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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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"You better not miss it. You wouldn't want to hurt me feelings." Eris winked playfully at Nightfall, "I'll tell you one thing about marefriends: don't. Why tie yourself down to just one beautiful mare? And if you're inquiring about the kind of things that 'ponies do on prom night' well then.." Eris began to laugh. He found amusement in everything, until he caught Paros' wandering eye. Eris misfollowed Paros's line of sight and thought he was eyeing Lovely. "What the buck are you doing!?" Eris' cool demeanor immediately shattered as he glared at Paros, "she's a child for bucks sake." Cherished sighed and rolled her eyes. "Lovely. Away." "Hey! That's no fair!" "Lovely! I'm not asking." Lovely frowned and sulked back to her dorm. Cherished smiled slyly at Paros, "brothers." She shook her head.


When Lovely got back to her dorm she saw Blade curled up on her bed. "Oh, Blade. You look awful. Are you okay? Don't mind them. They're idiots." Lovely lent over Vinyl Blade very concerned. When Blade didn't answer Lovely spoke again, "you shouldn't let them get to you. They don't even know what they are saying. I'm sure your earth pony parents are wonderful." Blade turned to see Lovely's sweet smiling face.


"Don't mind him, he's just a little worried. This is Lovely's first time out in the world and Eris knows how guys are. He just doesn't want to see his sister get hurt. No hard feelings." Cherished smiled at Paros as Eris sat in silence to cool himself down. Suddenly the outburst between Alora and Saphira caught the attention of the two juniors. Awkward is right. "A meat eating pony?" Cherished turned to Eris to make mutual faces of disgust. "It's really NOT that kind of party. Hmmkay?" Cherished retorted loud enough for Alora to hear. "What a freak show, oh my cee." Cherished spoke in a hush tone to Eris, Paros and Nightfall.


Eris noticed a blue pegasus walk into the cafeteria and sit alone, "hey." Eris approached Ice Beam, "you're coming to my party tonight? It's a little meet and greet mingle. Be there." He ordered.

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As Ice Beam sat drinking his coffee, he noticed Eris approach him.


"You're coming to my party tonight? It's a little meet and greet mingle. Be there."


"Uh, yeah, sure." responded Ice Beam. "No problem."


Ice Beam hadn't been to a party with ponies he didn't know before...it was definitely going to be interesting.

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Vinyl wiped the tears away from her face and turned to Lovely. "I know... And I'm not crying because of them. It's because of... Well, you wouldn't want to hear it. It's old memories. Terrible memories." She reached her hoof over the edge of the bed and made sure the bag of Mary J was tucked under and out of sight

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"You better not miss it. You wouldn't want to hurt me feelings." Eris winked playfully at Nightfall, "I'll tell you one thing about marefriends: don't. Why tie yourself down to just one beautiful mare? And if you're inquiring about the kind of things that 'ponies do on prom night' well then.." Eris began to laugh. He found amusement in everything, until he caught Paros' wandering eye. Eris misfollowed Paros's line of sight and thought he was eyeing Lovely. "What the buck are you doing!?" Eris' cool demeanor immediately shattered as he glared at Paros, "she's a child for bucks sake." Cherished sighed and rolled her eyes. "Lovely. Away." "Hey! That's no fair!" "Lovely! I'm not asking." Lovely frowned and sulked back to her dorm. Cherished smiled slyly at Paros, "brothers." She shook her head.


When Lovely got back to her dorm she saw Blade curled up on her bed. "Oh, Blade. You look awful. Are you okay? Don't mind them. They're idiots." Lovely lent over Vinyl Blade very concerned. When Blade didn't answer Lovely spoke again, "you shouldn't let them get to you. They don't even know what they are saying. I'm sure your earth pony parents are wonderful." Blade turned to see Lovely's sweet smiling face.


"Don't mind him, he's just a little worried. This is Lovely's first time out in the world and Eris knows how guys are. He just doesn't want to see his sister get hurt. No hard feelings." Cherished smiled at Paros as Eris sat in silence to cool himself down. Suddenly the outburst between Alora and Saphira caught the attention of the two juniors. Awkward is right. "A meat eating pony?" Cherished turned to Eris to make mutual faces of disgust. "It's really NOT that kind of party. Hmmkay?" Cherished retorted loud enough for Alora to hear. "What a freak show, oh my cee." Cherished spoke in a hush tone to Eris, Paros and Nightfall.


Eris noticed a blue pegasus walk into the cafeteria and sit alone, "hey." Eris approached Ice Beam, "you're coming to my party tonight? It's a little meet and greet mingle. Be there." He ordered.


Nightfall was quiet, but eventually spoke again.

"Who knows? Look at her horn. And her tail. She doesn't seem... Like the rest of the unicorns..."

He spoke in a hushed tone, then leaned back and looked at Eris.

"With your words, I'm going to assume you yourself have some kind of 'haram,' hmm?"

He chuckled.

"More than one beautiful mare..? I may be able to try that."

He broke out into laughter.

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After entering the cafe, Rockshire decides to get a coffee, not meaning to abandon her new roommate. After acquiring it, she goes and sits at a small table, watching all the other new ponies inside. *So, I'm hanging with these ponies then...*, Rockshire thought. She took a sip, and kept looking around.

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"I might have blown my top there a little" thought Kalypso "I didn't try to be mean, maybe I should go apologize." thought Kalypso as he finished unpacking his things and making himself comfortable. "Wow!" Kalypso thought aloud as we looked upon the large group that had amassed around Eris already. "I guess he is really popular here. Hey sorry about what happened earlier i guess i just got a little nervous." Said Kalypso while walking up to the group "Hi, guys I'm Kalypso." he said speaking to the group around the table.
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Said Kalypso while walking up to the group "Hi, guys I'm Kalypso." he said speaking to the group around the table.

"You may have a difficult time getting their attention." Star Keeper appeared behind Kalypso, surprising him to say the least.


"Don't mind me, I was just on my way back here and you caught my attention. They are much too busy planning for the party this evening. I trust you'll be invited? You are friends, aren't you?" He tried his best to give a friendly smile, but he failed on epic proportions. he looked more like a sneering cat. This wasn't supposed to be so difficult.

Edited by The-Master
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Eris smirked down at Ice beam, "the name's Eris by the way. You seem pretty built. Ever thought about playing for the CC ponyball team? We've got the best team in Equestria. We win every year, if you're any good we could use a good quarterback. Our most recent one just graduated." Eris smiled and returned to his seat next to Cherished. "Eris! Don't go scaring all the Freshies."


"Of course I want to hear it! I can't bear seeing you so upset." Lovely intercepted Vinyl Blade's hoof and clasped it. "Just because it happened a long time ago, doesn't mean it doesn't matter. You can trust me, I won't tell Eris. Promise!" Lovely was almost sickeningly supportive. "Oh! Right you were trying to get that bag. Here watch this." Lovely used her telekinesis to bring the bag of weed out into the open. "Woah cool! I've never seen this kind of grass before. Is it special from the castle?"


"'Not like the rest of the unicorns' is an understatement kiddo." Cherished huffed, "she is a freak of nature." Eris smiled, "well you know what I always say Cherry. The crazier, the better in bed." "Wow, that's a disease waiting to happen." "You're one to talk." Cherished scoffed, "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." Eris rolled his eyes and checked his cell phone. Cherished hissed at the lack of attention she was getting, "WELL. I've got some things to get ready for the party SO, I'll be going now. Bye Nightfall, bye Paros. Bye Eris." Eris grunted. "I said 'BYE ERIS'". Eris stayed silent. "UGH fine!" Cherished stormed off.


Eris looked up at Nightfall in complete seriousness, "well you know what I always say about the crazy ones."

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Alora hissed a bit, flashing her sharpened fangs. She stood, making her way out of the room with Saphira at her heels. She had no clue as to why she was following her, but she didn't truly care that much. Her tail flicked behind her as she continued on. Saphira hardly had time to catch up to her.


Saphira knew she was going to have to make a decision. It's either the popular chick, or the creep with fangs. She chose the fangs. It may be complete social suicide, but at least it wasn't ACTUAL suicide. Alora held a grudge,, and she knew that.


"Hey, alora...I uhm," She paused akwardly as Alora stopped, "I'm sorry".


Alora blazed, turnign towards Saphira with fury in her eyes. "How dare you?!?! Even a puny CHILD like you should know better!" She sighed and sared down at the floor, "Why would you do this?"


Saphira blinked akwardly for a while, simply sstaring at the being before her. She hadn't expected such a reaction, even from Alora. Soemthing deeper was obviousel going on.


"Alora? Is there something wrong?"


Alora stared at Saphira for a long while, her tail swaying back and forth in akward silence.

Edited by Eris & Alora
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Eris smirked down at Ice beam, "the name's Eris by the way. You seem pretty built. Ever thought about playing for the CC ponyball team? We've got the best team in Equestria. We win every year, if you're any good we could use a good quarterback. Our most recent one just graduated." Eris smiled and returned to his seat next to Cherished. "Eris! Don't go scaring all the Freshies."


"Of course I want to hear it! I can't bear seeing you so upset." Lovely intercepted Vinyl Blade's hoof and clasped it. "Just because it happened a long time ago, doesn't mean it doesn't matter. You can trust me, I won't tell Eris. Promise!" Lovely was almost sickeningly supportive. "Oh! Right you were trying to get that bag. Here watch this." Lovely used her telekinesis to bring the bag of weed out into the open. "Woah cool! I've never seen this kind of grass before. Is it special from the castle?"


"'Not like the rest of the unicorns' is an understatement kiddo." Cherished huffed, "she is a freak of nature." Eris smiled, "well you know what I always say Cherry. The crazier, the better in bed." "Wow, that's a disease waiting to happen." "You're one to talk." Cherished scoffed, "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." Eris rolled his eyes and checked his cell phone. Cherished hissed at the lack of attention she was getting, "WELL. I've got some things to get ready for the party SO, I'll be going now. Bye Nightfall, bye Paros. Bye Eris." Eris grunted. "I said 'BYE ERIS'". Eris stayed silent. "UGH fine!" Cherished stormed off.


Eris looked up at Nightfall in complete seriousness, "well you know what I always say about the crazy ones."


"She does sound a bit crazy. However, isn't everypony in their own way a bit crazy..?"

He thought for a moment.

"That was rhetorical, by the way. Don't mind me, I am the one to ask stupid questions. Anyway, about this party... How many ponies are you inviting? The more, the merry, I've heard."

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Vinyl's eyes opened wide with shock and she quickly put one hoof on the bag and one on Lovely's lips. "Shh! Keep it down. I don't want to get caught with this stuff. Even if I was basically royalty, I could still get in trouble for this." She took her hoof off of her mouth and shoved the bag back underneath her bed. "So you really want to hear my story, eh? Fine, sit down." Lovely took a seat on the bed as Vinyl started to tell her story. She took a deep breath before she started.


"Well, on my sister's eighth birthday, her, our parents, and I went out for dinner... On the walk back, Scratch started trailing behind, so naturally I turned back to go get her. Her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped and I instantly knew something was wrong. When I turned around, I saw our parents being stabbed and robbed." Tears were streaming down her face at this point. "When the Guard got there, I pulled her off of the bodies and hauled her home. Her coat was stained with their blood and tears were pouring down her face, not to mention her screaming. She got a bit of blood on my back, 'the hardest place to clean,' I joked. We made it another week, before FPS came to take us away. They tried to separate us, but I fought to keep us together."


"About a month or so later, two earth ponies from Canterlot came to the orphanage looking to adopt. They saw us on the playground together and asked to adopt both of us. They didn't want to separate us and they had the money to support us both. Several years later, after I turned eighteen, I had to move out. I was absolutely heartbroken. I didn't have a place to stay and I started to fall apart. I had known the princesses for years at that point and they heard of my situation. They invited me to stay at the castle with them, and I, having no other options, gratefully accepted. I did some... Work for Celestia and got paid for it. A couple more years later, my parents call me and tell me they have a surprise for me. I went over to their house and we had dinner and spent time together. When I asked what the surprise was, they told me they were paying for me to go to CC and here I am."


((Longest post I've ever made right here))

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Ice Beam decided to head back to his dorm room to think...he needed some peace and quiet, and he sure wasn't getting it in the cafe. He thought about joining the ponyball team and thought that it would be a good way to fit in at CC.


He also thought about the party he was invited to. Maybe this would be a good opportunity for him to make some friends and possibly find a marefriend. He always wanted a special somepony but could never seem to find one in Ponyville. Maybe this was his chance to find one...there must be some pretty mares at Canterlot College.

Edited by Wolfie Dash
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Parso retorted as soon as Eris mentioned his sister

"mate, i swear, i wasnt checkin' out your sister, I'm more respecting than that. I was looking up an earthie with a nice arse that just happened to walk in the same direction as your sister was"

although it was the truth, it sounded like a bad excuse. for a while Parso sat in silence until he remembered something he had to do

"i have to take off, so I'll catchas 'round. surely be at the party"

he trotted on back to his room and sent a message to his best mate back at home

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Eris scoffed, "oi! Slave pony! You going to do your job and clean this mess up!?" Eris shouted towards sugar and Dogboots from across the cafeteria. "Stupid earth ponies, always have to tell them everything. Worthless."


Dogboots could already see how much of a mess this was becoming and he didn't mean the spilled drinks but this provided an opportunity for him to see if his assumption was correct. "I'll be right back" He said to Sugar as he put his tray down and headed to the broom closet he passed on his way to the cafe. Luckily the door was unlocked and started filling up the bucket with water and adding some cleaning chemicals to the mix. Before long he made his way to the cafe and pushed the mop and bucket towards Eris.



" First off, my shift doesn't start for a few hours.Secondly, I don't know who you think you are and personally I don't really care cause I know your type already. Can't take responsibility or solve your own problems so you either walk away from them or find somepony to do it for you. If you're a real stallion then clean up your own damn mess! Preferably without relying on magic." Dogboots said to Eris just waiting to see what his response was.

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Maybe it would be best to leave Kalypso be for now. Star Keeper hadn't been the most inviting of ponies, his smile making sure that was done. Oh, he was hopeless. He took it upon himself to leave him alone. For the third time today, he was fleeing from a conversation because he made it awkward. Why the hell was he so hopeless? Why couldn't he just get one thing right for once? Just once he would like to have a proper friend. Just once he wanted to get to know somepony. A special Somepony.


He felt a slight trickle down his check, raising a hoof to check what it was. He examined the small droplet with a curious eye. He was crying. No, crying was overdoing it. He had a slight emotional leakage. That sounds wrong. Um... he wasn't crying, it was just raining on his face, he's been cutting onions, his eyes are awfully sweaty today. In the end there was no point to making excuses, He was crying out of loneliness.


He trotted into a small garden near the front of the campus, sat down on a bench, and went deep into thought and memory. He examined each and every detail he could, his memory little fading over the years. He recalled the day he got his cutie mark, the day he was accepted by Celestia as her student, even the day he fell in love with- 'No, not again.' He interrupted his own thoughts, pushing the memories back down. He had been foolish when he was young. So here he was, paying the price for weakness and love. Both one in the same.


Another tear found its way past his cheek, drifting down his chin.

Edited by The-Master
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Alora seemed quite distant for the remaining daylight hours, and she found herself being escorted back to her dorm room by Saphira, who seemed far more weary than she. A soft trickle had begun outside, and Alora found the time to make her way towards the window and she gazed out into a silent world. She leaned her head against the window and allowed herself to sing yet another soft melody. She was weary then, and assumed naturally that a soft song would do not harm. After all, it wasn't her fault the entire audiance died that night...it was never her fault. As she sang, Alora thought about her sister and her confusing history. How could a unicorn be so unusual? The truth of the matter was tha she wasn't a unucorn. Alora was a dream creature, as was her sister. They shared no blood, but mearly a meager connection spawning from the fact that they entered this reality realm at the same time and place. In all technicality, it wouldn't be possible for them to share blood because they didn't truly bleed. As this thought crossed her mind, Alora found herself raising her hoof to her face and peering over it thouroughly. She nicked it with her fang gently, and wached as the cloud-like red color seeped upwards a bit before expanding and dissappearing asthough it was underwater. She smiled a bit as her song dissipated into the oblivion and found herself thinking about death and her sister. In truth, they two were simply the embodiment of both elements, brought forth by their technical father, the nightmare beast. It is because of life that Alora has power, and without death there could be no life. Yes. Alora and Eris were practically the same being, seperated through the passage into reality. If they were to die...as all being in the reality realm can....they would be forced back into the dream realm where they would be immediately spat back out. It was a torturous form of immortality, for every emotion and pain was made real aswell. Alora closed her eyes and sang softly, starring directly at the flower she had placed upon her nightstand. The streaming glow that erupted from her horn wrapped itself around the flower and seeped into it's leaves. The bloom of the rose grew enormousely and the petals evertually began to morph black untill only the tips were still red. She then concentrated her energy into turning the tips a soft aquamarine. Alora practically refused to practice her magic in the open, so here she was far more comfortable.


After walking the snake freak back to her room, Saphira began to head back to her own room. She entered slowly, carefull to make sure the popular one hadn't already found her way back. Saphira chuckled. She could be sertain that Cherished wasn't that intelligent, and she definately wasn't the prettiest! That was her job afterall. The "goddess" of lust relinquished her title to nobody! Bescides, her obsession with the Eris pony was a bit...off. After all, he was far taller than her and that would most definately make relations a bit...difficult for the two. Saphira giggled at the thought and sprawled herself across her bed, her gentle black hair falling to her sides and framing her body. Her wings, in this position, gave her a devious appearance, as it veiled much of her body. She gently placed her crown and shoes upon the nightstand beside her perfumes, pressing her head into the soft red comforter. She thought about Eris, the death mare, as she called her. The truth of the matter wasn't that Saphira disliked her...but more that they had a past...and many dark secrets woven into this particular past. Eris was probabely the only mare Saphira had ever tried to love though, and an absalute beast in bed. In fact, if such a thing were possible, Eris may have even been better in bed than the gorgeous lust goddess herself. Saphira chuckled at this thought. She often acted as though she disliked the attrictive mare, but she still held feeling for her. And she was reluctant to admit to it because Eris was no longer interested in her. Bescides, a goddess of lust isn't capable of true love anyways.

Edited by Eris & Alora
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He couldn't sleep. "I guess I'm not too suitable for strong coffee. Next time I'm getting chocolate." He mumbled, as he got out of bed and turned on the lights. So much for sleep. If I can't sleep, then I'll just study. He then took out his books and started to study. He also turned on the radio. Static. I guess there's no music in the middle of the night.He let out a big sigh. What could go worse from here?

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Alora jumbed a bit in her spot and stopped abruptedly. The radio connection began to return, and she came to the sudden relief that he had not noticed her singing. Odd really to think she hadn't noticed her roommate right there the entire time. Her MALE roommate. She blushed a bit again, and desperately covered the huge rose under a soft cloth.


"I hadn't noticed you there," She smiled sheepishly, staring down at he ground in complete wonder. It was very hard to miss her metallic singing, for it seemed to ring in one's mind and never truly left.


She looked back up at him from across the room and awaited a response.


(PS: Did you forget you were my roommate?)

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'I wonder how long it would take for me to remain out here for anypony to notice my absence, not that they ever would. There isn't a pony in Equestria who wold care about my fate. The sad and true fact of it all.'


Star Keeper wiped another tear from his eye, then feeling the slight trickling of rain coming down and softly patting on his sandy blond coat. It saturated his mane and send cold shivers down his spine. Soon it was coming down harder, forming pools of reflective glass at his hooves. The gardens were glistening as the droplets landed softly on their petals, catching the light of the lowering sun. The flower bed shone like a field of diamonds.


'This is getting a little too much for me.' Star Keeper thought to himself, huddling from the cold rain. 'What am I going to do now?'


'Here's a bright idea; go find somepony.'


'What do you mean?'


'I mean go find somepony special to you. Have a good time.'


'Yeah, that's likely.'


'You doubt yourself too much. You need to be more outgoing'


'Outgoing, aye. I could do that. How do I do that.'


'Just relax and have a good time. Say hello to some ponies, have a drink or two. Who knows, you may get lucky.'


'Still not likely.'


'Look mister; you are going to that party and you are going to have fun, god dam it.'


'Okay, okay. Don't get testy.'


Star Keeper got up from the garden seat and galloped back inside. He was already soaked from head to hoof, his teeth chattering from the cold. He quickly made his way back to his dorm and began thinking for the night ahead. He put a towel across his shoulders and looked out to the rainy skies.


'Tonight, I'm going to show them the new Star Keeper. Outgoing and fun.'

Edited by The-Master
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Alora jumbed a bit in her spot and stopped abruptedly. The radio connection began to return, and she came to the sudden relief that he had not noticed her singing. Odd really to think she hadn't noticed her roommate right there the entire time. Her MALE roommate. She blushed a bit again, and desperately covered the huge rose under a soft cloth.


"I hadn't noticed you there," She smiled sheepishly, staring down at he ground in complete wonder. It was very hard to miss her metallic singing, for it seemed to ring in one's mind and never truly left.


She looked back up at him from across the room and awaited a response.


(PS: Did you forget you were my roommate?)




"Oh, sorry if I disturbed you." He was as embarassed as hay. What have I done? "Now please excuse me, I've got to return to return to my studies." He said as he got back to his little corner that he studies in. He turned around. "And, by the way, I really like your singing." He then proceeded to turn around, sat down, and started reading.

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Eris noticed Kalypso and quickly informed him on the party they would be having in their dorm soon. Eris dismissed him roommate on the notion that he should hide his playcolt magazines before the girls come over.


"Who ever comes will come my man, and anyone who doesn't show. Well don' even bother talking to them." Eris smirked, "and don't worry if you're a little shy. Cherished is really good at... loosening ponies up." Eris smiled deviously.


Lovely starred blankly into the depths of Vinyl's eyes. It was taking her a while to process everything she just heard. Lovely had lived a fairly privileged life. Hearing about Blade's troubles only made her feel guilty for feeling upset about he parent's divorce and not being able to leave her home. "I just - um uh." What was a pony even to say in a situation like this? Lovely couldn't relate at all, "I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine how you must feel right now." Honestly was always the best policy. Maybe a hug would ease the pain. Lovely slowly moved close and grabbed Vinyl Blade in a warm embrace, "everything is okay now. Those bad ponies can't hurt anyone you love anymore."


Eris sneered at Paros' remark. "If he's gunna lie to me he could at least do a better job at it." Eris shook his head. It was just him and Nightfall now.


Suddenly the janitorial earth pony decided it would be a good idea to sass off to Eris. Eris rolled his eyes, he simply didn't have time to waste on a simple minded peasant pony. Without batting an eye the mop smashed into Dogboots optical plates, causing him to lose orientation and fall to the ground. Before anypony even knew what at just happen the mop began to beat and bruise every muscle in the poor janitor's body. no serious injuries, he'd just be real sore the next day. Suddenly the mop snapped in half and fell to the floor just as the bucket of water was emptied onto Dogboots heads. "Every year my father, Andromeda Nova the richest colt in Equestrain, makes a large donation to this school. A lowly earth pony is easily replaced and ought to remember where he stands in the pecking order." Eris spoke coldly, the entire time not even glancing in Dogboots' direction. Eris stood up, "and oh by the way. Some other pony spilt the coffee, inbred." Eris nodded to Nightfall, "see you tonight," and left the cafeteria. Eris seemed to have disappeared, unable to be found by anypony.


A shadow of Eris drifted past star Keeper, catching him off guard. He didn't seem like the pony Star Keeper had just seen in the cafeteria. Although he was physically identical he seemed a little off. Eris looked up at the sky as the moonlight bathed his face. "Don't forget about the party, it's sure to be a riot." And as soon as he came, he was gone. Disappeared into the shadows.




The death mare



Since Eris 2 was never really accepted into the school, we'll say she is visiting her sister. I think that calling her Eris, and having too is really confusing a lot of the other roleplayers so calling her the death mare, death or some sort of variation would be a lot easier for people. And since she's visiting Alora she'll bunk with her.



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Ice Beam sat on his bed, listening to his iPod, shuffling through his favorite music. He was starting to get extremely nervous about the party; he didn't really know anyone and he wanted to make absolutely sure he made a good impression...especially for the ladies.
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There were two sides to Star Keeper; his generally history obsessed arrogant self, and his lonely socially awkward self. It only makes the situation worse when you are unable to decide which state you're in. But now was no time to think about that. This was the new and improved Star Keeper, aiming to make an impression as a confident individual at tonight's get together. A new school, a new image.


The trouble is how will he fit in if all he can talk about is Equestrian lore? It wasn't the most interesting of conversation starters for most ponies apparently. He ran through a number of ideas in his head, but all of them were crap in the end. He needed a new game plan. Star Keeper looked across to Ice Beams side of he room. He was just sitting there listening to music, not paying attention to his unzipped bag in the corner of the room. Star keeper used this chance to have a curious look at his belongings, hopefully finding something that may help him for tonight. There wasn't much, just normal pony junk. He did however come across some cologne. It smelt... funny. But apparently mares liked it. Star Keeper took a few squirts before placing it back in Ice Beams bag, pretending like nothing had happened.


Next, lets see... outfit! He needed to stand out yet fit in. Something that says 'This is me, just one of you'. Unfortunately he could not begin to think how to put that into context. Maybe he would just go semi-casual. He looked into his own bags and pulled out a black flannelette t-shirt. It would do. He ran his hooves through his hair, deciding it was best left as is, though it could use another dry after the rain. Star Keeper pulled the towel of his bed and quickly ruffled it through his mane, chucking it back afterwards.


He sat down on the edge of the covers, looking at his watch. Still another hour till the party. Damn, he really was a bit too eager to go. He looked across the room, looking at the blue-grey colt just listening to his music. He used his skill of body language reading to help pass the time.


'Lets see; the tension has built up in his upper body, his eyes are rapidly shifting, he constantly is adjusting his mane, body heat looks to be increasing based on the rate of sudden movement and fidgeting. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's interested in finding a mare. Well, at least I hope it's a mare, not that I'm a against same sex relationships!'


Well, now I have a point to start a dignified conversation. He looked back to Ice Beam, waving his hoof at him to get his attention. The blue colt took his headphone buds out and looked towards Star Keeper. Make or break now, buddy.


"Hey, couldn't help but notice something. You look as if you're out to score tonight."

Edited by The-Master
  • Brohoof 3


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Vinyl leaned into the embrace and wrapped her hooves around Lovely. Tears started welling up in her eyes. She tried to push them back, but they only came back stronger. She let out a trembling sigh and let the tears go. She felt powerless, even in Lovely's arms. She buried her head into Lovely's chest and continued to weep.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Parso sat in his room,

"did wynter forget to buy credit again? ugh, well, I might as well get dressed for this party"

he wanted to find something nice but not too posh, so he settled for a red button-up shirt with a black blazer, a cross pendant chain and a pair of red tinted trooper shades to finish the look.

"too bad the room didnt have any fraggin' mirrors!"

  • Brohoof 2

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