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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Percussive Force nodded. "Ah, well, I'm sorry to hear that dearie. Hope it turns around for ya. Also, might wanna be careful getting back. Colt's dorm is startin' tah flood with da police. They were headin' a few floors under me, saying somethin' 'bout 'horrible incidents' and all that shiz... Oh, what the buck is wrong with me? I forgot tah intraduce myself." He took what looked like an awkward bow. "Percussive Force, in da livin' flesh."


"Y-yes, that's all correct...", Rockshire quietly agreed, as she didn't want to think about THAT again... "After that, this pony here knocked him and tried to help me, but... At that moment I was so scared, I... I couldn't trust anypony at that moment."

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"Eris." Star Keeper panicked. He wanted to stand up for himself,for Shire, but he couldn't. He couldn't protect anypony in the end. Chances are that because of his family he would get away Scott free. The thought sickened him. What had happened to the other side of him that Star had observed. There had to be more to him than this, despite all the horrible things he's done. He didn't understand it himself, but he had to give him a one last chance,and this was it. He would have to apologise to Lovely and Ice Beam next he saw them. Star slumped his head further down as he spoke. "I forgive you."

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when cherished left, parso was deep in thought

"mate, two nights in a row with cherished, I think I'm starting to get attached. that aint me at all, sure the mare calls back and we go at it again, but not two nights in a row. and I'm starting to develop feeli- no, no, no, thats just the drugs still talking. I've never fallen for a mare and I've kept that record clean"

he dozed off for a bit and woke up after an hour, looking at the time on his phone

"jeez, its still early"

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Draco looked at the two mares "Rockshire meet me at the Coco Bucko. It's the jazz club I work at. too many ears here that might work for Eris," Draco said and he looked at Dogboots that told him to wait till after he talks to Rockshire. "Just tell the bouncer at the door that ol silver eyes sent you" Draco said as he walked to the door slowly.

Edited by dragon4111
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A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Rockshire was a bit confused on this. As soon as Draco left, she pondered what to do. She didn't want to go there, but at the same time, she really didn't trust this other mare on the bed. And she honestly didn't want to stay on this bed either... It reminded her of how Star was drugged... She turned over to the mare.


"You said something about your place, right? Can we go ahead and go? I don't trust that guy anymore than the next stallion..."

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Ice Beam was a bit confused at Lovely's response. It sounded as if though she didn't understand what he had meant by him saying he liked her. "Dammit, Ice Beam, you should have been more clear about your feelings for her..." Ice Beam thought to himself.


Lovely was also being stubborn and not believing Nightfall about what Eris and Cherished did. Hopefully she would see the truth...Eris was not a good pony to be around.

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"You said something about your place, right? Can we go ahead and go? I don't trust that guy anymore than the next stallion..."


"Uh, yeah. I was about to head over there. I actually haven't even slept in my room yet and it's already... What? Day three? Ready to teleport over there? Or would you rather walk? I'm fine with either." Vinyl stood up and helped Rockshire to her hooves. I wonder what my sexy stallion's doing right now. It was a random thought, but it was what was going through her head.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"Y-yes, that's all correct...", Rockshire quietly agreed, as she didn't want to think about THAT again... "After that, this pony here knocked him and tried to help me, but... At that moment I was so scared, I... I couldn't trust anypony at that moment."


"I see. I'm sorry for what's happened to you. I truly am. I doubt that there's anything I could say that would help you out except, don't blame yourself. Cause if you do then it will make things more difficult for you to get back up. Cause it's the getting back up that counts. It shows that you have heart and that's what really matters." He said trying to reassure Rockshire. He knew it probably wouldn't help but it was the best he could do so far for her. After Draco left she seemed not interested in meeting him and he couldn't blame her. She really didn't have anyone to trust. For all he knew she probably didn't trust him and thought he was crazy. He knew who the other mare was that was right next to her though. He read her file while going through some of the school records during his shift. He went up to Vinyl and whispered to her,"I know who you are and don't worry, none of this will get back to her. I promise you." He turned around and left the dorm after getting confirmation after what happened.


He made his way to Parso's room to get answers from him now. He was angry himself but he couldn't let his anger get to him cause it would only cause problems. He knew where Parso's room was after all it was next to Draco's room. He was soon in front of his room and knocked on the door. The door opened and he could only see his eyes peeping out. "We need to talk. May I come in?" He asked awaiting Parso's response.

Edited by thor9356
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Draco hummed as he past the trio "The best is yet to come" Draco sang slightly as he walked past them. He tipped his fedora to Lovely as he passed "We've only tasted the wine, we'll drain the cup dry" Draco chuckled to himself as he saw the new stallion "Good evening new guys did you just move in?" Draco asked as he checked his golden pocket watch "Sorry if you want to talk go to the Coco Bucko jazz club tell them silver eyes sent you" Draco said as he flew towards the Coco Bucko while still singing slightly.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Wait, you never slept in your room yet? That's crazy." Though, Rockshire really couldn't say much about that. She hasn't really slept in her room either... She mostly slept with Star Keeper for most of the days... "Uh, I'm good with either."


After Percussive Force's little bow, a pony had walked up and tried to make convo with him, only to leave a second later. Then he told him to meet him at some club... "So, crazy colt with the fedora wants tah talk with me... Eh, pass.", he said to himself, turning to the trio again.

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Parso rolled painfully out of bed, he had a hangover and approached the door

"ugh hey dogboots, try not to talk so loud, my head is murdering me"

he only pulled his head out of the door to talk to dogboots as he didnt want to see the state of his bed after cherished's 'visit'

"had a rough night, still am. ai yai yai"

his mane was a mess from earlier events

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"I see. You look like you have a bad hangover. I know a good cure for that but first things first. We need to talk about last night and I don't feel comfortable talking out here in the hallway. May I please come in? If your place is a mess then don't worry I don't really care for cleanliness or do you want me to wait for you to clean up a bit?" He asked as he took a look at him. He looked like a mess and he was already assuming what happened but he needed to hear his side before he can make a decision.
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"ahright man, suit yourself"

parso opened the door and let dogboots in

"what's this all about then?"

he opened the fridge, took two water bottles, gave one to dogboots and took one to splash water on his face. he sat on his bed to listen to what dogboots had to say

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"Thank you kindly." Dogboots said as he grabbed the bottle and opened it. He took a few gulps of water to quench his thirst. He had been up for hours writing up that fake report and hasn't had time to sleep, eat or even drink. He was hoping that he would actually get that extra vacation day. "I'll get straight to it. Do you remember what happened at all last night? and I don't want you to lie to me cause I know what happened. I just want to see if you know too." He asked as his tone changed from laid back to a more serious tone.
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"Wait, you never slept in your room yet? That's crazy." Though, Rockshire really couldn't say much about that. She hasn't really slept in her room either... She mostly slept with Star Keeper for most of the days... "Uh, I'm good with either."


"Yeah, I've been sleeping with Eris the past couple of nights. Well lets go." Vinyl charged up her horn and teleported them to her room. "This is it. I got my own bed in here though." Vinyl sat down on her bed and invited Rockshire to follow suit. "There's plenty of room if you want to sleep in here for the night."

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"yeah i know what happened, some of it i regret but thats my life in a nutshell. alright, I went with everypony else to star's room, going to get a little payback, little is how i hardly describe it, i was too high to stop it. eris was feelin' up rockshire and cherished popped a pill in star's mouth, because i was stuck in party mode, i sorta snapped at draco for attempting to hit cherished, after that i left and came here and you figure out the rest"

parso's face changed to concerned

"do what you have to do, but please, leave cherished alone, if i know her, she was as bucked up as I was"

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"Wait. You would honestly let me stay here? That's really nice of you... Thanks.", Rockshire said as she got onto the other bed. "Does anypony else live here, or is it just you? Because I don't want there to be another pony here that has the ownership to this bed...", she said, looking at the bed.

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"Well there's Lovely, but she sleeps on the other side of the room and hardly ever comes to here anyway. I highly doubt she'll be coming here tonight. So go ahead and get comfy." Vinyl pulled out an extra pillow and laid down on the bed. She turned out the light and performed a spell that Luna taught her that makes the ceiling and walls look like the night sky and the floor look like grass. It wasn't perfect, but it was close enough and relaxing

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"Well i'm not going to guilt trip you into this but Rockshire is definitely scared from the incident and Star Keeper nearly OD'd on pills and is in the hospital. From what I hear it will be difficult for either to bounce back up after what has transpired. Police nearly got involved but I took care of that matter to save you, Draco and the others from what could've been a long investigation. Thankfully Draco was around to get help to the both of them in time otherwise things would take a turn for the worst for those two." He said grimly as he took another sip from the water bottle. "Let me ask you a few more things. Do you have feelings for this cherished? How well do you know her? Cause right now from where i'm looking i'm seeing a love triangle between you, Draco and Cherished. If this is true then I want both you and Draco to figure this out before it gets worse. Preferably without fighting and without me having to get involved." Dogboots said as he took the last few sips of the water bottle. He got up from his seat and was digging around Parso's refrigerator. "I hope you don't mind me digging through the fridge but I know a cure for that hangover of yours. I learned it a couple years back during my time in Manehattan and it works but it takes a bit of time to prepare. Until then we can keep this conversation going. Now please answer my questions." He said as he took out some bacon and was soon searching for some peanut butter.
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"question 1, I really dont know, i woke up asking myself the same thing. question 2, apart from anything bedroom related, i know she's a counts daughter and she only becomes a bitch once she's tipped over the edge or bucked up. and what do you mean 'love triangle'? sure i snapped at draco, but i was off my face and looking for some action. because that's who I am, I'm a party addict, i go wherever theres a good party"
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Freaking seriously? Great... If Lovely finds out I'm in here, I'm screwed...


She laid back on the bed, when she was mesmerized by the spell of Vinyl's. The sights were amazing, and how there was grass on the floor and stars in the ceiling... It was almost like she was outside...


"That's amazing..."

Edited by Evilshy
accidental double post or something
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"You really think so? Luna taught me how to do it when I moved into the castle and was still upset about having to move out of my adoptive parents' house. It relaxed me and helped me take my mind off of things. It's still not perfect, but it's getting there. Well, I'm rambling which means I'm tired, so I guess this is goodnight." Vinyl closed her eyes and remembered something. She forgot the breeze. She cast one more spell and a cool breeze started blowing through the room.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"If you don't recall from our time last night at the pub before we hit the club Draco said that he sort of had a thing with her and cared that nothing happen to her. I'm guessing he might have feelings for her and I know you do too. Otherwise you wouldn't have asked me to leave cherish alone. I suggest two things. First, before you go into your party mode and head into action I want you to take a step back and observe the situation. I think last night is a good indicator for you to do that if you do indeed regret what happened. Secondly, I want you to do some deep soul searching and be honest with yourself on your feelings with Cherished. Once you know your feelings then I want you to come to me ASAP so we can try to figure out this situation between the two of you and your feelings with Cherished." He said as he pulled out a pan and heat up the stove to cook up the bacon strips. He had a pot of coffee already brewing and a blender out as he was nearly ready with his concoction.
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"yeah, well, we both might as well just give up on that, i know cherished enough to know that she aint one for commitment. she's a party case, just like me"

parso laid down on his bed, his head still throbbing from the pulsing headache and thinking made him feel even worse

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"Doesn't mean you stop trying. Besides how do you know for sure? You said so yourself that she only acts like that because she's tipped over on beer or drugs. Not only that but if you are a party case then why did you start to wonder if you have feelings for her this morning? As I said do some soul searching and you might want to cover your ears." He said warning Parso as he dumped a few cups of coffee, some bacon greese and a scoop of peanut butter into the blender. Then with a flick of the switch the noise of the blender filled up the entire room. Dogboots could see Parso closing his eyes and covering his ears in pain from the noise. After a few more seconds he turned it off and poured some into a glass. He pulled out some left over painkillers that he had from his visit to the infirmary. "Take these and drink this. I know it looks disgusting but trust me it works like a charm. Your hangover should start to die down in five minutes or so." He said as he handed the pills and the drink to Parso. He could see Parso eying the drink up and down in caution and disgust.
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