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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Eris smiled as he felt Rockshire's warm body when Nightfall pulled him off her, "what the hell man? Can't you see we're busy here?" Nightfall stormed off as Draco failed at white knighting again. Eris rolled his eyes and laughed to himself, "bunch a drunken fools." Eris was quite drunk, but he sure was able to hear Vinyl Blade loud and clear. Eris felt his heart sink in his chest, he bucked up. He must have forgotten she was around, idiot. Eris turned and smiled at Vinyl Blade's disapproving face, "ah it's nothing babe. Just a little fun. It meant nothing. You know I only care about you, boo."


Vinyl glared at Eris. "It's nothing? Just a little fun? Is this seriously the shit you do for fun? What's-his-face is fucked up, passed out, and probably in the hospital by now and Rockshire..." Vinyl looked over at Rockshire. She had just put down the phone. "... Is traumatized and just called the guard... Fuck! I'm screwed now. Celestia's gonna find out and I'm going to be royally fucked." She slapped him again and said, "And don't call me 'boo.'" Vinyl walked over to the bed, sat down next to Rockshire, and put her head on her hooves.

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Rockshire broke from her little depression to see another pony laying on the bed with her.


Who's this pony? Wait... She was just talking with that colt... Eris, was that his name? He was talking to this one, saying stuff like boo and such... Wait. Are they supposed to be dating?


She sat up, drying her tears, looking back at the other, wanting to help, but not sure how to.

Edited by Rockshire
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Star Keeper seemed to casually wander down the corridors, sucking on a piece of charcoal. They staff had kept him in for another ten minutes, but they let him leave after they had given him the necessary treatment. He cringed at the taste of the bitter rock, but it helped to remove traces of drugs from his mouth, preventing any further reactions. The next person to kiss him would be in for a surprise. He discarded the lump of charcoal and continued to trot back towards the dorm.


On his way back he saw an unexpected sight. Ice Beam and Nightfall caught in the embrace of Lovely. He had an idea, a bad idea, but an idea none the less. Star trotted up next to the three ponies and made himself known.


"Ice Beam, pal. Thanks for the help. Much appreciated. I really wanted you to bring all our "friends" down here to poison me and harass Shire. Thanks for that bro."


Star now turned to face Lovely. "Oh, and after you refused my apology, even though I never at any point meant to hurt your feelings, it was nice of you to pop by. That reminds me, that necklace Ice gave you. Yup, that's from me. I did it so that you would feel better because you didn't even want to look at me out of spite. Enjoy your present."


And last of all he faced Nightfall. "I actually have nothing against you. Have a good sleep." And with that he turned and left. Star felt light headed after that, but he didn't stop walking. He had enough bits for a hotel for the night. Then in the morning he would say goodbye to Canterlot College for good.

  • Brohoof 1


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Before Lovely was even conscious about the events of that night she was pushed out of the room by Nightfall, nearly toppling over herself. He slammed the door behind her. Lovely was confused and decided to leave, she knew it was probably for the best anyway. Nightfall wasn't the kind of pony that would hurt her for no reason, unlike Rockshire and Star Keeper.

Cherished giggled to herself as Star Keeper fell to the floor. He was foaming at the mouth like a rapid dog. She popped a few pills herself and put her hoof around Parso. Draco came over to her and started sewing his regular crap. Cherished rolled her eyes. Who invited this nut anyway? What a kill joy. Cherished watched in silence as Parso defended her, she was too high to even give a crap about Draco's meaningless thoughts. He soon left their side and went to bother another pony. "I thought he would never leave." Cherished slide her hoof around Parso as they saw Rockshire crying beside Star Keeper, "what a drama queen."

Eris smiled as he felt Rockshire's warm body when Nightfall pulled him off her, "what the hell man? Can't you see we're busy here?" Nightfall stormed off as Draco failed at white knighting again. Eris rolled his eyes and laughed to himself, "bunch a drunken fools." Eris was quite drunk, but he sure was able to hear Vinyl Blade loud and clear. Eris felt his heart sink in his chest, he bucked up. He must have forgotten she was around, idiot. Eris turned and smiled at Vinyl Blade's disapproving face, "ah it's nothing babe. Just a little fun. It meant nothing. You know I only care about you, boo."

Lovely hadn't spent much time in the boy's dorms and had managed to get herself lost. She curled up on the floor and wished desperately somepony would find her. "Lovely! Lovely" she heard the cries of a stallion. Lovely turned her head with a smile to see Nightfall and Ice Beam. She hoped up, her face beaming. "Thank goodness! I thought for a moment I'd be lost here forever." Lovely doubled hugged the two stallions, "what's going on in the party?


"It's not a party, Lovely. That mare was just about to be, er- for lack of a better word, raped by Eris. Raped by your older brother. That can only mean one thing: he's dangerous. I honestly would recommend staying away from him as much as possible. And Cherished. Those two can only mean trouble. If you like, I can take you back to your room to make sure you're ok..."

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Ice Beam wanted to apologize to Star Keeper, but it was too late; Star Keeper was long gone. Ice Beam had never meant for this to happen...this was all his fault. Ice Beam turned to Nightfall and Lovely. "Guys, I'm really sorry about this. I never should have let Cherished talk me into this. I almost got my roommate killed and his marefriend raped. I feel like such an ass right now...I hope you both can forgive me..."

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Parso put a hoof around cherished

"you can 'thank' me later"

he gave her a bedroom wink

"I'm not gonna let that shit head lay a hoof on your sexy body as long as I'm around"

jeez whatever was in those pills, it was good stuff

"I'm guessin' that star keeper bloke was lightweight on this stuff, he passed out right away"

  • Brohoof 1

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Percussive Force already got situated in his room, noticing that there was really no one on his floor. And he was starting to get hungry...


Bloody hell, where would I get a bite? Where's the damn cafeteria? Hmmm... He looked out his window, seeing a group of ponies chatting. I should ask them. They all look like they know what the hell they're doing.


Percussive got out of the dorm and yelled out to the group. "HEY! YEAH, YOU TRIO OVER THERE! WHERE IN THIS BLOODY PLACE COULD I GET A BITE?!"

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Eris huffed and rolled his eyes. Vinyl was probably just in a bad mood. She'd get over it by the morning. Eris looked around the dorm, the party was completely dead and Cherished was already dibbed for the night. Eris checked his phone and sent out a couple texts to his regulars to see if he could have a playpony for the night before leaving. Eris passed by Rockshire and Vinyl on his way out, "night dollfaces." He smirked and left. As he walked down the halls he noticed a somber Star Keeper moping along, "why the long face bro?"


Lovely was shocked by Star Keeper's sudden attitude, "I can't believe I use to think he was nice." Lovely turned to Ice Beam, "why would he want to give me a necklace? Doesn't he like Rockshire? I can't believe he's cheating on her!" Lovely looked at Ice Beam, "is that what happened?"


"It's hard work being this stunning you know?" Cherished giggled at Parso. "Yeah that Star Keeper is such a little bitch. I just wanted the kid to lighten up and have some fun for once. How ungrateful." Cherished turned to Parso and began to kiss him passionately. His lips were warm and their heightened senses made the kiss even more intimate.


"Eris would never rape anypony!" Lovely stood up in anger, "and they aren't dangerous either! I know sometimes they can get out on control. They really love to party, but they'd never heard anypony. They really are good ponies deep down inside! You've got to believe me! All my life they were the only ponies that even acknowledged my existence! I wish you could see them the way I see them." Lovely's big blue eyes filled up with tears, "please."


Before Nightfall or Ice Beam had a chance to break the awkward silence followed by Lovely's plea a pony Lovely had never seen before approached them. Lovely turned to look at him unsuccessfully hiding the tears in her eyes, "uh um, it's a few floors down from her." She sniffled quietly.

Edited by Shankveld
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"lets continue this in my room"

Parso slid his tongue up cherished's lips and held her hooves to bring her into his room

"nightfall better not be in there....or be what do I care?"

he unlocked his door and brought her in, slamming the door behind him, he pushed cherished onto his bed and climbed over her. he gave her a passionate kiss and kissed her neck

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Vinyl watched Eris as he left, then gave a short laugh of disbelief. "And then he just leaves. Looks like it's just you and me, hon. You feeling any better? I'm sorry about Eris. I never thought he would've..." Vinyl huffed and shook her head, then laid down on the bed. "If Celestia finds out about this, I'm screwed."

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Rockshire watched as Eris left the room, leaving her and that other pony by themselves. Would it hurt to try and talk with her?

"Uh, I'm assuming you were dating him? If you are, then I'll be blunt... I feel sorry for you..."


Percussive Force got an answer from the one mare in the group, who looked like she was crying...

"Thanks, dearie. I've been meanin' tah... Uh, you all right? What;s with the waterworks?"

Edited by Rockshire
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Draco found his friend walking "DOGBOOTS" Draco yelled out as he landed roughly looking winded. He panted out "Parso we can't trust him. also you need to go see Rockshire Eris happened. I'll be at the hospital checking up on Star Keeper Cherished overdosed him on what I think is pain killers. So yeah I'll see you at the hospital also meet me at the Coco Bucko. Bring that traitor too also bring one of your most valuble things tell him that too.


I'll bring mine because I have an idea on how to keep us on the straight and narrow" Draco said as he panted.


Draco was panting for air trying his best to explain the situation. It seemed that the chill had confirmed Dogboots thoughts. Something did happen and it wasn't good. "Okay first off who's Rockshire? and what did Eris do? Secondly, why can't we trust Parso? Did you two get into a fight already?" He asked confused but eerily aware that something bad has happened. Before Draco could respond he saw some of the College Police making their way to the boy's dorm and one of them came up to Dogboots. "We got a call from somepony from the boy's dorm saying some horrible things happened and we might need the extra back up. Don't worry i'll make sure to talk to the boss about seeing if you can get an extra vacation day." The college security stallion said as Dogboots knew this had something to do with what Draco was talking about. "Very well then, lead the way. Draco i'll meet up with you at the Coco Bucko once I get this business taken care of." He said as he followed the stallion to the boys dorm. Dogboots can only imagine what was going to happen next but there was a feeling in his stomach telling him it wasn't going to be good.

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Rockshire watched as Eris left the room, leaving her and that other pony by themselves. Would it hurt to try and talk with her?

"Uh, I'm assuming you were dating him? If you are, then I'll be blunt... I feel sorry for you..."


"Yeah, but that was before this. I guess you find out who the stallion you're dating truly is... And you'd rather not be dating him. That's how it usually is for me anyways... I guess you're feeling better?" She sighed and rolled over onto her side. "Celestia's gonna find out about this, I just know it. She's gonna kick me out of the castle and this school and I'll be left out on the streets. My parents will probably never want to talk to me again... Hopefully I'll still have Scratch to talk to."

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Draco looked at Dogboots as he walked with him with a steady gate. "No this is what I'm talking about Eris and Cherished decided to embarass Star Keeper and his marefriend, but Eris went too far and started to touch her innapropriately. They overdosed Star Keeper. I can attest because I was a witness. Also as I said Parso shouldn't be trusted because he went with the crowd. I think you should detain him or something. His dorm room is next to mine," Draco said as he regained his breath. He showed them where the incident happened. He saw the mare that was with Eris. "She is also a witness," Draco said as he pointed out to Dogboots.

Edited by dragon4111
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A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Lovely turned to Ice Beam, "why would he want to give me a necklace? Doesn't he like Rockshire? I can't believe he's cheating on her!" Lovely looked at Ice Beam, "is that what happened?"


"No...he, uh...gave me the necklace to give to you...because I..uh...I like you." Ice Beam said, his face turning red from embarrassment.

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa... Did you say Celestia? I... I didn't know calling campus police also was a connection to the Royals!", Rockshire nervously said. "And... I don't think you really had a hoof in this at all.. I just want to get back at Cherished and Eris... I'm sorry for pulling you into this as well... And, I'm a bit better..."

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"Eris would never rape anypony!" Lovely stood up in anger, "and they aren't dangerous either! I know sometimes they can get out on control. They really love to party, but they'd never heard anypony. They really are good ponies deep down inside! You've got to believe me! All my life they were the only ponies that even acknowledged my existence! I wish you could see them the way I see them." Lovely's big blue eyes filled up with tears, "please."

Before Nightfall or Ice Beam had a chance to break the awkward silence followed by Lovely's plea a pony Lovely had never seen before approached them. Lovely turned to look at him unsuccessfully hiding the tears in her eyes, "uh um, it's a few floors down from her." She sniffled quietly.


"I'm afraid that is what happened, though. Look, Lovely..."

He hung his head.

"If you want I can take you back to your room... If not, then... Then maybe I'll see you later. I think Eris is really posed at me, and if he finds out about this, I, um... I don't know what will happen, but I'm sure it will end when I'm badly hurt or dead."

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa... Did you say Celestia? I... I didn't know calling campus police also was a connection to the Royals!", Rockshire nervously said. "And... I don't think you really had a hoof in this at all.. I just want to get back at Cherished and Eris... I'm sorry for pulling you into this as well... And, I'm a bit better..."


Vinyl took some deep breaths, thought about her situation, and sat back up. "I'm sorry. I overreacted. I'll be fine since I wasn't really involved in it." There was an awkward silence for a moment. "Depending on how Eris took my reaction, I may be single for a while... I'm going back to my room. Do you want to come?"

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Draco walked in with the campus police, he looked at Vynle slightly suspicous "Miss are you alright?" Draco asked Rockshire with concern in his voice then looked at Vynle "No I'm not part of the campus police I'm jut here to testify against Eris miss. Oh before I forget miss Rockshire," Draco said looking at Rockshire "Your special somepony is going to be alright I got him to the hospital before he died of an overdose" Draco smirked slightly "Also if you want payback meet me at the Coco Bucko it's a jazz club Tell them ol silver eyes sent you" Draco tipped his fedora to her.


He then looked at Vynle then said slightly "Aren't you Eri's marefriend?" He said with a curious tone.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Rockshire also sat up. "Uh, I guess... I... I don't think I caught your name... You probably know me already, but I'm Rockshire..." Before she got up, that same pony was there, now with police ponies. And now, she was wondering why was he always near her... "I'm fine..."


Percussive Force just stood there with a confused gaze, watching the two colts try to cheer up the mare, and hearing something about an Eris. "Uh, not to be nosy or some shyt like that, but what the hell are you all talkin' 'bout?"

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Draco walked in with the campus police, he looked at Vynle slightly suspicous "Miss are you alright?" Draco asked Rockshire with concern in his voice then looked at Vynle "No I'm not part of the campus police I'm jut here to testify against Eris miss. Oh before I forget miss Rockshire," Draco said looking at Rockshire "Your special somepony is going to be alright I got him to the hospital before he died of an overdose" Draco smirked slightly "Also if you want payback meet me at the Coco Bucko it's a jazz club Tell them ol silver eyes sent you" Draco tipped his fedora to her.


He then looked at Vynle then said slightly "Aren't you Eri's marefriend?" He said with a curious tone.


Dogboots didn't want to arose suspicion to anyone that he knew Draco so he did what he could think of. "Sir, we appreciate your help but now its time for us to do our job. We'll contact you when we need to ask you some questions but please leave as this is no longer your business." Dogboots said putting on the act of Campus Police. He winked at Draco trying his best to tell him that he would meet him at the bar "Excuse me Miss Rockshire? We need to ask you some questions so we can know what happened" Dogboots also noticed another mare beside Rockshire. "Are you one of Rockshire's friends" Dogboots asked Vinyl maintaining a professional manner.

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"I'm sorry officer, but my answer is no she is my friend and I'll stick by her side. Plus I am a witness to the crime so you'll need a testimony from me. So I'd like to stay here with my friend here," Draco said as he shook his head. "I can also provide more information on three other witnesses too," Draco then said once more. He was always defiant but he wanted to help out.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Dogboots was struggling with his next move. "Let's recap here, Eris inappropriately touches Rockshire and forced Star Keeper into nearly overdosing himself. In less than a few hours Parso and Draco are literally at each other's throats like fillies in a playground after forming an alliance and now i'm beginning to doubt putting trust in Parso. Not only that but I have Draco here whose putting both of us and our plan at risk by sticking around. If Eris or any of his entourage were to show up and see Draco and I together it might put suspicion on us which would delay the plan longer than it should and with what's happened it's being the opposite. However unless I play dumb if that happens which in case it might they will probably bring up Draco's prank from last night but I doubt that Draco's little prank from last night is more important than this so it would make a good excuse. Not only that but on top of all of this the Canterlot Police might get involved. Though I see this as another opportunity for Eris to fall like some of us it would also mean a long investigation and lots of questions will be asked. A lot of people could suffer from that investigation and that is something that I can't afford to happen." He thought to himself as he tried thinking what to do now.


He could tell his partner to head back and allow him to take care of this and write up a false report to save the others from a long investigation or he could have them stick around and allow things to get hairy. Either way it wasn't good for Dogboots. He glanced at the other security stallion that he was with and he could tell he didn't want to be here or deal with this himself. "Hey, why don't you head back and let me deal with this. It doesn't seem too bad here and it shouldn't take me long. Once I get this done and over with i'll head back and write up a report. Besides you look like you could use some sleep." Dogboots said to the security stallion hoping that he would take the bait. "Are you sure? I mean according to policy there's suppose to be two of us at an incident." The security stallion asked Dogboots. Dogboots could see that it would only take one more little push for him to be out of the way. "Of course don't worry. Plus do you think management will care? If it makes you feel better I can just write down on the report that you assisted me and i'll back you up on it. It's the least I could do if your going to get me an extra vacation day." He said reassuringly to the security officer. "Alright then thanks man. I'll make sure to get you it." The security stallion said as he left the dorm room and made his way back. Dogboots closed the door and it was just him, Draco, Rockshire and Vinyl in the room. "Okay, now I know you two barely know me but you have to trust me when I say that i'm here to help you. Draco tells me that Eris inappropriately touched you and somepony forced Star Keeper to nearly overdose on pills. Is this correct?" Dogboots asked Rockshire but he already knew the answer. The look on her face had said it all but still he needed to be double sure if he was going to help her. Draco was about to speak but Dogboots raised a hoof at him. "No offense but I need to hear it from her not you." He said to Draco as he waited for Rockshire's answer.

Edited by thor9356
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Lovely looked deep into Percussive's eyes. He addressed her quite firmly, it was a bit of a shock. He didn't seem to have the manners of most of the ponies she's interacted with. "It's nothing really." Lovely smiled politely, "just had a bit of a bad day." Lovely wiped the tears from her eyes and forced a fake toothy smile.


Cherished rolled off of Parso while panting heavily. "You've really outdone yourself this time boy." Cherished fixed her tangled mane out of her face and gave Parso a tender kiss on his cheek. The drugs were finally starting to wear off and the reality of the night was coming back to both of them. "Shessh, what a crazy night." Cherished glanced over to Parso quickly and assumed he was scared, "don't be worried. My daddy is Count. The Count. I haven't been punished for anything in my entire life. I lite some slut's mane of fire last year and part of her scalp burnt off. And nothing happened. I got off scott-free. Because I'm daddy's little angel, and nothing can happen to me. I've got your back, so we're solid." Cherished giggled and cuddled her way into Parso's arms. She felt warm and safe. Cherished jolted up in shock. What was happening to her? Come to think of it, Parso's bed as been the only stallion's bed she's been in since school started. That wan't like her at all! She was miss no-commitment, she was miss home-wrecker! She was- she was- starting to become a one stallion kind of mare. "I've uh- gotta go!" Cherished dashed out of Parso's bed and dashed down the male corridor.


Lovely's eyes widened and her face turned bright red after Ice Beam confessed his feelings to her, "oh." It was the only thing she could say back, she was in so much shock. She thought nopony would ever like her as more than just a friend. Wait. He only said he liked me. Friends like eachother. Oh my Celestia! Lovely's face shined an even brighter shade a red. Why did I assume by like he meant as more than a friend?! I'm so conceded. Lovely panicked and showed it in a nervous laugh, "I like you too Ice Beam."

Luckily Nightfall broke the awkwardness, still trying to convince Lovely that her family was no good. Lovely wouldn't hear it, "you can take me back to my room, but there is no way Eris and Cherished did all those awful things you claim they did." Lovely crossed her hooves in a pout.

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Lovely's eyes widened and her face turned bright red after Ice Beam confessed his feelings to her, "oh." It was the only thing she could say back, she was in so much shock. She thought nopony would ever like her as more than just a friend. Wait. He only said he liked me. Friends like eachother. Oh my Celestia! Lovely's face shined an even brighter shade a red. Why did I assume by like he meant as more than a friend?! I'm so conceded. Lovely panicked and showed it in a nervous laugh, "I like you too Ice Beam."

Luckily Nightfall broke the awkwardness, still trying to convince Lovely that her family was no good. Lovely wouldn't hear it, "you can take me back to my room, but there is no way Eris and Cherished did all those awful things you claim they did." Lovely crossed her hooves in a pout.


Ice Beam's words would kill him slowly, but his embarrassment to say it made him seem like he didn't like saying he liked her. The way Lovely said her reply made it seem like either she was uncomfortable in a relationship or that she didn't understand what Ice Beam said. When Lovely said he could take her back to her room, he slightly hoped Ice Beam wouldn't come, but he thought that things may be awkward if he didn't...

"All right. Let's go."

He didn't want to sound like he was impatient...

"They must have filled her head with lies about them. They wouldn't do that? I just witnessed them do that."

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