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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Obsidian sat nearby in their Dorm room and watched the exchange between Star and Rockshire. She wouldn't say a word. Not a single word. There was nothing really to say. Star knew what he did and what had happen because of him. It wasn't her place to say a thing about Dogboots. She texted Whirlwind letting him know where she was and what she was doing.

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Whirlwind got a quick response, as well as the sudden urge to change his ringtone

he flicked the screen and read Obsidian's message, then replied.


hhmmm sounds like fun, anychance you can come over? we never rely got to talk did we, my dorm number is 234, i've just bought some tea bags and milk so i can make you a good cuppa, when you get here.

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Immediately, Rockshire jumped once she heard Star's voice. "Y-yeah, I'm here... Come in." At the same time, her phone started vibrating. Picking it up, she saw it was Dogboots. Rockshire shoved her phone under her pillow once Star walked in. Then, using barely enough energy from her horn, she began to text Dogboots back.


I was just wanting to hang out with you... Anywhere we go, as long as I'm with you, I'm content. <3


The silence of Dogboots dorm was soon broken when the phone vibrated on the nightstand. He glanced at the new message and his heart sank. "Well, so much for doing what she wanted to do. What now? Take her to the pub? No. We'd be stared at all night and I can't do that to her. I can't afford to take her out to a fancy restaurant. I could make us dinner. I'm not that bad of a cook. Yeah I could probably pull that off!" He thought as he picked up his phone and a pen and started texting her back. 


How bout dinner at my place? I can cook something up for us. What do you feel like having?


Dogboots positioned the pen in his mouth and pressed the send button. He already was nervous about what she would want. "*sigh* Looks like i'm going to be dipping into my paycheck. If she's going to be coming here then I need to clean this place up." The stallion said getting up from his mattress and beginning to clean the dusty room.

Edited by thor9356
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"Anyway, I have someone else to visit before I can finish up. Have a lovely day Shire." Star leaned in and pecked Rockshire on the lips, something he hadn't done in a while. It felt good to share that intimacy again, especially seeing as she was so... reluctant recently. Still don'y know what happened, beyond caring anymore.


Star trotted out the door, feeling a bit better about himself. He had helped two mares with some financial trouble and made amends with Shire... I think. Still uncertain what was going through her head. Maybe she was having second thoughts? Nah, not likely. I know Shire and she's as loyal as anything. You saw her when I tried to go, she was the one who stopped me. Any mare with second thoughts would have taken the opportunity to see me off without a fuss. Well there was the incident with Dogboots recently, not that it was anything significant. Speaking of Dogboots I better go visit him. I have some more apologies to dish out.

  • Brohoof 1


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Obsidian finally looked down at the check for 2,000 bits. That was a lot of money to be sure. He couldn't have known that she had inherited her families money recently but it was the thought of it all. For the first time since all this started she almost felt sorry for HIM. She gently raised her hoof and placed it on her belly. She didn't want this. Not this way anyway. Things were so complex. She loked Nightfall. She thought he was cute from the beginning, but then there was their misunderstanding and she decided on Vinyl. But then low and behold here comes her ex from the past to make things even more confusing.


She knew Nightfall was going to be in this foals life. She had a feeling to do anything else would just crush him. Luna knows he had been hurt enough. Even though she paid for his medical expenses and the best replacement wing money could buy, it didn't make her feel less guilty. She looked up at Rockshire with a humble expression.


"I think he really is sorry. I think he really knows he messed up. It took alot for him to come here and even more for him to stay seeing all of us in here. I know you are mad at him, but maybe he does deserve another chance? Trust me, I can't believe I'm saying this either but, are you sure Dogboots is the right move? Maybe you still have a choice. We have no way to know if your pregnant or not. Maybe you and Star can still fix things and be the better for it all?"

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"Again, Obsidian is right. Sure, you may not have been using protection, but that doesn't mean you're definitely going to be pregnant. The only real reason we know is because Obsidian can use her magic to feel inside herself and I was told by Luna." Vinyl sat next to Obsidian and leaned on her shoulder.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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The hallways were quiet, papers on the bulletin boards started to blow about in the breeze, the newspaper clippings of Parso's disappearance. one of the clippings was suddenly torn off the board and scrunched up, sent into a ball of paper on the floor. He appeared again, Parso Incendiare, his body and face were scarred, his mane and tail a wreck, his coat dirty and bloody and a new tattoo on his left foreleg. He approached her room once more, without hesitation, burst through the door

"Cherished?! I told you I'd be back"

his eyes started to water, she wasnt there. and then, sudden rage built up in his bloodstream


he screamed out as he threw a knife across the room, stabbing a poster of Eris in the eye. after retrieving his knife he left the room and wondered to himself

"Vinyl, a part of my terrible nightmare. I sense she may be carrying my foal"

he trotted to Vinyls room, no answer.

"shit! hmmm maybe Rockshire knows where she is"

he trotted to Rockshire's room, the door was already open

"Rockshire, where is Vi- ...Vinyl, we need to talk. It's my fault I took that bucking pill, I bucked up your life, you're carrying my foal, I can sense it. I've been to Insanity and back and I now know what I must do"

he pulled off a bag made from animal skins form the sounds of inside, it was full of cash and passed it to Vinyl

"just promise me this, you will keep that foal safe, give it a decent life and education. I want to see it prosper, its my foal and I wish to father it, even if not alongside you"

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Vinyl was stunned for a moment. Parso had burst through the door and dumped a sack of animal skins full of cash in her lap, then committed to fathering the foal. "Look Parso, it's not your fault and I'm not even 100 percent sure I want to have this thing, although I am mostly sure I do." She sighed and looked up at him. "It's great that you want to be responsible for it and it's awesome that we'll have another pony to raise the foal." Vinyl stood up and walked over to Parso, then wrapped her hooves around him.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Parso felt Vinyl wrap her hooves around him and he gave her a slight hug

"thank you, you do not know how joyed I am to be able to raise this child, this feels like a new beginning for me. somehow I feel, Cherished was the final loose end I had to tie up. I feel cleansed. Thank you Vinyl, for sharing a part of your life to bring a new life to us. even if the cause was a one night thing"

for the first time in a long time, a smile arched across Parso's face

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A smile crossed Vinyl's face as she pulled Parso over to the bed and sat down with him. "You know this means you have to make a commitment, right? That means no drugs, get through school with us, and get a good job. You can't raise a foal with a mediocre job you know. And since you're going to be the father of my foal, I feel we should get to know each other better. Maybe we can go out for dinner sometime?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"I havent taken any drugs since that night, I'm going clean and going to press down on studies. the foal deserves the best. as for the dinner, name a time, date, and place and I will be there."

Parso held onto Vinyls hoof with tow of his and looked her straight in the eye, as if he was pledging an oath

"I want to be a better father than my own and I need you to point me in the right directions"

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"You'll have both me and Obsidian to do that. For dinner, I was thinking tomorrow night, eight o' clock, at that fancy restaurant a couple blocks north of here. Damn, I always forget the name of that place." She focused back on Parso and noticed he was looking straight into her eyes. Wow, his eyes are beautiful. And that soft smile of his... Ooh! If I wasn't with Winter, I'd definitely go out with him.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"I know the place, consider me there. but for now, I have some friends who probably think I'm dead to convince that I'm not dead *sniff* ugh, after I have a shower, i smell like jungle"

Parso waved to the mare carrying his child and left the room to head to his own, he took a shower and the colour of the water that went down the drain was a mixture of dirt and blood. he got out, wrapped a new bandage around the wound on his leg and trotted to campus hospital asking for Nightfall, apparently he was transferred to canterlot hospital and headed there next. he eventually found his old friend's room and trotted in 

"Nightfall, you look like hammered shit and- Oh Celestia, is that a fake wing?!"

  • Brohoof 2

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"I know the place, consider me there. but for now, I have some friends who probably think I'm dead to convince that I'm not dead *sniff* ugh, after I have a shower, i smell like jungle"

Parso waved to the mare carrying his child and left the room to head to his own, he took a shower and the colour of the water that went down the drain was a mixture of dirt and blood. he got out, wrapped a new bandage around the wound on his leg and trotted to campus hospital asking for Nightfall, apparently he was transferred to canterlot hospital and headed there next. he eventually found his old friend's room and trotted in 

"Nightfall, you look like hammered shit and- Oh Celestia, is that a fake wing?!"


Nightfall woke with a startle at the sound of his roommate's voice.

"Huh? What? ... Oh, yeah... yeah, it is... Matches my other wing, right..? Never mind, I'm assuming it is. They said she got the best, and matching the other wing has got to be part of that..."

He sighed.

"Sorry about the rambling. I've had so much time to just think here, and with my brain, it being paranoid and way out there, it isn't really too much of a good thing... Look, I may have gotten Obsidian pregnant, and I tried telling her to come here so I could talk, and I tried by texting Vinyl, but Vinyl said she wouldn't come and to leave both of them alone because they'd take care of the foal, and it has me worried and thinking, and with my paranoid self, I doubt that she'll ever-"

He stopped.

"Rambling again," he mumbled.

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The silence of Dogboots dorm was soon broken when the phone vibrated on the nightstand. He glanced at the new message and his heart sank. "Well, so much for doing what she wanted to do. What now? Take her to the pub? No. We'd be stared at all night and I can't do that to her. I can't afford to take her out to a fancy restaurant. I could make us dinner. I'm not that bad of a cook. Yeah I could probably pull that off!" He thought as he picked up his phone and a pen and started texting her back.


How bout dinner at my place? I can cook something up for us. What do you feel like having?


Dogboots positioned the pen in his mouth and pressed the send button. He already was nervous about what she would want. "*sigh* Looks like i'm going to be dipping into my paycheck. If she's going to be coming here then I need to clean this place up." The stallion said getting up from his mattress and beginning to clean the dusty room.

The new text she sent read:


'Hmm... How do you feel about Italian?'


Turning back over to Vinyl and Obsidian..


"I... I could try a pregnancy test tomorrow. That would most likely make my decision.", Rockshire said to them, scratching her mane.




Percussive was still in the same area from the dance... He had waited for Lovely to go in there for 4 days... And yet, no Lovely... "Where is she?"

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Whirlwind layed on his bed waiting for Obsidian, his thoughts drifting to Obsidian being pregnant.... and how it...... "no don't think about that" he said slapping himself in the face, he needed to keep his cool.

he opened his phone to send another text to Obsidian


hey, are you sure you're pregnant?.... it's to soon to tell isn't it?

well i still have the money from when you were pregnant with..... he stopped texting before deleting the whole message 

  • Brohoof 2

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The new text she sent read:


'Hmm... How do you feel about Italian?'



By the time the phone vibrated again Dogboots had finished cleaning his dorm room. The stallion walked over to the nightstand and checked the new message. "Well at least i'm not shooting in the dark with this one. Okay, Italian dish huh? Let's see I could make some spaghetti but that seems too simple. Then again it is a little cheap to make, but what if she thinks i'm being cheap? No! Its just a simple dinner. Nothing big right?" The stallion thought to himself as he tried to calm himself down. He picked up a pen and paper and started to jot down the ingredients he would need. "Okay I got the ingredients down now I need to pick up some candles, sheets for the beds in case we go at it again. Shit! I forgot to wear protection last night! Ah, i'm sure its fine but still best pick up a pack just in case. I can't afford to get her pregnant." The worried stallion thought as he stuffed the list inside one of his vest pockets. He picked up a pen and his phone and sent her another text. 


Okay, give me a couple of hours and I should have it ready by then.


After that the stallion put his phone in his pocket and soon left to pick up the items he would need. Luckily for Dogboots he wouldn't have to travel far to get what he needed.

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Nightfall woke with a startle at the sound of his roommate's voice.

"Huh? What? ... Oh, yeah... yeah, it is... Matches my other wing, right..? Never mind, I'm assuming it is. They said she got the best, and matching the other wing has got to be part of that..."

He sighed.

"Sorry about the rambling. I've had so much time to just think here, and with my brain, it being paranoid and way out there, it isn't really too much of a good thing... Look, I may have gotten Obsidian pregnant, and I tried telling her to come here so I could talk, and I tried by texting Vinyl, but Vinyl said she wouldn't come and to leave both of them alone because they'd take care of the foal, and it has me worried and thinking, and with my paranoid self, I doubt that she'll ever-"

He stopped.

"Rambling again," he mumbled.

Parso sat on a seat next to Nightfall's bed

"give her some time to cool down, she might still be stressed about the sudden pregnancy. I spoke to Vinyl earlier, I told her I was going clean and I wanted to father the foal she's carrying. I dont think I'll be seeing Cherished anytime soon, quite frankly, I dont care anymore, I'm here for Vinyl"

  • Brohoof 2

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By the time the phone vibrated again Dogboots had finished cleaning his dorm room. The stallion walked over to the nightstand and checked the new message. "Well at least i'm not shooting in the dark with this one. Okay, Italian dish huh? Let's see I could make some spaghetti but that seems too simple. Then again it is a little cheap to make, but what if she thinks i'm being cheap? No! Its just a simple dinner. Nothing big right?" The stallion thought to himself as he tried to calm himself down. He picked up a pen and paper and started to jot down the ingredients he would need. "Okay I got the ingredients down now I need to pick up some candles, sheets for the beds in case we go at it again. Shit! I forgot to wear protection last night! Ah, i'm sure its fine but still best pick up a pack just in case. I can't afford to get her pregnant." The worried stallion thought as he stuffed the list inside one of his vest pockets. He picked up a pen and his phone and sent her another text. 


Okay, give me a couple of hours and I should have it ready by then.


After that the stallion put his phone in his pocket and soon left to pick up the items he would need. Luckily for Dogboots he wouldn't have to travel far to get what he needed.


All right. I'll see you then. ;')


Rockshire locked her phone, and went to thinking.


OK, so I have to decide this right now... Chances of me being pregnant can run on a 50/50 basis... Not to mention that it's been a few days, so the odds are bumped a little... Star doesn't hate me anymore, so it's leaning to him... But, he got me intoxicated with that vial, minus 50 on Star... Dogboots really cares for me, and he might be the father... Well.... I'll decide it after dinner...

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Parso sat on a seat next to Nightfall's bed

"give her some time to cool down, she might still be stressed about the sudden pregnancy. I spoke to Vinyl earlier, I told her I was going clean and I wanted to father the foal she's carrying. I dont think I'll be seeing Cherished anytime soon, quite frankly, I dont care anymore, I'm here for Vinyl"


"I want to- no, I feel like I need to be there for Obsidian.. it's just- I haven't been able to talk to her since she, um... since she gave me these injuries... I'm hoping she can come over soon."

He sighed. His pain was the same as usual. He assumed he was on meds, because when he said it was getting worse, the docs only put him to sleep.

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Whirlwind layed on his bed waiting for Obsidian, his thoughts drifting to Obsidian being pregnant.... and how it...... "no don't think about that" he said slapping himself in the face, he needed to keep his cool.

he opened his phone to send another text to Obsidian


hey, are you sure you're pregnant?.... it's to soon to tell isn't it?

well i still have the money from when you were pregnant with..... he stopped texting before deleting the whole message 

She waited for him to respond but got nothing. Seeing Star made her think of Nightfall. She needed to go see him, she needed to resolve this. If she could forgive Star maybe she could forgive Nightfall.


"I want to- no, I feel like I need to be there for Obsidian.. it's just- I haven't been able to talk to her since she, um... since she gave me these injuries... I'm hoping she can come over soon."

He sighed. His pain was the same as usual. He assumed he was on meds, because when he said it was getting worse, the docs only put him to sleep.

She looked at Vinyl and Rockshire. "I'm sorry girls, I need to be somewhere. I'll catch up with you all later. Text me if you need me. Vinyl, we need to talk about Parso and what you plan on doing. I know it hasn't been long, but I love both of you. See ya."


She nodded her head to them and headed out to the hospital to see the father of her child. She walked up to his room and knocked on the door, then waited.

Edited by Obsidian_Winter
  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"I want to- no, I feel like I need to be there for Obsidian.. it's just- I haven't been able to talk to her since she, um... since she gave me these injuries... I'm hoping she can come over soon."

He sighed. His pain was the same as usual. He assumed he was on meds, because when he said it was getting worse, the docs only put him to sleep.

"I've been missing for a few day but even on my arrival, I've been hearing rumors, something about Obsidians ex trying to get back with her, then theres also the thing she has going with Vinyl. seems like one helluva love triangle you got yourself into. now I'd love to stay and chate, mate, but I havent slept in days and I'm really tired"

Parso got up and headed for the door

​"she might come around, just give her time, adios"

He left the hospital and headed back to campus, he went back to his room and laid down on his bed, soon dozing off 

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"aahh why the buck am i waiting for her" he moan as he sat up off of his bed, it alway felt like forever when ever he had to wait for Obsidian. "i should just go out for a fly around and clear my head" Whirlwind opened his dorm and began to take off. taking a route close to the hospital.

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She waited for him to respond but got nothing. Seeing Star made her think of Nightfall. She needed to go see him, she needed to resolve this. If she could forgive Star maybe she could forgive Nightfall.


She looked at Vinyl and Rockshire. "I'm sorry girls, I need to be somewhere. I'll catch up with you all later. Text me if you need me. Vinyl, we need to talk about Parso and what you plan on doing. I know it hasn't been long, but I love both of you. See ya."


She nodded her head to them and headed out to the hospital to see the father of her child. She walked up to his room and knocked on the door, then waited.


The knock just after Parso left made his heart leap. His brain told it to stop it and that it wasn't her.

"Come in..."

And then, of course, his heart jumped again. He tried not breathing too quickly and tried slowing his heart rate. He knew she would be able to tell if his heart jumped again because of the machines hooked up to him.

Edited by Nightfall
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She walked in slowly, looking around the room and the Machines he was hooked up to. She could tell he was being given excellent care as he well should given the cost of the treatment. It was penance for her to do and a part of her wanted to do it. She looked down before making eye contact again....


"I'm...Sorry Nightfall. I'm so sorry I did this to you. What you did to me wasn't right but you didn't deserve your wing being shattered off your body or nearly dying from the fall...."

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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