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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Eris huffed and hung-up the phone. Lovely smiled at Nightfall and Star Keeper sweetly, "I can't thank you two enough for sticking up for me. He can be so suffocating sometimes." Lovely tossed her cell phone on her bed. Lovely strolled passed by Nightfall, "that won't be necessary, I'll talk to him. And oh," Lovely paused, "I'd never be anything like Eris. I learn from other's mistakes." Lovely smiled coyly and stuck her tongue out playfully at Nightfall. "It was a pleasure meeting you Star Keeper, good luck finding Ice Beam." Lovely waltzed out of her room leaving the two stallions alone together.


Cherished carefully wrote down the answers, he was a lot smarter than her that was for sure. "I need to be realistic. I'm not a little girl anymore. A life surrounded by friends and a loving stallion on my arm is just something I'll never be able to have. I've already blown that." Cherished finished her work and packed up her books, "maybe I'll see you around. Thanks for the help." Cherished left as some nurse ponies untied Draco, "you'll be a little sore for a few days, but you're good to go now sir."


"She's just too naive. She doesn't know anything, she needs someone there to guide and hold her hoof at all times. She never had normal schooling like you and I. Besides relationships lead to sex too, I can't stand the thought of some nasty stallion tainting our bloodline. Lovely doesn't even think about those kind of things. She's so frustrating." Eris squeezed Vinyl tightly in his arms, she could tell her was upset.

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Eris huffed and hung-up the phone. Lovely smiled at Nightfall and Star Keeper sweetly, "I can't thank you two enough for sticking up for me. He can be so suffocating sometimes." Lovely tossed her cell phone on her bed. Lovely strolled passed by Nightfall, "that won't be necessary, I'll talk to him. And oh," Lovely paused, "I'd never be anything like Eris. I learn from other's mistakes." Lovely smiled coyly and stuck her tongue out playfully at Nightfall. "It was a pleasure meeting you Star Keeper, good luck finding Ice Beam." Lovely waltzed out of her room leaving the two stallions alone together.


"She's just too naive. She doesn't know anything, she needs someone there to guide and hold her hoof at all times. She never had normal schooling like you and I. Besides relationships lead to sex too, I can't stand the thought of some nasty stallion tainting our bloodline. Lovely doesn't even think about those kind of things. She's so frustrating." Eris squeezed Vinyl tightly in his arms, she could tell her was upset.


Nightfall could only wonder where she was going. But he didn't want to be in here room without her there. He nodded awkwardly at Star Keeper and went back down to the cafeteria. He knew by going down there he might get beat up badly by Eris, but honestly, where else was he to go? His first class was tonight. Maybe Eris wouldn't hurt him... he would hate to miss his first class.

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Conflicting emotions haunted Star Keeper the entire day. He went to the Royal Museum in central Canterlot to view their latest art collection only to be distracted by his internal conflict. He was admitted back into the Archives after the guards gave him clearance but found that his mind wandered back to either Lovely or Shire. It pained him for most of the day.


The worst part of it all was that he could easily tell that Nightfall was also into her. His dilated pupils, increased breathing rate, etc, were all dead giveaways. He didn't feel right falling in love with the same mare as somepony else, but something drove him on. Oh and Rockshire. Star Keeper barley remembered the night at all, waking up with a mare under his arm and the knowledge he had lost his virginity chilled him to the core.


He had taken most of the day off for himself, and now he decided to take a trip to the palace, possibly even gaining audience with Celestia for a while. Star Keeper knew that she was most probably busy, but he was once her student. Surely she could make some allowance, he desperately needed her council at this moment in time. Never before had he been in such a precarious situation.

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Ice Beam lethargically entered his dorm room and collapsed onto his bed, exhausted. He had been much too excited to sleep during the night, having been thinking about Lovely as he took a long walk around the campus of Canterlot College. He couldn't go back to his dorm room during the night due to the fact that Star Keeper was probably getting it on with some mare he met at the party. He instantly fell asleep as he closed his eyes; he had never been so tired in his life.
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Draco sighed as he stretched "Thanks "Draco said but then walked after Cherished"Cherished did by chance your old friends betray you somehow?" Draco asked then shrugged "Something must have happened to you then to cause this transformation," Draco said as he pieced together some clues. "Well it's alright if you don't want to answer me hey later I'm going out for dinner want to come along I'm buying. and my other friends are coming along too" Draco offered

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A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Parso walked into the cafeteria and noticed his alicorn friend sitting at a table

"nightfall! I've been looking every where for you, Eris is off his rocker and he's gunnin' for everypony that was with Lovely last night, even me. all she did was jump into cherised's arms who happened to be in my bed with me."

he sat down at the table and found himself deep in thought

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"She wont see you at this moment. The Princess is off on other duties to Manehattan."


"Oh, um... that's okay. Thanks anyway."


Star Keeper left the palace in grim state. Not only was the princess gone, but he had to live with his own emotional confusion for a few more days. He could barley make it through the morning like this. After a bit of debate he decided to make his way back to the campus. That was definatley enough adventure for one day, and he needed a nice relaxing moment to think. When Star Keeper reached the college again he made his way to the cafe, seating himself down and ordering another Latte. A nice comfort a such times.


He knew Rockshire most probably had a class on today and wouldn't have time to talk to him. Crossing that off his list he turned his thoughts to his room mate. Star Keeper had not seen Ice Beam since he left him in the hallway that night. While he felt guilty there wasn't that much he could do to help right now. He trusted he would be okay. Then his thoughts turned back to Rockshire again. He tried to recount the details of what led up to the events of last night. Images that seemed to fit together and voices he could put names to. The rest of the cafe seemed to ignore the strange looks he was putting on as he went into deep recollection.

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Another day, another harassing of students asking for advice. To Rockshire, even though it was sort of flattering, it was starting to get annoying. She nearly backhoofed a stallion, asking for more than advice on art. It left her with a bit of a sour feel, still reminding her of the night with Star Keeper. She hasn't seen him ever since that night, afraid that he was avoiding her. Well, he WAS a bit scared from that night... Plus, he never called me back... Is he honestly avoiding me?, her mind raced with thoughts.


Her mind had distracted her from reality, as she walked straight into a column near the cafeteria, falling on her flank.


"Ow... Who placed this column here?", she thought aloud. Just from that sentence, she could already tell that her mind was already on Star Keeper. Just remembering that night again... She wanted him back.


Once again, her mind yanked her from reality as she saw a few senior ponies giving her confused looks, then bursting into laughter. She didn't like this at all, as she blushed a harsh shade of red. She ran into the cafeteria, immediately sitting in one of the small couches, still blushing.


I think it's official... I love him...

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Star Keeper gazed off into the far distance trying to think things through. The final piece to the puzzle was missing, he could not figure out whether his feeling for Shire or Lovely were genuine. Were they even real? He did not know. That was until he glanced across the cafe to the lounge area, sitting on one of the coaches was Rockshire She was so cute- wait.


'Well I'd say that's enough conformation. mate, you're in love with Shire.'

Edited by The-Master
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"She's just too naive. She doesn't know anything, she needs someone there to guide and hold her hoof at all times. She never had normal schooling like you and I. Besides relationships lead to sex too, I can't stand the thought of some nasty stallion tainting our bloodline. Lovely doesn't even think about those kind of things. She's so frustrating." Eris squeezed Vinyl tightly in his arms, she could tell her was upset.


"She doesn't need you suffocating her though. How did you learn things? Huh? Through success and failure both, right? She needs to go through those experiences too. And I'm sure she's already learned things from your failures." She looked him in his eyes and put her hooves on his. "Life is full of successes and failures. If you deny her the opportunity to try something and fail, then you're denying her a true life."

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Rockshire only sat there and tried to gather her thoughts... Did she actually LOVE Star Keeper? Even if it was just like a one-night stand? Did he like her back with his true feelings, or was it only because he was drunk? Were they--


As she was just staring into space thinking, her eye caught him in the corner of the cafe, making her go into a nervous state of mind. Though, she kept calm and she walked over to him, taking a deep breath and exhaling.


"Oh, hi Star."

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'Crap, how did I not see this before? She's successful, she's cute, she takes an interest in what I say. What was I thinking? There is only one way to be sure I'm not just flogging a dead horse; I think I need to talk to her, this time with no alcohol.'


As Star Keeper rose from his seat and trotted over to meet Shire, a thousand things began to whir around in his head. Most of these revolved around the fact she might not actually like him at all, was he just a fling? He had to be sure.


"Hi Shire. How's your day been?"

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Rockshire could see Star getting up, and heading towards her. Her heart started to flutter a bit, breathes starting to quicken. She could never tell whenever somepony had liked her or not, and right now, she honestly didn't want to take any other guesses with this.


"Oh, my day was fine. Just the usual ponies wanting to have advice from me and one of them... Wanted more than that... But I scorned him, so it's all good. How was yours?"



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'Wait a second, what? What did she mean "wanted more than that"? Calm down Star, you can clearly see she is just as nervous as you are. Don't make things awkward.'


"I had the day to myself. My classes don't start till tomorrow so I had some time to see Canterlot again. I even had a chance to see some of your pieces in the gallery. I'm honored to be in the presence of artistic royalty."




Star Keeper decided to take a seat next to her on the coach. Surprisingly she didn't seem to jolt away as he made himself comfortable. Everything seemed to be calm for now.

Edited by The-Master
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For some reason, she just happened to laugh a little.


"You're probably the 18th pony who had complimented me on that. My work really isn't THAT good...", Rockshire said while blushing.


"Lucky you had no classes for today. Most of mine are just art-like, except for a science class. Advanced Chemistry... I hate that."

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Star Keeper chuckled for a moment before replying. "Advanced Chemistry? Fascinating. I take advanced History and Classical Studies, all ways been a great interest of mine"


He gave a warm smile, not his usual awkward smile he made when he was nervous, a genuine smile to show he was happy. "So, have anything on this afternoon?"

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She could only smile back at him whenever he smiled.


"It's not that I hate it, it's just a bit annoying that you have to memorize so many chemicals and elements into formula...", Rockshire said.


She took a look at her schedule. "Oh, I don't have anything else for the rest of the day, luckily."

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Star Keeper lit up suddenly, he had an idea that may just impress her. It seemed like a long shot, but he was quietly confident she would like it. "That's good. I've got somewhere I'd like to take you this afternoon. If you're not busy."


'Congratulations. You just asked her on a second date."


'I did? I guess I did.'

Edited by The-Master
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Rockshire perked up to that idea. Another date? Even though the first one wasn't REALLY a date? Now, I know he likes me...


"Sure, that would be awesome!", Rockshire happily complied. She couldn't believe it! Another day with him! She was going to like this college a lot...

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Did consensual sex count as a first date? Who knows? Right now the only thing that was important was that this went well. Star Keeper hopped up from the coach and beckoned Rockshire to follow.


"Awesome. We better get going then, if that's okay."


He knew just the place she would like. He had lived in Canterlot up until a couple of years ago, and even then he knew all the best spots. There was still one specific place he waned to show her.


'Also, you light want to hold on tight" Star Keeper flared out his wings. If they were going to get there they needed to fly.

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"Oh, well OK then!", Rockshire said as she got up from the couch. She was very curious as to what Star Keeper had in plan for her.


Although she wasn't very calm whenever he flared out his wings and told her to hold on. She had never been in the sky before... Or even 5 feet off the ground...


"On your back? Uh.... Ok, I guess!", she reluntantly complied to as she got onto Star, holding on tight to him.

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Star Keeper gave a small laugh at how noticeably nervous she was. Never the less, she held on anyway. The contact sent shivers through him. Okay, back on track.


"Don't worry, I'll try not to go too fast." And so he took off.


The extra weight hindered him a bit but he managed. He rose above the streets and across the bustling city bellow. Soon all of Canterlot was in view, except for Shire. She hadn't opened her eyes yet as she held on for dear life. Star Keeper needed to set her down. He managed to find the hillside he had visited since he was small. It was a grassy hill that overlooked Canterlot and far beyond across the land. From it you could see in the distance Ponyville and even the mountains to the far west. The sun shone brightly, reflecting of the grass in a glossy green glow. The wind eased to a cool breeze and the clouds slowly drifted across the blue shy. Star Keeper landed on the hill and laid down Rockshire, making sure she wasn't too scared from the flight.


"You okay? Don't worry, I've carried unicorns here on my back before, I wasn't going to drop you."


'No stupid, don't mention the fact you've brought others here. Memory lane isn't were your supposed to be trotting down.'


"So, do you like it? I used to come here when I lived in Canterlot. It's a lot prettier at sunset though."

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Darkness. That was the only thing she saw. Mostly because her eyes were closed, as she felt the wind going right through her mane. She honestly didn't like flying. She felt so scared, so nervous, so... Wait, she felt ground. That was quick.


"Ii-i-i-it's O-O-OK.... I w-w-w-w-w-asn't s-s-s-scared at all from t-t-t-that...", she stuttered out, sitting under the tree.


"It's a nice place. How did I not know about this place before? I lived here all my life, and I have never seen this place..."

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"Heh, it's just outside of Canterlot on the mountain side. Totally inaccessible if you don't have wings." Star Keeper flared up his wings again like he was almost proud of them. "I'm glad you like it. I was just hoping for a relaxing afternoon. If you don't mind?"


Star Keeper laid down on his back and looked out over the view. He took a deep breathe of the alpine air and sunk in amongst the soft grass. Just like old times. "Well, aren't you going to join me?" He let out a chuckle after this. He only hoped she wasn't too affected by the flight. "Sorry if I was to rough on you."

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"Yeah, I could use a bit of relaxation from all the drama today...", Rockshire said, finally calming down from the flight up. She walked over to Star Keeper and laid in the grass beside him, getting really close, almost to a snuggling level. This was absolutely beautiful... The sunset, the view... Nothing could make this even more perfect.


"This is just so amazing... I love coming here... This is truly, absolutely amazing..."

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