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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Finally, Rockshire saw Star Keeper coming back, only to head over to two other ponies, Lovely and Cherished.


Oh buck, SHE'S here... This is not going to end well... Looks like I'll need to be with Star...


She got up from the seat, walking to see Lovely crying and Star apologizing to her, immediately jumping in on the action.


"I'm sorry also... We didn't mean to just ditch you like that. It just felt a bit awkward for us."

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"Sometimes I can be a little crazy when it comes to Lovely. After our parents got divorced, she was the only real family I had. I'm sorry, you didn't deserve to be treated like that." Eris smiled at Nightfall and helped him off the bench, "besides you seem like a good guy, and that's what matters." Eris pulled out his phone, "Lovely and the others are at a club downtown, wanna go?"


Lovely's eyes moved slowly to meet Star Keeper's her glance was cold and lifeless. "Oh?" She whispered to herself. She didn't seem impressed by Star Keeper's excuse. "I'm sure you're real sorry." Lovely tried to keep her cool, she didn't want to cry in public. "Just go away." Lovely turned away from Star Keeper and began to text on her phone to ignore him.

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Vinyl didn't even mind when Lovely hung up before she could say anything. She was used to it now. She did, however, notice distraught in her voice. I wonder if she's alright. Well let's go see. She walked out of the dorms and toward the club downtown. On the way, she saw Eris talking to Nightfall. She put a hoof on Eris's flank. "Don't kill 'im, babe. Bye y'all." She started trotted over to her car and drove to the club. She walked in and saw Lovely and Cherished and sat down next to them. "How's it goin' y'all?"

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Cherished noticed Rockshire and Star Keeper now surrounding Lovely, "wow. Would you quit harassing my friend. Do I have to call the authorities?" Cherished glared the two ponies down and she wrapped a hoof around Lovely, "you two have done enough already to this poor thing. Buck off."

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"Hey, I was only trying to apologize to her!", Rockshire said, her temper flaring up. Cherished was about to break the one nerve she had left before she threw hooves.


"And who are YOU to be talking after you called me 'shit-for-fur'?! YOU'RE the one that's harassing here!"

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"Vinyl Blade." Lovely buried herself into her roommate's arms. Lovely began to weep, using Vinyl's chest as a shield from on lookers. Cherished greeted Vinyl Blade, "hello. I'm Cherished. You must be a friend of Lovely's. She's had a rough day with some nasty bullies." Cherished turned away from Rockshire and Star Keeper. Cherished signalled to Vinyl to look behind her, "they just won't leave the poor thing alone. I've been protecting her all night."
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"Uh... I-I just... uh, um. Okay then. Um..." That was... unexpected. Star did not expect Lovely to react in such a way. It caught him by surprise certainly. She always seemed so sweet and forgiving, but this was just spiteful.


"W-well, um... sorry. I'll just, um, go then, over here, away..." That could have gone better. When Cherished got involved things went even worse. She would probably make this evening a living hell for the two of us. Well, the only thing I can do is leave. Star got up from his seat when he saw Ice Beam beckoning him over. Star Keeper went over and greeted him.


"Ice, good to see your still alive. I think you might want to talk to Lovely. You may be able to lift her out of the dumps."

Edited by The-Master
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"Sometimes I can be a little crazy when it comes to Lovely. After our parents got divorced, she was the only real family I had. I'm sorry, you didn't deserve to be treated like that." Eris smiled at Nightfall and helped him off the bench, "besides you seem like a good guy, and that's what matters." Eris pulled out his phone, "Lovely and the others are at a club downtown, wanna go?"


Lovely's eyes moved slowly to meet Star Keeper's her glance was cold and lifeless. "Oh?" She whispered to herself. She didn't seem impressed by Star Keeper's excuse. "I'm sure you're real sorry." Lovely tried to keep her cool, she didn't want to cry in public. "Just go away." Lovely turned away from Star Keeper and began to text on her phone to ignore him.


"Um... I guess?"

Nightfall simply followed the others. He felt like he was slowly retracting into his shell. But when he saw Lovely, he wanted to help her. Too late. Lovely was already with Vinyl. He sighed. Maybe fate was teasing him. Maybe he would never get to be with Lovely.

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All this pent-up rage... All this anger and hostility... She hated it. Rockshire wanted to really let Cherished have it, but she calmed herself down. Let her go ahead and bad-mouth her. That'll be fine. She can say all she wanted... Until she woke up in a hospital room.

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Ice Beam looked over at Lovely and saw that she was clearly upset about something; she looked like she was going to cry. Ice Beam walked over to where Lovely was sitting with Cherished. "Hey Lovely, is everything okay? I couldn't help but notice you look upset. Is there anything I can do?"

Edited by RainbowDash92
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"Vinyl Blade." Lovely buried herself into her roommate's arms. Lovely began to weep, using Vinyl's chest as a shield from on lookers. Cherished greeted Vinyl Blade, "hello. I'm Cherished. You must be a friend of Lovely's. She's had a rough day with some nasty bullies." Cherished turned away from Rockshire and Star Keeper. Cherished signalled to Vinyl to look behind her, "they just won't leave the poor thing alone. I've been protecting her all night."


Vinyl wrapped her hooves around Lovely and started stroking her mane. "It's gonna be alright, sweety. I'm here for you." She looked up at Cherished with a bit of suspicion. "You know, that sounds just a little bit exaggerated." She looked down at Lovely and continued to stroke her mane. "Tell me what happened, hon."

  • Brohoof 3

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Star Keeper hoped that his plan would work. If Ice Beam couldn't cheer her up, his only option left was... Eris. Why was Star Keeper so concerned about Lovely? Two reasons: 1) She was so fragile and sweet. 2) Eris was going to murder him! He enjoyed his head intact.


Idea! Star Keeper was going to save this for Shire, but certain times call for certain measures. He pulled out a small necklace, it was a pink diamond necklace in the shape of a six pointed star. It glittered in the light like it really was plucked out of the sky. Star Keeper originally bought it about four years ago for another mare but never had a chance to give it to her. It only seemed right to do this. He owed both Lovely and Ice Beam big time. He slipped up next to Ice, sliding the necklace into his hoof.


"Give this to her. You can thank me later." He whispered into his ear before creeping back unseen.


Who was the necklace for originally you might ask? Well, that's a long story, one that goes back to his days in the palace. That was where he met Twilight Sparkle all those years ago.

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"You calling me a liar?" Cherished sneered at Vinyl, "you don't even know me bitch."

Lovely looked up at Ice Beam, a friendly face. "There's nothing nopony can do. It's Star Keeper and his marefirned, they're just awful." Lovely wiped her tears off her face, "I though they were nice." "MMMM, they are just rotten. They have been bullying poor little Lovely all night, Jealous probably. As a big strong stallion, you should really knock some sense into them, or they'll keep bullying her!"


As Star Keeper tried to sneak his way out of the club he bumped into Nightfall and Eris entering. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Eris put his arm around Star Keeper and spun him around, "and where do you think you're going?" Star Keeper felt his heart drop, he was sure Eris has heard what had happened and was going to pummel him for sure. "No bud of mine is going to leave when I get here. Drinks on me." Eris guided Star Keeper back to the bar where he noticed Rockshire, "oh hello there beautiful." Eris kissed Rockshire's hoof.

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Oh, great... Out of all the things that were happening at that moment, all Rockshire needed was another stallion hitting on her. What shocked her more was that he had already kissed her hoof, and she didn't know how to take it.


"Oh, uh, hi... I'm... Rockshire? Nice to... Meet you?"

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'The following is the last will and testament of Star J. Keeper. I would like to leave most of my worldly possessions to-'


'This is not the time to be thinking about that right now. Just sit down and pray Cherished and Lovely don't start talking about you to Eris. You're in enough shit as it is.'


Star Keeper did not resist at first. Eris dragged him to the counter and sat him down on a stool. 'It's okay, man. He's just buying drinks. Wait till he's distracted and then bolt for it. Damn, what about Shire?'


Star looked over to Shire in a barley controlled rage, when suddenly Eris raised her hoof and kissed it. That's enough, he had to get out of there, and fast. This was a bad idea from the start and now he was in way over his head, and now he was about to lose Rockshire to this pimp. Hopefully Ice Beam was having better luck with the necklace he let him give to Lovely.

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"You calling me a liar?" Cherished sneered at Vinyl, "you don't even know me bitch."

Lovely looked up at Ice Beam, a friendly face. "There's nothing nopony can do. It's Star Keeper and his marefirned, they're just awful." Lovely wiped her tears off her face, "I though they were nice." "MMMM, they are just rotten. They have been bullying poor little Lovely all night, Jealous probably. As a big strong stallion, you should really knock some sense into them, or they'll keep bullying her!"


"Hey! Listen Cherished, you need to calm down, ok? We'll get this sorted out, but you can't start calling me a bitch, alright?" She looked around and saw Eris and Nightfall come in. "Looks like Eros is here. No doubt he'll deal with the problem." She put her hoof on Lovely's shoulder and hugged her.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"You don't need to be so shy." Eris smiled at Rockshire, he was easily the most attractive stallion in the club (maybe even the most attractive she's ever seen?). "These are my buds, Nightfall and Star Keeper. I'm the wide receiver for the CC ponyball team, Eris Nova." Eris smiled and ordered a drink for Rockshire, "and your name is?"


Cherished spun around as a devious smile grew on her face. "Oh perfect! He's already putting those imbeciles in their place." Cherished took a deep breath "YOU GET EM ERIS!" Cherished called out, but the music was too loud for Eris to hear her. Cherished turned back and smiled at Vinyl and then to Lovely, "looks like your big brother is man enough to get shit some here."

Edited by Shankveld
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Rockshire gulped. She definitely did not like this situation at all. Especially when Star keeper was right the--


STAR KEEPER IS RIGHT THERE!! Great! She quickly moved over to him, putting a hoof around him.


"Yeah, me and Star Keeper were already acquainted."

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Ice Beam couldn't bear to see Lovely so upset...he had to do something. Suddenly Star Keeper came up to him and slipped him a necklace; he told Ice Beam to give it to Lovely.


Ice Beam handed the necklace to Lovely. "Um...I got you this necklace...I thought you might like it."

Edited by RainbowDash92
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Nightfall felt out of place. Honestly, all he wanted was to be alone with Lovely... He tried and was able to get closer to the two mares.

"Um... Cherished, can I help here? I feel useless right now, and um... I don't like that feeling. So... Um..."

He blushed and felt really nervous.

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Eris nodded his head, "ah yes. The random mare I pinned him up with to loose his virginity to. Glad to see you were successful." Eris smirked and patted Star Keeper on the back, nearly knocking the wind out of him. "Have either of you seen my little sister? She wanted to talk to me about something."


Lovely's eye's lit up at the sight of the necklace, "wow it's beautiful." Lovely lifted up her mane for Ice Beam to put it on her. "It's just my style. This is just so thoughtful and sweet of you." Lovely was back to her glowing self. Lovely her her arms around Ice Beam in a tight embrace and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, "you know exactly what to do to cheer me up," she sung.


Cherished noticed a shy Nightfall approach her, "aren't you suppose to be backing Eris up? You need some help with that?"

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"Wait, how did you know I was a virgin? Wait, don't answer that." Star Keeper chuckled a bit. He didn't need it said allowed for all to hear. At least he would keep his hooves off of Shire for a bit longer yet.


He turned his gaze back to Lovely. To his surprise the plan had worked; Ice Beam had given her the necklace and she was ecstatic. Maybe keeping that old thing wasn't such a bad idea, even if it did cost 500 bits. Cherished also seemed distracted for the time being, with everypony occupied maybe he would be off the hook. Sure he could never speak to Lovely or Cherished again, but he didn't care. He was going to live to see another day yet.

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Draco pulled out his pocket watchg and he put his fedora back on "Show time," Draco said as he walked back stage and walked back onto the stage "Hello fellows swingers I'm back now let me tell you alittle story of a kind stallion who had his heart broken by a girl who cheated on him with someone else. Now I'm sure you're saying now silver eyes who would dump you for someone else. The answer dear swingers is she wanted money now she's a single mother, I loved her," Draco said sadly and then said "She took all of me," He began to sing again even though the song had a happy tune.

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A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Well, at least Star seemed to be happy. Rockshire looked over to Lovely, who seemed to be hugging another stallion, and Cherished talking with yet another. Good. She didn't want to deal with other ponies.


"You have a sister? Huh. Who knew? What's her name?", Rockshire asked.

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"hey cherished, lemmie buy you a drink"

Parso smiled at his last-night conquest, she sat down next to him and got an order in for a round of drinks. Parso was already a little drunk from a couple he had before and those drinks didnt make him any more sober

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