was mad at now...

"If you want to get mad, Obsidian, get mad at me... I realize I took advantage off you while you were under that... Spell, or whatever... But go ahead... Do what you want to me."

He walked into the room.

"I, um... I also realized recently, after our, er- party, that, um... I- I may have-"

He paused, looking down.

"I may have gotten you pregnant... You know. I wasn't- I wasn't wearing protection..."

He felt like he was getting smaller and smaller by each word. He became silent and shrunk down, getting ready for a blow he thought Obsidian might give him.

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She felt Vinyl's touch and heard her words. She closed her eyes. She was right...don't lose yourself...remember who you are. Her beads began to slowly stop their shimmering. She was furious, but Vinyl was right. She was about to turn to her when Nightfall came out and spilled out his heart to her. Then he mentioned something she had not thought of serious. She could get pregnant from this. That was it, she lost it. Her eyes went deep blue and ice rings formed around them. The temp dropped at least 20 degrees in a near instant and her beads exploded all at once, sending shards of quartz crystal everywhere. She turned, looked at him and smirk. She froze his left wing in an instant then turned and buck kicked him in the side, shattering the wing into pieces and sending him out the nearest window. She didn't know how high they were up, or if they were on ground level, but out he went.


"Don't ever talk to me again"


She glared at Star Keeper but went on.


"VINYL! Lets go..."

  • Brohoof 4

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Vinyl was clearly shocked by what had just happened. She had ducked right before the beads exploded and had just been missed by the shrapnel. Obsidian then called for Vinyl to leave with her. "Uh, y-y-yes, ma'am." She trotted out of the room and followed closely next to Obsidian. She was quiet for most of the time they walked

  • Brohoof 3

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Yup. That had done it. Beautifully.


That is all he had time to say to himself, despite being on the third floor, before he hit the ground. He had tried flipping himself to land on his back and tried to brace for impact, but the place where his shattered wing was supposed to be hurt really badly. And when he hit the ground, still up right, just before he passed out, there was a sickening crunch that could only mean at least two, maybe even all, of his hooves were broken. And as he passed out, he rolled the wrong way on his no broken wing, breaking that one as well. Blood slowly creeped from his mouth as he lay on his back, unconscious and surrounded by small shards of glass. His luck, it would seem, was over. He would survive, but just. His will to keep going was gone. His attempt to strive, dead. His sanity was mostly likely dead from the impact his head took. He wouldn't be the exact same anymore...

Edited by Nightfall
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"Don't worry Vinyl, he'll be fine. We -are- in a hospital. I think I even hear the rush of hooves outside now."


As they walked, sheets of thin frost coated the walls as they walked.


"He deserved far worse then that. No one will ever take advantage of us again, will they?" She laughed


"We should head back to your Dorm. I need to see what is to be done with this little parasite possibly growing inside of me"

  • Brohoof 4

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Vinyl led Obsidian back to her dorm. "If the various bodily fluids covering me was any indication and if Parso did to me what I think he did, chances are, I'm going to be pregnant too. I'm supposed to start my period within a few days, so I guess I'll know for sure soon." They reached her dorm and Vinyl went in and sat on her bed

  • Brohoof 3

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Vinyl led Obsidian back to her dorm. "If the various bodily fluids covering me was any indication and if Parso did to me what I think he did, chances are, I'm going to be pregnant too. I'm supposed to start my period within a few days, so I guess I'll know for sure soon." They reached her dorm and Vinyl went in and sat on her bed

Obsidian was walking slowly, very slowly. She was walking the halls of the Dorm while some annoying Pony was beating on doors looking for somepony else. She scoffed. That pony would have a big surprise if he walked down this hall. She tried, somewhere deep inside of herself, to calm down, but she couldn't. She was about to reach Vinyls dorm.....


(Thats it for me for tonight. Goodnight folks.)

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Vinyl led Obsidian back to her dorm. "If the various bodily fluids covering me was any indication and if Parso did to me what I think he did, chances are, I'm going to be pregnant too. I'm supposed to start my period within a few days, so I guess I'll know for sure soon." They reached her dorm and Vinyl went in and sat on her bed

Spark had been walking for awhile Obsidian on his mind."I womnder if she was okay..I'll see if I can do anything for her and Vinyl." He started to trot at a faster pace till he got to the girls dorm where he saw a new pony knocking on every ones dorm room door. "Hey man is everything okay?"(OCC I would have quoted you echo but the post wasn't on this page sorry!)

  • Brohoof 2

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Parso waited at Cherished's door all night, the terrible memories kept coming back, he couldn't take it anymore. He ran back to his room and packed a bag, also writing a note

'Cherished, if you read this it means I'm gone, I can't take this place anymore, I am not abandoning you, I will be back for you. I just need a break. This isn't goodbye, I love you. Parso'

he ran back to her room and slide the more under her door, leaving campus

(It begins)

  • Brohoof 2

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"I...I guess that's apology not accepted?"


That was a series of events unexpected. All thoughts now turned instead to helping Nightfall who was surely injured. He quickly hit the intercom, calling out for immediate assistance. Star rushed to Nightfalls side, trying to get a quick assessment on the damage. There was simply too much to go over at once and so much bleeding coming from an open wound where the bone had pierced his wing. When the doctors arrived even they looked at the situation rather bleakly.


"This is my fault. All of it. I can't say how sorry I am."

  • Brohoof 1


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"My, my have you fallen. Then again, you've always failed." A feminine voice said as a silhouette stepped out from behind one of the rose gardens. "S-Sugar? Is that you? What are you doing here?" Dogboots asked as he got up and started approaching her. "Look at you, you're more than just a failure. Your a freak! You failed standing up to Eris, you failed to look after Rockshire and worst of all you betrayed Star by sleeping with her! Look at her, she's a famous sculptor and now look at you. A washed up failure barely making it. She's too good for you. You don't even deserve to be with her. Your better staying in the shadows than you are like this. Besides, isn't that what you really want to be?" She said glaring at him with her piercing eyes. "Y-You can't be real. Sugar left!" He said as he tried to gain footing back against her. "Then, WHO AM I?!" She screamed at him as her eyes lit up in fire.


The colt soon shot up in a cold sweat as his gaze shifted all over the rose gardens. "Just a dream." Dogboots said quietly to himself as he looked down at Rockshire who was sleeping right next to him. He recounted what had taken place and was amazed with his night that he spent with the mare. It truly was a special night for him but he was still troubled by the dream. He gazed at the garden where Sugar had stepped out of in his dream. He was scared that she would come out again. The only sound that could be heard was a fountain going in the distance and the smell of roses still filling the air. "Have I really fallen? The scarred colt thought as he glanced down at Rockshire who was sleeping peacefully.

Edited by thor9356
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Whirlwind was at the last row of doors and had little left in him, but he just continued, we wanted to see Obsidian even if all she was gona do was teleport away.


"it's no use" he said slumping down to the ground after having yet another door slammed in his face "maybe that was all in my head, maybe i'm just going insane or maybe it my brain reminding me how useless I was to Obsidian" 


"no I'm not giving up this is the last row so if i get nothing here then i know i'm insane" Whirlwind sprung back and knocked at the next door


no answer 

Edited by PonyEcho

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The sky. Black. Doctors in white rushing around him. More black. A hallway... moving... Black. A massive shining light and so much pain. Frantic voices calling for more anesthetic and... and... and some drug he couldn't remember... something to knock him out... And then the black again.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

So. He was alive. He must have been on the edge of death. He kept his eyes closed. Every time he tried moving just a bit, a shard of pain shot through his body. A doctor came in and started talking, but he couldn't focus on it, really. Just something about surgery, a test of a prototype prosthetic wing, just barely being alive, should have been dead... He couldn't focus on the doctor's words. But he could focus on how he should have talked to Obsidian. He could see her face, clearly. He felt himself being pulled back into the darkness. He couldn't resist; he wouldn't resist.


All he thought he needed was her by his side...

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Something kept getting into her nose... Some odd smell... Oh, no wonder. She was still in the rose gardens.


Rockshire awoke, only to find Dogboots right next to her. Wait, wait.. Did we... And him... Oh my god, did we buck?


"Morning...", she said while getting up and stretching her legs.

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Something kept getting into her nose... Some odd smell... Oh, no wonder. She was still in the rose gardens.


Rockshire awoke, only to find Dogboots right next to her. Wait, wait.. Did we... And him... Oh my god, did we buck?


"Morning...", she said while getting up and stretching her legs.


"Morning." He said as he kept staring at one of the gardens. He had been up nearly all night just staring at the garden since he woke up from his dream. "We probably should get out of here before the staff comes in and finds us." He said as he stood up and put the hospital gown back on. He wasn't one who fancied the idea of being out of uniform for long.

Edited by thor9356
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"Morning." He said as he kept staring at one of the gardens. He had been up nearly all night just staring at the garden since he woke up from his dream. "We probably should get out of here before the staff comes in and finds us." He said as he stood up and put the hospital gown back on. He wasn't one who fancied the idea of being out of uniform for long.


"Yeah... I don't want to get caught either... Uh, where do you want to go? If we head back to the hospital, we're sure to cause a shitstorm there... And there's no way I'm facing Star like this...", Rockshire said as she looked at herself. She didn't know it, but her coat was stained in different fluids...

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"Yeah... I don't want to get caught either... Uh, where do you want to go? If we head back to the hospital, we're sure to cause a shitstorm there... And there's no way I'm facing Star like this...", Rockshire said as she looked at herself. She didn't know it, but her coat was stained in different fluids...


"Yeah, we'll head to my dorm. It's in the female dorms but not the one your at. Its located on the west side of the campus. That sound good?" He asked as he turned toward Rockshire. He was a little surprised with how she looked and tried to hold back his smile. "You look like you could use a shower too. You're more than welcome to use mine." He added trying to give her a place to hide out. 

  • Brohoof 1
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"Yeah, we'll head to my dorm. It's in the female dorms but not the one your at. Its located on the west side of the campus. That sound good?" He asked as he turned toward Rockshire. He was a little surprised with how she looked and tried to hold back his smile. "You look like you could use a shower too. You're more than welcome to use mine." He added trying to give her a place to hide out. 


"You stay at the mares' dorm?", Rockshire asked him. "That's a bit odd... But yeah."


She gave him a confused, looking at her coat. Sure enough, there was dried stains of her fluids and possibly his all over her. This caused her to blush a tremendous amount of scarlet. We.... We DID buck...

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"You stay at the mares' dorm?", Rockshire asked him. "That's a bit odd... But yeah."


She gave him a confused, looking at her coat. Sure enough, there was dried stains of her fluids and possibly his all over her. This caused her to blush a tremendous amount of scarlet. We.... We DID buck...


"Well, that's how the college works. They don't really hold a high regard for earth ponies so they send them there. The good news is that the place is mostly dead because very few live there. So, we won't be running into anypony." He said reassuringly as he noticed that she was turning incredibly red. "You feeling alright?" He asked to the blushing mare.

Edited by thor9356
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"Well, that's how the college works. They don't really hold a high regard for earth ponies so they send them there. The good news is that the place is mostly dead because very few live there. So, we won't be running into anypony." He said reassuringly as he noticed that she was turning incredibly red. "You feeling alright?" He asked to the blushing mare.


Rockshire gulped.


"Yeah, I just... I just didn't notice that... Uh..." She didn't know how to say it, so she acted it out by hitting her hooves together, signaling sex. She didn't want to say the word, but it was still awkward to act it...


Percussive woke with a jolt. Something was telling him that a friend was hurt... Badly. But, he went to staring at the door, waiting for Lovely.

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Rockshire gulped.


"Yeah, I just... I just didn't notice that... Uh..." She didn't know how to say it, so she acted it out by hitting her hooves together, signaling sex. She didn't want to say the word, but it was still awkward to act it...


Percussive woke with a jolt. Something was telling him that a friend was hurt... Badly. But, he went to staring at the door, waiting for Lovely.


"Oh...you mean. Yeah, talk about crazy huh? We should probably get back though. We can talk more about it once we're inside." He said as he tried to delay the conversation that was lying ahead. "That's going to be one uncomfortable conversation to have." The stallion thought to himself as he began to feel nervous about it.

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"Oh...you mean. Yeah, talk about crazy huh? We should probably get back though. We can talk more about it once we're inside." He said as he tried to delay the conversation that was lying ahead. "That's going to be one uncomfortable conversation to have." The stallion thought to himself as he began to feel nervous about it.


"Yeah... OK, are you ready? Just want to make sure you're not surprised by this."


Without waiting for an answer, Rockshire's horn began to glow orange, as the aura appears around her and Dogboots again. There was a flash, and they disappear from the gardens. A few seconds later, they appeared in some room in the dorm.


"Um, is this it? Please tell me it is..."

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"Yeah... OK, are you ready? Just want to make sure you're not surprised by this."


Without waiting for an answer, Rockshire's horn began to glow orange, as the aura appears around her and Dogboots again. There was a flash, and they disappear from the gardens. A few seconds later, they appeared in some room in the dorm.


"Um, is this it? Please tell me it is..."


Dogboots was dazed from the teleportation and fell on the floor again. "I don't think I will ever get used to that." He said as he got up from the dusty floor. He glanced around the room checking to see if it was his. "Let's see here. tower of spam cans, check. Scrap book on desk, check. Radio on the nightstand, check and two bare mattresses, double check." The dazed colt thought to himself after checking everything was there. "Yeah, this is it alright. Home sweet home. Sorry about the mess. I would've cleaned had I known I was having company." He said trying to make a bit of light out of the situation. "The bathroom is over there." He said as he pointed at the open doorway.

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