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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Fantastic. In a few seconds they were off, teleporting away to some other location Star didn't know of yet. It was a strange sensation being teleported, on he had not experienced till now. Surprisingly he didn't feel sick, just shocked. He has his hooves now firmly planted on the ground again.


'Great, anywhere is better than with that mare who shags like a rabbit. It's a shame they couldn't help lovely. Where are they anyway? Oh, the park, the one I used to come to with my adopted parents. Happy memories.'


"Thanks Shire, a quick escape was necessary." He brought her into a tight hug, simply enjoying the embrace held. Star enjoyed the feel of her body warmth against his, a little thing he smiled at brightly. At least now they were alone from the others. Ha, I don't think Cherished will feel great about being ditched. That thought at least made him chuckle.

Edited by The-Master
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"It's no problem at all, Star.", Rockshire simply said as she was crushed by his hug. She was only lucky that she remembered a teleporting spell from a while back. She was only lucky that she didn't beat the shit out of Cherished, which she's now going to hold a grudge over. She was only lucky that she was still breathing, because Star's hug was starting to get a little TOO tight.


"Uh, Star? I think... you could *gasp for breath* loosen on the hug a bit", she pleaded.

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"Hmmm, oh, ah... sorry. Got a little carried away there. Ha."


'Nice going. Know any teleportation spells yourself? You might need one. You're a bit too forward, loosen up a bit.'


'As soon as I find out what that means I'll be sure to do it. For now I think I'll just panic again.'


"So, did you want to go anywhere now? Cherished was talking bout a club for a bit, doesn't sound like that bad an idea all things considered." Star Keeper could tell he was getting more nervous by the second. "Or we can do what you want. I don't mind..."

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As soon as Star loosened up, Rockshire took in a deep breath, finally breathing normally.


"Thanks... A club? That sounds nice, as long as I don't run into Cherished again... Calling me "shit-for-fur", that's just plain out rude... Especially when she wasn't all that good either." She shook her head, trying to get that thought out of her mind. "But yeah, a club sounds really nice."

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"alright, I'm at the coco bucko club in Canterlot, you know the place?"

cherished's voice was nearly impossible to resist, and knowing that she'd be here instantly, pulled a massive smile on his face

"I'll see you when you get here, then, sexy"

she sure likes to party, how could parso NOT resist?

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Draco's performance of The Best Is Yet To Come was perfect. It was difficult for Dogboots to control that grin of his when something like this happened. Dogboots could see that Parso was on the phone he guessed that it might've been his best friend. Dogboots took his first sip of his cider and the look on his face said it all. "Better than the one at the pub." He said to himself as he continued to listen Draco's performance. The guy was opposite to him in terms of having fun. He (Draco) was more outgoing while he (Dogboots) preferred to be by himself. It was quite odd for him to see that but he knew that both him and Draco both suffered scars from the past. He didn't have to sing a song to know that. He got up and head to the bar to get another cider. He turned and continued to watch Draco on stage. He was good he had to admit that. When his order came he raised his glass to Draco in a show of respect for him as he smiled. It was then out of the corner of his eye that he saw two ponies come in. He recognized both of them as well. It was Lovely and Cherished. He knew he couldn't be here and for good reason. He didn't want to deal with the red-head pony again and it would only rile up Parso. Plus with Lovely being here there was a chance she would try to strike up a conversation with him. He saw Parso wave the two over and then realized who Parso was talking to earlier. "Apologize to Draco for me and tell him that Dogboots had something to take care of." He said to the barkeeper hoping he would pass along the message to him. He crept his way around and left to return to the pub

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Nightfall got out of his class and sighed. He didn't know where any of his so-called "friends" were and he didn't have a way to contact them. He decided not to hang out in his room, so he threw his tattered, old, dirty saddlebag on his bed and went outside and sat down on a bench, hoping maybe somepony he "knew" was nearby...

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Star Keeper happily trotted down the streets of Canterlot with Rockshire, slowly but surly finding their way to the club. Cocoa something something I think it was called. Meh, who cares. We were here to enjoy ourselves, not to squander over the clubs name. Finding the entrance Star allowed Shire to enter first, following en suite. Inside the air was musty and bustling with ponies. Draco appeared to be enjoying the Limelight while everypony just sat and watched.


'I just bloody hope we don't run into Cherished. I think both of us are on boarder line homicidal when it comes to that mare. Relax, man. Just loosen up and have a good time with her. Have a drink (just a small one you idiot) and have fun tonight.'


'Thanks brain, that might just work. Now shut up for the rest of the evening or I will poison you with strong liquor.'

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Rockshire could hardly hear her own thoughts inside the club, trying to get past all of the sound systems placed inside, and sat over at the bar, waiting for Star Keeper to follow up.


Clubs honestly wasn't her thing. She would prefer peace and quietness, other than partying all the time. But, if Star liked this, then she would tolerate it for him. She turned over to the bartender. "Just a water, please.", she nearly yelled at the barkeep, trying to voice herself over the sound system.

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((OOC:Uh guys are you at the Coco Bucko right now cause that's where everyone else is at along with Draco))

Draco saw the two coming in "Ah looked like we have two love birds here well then how about a song for you two" Draco said as he began to sing once more. Draco danced slightly on the stage while singing.

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A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"If I am quite honest, I've never been to a club before. I just thought it might be interesting to try, maybe."


Star Keeper sat down at the bar with Shire, not actually too sure what to do next. What do people do in clubs other than take strange substances and jump like a maniac? He looked around to see that things were at least a bit calm at the moment. Draco seemed to have the mood set to a lower tone. But once it hit 8:30, things get real crazy after 8:30.


But there was something he still had to say to Shire while he had the chance. "Rockshire. Sorry, I just need to ask you something." Something that's been bugging Star for some time today, so he had to get out. He was lost in thought. Lost in though. Lost. Ice Beam! Holy crap I forgot about him. Why didn't I just wring his cell phone?


"A-actually I'll be back in a second." Star Keeper abandoned the conversation and galloped off to the colts bathrooms. Making sure nopony was around, he dialed and called Ice Beam. It went to tone for a while till somepony finally answered. A sigh of relief went through him.


"Ice Beam! Man, I've been looking for you. Listen, I need you to meet me somewhere."

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"Oh, okay then." Rockshire said as she saw Star get up and heading back to the bathroom. She looked around again, forgetting the fact that she couldn't dance at all and that she would look like some kind of weirdo to Star. She hoped that could dance too.. She didn't want to look like a weirdo without him...

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Draco's song ended as he sat at the end of the stage and said "You know Ponyville is my kind of town" Draco began to sing once more this time alittle more jazzy. He smiled as he walked through the crowd while singing. He reached Rockshire and winked at her flirting with her. He walked back to the stage once more.
(OOC:Also guys the cclub is like the Coco Bongo from the mask alright)) Edited by dragon4111
  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Vinyl got out of her classes and headed back to her room. After a few hours of reading, reminiscing about her life, calling the princesses, and talking to her parents and her sister, she got bored and didn't have much else to do. She picked up her phone and was deciding whether to call Lovely or Eris. In the end, she figured she should have some mare time with Lovely. She called and waited for her to pick up.

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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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As Rockshire saw the one performer on the stage get off and sing while walking, he started to wink at her and flirting with her.


Great... Someone else is trying to flirt with me... And it looks like he's not going to stop at all... Star... Please get back here quickly...

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Ice Beam was heading across the Canterlot College campus when suddenly his cell phone began to ring. He saw that it was Star Keeper calling so he answered. "Hey Star Keeper, what's up?"


Star Keeper responded saying he wanted Ice Beam to meet him somewhere.


"Wait, what?" responded Ice Beam. "Where do you need me to meet you?

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"Some club called Cocoa Balooga or something like that. I'm sure It's better than sitting in front of a television."


In truth, Star Keeper needed somepony to use as back up. He wasn't too sure how things would go with Shire, Cherished and Lovely in the same room, but he didn't wan't to think about it. Might as well take one of them out of the equation.


"And Lovely's going to be here soon."

Edited by The-Master
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(*sighs*In this it's Coco Bucko but jeez I said it's like the Coco Bongo)

Draco got off the stage to take a 5 minute break as he needed to get something for his sore throat. He walked over to Rock shire"Hey weren't you trhe one I offered to join my little group of friends?" Draco asked as he took off his fedora.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Uh... No, I don't think so... I don't even think we've met before... I'm Rockshire."


Oh no... PLEASE don't tell me he's hitting on me... Star, whatever the hell you're doing, PLEASE get here quickly. I'm starting to be a little scared from this guy... I like his fedora though. Really classy.

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"Some club called Cocoa Balooga or something like that. I'm sure It's better than sitting in front of a television."


In truth, Star Keeper needed somepony to use as back up. He wasn't too sure how things would go with Shire, Cherished and Lovely in the same room, but he didn't wan't to think about it. Might as well take one of them out of the equation.


"And Lovely's going to be here soon."


Ice Beam's heart started pounding in his chest. This could be his chance to finally be with Lovely; he had to go to the club.


"All right, I'll be there as soon as possible." responded Ice Beam.


Ice Beam quickly went back to his dorm room, grabbed what he needed and then headed to the club.

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Nightfall saw a couple of ponies heading off somewhere. He didn't know if he should join them or not. Maybe there was going to be other ponies. But he wanted to meet ponies he knew, and he didn't want to go "raving" with drunken mares who he didn't know. He curled up on the bench, wishing some pony he knew would come.

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"Awesome. I'll be there faster than a virgin." Cherished hung-up her phone and turned to Lovely, who was sulking on the ground. "Where did ugly and uglier go?" "I don't know." Cherished noticed how despondent Lovely looked and it upset her, "what's wrong sweetie, what happened?" "They hate me." Lovely began to tear-up, she turned away form Cherished in embarrassment. "Nopony hates you." "I was just trying to make friendly conversation and they said, 'know any teleportation.' 'We need to get out of her'. They said it right in front of me and then left." Cherished was trying to understand Lovely threw her tears, she was bawling now. Cherished growled and punched the ground with her hoof, "dead ponies walking."


Soon Cherished and Lovely entered the club and were waived down by Paros. Lovely sat quietly beside Cherished, her ears still turned down. Cherished ordered a drink and turned to Paros in a blaze, "I'm not a happy pony!" Paros inquired when Draco showed up next to them. "Listen." She spoke to the both of them, "today little Lovely was trying to make friends with these two ponies who completely snubbed her off. She approached them sweet as could be and they spat in her face and teleported away from her while muttering nasty things. She is heart broken! They-" Cherished gasped as she saw Rockshire alone at the bar near them, "that's her!" She pointed, "well one of them anyway. You have to do something!" She begged, "for little Lovely's honour!" Lovely looked up at the two stallions with big watery eyes.


Suddenly Lovely felt her phone vibrate, "uhm hello. Oh hey Vinyl Blade. I'm at the club Coco Bongo, downtown. You should come." Lovely whispered into her phone, anypony with hears could tell she was very distraught When she hung-up the phone with Vinyl she sent a quick text to her brother, "can we talk?"


Eris fell asleep for a while after Vinyl left. When he woke up he brushed his mane down and read through his texts. Lovely's text immediately drawing his attention. He left his room and walked outside to get better reception when he saw Nightfall laying on a bench, "yoh. What's up with you?"

Edited by Shankveld
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Eris fell asleep for a while after Vinyl left. When he woke up he brushed his mane down and read through his texts. Lovely's text immediately drawing his attention. He left his room and walked outside to get better reception when he saw Nightfall laying on a bench, "yoh. What's up with you?"


"I thought you hated me," he grumbled. Still, Eris was somepony.

"But still, might as well tell you. Let me tell you what you didn't hear earlier: I'm friendless, basically penniless, parentless... A lot of things you have I don't have. I'm not the colt you think I am."

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Sweet, everything seemed to be resolving itself. Star didn't have to worry about his conflicting feelings for Lovely and Ice Beam was also going to show up. With luck he may even have a good time with Shire. Things were certainly looking up. We trotted out of the bathroom to see that nearly everyone else had arrived, but it seemed that the first thing he saw was Lovely, tearing up beside cherished. It did pain him to see her like this.


'That's probably my fault isn't it.?'


'Figured that out all on your own, didn't you?'


It seemed only right he should apologies, it was after all Cherished they were escaping from, and it was all his idea. Star trotted up and seated himself next to Lovely, who didn't seem to notice him till he spoke up.


"S-sorry if I upset you when we left suddenly. I thought you might understand we felt uncomfortable with Cherished insulting us when we were supposed to having a romantic sort of date, thing. Sorry if I upset you." This time he put on a genuine warm smile for her.

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Ice Beam stood outside the club. "This must be the place..." He thought as he walked inside. He looked around to see if he could spot Star Keeper anywhere. He walked around a bit and then noticed Star Keeper talking to Lovely and waved a hoof to get Star Keepers attention.

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