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searching EW I: Euquestria War 1: The Wrath of Saura

Courageous Thunder Dash

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EW 1: Euquestria War I: The Wrath of Saura

Peace has reigned over Euquestria for many years since the fall of Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra.

Now, a new threat arises. The evil Saura, one of Princess Celestia’s servants long ago, who had been banished from Euquestria, after he tried to raise the sun using his own magic has returned with his army out for vengeance. He is planning to not only invade Euquestria, but seal Princess Celestia in a place where she can never escape. In the process, he also plans to resurrect Discord, Queen Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon.

General Thunder-Dash is seeking cadets in order to defeat Saura and prevent the resurrection of the three previous enemies. He already recuited the Mane 6 and Spike, but that would certainly not be enough to defeat Saura. Princess Celestia is in danger, we must fight…for everyone…for Euquestria!

(For other ponies besides Mane 6 continue reading)

You have just received a letter from General Thunder-Dash who needs your help to defend Euquestria. You accept the mission and head to the upper heights of Cloudsdale,


1. No godmodding, no OP characters, no controlling other characters that aren’t yours
2. Although this is pony war, do not make it excessively gory. A drop of blood here and there and a few cuts are fine, but do not overdo the gory
3. Keep it clean, no swearing
4. Alicorns are welcome, as long as they are not too powerful, or as powerful as Princess Celestia.

Mane 6 sign up

Twilight Sparkle
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Applejack: Chaotic Harmony
Fluttershy: jparty76

Millitary Roles (Same Application applies)

General of The Equestrian Army: Thunder-Dash
Lieutenant General: Lance Vanguard
Colonel: Thunder Crash
Sargent: irobern2857
Drill Instructor:
Private: Prince Morning Star
Agent: Descant


1. Discorded
2. Sun Razed

Application Sign Up (for other cadets besides Mane 6)

Pony Type (Earth, Pegasus, Unicorn or Alicorn)
Cutie Mark
Backstory (make it brief)

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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Okay u are in as twilight.


And about general Saura...he won't be active in the first part of the role play but when it comes war time, he will be active. You can only be one character. Either you're your oc or twilight

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Do i need to play as only one character? I mean i looked at your list and their are like 12 caracter slots. And if one player decided to drop out of the roleplay, when their playing as one of the mane 6 it could ruin the entire roleplay. I see it happen alot in other roleplays. I think we should be able to chose a couple of characters but it's your roleplay and your call. And i can say that im a pretty dedicated roleplayer and won't quit. But if i have to chose only one then i would like to chose my OC Jacob plz.

Edited by discorded
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I wish to join in. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/prince-morningstar-r433 . anyway how meany people are we going to be needing before this rp gets started up?

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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I wish to join in. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/prince-morningstar-r433 . anyway how meany people are we going to be needing before this rp gets started up?


Besides the roles listed above, there will be eleven additional soldiers. However there will be a lot more background soldiers. You may reference them at anytime like "a blue unicorn tried to strike down one so Saura's soldiers."

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Will i would like to be on Celestia's side.

My Rank would be a private. Seems good to you? because i have the back story covered already.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Will i would like to be on Celestia's side.

My Rank would be a private. Seems good to you? because i have the back story covered already.


Alright, your in. I need to see your OC's backstory and information first.


I can play anybody you want me too preferably fluttershy or a soldier in the army I am hoping this one will be good :)


I have you down as fluttershy.

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here is my oc's back history.


Younger brother of Princess Celestia. He was exiled from Equestria because he was turned into an werewolf. Mostly he keeps to himself in his tower, till he was invited back to Equestira. Prince_Morningstar was happy to come back home buts wasn't to thrilled to see his older sister. in his extra time he learned alchemy and perfected the art, while Celestia couldn't understand how her brother learned alchemy. Till one day he was exiled again. Prince_morningstar was deeply sadden by this and even more deep hatred for his sister. But when he got back to his tower he fond an invitation to attend the collage of magi. Once in the collage he learned more about alchemy but he also learned the forbidden arts. Necromancy and the arcane arts , in time he became an skilled mage but once he go's back to his tower he thinks about home and his sister. He spends most of his time reading about other spells but when he become friends with someone at the collage , Mornignstar showed him how to do alchemy , but when he mixes the wrong ingredients he dies in an fire. Morningstar was deeply sadden by his lost.From then on he keeps to himself and allows no pony to ever get to close to him.


Is this all you need?

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Seems like a pretty cool RP,In that case id like to pick out one of the mane 6 and that's Applejack. Do we need to sign up as a OC as well or can i just stick with Aj?

Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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Seems like a pretty cool RP,In that case id like to pick out one of the mane 6 and that's Applejack. Do we need to sign up as a OC as well or can i just stick with Aj?


you can stick with AJ. This means that the mane 6 is almost full. Therefore, only OC's will only be able to enter

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So i have a question what dose the sergent and the major do?


For now you can put me down for the sergent but i would like to know what they do

Here is my OChttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/usaf-r1018


Alright. All I need is the information required


Sergeant is in command of the troops while the major is the sergeants assistant.

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Wait the Sergent is higher rank then the Major that is different. but here;




a winged dagger that looks like the SAS emblem but the dagger points up

Was born of a Royal Guard member and a nurse. was brought up in a military structure and was sent through military school. He loved the night time and after graduation joined the Royal Night Guard. He served for 3 years and left due to corruption in the chain of command and He decided to pursue my own life some times questing with freelance groups, or working with law enforcement But trying to do the good of the nation.

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I don't think RD has been taken yet, if that's the case sign me up with her. Also if by the time the RP starts and you still don't have the rest of the Mane 6 I'll take them off yer hands-err hooves




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I shall join! As a solider, on Celestia's side ^-^


Name: Sun Razed

Pony Type: Pegasus

Gender: Female

Cutie Mark: Golden Sword

Backstory: Sun's father was a Lieutenant in the Army. He worked a lot, and Sun grew up mostly with her mother's stories about her father. She rarely got to see him, but Sun loved and respected her father. She thought of him as a hero, keeping the land of Equestria safe. Since Sun was a little filly she would play with sticks and pretend to be a soldier. She gained her cutie mark, fighting for good, by fighting some timber wolves when they attacked her and her friends while they were walking by the Everfree Forest. She was nearly killed, but her friends fetched some older ponies and they fought off the timber wolves. It took Sun months to recover, and she still bears scars across her flank and one across her muzzle. Another stretched straight down from her forward over her eye. One ear is also ripped ragged. When her father heard of what she'd done, he gave her her first real sword and, when he had time, gave her lessons in how to use it.


When Sun was in her teen-equivalent years, her father went to the borders of Equestria and the Griffon lands to repulse an attack of Griffon rebels. He ended up being killed by the bloodthirsty leader and Sun was absolutely devastated. She signed up to join the Army, eager to get revenge for her father. Sun trains obsessively, but she still hasn't gotten the chance to fight the Griffon rebel leader. All Sun wants to do is find the Griffon that killed her father, and make him proud. She trains all the time and eschews any personal connections with others.


Appearance: post-9435-0-90707200-1353292297_thumb.jpg


With the scars mentioned in the backstory, of course. Some on her flank, one on her muzzle, one straight down her forehead and across her left eye and her right ear is ragged.

Edited by With A Bang
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This looks really interesting. I'll join using my latest OC. In his back story he's already a Lieutenant which will make his role easy to fill.


Lance Vanguard, Lieutenant General of the Canterlot Royal Guard


Age: 23

Gender: Male

Species: Earth Pony

Cutie Mark: Golden Laurel Wreath


Lance Vanguard was born in the city of Canterlot and raised by the local orphanage. He attended a normal school, excelling in athletic fields. When he was ten he was part of the school Hoofball team. When he was fifteen he was accepted into the Canterlot Hoofball team, competing across much of Equestria.


After becoming the Captain at the young age of sixteen, Lance decided to drop out of school, pursuing his dream of becoming a member of the Royal Guard. After finally being accepted for training, he becomes friends with many of the other new recruits. At eighteen he manages to become an officially appointed Royal Guard. Lance and his friends meet the other guards at the palace and are given a warm welcome. Lance attempts to claw his way up the social ladder, becoming the center of attention in most conversations and gaining new friends. It went with relative success, and every pony serving in the guard had become acquainted with him.


After two years of service, Lance had managed to reach the rank of lieutenant, seconded only by Shining Armour. He envied him with a passion, taking every opportunity to prove his worth as a captain, proving that he was fit for the position. Each attempt was met with failure, Celestia seeing Shinning with more favor. To this day Lance has refused to back down, still after his captaincy.


His current role as lieutenant has taken him across Equestria, even as far as the badlands. He has preformed many tasks in the princesses service, returning with consistent success. Despite this he still has his eyes on the true prize, total leadership of the Royal Guard.


Posted Image

Edited by The-Master


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Name: Faceless Flyer

Pony Type: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Cutie Mark: A white, Renascence mask

Backstory: Born in Cloudsdale, lead a fairly normal life until the age of sixteen, where he was forced to leave the city and take up the alias of Faceless Flyer. He came to Ponyville to live a normal life, until he became interested in stories from the past which took him on many great adventures as he tried to uncover secrets and mysteries of the past.


He wears a pedant with a guitar plectrum and a four leaf clover from people who he has met. He also has three bangles on his backleg which he refuses to speak of.


OC Page: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/faceless-flyer-r1868

Edited by Faceless

19172255UxGVHj41.gifWe all go a little mad sometimes...

Strangers think I am quiet. Friends think I am outgoing. Best friends KNOW I am insane!

Faceless Flyer: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/faceless-flyer-r1868

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Oh, hey! I got accepted! Awesome.


Do you know when we might start? Or are you waiting for all the Mane 6 spots to be filled?


Waiting for mane 6 to be filled. Some soldiers are already recruited. So one the mane 6 is full, we can get started and recruit the rest as we go along in our training.

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Waiting for mane 6 to be filled. Some soldiers are already recruited. So one the mane 6 is full, we can get started and recruit the rest as we go along in our training.


Ohhh, okay! So, after the mane 6 is full, if there are still soldier spots, people can join after we've already started? That was terrible sentence structure... People can still join after we start if there are spots open, right?

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I'd like to join in on this. Don't think I'd like to be Mane Six, though. Is it still going?



Pony Type (Earth, Pegasus, Unicorn or Alicorn)


Cutie Mark

Backstory (make it brief)





Bass Clef

Backstory: Descant's father was a low-ranking officer in the Equestrian Guard in the past, and always told his son stories of the adventures and glory he and his men had had, back in the day. Even after he and his father had a falling-out, his father's stories stayed with Descant, serving as an inspiration for him and his music. Even at the college, where he was arguably most estranged with his parents, Descant aspired to be in the military one day, going as far as to minor in tactics, and learning various magical skills that may help him one day, including most of his sound manipulation magic as well as developing a magical skill that works, for Descant, somewhat like sonar, or a weak radar. He is built somewhat lightweight as compared to other soldiers, and is ideally built for either some (preferably lower) level of command, due to his sonic magical skills and college education, or for espionage and sabotage. You can look at his page in my sig if you want a better idea of him.


Magical skills: While obviously not as strong as Twilight Sparkle, Descant is a master when it comes to sound-based magic. His magical skills allow him to alter the pitch and volume of his target, or the way things are heard. When necessary, he can magnify his own voice to make himself heard over the roar of a crowd (A bit like a megaphone), silence the noises he himself makes, allowing himself to move about unheard, and enhance his own hearing to hear things he shouldn’t. When he enhances his hearing, though, he tends to be sensitive to any loud noises, which tend to dehabilitate him. He has well-developed telepathy skills. He can also deafen others, or make them hear things, the latter of which is an extension of his telepathy. He has a knack for finding the source of any noise. He has moderate telekinesis and object manipulation skills.


(Hopefully this isn't OP'd. I can nerf him a little bit by adding drawbacks and weaknesses if you deem it neccessary.)

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Still searching for players! Join today!

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I'd like to join in on this. Don't think I'd like to be Mane Six, though. Is it still going?







Bass Clef

Backstory: Descant's father was a low-ranking officer in the Equestrian Guard in the past, and always told his son stories of the adventures and glory he and his men had had, back in the day. Even after he and his father had a falling-out, his father's stories stayed with Descant, serving as an inspiration for him and his music. Even at the college, where he was arguably most estranged with his parents, Descant aspired to be in the military one day, going as far as to minor in tactics, and learning various magical skills that may help him one day, including most of his sound manipulation magic as well as developing a magical skill that works, for Descant, somewhat like sonar, or a weak radar. He is built somewhat lightweight as compared to other soldiers, and is ideally built for either some (preferably lower) level of command, due to his sonic magical skills and college education, or for espionage and sabotage. You can look at his page in my sig if you want a better idea of him.


Magical skills: While obviously not as strong as Twilight Sparkle, Descant is a master when it comes to sound-based magic. His magical skills allow him to alter the pitch and volume of his target, or the way things are heard. When necessary, he can magnify his own voice to make himself heard over the roar of a crowd (A bit like a megaphone), silence the noises he himself makes, allowing himself to move about unheard, and enhance his own hearing to hear things he shouldn’t. When he enhances his hearing, though, he tends to be sensitive to any loud noises, which tend to dehabilitate him. He has well-developed telepathy skills. He can also deafen others, or make them hear things, the latter of which is an extension of his telepathy. He has a knack for finding the source of any noise. He has moderate telekinesis and object manipulation skills.


(Hopefully this isn't OP'd. I can nerf him a little bit by adding drawbacks and weaknesses if you deem it neccessary.)


Slightly OP, in the fact that he can make himself unheard. Maybe add some more drawbacks, like he's sensitive to certain things and other stuff.

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