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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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"I see," Draco said with a sigh "Oh well" Draco finished his latte then walked away while reciting a line from Loveless "My friend, do you fly away now?

To a world that abhors you and I?

All that awaits you is a somber morrow

No matter where the winds may blow


My friend, your desire

Is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess

Even if the morrow is barren of promises

Nothing shall forestall my return"

Edited by dragon4111
  • Brohoof 2

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Eris' nostrils flared. If this punk thought he could screw with him, he was wrong. Eris lifted with hoof in a blind rage, Nightfall's pupils dilating as he prepared for the hit. Before Eris could land a punch he was interrupted buy Draco's loud mouth. Eris turned in a swift jolt, his horn illuminating an aura of powerful magic. Eris released his magic in a strong and swift blast of magic, Draco was sent crashing into the wall. The surrounding ponies gasped, and trembled in fear. Staff ponies quickly rushed Draco to the infirmary, he was knocked out cold and probably wouldn't be able to move until much later that day, Eris sighed in relief, it felt good to deliver 'justice'. Eris smirked and turned back to Nightfall after his temporary distraction, "now where was I-". Vinyl Blade butted in before Eris was able to release further anger. Eris turned to her, returning to his cool composer. "Uh, it's nothing. This kid just thinks he can get away with fucking around with my sister." Vinyl didn't look impressed at Eris' excuse and took a seat next to him. Eris shot Nightfall a nasty glance and sat down next to her. "So how'd you sleep?" He grumbled.


As Star Keeper entered Lovely's dorm he heard a sharp shriek. A flash of pink and yellow flew under some covers. As Star Keeper approached a pair of large blue eyes stared up at him from under the covers. Lovely's face slowly crept out from the sheets, revealing a frizzy blond mane. "Oh, my bad. You scared me!" Lovely smiled, "hey you look familiar." Lovely smiled warmly at Star Keeper. Before he had a chance to explain himself Lovely shirked again. She spotted herself in her mirror. Lovely quickly levitated a brush to her mane and brushed it out, "I'm so sorry! A lady is never suppose to be seen as anything less than her best! Promise me you won't tell anyone?" Lovely smiled sweetly, but Star Keeper's hesitation was not comforting. "I said promise me!" Lovely's cute demeanor quickly turned scary, before she was distracted again. "Eep! So many missed calls from Eris. Dead pony walking!" Lovely fell back onto her bed dramatically and sneakily opened one eye to observe Star Keeper's reaction.

  • Brohoof 3

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Eris' nostrils flared. If this punk thought he could screw with him, he was wrong. Eris lifted with hoof in a blind rage, Nightfall's pupils dilating as he prepared for the hit. Before Eris could land a punch he was interrupted buy Draco's loud mouth. Eris turned in a swift jolt, his horn illuminating an aura of powerful magic. Eris released his magic in a strong and swift blast of magic, Draco was sent crashing into the wall. The surrounding ponies gasped, and trembled in fear. Staff ponies quickly rushed Draco to the infirmary, he was knocked out cold and probably wouldn't be able to move until much later that day, Eris sighed in relief, it felt good to deliver 'justice'. Eris smirked and turned back to Nightfall after his temporary distraction, "now where was I-". Vinyl Blade butted in before Eris was able to release further anger. Eris turned to her, returning to his cool composer. "Uh, it's nothing. This kid just thinks he can get away with fucking around with my sister." Vinyl didn't look impressed at Eris' excuse and took a seat next to him. Eris shot Nightfall a nasty glance and sat down next to her. "So how'd you sleep?" He grumbled.


As Star Keeper entered Lovely's dorm he heard a sharp shriek. A flash of pink and yellow flew under some covers. As Star Keeper approached a pair of large blue eyes stared up at him from under the covers. Lovely's face slowly crept out from the sheets, revealing a frizzy blond mane. "Oh, my bad. You scared me!" Lovely smiled, "hey you look familiar." Lovely smiled warmly at Star Keeper. Before he had a chance to explain himself Lovely shirked again. She spotted herself in her mirror. Lovely quickly levitated a brush to her mane and brushed it out, "I'm so sorry! A lady is never suppose to be seen as anything less than her best! Promise me you won't tell anyone?" Lovely smiled sweetly, but Star Keeper's hesitation was not comforting. "I said promise me!" Lovely's cute demeanor quickly turned scary, before she was distracted again. "Eep! So many missed calls from Eris. Dead pony walking!" Lovely fell back onto her bed dramatically and sneakily opened one eye to observe Star Keeper's reaction.


Nightfall saw the glances and what had happened to Draco; he couldn't let this happen to him. He had to find Lovely and make sure she was ok. He tried to remember, thinking about what Cherished had said... Female dorm, third floor, or something like that. He left the cafeteria casually, but as soon as Eris was out of sight, he ran, getting to Lovely's room a few minutes later, and out of breath.

"Lovely..! Look, it's me, Nightfall... Eris is wondering about you, and I should have-"

He cut off as he noticed Star Keeper.

"Oh... well... if you're ok ,I can go tell Eris... He's pretty pissed at me right now... no, not pretty, very... I best.. go now..."

  • Brohoof 1
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Vinyl Blade butted in before Eris was able to release further anger. Eris turned to her, returning to his cool composure. "Uh, it's nothing. This kid just thinks he can get away with fucking around with my sister." Vinyl didn't look impressed at Eris' excuse and took a seat next to him. Eris shot Nightfall a nasty glance and sat down next to her. "So how'd you sleep?" He grumbled.


Vinyl looked him over again, then leaned her head on his shoulder. "Warmly," she replied. "I'm glad you don't snore or anything. Maybe we should do it again sometime. Sometime soon." She ran a hoof through his hair and put the other on his chest. I definitely overreacted that first day. He's pretty great.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"oi Eris, Lovely fell asleep on MY bed so that means I'm as involved as Nightfall"

Parso shouted from the other side of the cafe, he wasnt scared of Eris. he saw as Eris went completely batshit inasne and stormed up to him. Eris pushed parso into a table, moving the table and inch. Parso got up, fixed up his fedora and gave Eris a thousand yard stare

"you done incurred my wrath, boy"

Parso flew over to eris and punched a hoof into his face, sending him to the floor. the whole cafe went silent everypony watched, there were small whispers

"oh celestia, did you see that?" "who is that guy?" "bucking hell, that guy just laid out eris"

to avoid further attention, Parso zoomed out of the cafe and back to his room

  • Brohoof 2

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Draco shrugged off the ponies taking him to the infirmiry "Is that all?" Draco asked "My dead sister could hit harder than you," Draco said with a cold voice as he walked over to Eris. He was tougher than he looked. "You're the type to think your entitled to everything" Draco said his eyes cold. "You know not what true pain is until you've lost everything. Until you've lost you're very family" Draco said as he bucked Eris. Draco winced as he looked at his dislocated wings. "That is going to leave a mark and make my deliveries more diffacult" Draco muttered more to himself. "No you'll never learn that lesson," Draco said and he began to walk away "You're life means nothing to me rich boy, you'll never be anything. I maybe poor but I'm rich in everything else that your not," Draco said his voice cold as the frosty mountains.


Draco walked away out of the cafe towards the infirmiry to get his wings fixed up.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Lovely blushed violently as Nightfall entered her room. Two boys in her room, this was like one of those gang bang type scenarios. Lovely hid under her covers again. At least her mane was messed up this time.Lovely peaked out of her covers, just as Nightfall was awkwardly leaving. It sounded like he was implying that her and Star Keeper had... It suddenly dawned on Lovely how this must have looked. "It's not what it looks like!" Lovely shouted her face more red than pink.


Eris snuggled up close to Vinyl Blade, he was a littler nervous that ponies would start thinking they were an item. "I would end my life if I snored." Eris joked and smiled at Vinyl Blade, hoping that Lovely or Cherished would accompany him. Suddenly Paros charged at him, using his wings to give him momentum. Eris didn't have a lot of time to react, he had to make split second decision. He moved quickly to push Vinyl out of the way of impact and took the hit himself. Pegasus weren't very strong anyway. Eris felt his body crash to the floor, he was alright though. Paros flew away pretty fast as silence fell over the cafe. "Thank goodness you're okay." Eris wrapped Vinyl in a tight embrace. "What a gentlecolt!" "He's so brave." "I wish somepony would do that for me." "What a spaz that pegasus is." The other mares swooned over Eris in the cafe.


Meanwhile in the infirmary, the doctors and nurses were worried about Draco. It seems he was suffering from severe hallucinations. "This may be worse than suspected." Cherished gloomily walked the halls carrying her books form earlier that day. Math was not her subject. She quickly spotted Draco in the infirmary and sneered. "What is your problem?" Cherished asked as she pulled up a seat next to Draco's bed. "The nurses even had to tie you down, because you're even nutty in a coma."

  • Brohoof 3

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"Ugh nutty maybe but living with what I've had to live with well you too would be nuttier than a squirrel," Draco said as he rubbed his head slightly. "He's strong but I've had worse than that. I bet he never had to fight a manticore to get a package back oh I've nearly forgotten !" Draco exclaimed"Look into my saddlebag then you'll find that Fire Heart Ruby I was supposed to deliver to you last night but you were too drunk to even notice," Draco said


Draco smiled sadly "Well life just loves screwing with me having a beautifull mare next to me and yet she's taken" Draco laughed and asked one of the nurses "Can you unbind me I'm fine maybe concussed but nothing alittle rest wouldn't fix?" Draoc then looked at Cherished "So come to sneer at the broken pegasis?" Draco asked the red maned unicorn beside him.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Star Keeper was stunned in more ways than one. The fact that Nightfall seemed to sneak up behind him and at how shy and sweet Lovely was. Even in her morning state she was beautiful. It was just an honest observation, she was. Her smile was enough to make him stutter a bit. Eventually he managed to regain his senses, returning to the task at hand.


"No- um, no. I mean yes, I- um. Don't w-worry. I'm a trustworthy pony. I was just wondering i-if you had seen Ice Beam anywhere? He hasn't turned up at our dorm yet and I haven't seen him since last night. I'm getting a bit worried about the guy."


Star Keeper gave a nervous smile, trying to avoid eye contact with her. He knew in his mind that if he dared look, he might get lost in them. A risk he could not afford, especially not after last nights events. But you could not deny that Lovely was a spectacle to behold.


"Oh, I don't believe I've had the chance to formally address myself. My name is Star Keeper. I've heard all too much about you though, Miss Lovely."

  • Brohoof 1


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Parso thought for a while

"that prick deserved it, shake up my friend just because he didnt hear from his sister. I've met over-protective fathers that dont act like that. and what was that cherished said about him calling out his sisters name while they were at it, thats bucking sick. ugh! I need to unwind, might as well put a bullet in something"

he left the dorms and headed off campus, in town was a gun range. 1 hour passed and he stood at the range firing into the paper target at the other end, a cigarette in his mouth as he fired at the target, didnt miss a shot

  • Brohoof 1

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"Oh would you grow-up! You sound like such a child. Playing the victim and whining about your life? Just because we're rich doesn't mean we haven't gone through things too. Everypony hurts. The way I see it, you can play the victim or the survivor. So start surviving. If you start taking out your anger out on everypony you meet because you feel like the world owes you something, well then. You'll be worse than Eris." Cherished hovered over Draco with a knowing look. "I'm a bitch, I can't help it." A nurse approached the two, "back off whore." Cherished barked. "This one needs to rest." Cherished turned back to Draco, "and I'm not taken. I'm a free bird." Cherished use her magic to lift the ruby out of Draco's bag and into her hooves. "Thanks." Cherished paused for a second and sighed, "you any good at math?"


"Well what is it? Yes or no?" Lovely giggled and gave Star Keeper and quick bop on his nose. "Ice Beam hm?" Lovely sat up in deep thought for a few seconds, "oh my gosh! Did something awful happen to him!?" Lovely hoped up in a panic entering Star Keeper's personal bubble. Lovely quickly spun around and plopped down on her bed again, "I fell asleep so early last night! I hardly remember anything. I'm such a filly." Lovely stretched her cheeks to make an exaggerated face. Star Keeper introduced himself politely as Lovely's ears perked up. She grabbed a hold of his hoof and shook it harder than expected, throwing Star Keeper's balance off slightly. "My name is Lovely! Oh, but you already know that." Lovely stuck her tongue out cutely as she blushed in embarrassment.

Edited by Shankveld
  • Brohoof 2

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This is what it had come to. The small amount of physical contact he had made was enough to send shivers through his body, his legs growing weak, almost losing his balance. 'My god! Stop being adorable or I will have to kill you!'


Star Keeper turned his attention back to Nightfall standing in the doorway. "S-sorry, um, did you by any chance catch him? I had to ask, sorry." He shot another one of his, now signature, awkward grins. He wasn't getting any better at them. At least talking to Nightfall for a while will stop him thinking about Lovely.


'Oh god! I'm thinking about her again! Not good, not good, not good...'

Edited by The-Master
  • Brohoof 1


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Draco looked at Cherished slightly "No I'm not playing the victim here anyhow onto less hurtfull topics no problem oh and there is my notepad and pen I'll need you to sign it. And yes I'm pretty good at it but I'll help you with it not for a tumble in bed I'll help you because I think you might need a friend. I can see you've also had it rough care to talke about it?" Draco asked as he looked at her in the eyes. "They say the eyes are the gate way to a ponies soul but your eyes are like blue saphires in the morning lights" Draco said with a complimentory tone.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Lovely blushed violently as Nightfall entered her room. Two boys in her room, this was like one of those gang bang type scenarios. Lovely hid under her covers again. At least her mane was messed up this time.Lovely peaked out of her covers, just as Nightfall was awkwardly leaving. It sounded like he was implying that her and Star Keeper had... It suddenly dawned on Lovely how this must have looked. "It's not what it looks like!" Lovely shouted her face more red than pink.


Eris snuggled up close to Vinyl Blade, he was a littler nervous that ponies would start thinking they were an item. "I would end my life if I snored." Eris joked and smiled at Vinyl Blade, hoping that Lovely or Cherished would accompany him. Suddenly Paros charged at him, using his wings to give him momentum. Eris didn't have a lot of time to react, he had to make split second decision. He moved quickly to push Vinyl out of the way of impact and took the hit himself. Pegasus weren't very strong anyway. Eris felt his body crash to the floor, he was alright though. Paros flew away pretty fast as silence fell over the cafe. "Thank goodness you're okay." Eris wrapped Vinyl in a tight embrace. "What a gentlecolt!" "He's so brave." "I wish somepony would do that for me." "What a spaz that pegasus is." The other mares swooned over Eris in the cafe.


Meanwhile in the infirmary, the doctors and nurses were worried about Draco. It seems he was suffering from severe hallucinations. "This may be worse than suspected." Cherished gloomily walked the halls carrying her books form earlier that day. Math was not her subject. She quickly spotted Draco in the infirmary and sneered. "What is your problem?" Cherished asked as she pulled up a seat next to Draco's bed. "The nurses even had to tie you down, because you're even nutty in a coma."


Nightfall was still outside, but he didn't know what to do. Should he go tell Eris Lovely was fine and that she was in her room? If he did, should he mention it wasn't him but some other colt in her room? He blinked and found himself right next to the doorway. Should he enter again?

Edited by Nightfall
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Eris snuggled up close to Vinyl Blade, he was a littler nervous that ponies would start thinking they were an item. "I would end my life if I snored." Eris joked and smiled at Vinyl Blade, hoping that Lovely or Cherished would accompany him. Suddenly Paros charged at him, using his wings to give him momentum. Eris didn't have a lot of time to react, he had to make split second decision. He moved quickly to push Vinyl out of the way of impact and took the hit himself. Pegasus weren't very strong anyway. Eris felt his body crash to the floor, he was alright though. Paros flew away pretty fast as silence fell over the cafe. "Thank goodness you're okay." Eris wrapped Vinyl in a tight embrace. "What a gentlecolt!" "He's so brave." "I wish somepony would do that for me." "What a spaz that pegasus is." The other mares swooned over Eris in the cafe.


"My hero," she said jokingly. She gave a short giggle, then wrapped her hooves around him and gave him a kiss. "How about next time, you save me from something a little more intimidating than a pegasus? I love you, Eris. You know that, right?"


((Going to school. I get off at about 1305 today so I should be back around 1400))

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Panic: a sudden overwhelming fear, with or without cause, that produces hysterical or irrational behaviour.


Nightfall had not replied to his question, instead he slowly backed away out the door. Did that mean that he thought-? No. No, that's not at all good. If Eris were to find out he would murder him.Star Keeper fancied surviving at least a few more years. Though Eris may have his redeeming qualities, forgiveness did not appear to be one of them. To make matters worse, Star struggled to even keep a straight face when looking at Lovely. He couldn't let Nightfall get the wrong end of the stick.


"Oh, um... no, no. No no... this, um, this is most definitely not w-what it looks like. I w-was just here to ask about a friend. Nothing happened... at all." Panic seemed like an old friend at this point, greeting him whenever he dared speak.

  • Brohoof 2


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Dogboots relaxed quietly in the broom closet as he listened to the radio and enjoyed his drink. The station he was listening to was playing some classical orchestra music being played by the Royal Canterlot Symphony. To most ponies this would seem boring but to him it was peace. There were no distractions, no call ins, no nothing, just the sound of music. Dogboots wasn't one for the kind of music that most ponies his age were into though. He was into classical, jazz and sometimes old school rock. After taking his last sip of his drink he heard a group of ponies run by. He opened the door and peeked outside to see what was going on. He only caught a small glimpse but it was enough to know what went down. A group of staff ponies were rushing Draco to the infirmary. Dogboots knew what had happened as he didn't even have to guess. This was Eris' handy work, there was no doubt about that to him and he knew for sure that he had obtained an ally with him.


Not much happened during the entire day for Dogboots. It consisted mainly of cleaning classrooms, bathrooms and the like. It was only 9pm and the last place to clean was the cafe. The cafe wasn't too much of a mess to clean up for him. It wasn't littered with spells all over the place which would mean it would be quick for him to get done and head to the pub. The floor needed to be mopped, the trash needed to be changed and the counters to the salad bar and condiments table needed to be wiped down. The process only took an hour to do and it was quiet which was to his liking. Unfortunately there was no hot meal waiting for him like last night. He pulled out a can of processed meat (aka spam) and cut it into slices before throwing it in a nearby microwave. He was at least thankful for the microwave. When traveling he would have to find some resources to make a fire and if he couldn't find anything he would eat the meat raw. The smell of cheaply cooked meat soon filled the cafe as Dogboots was nearly drooling from the stench. The microwave rung signaling that it was finished. He took the plate out and sat near a vending machine as he started eating. To most ponies it was disgusting but to him it was heaven on earth. He finished his meal quickly and threw away the contents of what was left except the tray. He left the cafe and made his way to the pub which wasn't too far from the campus but it was a silent one at that.


As soon as he entered the pub it reeked of cigarette smoke and cheap cider. The jukebox was playing some old music as Dogboots went take a seat at the bar. "What'll it be?" The bartender asked as he looked at Dogboots waiting for his order. "Just cider." he said as he dropped the bits on the wooden surface of the counter. He looked around the pub and he could tell it was his kind of place. It was filled with mostly earth ponies and some pegasi. All of which were workers just like him and they knew what a hard day's work was. The bartender returned with the cider as he grabbed the glass and began to drink. He sat at the bar waiting patiently for Draco to show up.

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Panic: a sudden overwhelming fear, with or without cause, that produces hysterical or irrational behaviour.


Nightfall had not replied to his question, instead he slowly backed away out the door. Did that mean that he thought-? No. No, that's not at all good. If Eris were to find out he would murder him.Star Keeper fancied surviving at least a few more years. Though Eris may have his redeeming qualities, forgiveness did not appear to be one of them. To make matters worse, Star struggled to even keep a straight face when looking at Lovely. He couldn't let Nightfall get the wrong end of the stick.


"Oh, um... no, no. No no... this, um, this is most definitely not w-what it looks like. I w-was just here to ask about a friend. Nothing happened... at all." Panic seemed like an old friend at this point, greeting him whenever he dared speak.


Nightfall heard all of this, and found himself back in the door to the room.

"Well, um... I- I was just-"

"Why do I have to be awkward now? I'm not going to get far in life if I stay this way..."

"I was just making sure you were ok, Lovely... Eris is down at the cafeteria, and it felt like he was going to hurt me for a moment... somehow he thought maybe you and I-"

He hesitated, blushing.

"If- if you're ok now, I can go back and tell Eris... if you want me to..."

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Cherished signed her name quickly on the notepad using her unicorn magic and returned it to Draco. "The last thing I want to be is a charity case. so don't treat me like one." Cherished glared at Draco. Cherished puffed her hair gently, "and I don't need any friends either. Friendships are useless. They only cause pain, since they all end. It's like signing up for a future tragedy No thanks. I'd rather have meaningless sex, no strings, no feelings." Cherished opened her math text book and showed Draco some of the questions.


Eris' eye twitched as the word 'love' was mentioned. "Of course baby." Eris huffed out as he leant back in his chair. "I'll make sure to take care of that little punk for you, doll." Eris smiled at Vinyl. He made it seem like he wanted to defend her honor, although truthfully he just wanted to repair his own bruised ego. Eris checked his phone, still no messages from Lovely. He tried calling her again.


Lovely looked down at her ringing phone. "No, it's my fault for ignoring his calls all morning. I just- sometimes I want to not have to answer to him all the time. He's not my dad." Lovely pouted as she walked over to face nightfall, "sorry for causing you trouble." Lovely turned and smiled at Star Keeper, "you too Star Keeper." Lovely picked up her phone cheerfully.

"Hey Eris."

"Where are you!?"

"I'm in my dorm."

"With who?"

"Just some friends."

"Stallion or mares?"

"Why does that matter? Can't I be friends with whom I choose?"

"No stallion wants to be your friends, they just want to buck you."

Lovely began to get peeved, she switched her phone to speaker. "Does anypony in this dorm want to have sex with me? My brother wants to know."

  • Brohoof 1

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Eris' eye twitched as the word 'love' was mentioned. "Of course baby." Eris huffed out as he leant back in his chair. "I'll make sure to take care of that little punk for you, doll." Eris smiled at Vinyl. He made it seem like he wanted to defend her honor, although truthfully he just wanted to repair his own bruised ego. Eris checked his phone, still no messages from Lovely. He tried calling her again.


Lovely looked down at her ringing phone. "No, it's my fault for ignoring his calls all morning. I just- sometimes I want to not have to answer to him all the time. He's not my dad." Lovely pouted as she walked over to face nightfall, "sorry for causing you trouble." Lovely turned and smiled at Star Keeper, "you too Star Keeper." Lovely picked up her phone cheerfully.

"Hey Eris."

"Where are you!?"

"I'm in my dorm."

"With who?"

"Just some friends."

"Stallion or mares?"

"Why does that matter? Can't I be friends with whom I choose?"

"No stallion wants to be your friends, they just want to buck you."

Lovely began to get peeved, she switched her phone to speaker. "Does anypony in this dorm want to have sex with me? My brother wants to know."


Nightfall was caught way off guard. To some degree, he wanted to say yes, but he couldn't let Eris know his feelings; he would be killed by Eris before he could say "on the moon."

"No..! No, of course not. I've never had friends, so why not at least try to get some friends? You know, friends who will actually trust me?"

He hoped this jab at Eris would not cost him, although he thought it might. He wanted to say more...

"Besides, if you were this concerned about her, Eris, maybe you should live the way you do. Things can rub off on siblings sometimes."

He couldn't say anything about him taking better care of his sister. That might only remove his own chances...

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"Who said anything about charity I'm trying to be your friend and no friends aren't useless," Draco said as he helpped her slowly giving her hints. "I can be your friend if you'll just let me" Draco said with an honest tone and said once more "I mean the meaningless sex don't you want more than that than just some nameless faces in your bed eachmorning"

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Lovely looked down at her ringing phone. "No, it's my fault for ignoring his calls all morning. I just- sometimes I want to not have to answer to him all the time. He's not my dad." Lovely pouted as she walked over to face nightfall, "sorry for causing you trouble." Lovely turned and smiled at Star Keeper, "you too Star Keeper." Lovely picked up her phone cheerfully.

"Hey Eris."

"Where are you!?"

"I'm in my dorm."

"With who?"

"Just some friends."

"Stallion or mares?"

"Why does that matter? Can't I be friends with whom I choose?"

"No stallion wants to be your friends, they just want to buck you."

Lovely began to get peeved, she switched her phone to speaker. "Does anypony in this dorm want to have sex with me? My brother wants to know."


"You are too overprotective of her. You need to loosen up a bit." Vinyl sat up and put a hoof on Eris's shoulder. "I know she's still your baby sister to you, but she's a young mare. You can protect her, yeah, but you can't try to shelter her for the rest of your life. And not every stallion is just trying to have sex with her. I know many that want an actual relationship... Look, if anything happens, I'll take care of it. Just give her a chance to experience something for herself."

  • Brohoof 3

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Rockshire walked throughout the campus, a smile on her face. Her art classes were amazing to her. Everypony had nearly collided into her, asking for autographs, wanting advice. The first day with classes were already hectic. And she didn't mind in the slightest bit.


All of a sudden, she felt hungry. "Maybe I'll head to the cafeteria. I could probably find... him there.", she thought aloud.


She went off towards the cafeteria to grab something to eat.

  • Brohoof 1
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a couple hours passed, Parso had already left the range and already finished class, he sat in his room and thought he might give Wynter a ring.

"wynter, its me, whats up...........yeah about that, I had uhhhh a guest over last night..........never changed haha........she was good REAL good, she even gave me her number..........righto, catcha bro"

Parso was wondering where Nightfall was, he hadn't seen him since this morning and with Eris off his rocker, not a good sign

  • Brohoof 2

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"Does anypony in this dorm want to have sex with me? My brother wants to know."

'I know what your gonna to say. Don't!'


Star Keeper had two very good reasons not to say yes. Number one: Eris would murder him on the spot, that he did not doubt. Number two: Rockshire. Star Keeper was already with somepony, or was he? Was it a fling? This had him thinking for a bit. Were his feelings genuine or impulsive?


"N-no. Heh, um, of course none of us would dream of it." Another lie to add to the collection.

Edited by The-Master
  • Brohoof 2


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