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open Life in Ponyville -Slice of life-


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Iron Wing




After her little time she awoke from her little slumber, not remembering the details of her dream. Somehow Colt was involved, but perhaps it was just a normal little dream. Slowly she started to move, and she felt that her wings finally had relaxed. With a powerful force and speed they spread again, blowing a little gust to all of her sides. Her mind started to think sort thoughts quickly, and like a machine she forced herself to get ready for her duty. It was like a habit of hers, now streching the wings a bit and opening her eyes within a blink. She got up and looked at Colt who had waited for her. Celes smiled at him and had already regained all of her consciousness, powerful and energized she wanted to end her duty and get some freetime with Colt. "Well Colt, like i said you shoudln´t worry about me. All powered up now! I hope you are ready for the last part of a guardians duty!" she said smiling. With a rather vigorous wing flap of her both wings, she launched into the air, ready to continue her flight and waiting for the dragon.

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"Well Colt, like i said you shoudln´t worry about me. All powered up now! I hope you are ready for the last part of a guardians duty!"

Colt smiled as he saw Iron up in the sky, she was back and after all she wasn’t wrong about a thing. “You were so right.” The dragon said as the blue mare flapped her wing happily in the air, the dragon tighten his right fist and then stretched his limbs, wings and stood up to be, seconds later at Iron’s side both back in the air.


“I just need to know you better huh?” he said to reply about his worries over her with a smirk towards the armored Pegasus. Then he continued his reply as both began their flight towards Ponyville “Ready as I could be...You know Im starting to like all this idea of being a guardian” he said looking at her. “It turns out I only needed the right one to protect to get it in my mind” those were his words toward Iron while flapping his wings to gain speed.

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(Warning alittle blood)

Draco ran through the forrest looking for the young filly. He was frantic then he heard the scream "There she is," Draco muttered as he ran to the scream, But what made his blood run cold was what he saw a manticore looming over the filly as he was laying down shivering. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" Draco yelled out as he charged at the manticore colliding pull speed at it. He would protect the young filly with his own life if he had to. Draco dogded a liarge claw swipe but it had grazed him. Blood seeped out of the wound onto his coat.  He glared at the manticore still ready to fight. He charged again dodging the tail but the paw sent him flying into a tree. His wing broken when he fell onto the ground. "Come on, come on, you see this tasty morsle don't you then come on then come and get it, " Draco said as he taunted the beast. He was distracting it from the filly. The filly watched scared as she saw the pony that she considered her older brother get pommeled by this large beast "SOMEPONY HELP!" she screamed out as far as her little voice can go. Draco's vision started to blur as blood loss began to set in. "No not yet I'm not going down without a fight," Draco said to himself "I will not meet The Dealer yet and ante up," he muttered as he got ready to fight once more.

@Colt,@Iron Wing

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Iron Wing,

Both dragon and Pegasus were flying towards Ponyville the town was no far away any more and even Iron’s tower was in sight. “What a great day” were Colt’s thoughts having the sun over his scales and a plethora of feelings inside.


Then his ears flapped like getting something.



A young voice from a filly or foal got his attention, with it he focused to find the source and over a clear he was able to see a terrible scene. A pony getting hit by a large beast and flying away, “No…” he exclaimed “They need help” he said to Iron and a moment later he was diving in their direction as fast as he could the pony with red coat was standing up and the creature ran to give another blow to him.


A cloud of dust raised between the pony and the manticore, the last has engulfed by it and a second later it was stepping back moving his paw backwards looking like something would have deflected it.


The dust began to settle down and the black demon like shape of Colt appeared in front of Draco and the little filly, his black/blue wings covered his back as the dragon showed a fierce face with a pair of glowing and savage eyes all his fangs pointing towards the chimera like beast. His impact with the ground was the one lifting that cloud of dust and he now stood strong in front of the manticore.


A weird wind and presence was strangely flowing from the dragon, all of the ponies behind him were able to tell something was coming from him but they couldn’t tell all of his “presence” was focused on the lion head creature. The manticore turned his feline eyes towards the drake and saw the threat he was, feeling all the “aggression” and “pressure” over it. The wild intent and the vicious glare of the manticore faded into the scared eyes of a kitten. The now crouching monster began to step back and as it do so Colt stepped forward; the move make the manticore ran away in fear disappearing into the forest. The food chain is indeed a dreadful reminder.


Colt took a deep breath and the glow on his eyes the wind around him and the heavy presence went away. He then dashed towards Draco who was still on hooves “such a stubborn one” were the thoughts of the dragon looking that his friend was still standing. He took Draco by his shoulders and could feel him shivering “Is allright now Omally you are going to be fine” he said by noticing his wounds and looking at Draco’s broken wings. But then a rock crash over his head and a scream broke his soul.


“GET AWAY FROM HIM”. Said the little filly throwing another rock “DON’T TOUCH MY BROTHER YOU… YOU MONSTER” the face of the young girl shattered his spirit in so many ways. That face, that expression full of fear and anger, broke the dragon’s heart. But there was not time fot that, the red pegasus was badly wounded and he needed attention quick . “Keep your in the game Colt, his life is in your claws ” Colt, tighten his fist and jaw with so much pain caused by the screams of the filly. “Celes has her heavy armor and wont be able to fly fast enough to carry Draco over the hospital” he thought analyzing the situation.


Celes, please take care of the little one I have to take him to the hospital” he told iron wing with watery eyes, it was obvious for her that the words of the girl were affecting the dragon.


“Please Ms Guardian, don’t let THAT take my brother” the filly implored to Iron Wing running to her side “He is going to eat him, he is going to take him away” the cries and begs were desperate and each one felt like a burning dagger stabbed into Colt’s heart.


“Only a monster, nothing more than a monster” a dark voice resounded in Colt’s mind while he was lifting Draco, he cursed the moment he was born like that but it was not the important thing. "NO! im never going to see him again"


“Ill see you at the hospital” he said to Celes as his wings raised and flapped taking both of them into the sky. He was able to listen to the cries screams and fear from the little filly, listen to them and so much more. As the dragon went off Iron was able to see a few tears running down the eyes of his special some dragon.


Moments later Colt was flying over Ponyville “we are almost there friend, don’t fall asleep”

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"How's the filly?" Draco asked with concern."And don't worry about her I'll tell her you aren't a monster. I know your not one Colt a monster has no love for others. Your no monster," he said as he looked at his friend. Draco felt tired. But he had to stay awake. He did the only thing that he could think of that kept him awake. He began to sing.

The young filly looked at the armored mare with admoration. "Where is that dragon taking my brother Ms. Guardian?"

@Colt,@Iron Wing

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Since Colt had used his magic to fear the hostile creature, Iron didn´t had to do much more now. The little filly seemed scared about Colt and insulted him. She turned to the filly and looked at her with her a bit angry. "Little one, i just have two questions: Why the buck are you out here and why are you insulting a creature who keeps helping you? You should go home now little one while we keep an eye on the injured Draco." she said a bit harsh. But to think about the situation, Iron came to the solution that it wouldn´t be the best choice to let the filly go alone. "Colt, are you handling Draco? I will bring home this child and return as fast as possible to you." she said and got the child with her hoove and started to fly to the orphanage.

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"How's the filly?"

“She is fine don’t worry about, Iron will take her to safety” Colt said to the wounded pegasus, and then for some strange reason Draco began to sing… “For the sisters he is delusional” were the words in the flying reptile mind as the red pony started singing “Well at least he is still the same eccentric fellow” were Colt’s thoughts as they were arriving at the hospital.


The dragon landed right outside of the “emergency” entrance, he was able to feel the warm flow of Draco’s living fluid coming from his injury and that was not a good at all. He pushed the doors with his wing as rushing inside. “Please help he is heavily injured!” said Colt making all of the room stare at them. A couple of nurses approach them and gasped as they saw the state of the pegasus, “This way” one of them said and showed Colt a stretcher where he left Draco moments later the medical team was all over him while taking him into a room.


Te dragon relaxed “he is going to make it right?“ were the ideas in his mind and he was about to ask it to a doctor pony at his side but suddenly his ears began to flap and the wisper of the ponies in around him make him stop.


“What did that dragon did to him?” “That animal almost took out that poor pegasus” “Look its all over his claws”. That last one made Colt look into his hands, covered with Draco’s live… he wend pale. “They think I did it…” he thought looking down to his legs and body, “I look like I did it” he turned his eyes towards the ponies around and their faces showed the same emotions like the young filly who called him monster minutes ago.


The dragon began a long walk towards the exit as every pony looked at him with terrible glares “You are not going anywhere” he listen from behind and felt what was coming after. A strong hit over his head by a pole swung by the security pony of the hospital, he stood there with no word or reaction, looking that the grey coated unicorn in uniform got another hit on Colt’s legs, making the dragon go down. Truth was the hits were no that painful not in comparison with the ones of his past but the glares, words and feelings of the ponies around him were the ones doing the real damage over him.


“Im not gona let you hurt anypony else” said the security guard putting two pair of hoofcuffs on his paws behind his back. “Look out he may bite you” said a nurse behind the counter trembling in fear. “You are right ma’m” the unicorn said as his magic got hold of some bandages using them to seal the dragon’s muzzle. Colt didn’t even made a move to fight back, there was no way he could hurt them and his spirit was broken swallow into a deep pond of sadness and hate towards him.


The guard pulled him over the floor with the help another guard that just arrived they secure his already hoovecuffs claws to a duct on the floor Colt just sat there with his claws behind his back while he listen to more harsh words and insults from the guards. “We would need to call the Guardians or even the mayor” one of them said while both walk away to end their ordeal with Colt giving a buck on the dragon’s face whom didn’t even bother to react to.

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Draco's ear twitched  as he said this "How dare you all judge somepony oor in this case a dragon who has helpped a friend in need,"  he glared at the ponies as he shrugged the nurses off "He is my friend and if you so much as judge him I will not your courier poony anymore got it," Draco said coldly "Now then ignore then Colt and thank you for helppping me against the manticore. For that you'll get a discount for my delivery services," Draco said as he finally fainted right onto a bed for the doctors to operate on him. Even while near death he would protect his friends

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Iron Wing


@@Colt, @@dragon4111,


Iron Wing had brought the filly home and went back to meet with Colt at the hospital. She knew that the medical ponies would take care of Draco and she wouldn´t have to worry about him at all. But as she got near the hospital some ponies ran out of the building, shouting for guards. "What is going on here?" she asked while landing near a nurse. "A wild dragon is attacking helpless ponies!" this unknowing mare kept screaming. "Oh my, don´t tell me they misjudged the situation..." she thought and went inside the building. As she was entering the entrance hall, she saw something that build up pure rage and anger within her. The hospital guards were trying to capture Colt and an injured Draco was trying to protect him. With heavy hoove steps she loudly walked to them. "What the buck is going on here?!" she shouted with a harsh and brutal voice. The doctors and guards looked at her with excitement.


"By Celestia, thank you for coming! This wild dragon has attacked a helpless pony!" the doctor started to tell her. Then the nurses and the guards were talking, cursing the dragon as a wild beast, wanting Iron Wing to take him down or kick him out of the village. "SILENCE!" she shouted stomping hard on the ground with a front hoove, breaking the floor and causing big cracks in the stone. All the ponies that had shouted in disorder earlier had gone silent and looked at the guardian. "In the name of Celestia, are you all nuts? You are never allowed to judge a creature just because of his looks, and if even the injured pony starts to defend him, you HAVE to know that you are wrong!" she shouted with great anger. "I am Iron Wing Celes Grayhoove and i command you to release the dragon named Colt the Strahl immediately! Would you have done something to the dragon Spike, even Celestia would be angry with you stupid ponies!" she continued within her anger.


"Now do something about Dracos wounds, the one pony who decided to defend the dragon. NOW!" she nearly screamed with a hard voice. The nurses reacted after a short while, getting Draco into a treatment room. The guards slowly freed Colt from his handcuffs and other shackles. Some of the ponies feeled ashamed, others scared about the Colt or Iron and others just didn´t understand but kept doing what Iron had commanded. Celes went to Colt who looked like a mess, not because of injuries but because of his emotions showed on his face and eyes. Yes, she could feel it, and it was a horrible feeling. He remained silent, but Iron Wing was not a character to do so. She was filled with anger and a protective sense and she would do everything to make this mental torture stop. She already had an idea what to do next to give Colt the feeling of acceptance. "Come on Colt, we are leaving now. Please follow me now, i want to leave this place fast." she said to the shocked dragon. For sure he was shocked because of the ponies, but she hoped that he had not noticed her emotional outbreak in this situation and tried to leave the hospital without showing him what she had done to the broken ground plates. She left the hospital with him, going into the direction of the watchtower, hoping that he was keeping up.

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The doors open and for a second the contrast of the light didn’t let the dragon see what was going on, but the voice on his ears were very descriptive.

Iron was giving them a piece of her mind, a BIG chunk in fact. The guard ponies were shaking, the stomps in the hospital floor and the clashing of her Armor freeze them to the bones.

Slowly one of the guards, the one that bucked Colt on the face, took out the key with his magic but his shock was so great he lost consentration and drop off the key between the dragon’s legs. Turning his eyes up to see into Colt’s, finding in its reflection his scared face and a weird void in those reptilian eyes.

Colt listen to Iron’s command and the intention of the guard of free him failing he, the dragon just stood up and with a slow move he broke the hoofcuffs then with his claws he remove the metal shackles and put them into the guards gooves. Some gasps were emitted by the ponies

"Come on Colt, we are leaving now. Please follow me now, i want to leave this place fast."

Colt went down to his four legs his head was down as his wings covered his head and face. The dragon never raised his head he kept it down to the ground in shame just peeking between his steps to see the confused and still scared eyes of the ponies around, all of them following his walk to the exit.

They both exited the hospital and saunter towards the tower, Colt followed Iron afraid of seeing her or the ponies in the streets he was ashamed of what just went on, and felt like all the gazes in town were over him. Also he felt bad of what Iron had to do for him, he promised to protect her not all the way around and now he was out of words.

They were close to the tower Colt realized there was no one closer he took some courage from who knows here and said “Im sorry”. He looked like a young foal that was scolded he wanted to continue but the shame inside wipe out his words into the empty street.

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Iron Wing





They were close to the tower Colt realized there was no one closer he took some courage from who knows here and said “Im sorry”. He looked like a young foal that was scolded he wanted to continue but the shame inside wipe out his words into the empty street.


They were walking down the street and she knew that Colt felt terrible. But she didn´t say anything and went to the tower, just as she planned to. He didn´t say a word until they reached the building. He told her that he was sorry as she opened the door. She turned around and looked at him and noticed that he looked like a scolded foal. "Go in. Now." she just said said snorting and watched him entering the tower. Perhaps he thought that she would get angry at him after she closed the door behind them, but she had different plans. After they entered the tower and she closed the door after him, she looked at him for some minutes, saying nothing. Even Duran who wanted to greet them, felt the tension in the room and sat down watching them. Celes couldn´t read minds of course, but perhaps he thought that she would  be angry, starting to shout any moment now. She sighed audible and sat down.


"You don´t have to be sorry Colt. It´s not your fault, and you know that. Perhaps you should have left Draco on the entrance of the hospital or something like that, but if i would be in your situation i would have done the same." she said to the dragon. "Not everypony here in Ponyville knows you, and of course they thought that a a dragon with an injured pony within his claws would be the villain. It is my fault that i didn´t told the major that you are harmless. If i had told him, everypony would know..." she explained to him. She got near him and hugged him, not letting him go. "You carrot brain, you should know..." she just said smiling softly. After some minutes of holding him, she let go and sat next to him. Now the tension was gone and Duran came near them, greeting Colt and playing with his tail.


"I have something to tell you..." she started again, pulling out the letter she had received earlier this morning. She opened it and showed it to Colt. Within the letter, her father invited them for coming this evening, and on the next day, going to a Clan meeting. "My parents want to learn about you, and after they approve your character and soul, you will get acceptance everywhere." she told him smiling. Indeed this was something special in two ways: Exciting and pleasant at the same time. Of course she didn´t know how Colt felt about it in detail, but this would change his thoughts away from the little incident he had some minutes ago in the hospital.

  • Brohoof 1
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"Go in. Now."


Colt followed the instruction and went inside looking into the ground, she didn’t answer to his apologies and looked strict and kind of angry, there was no way he would have done othe way, this could be ridiculous but he has always been docile towards the mare’s in his life and Iron was no exception. The bang on the door made him lower his head even more and stood there in the middle of the room minutes felt like hours, was she mad? Was the dream of her care over? Was she going to end it? The insecurities of the dragon starter to flow until Iron break the silence.


"You carrot brain, you should know..."

Colt yellow eyes finaly went to meet Iron’s violets. “I know…” he said “It was always been like these even from before I woke up” maybe some of his words were not making sense but he had to tell her. ”Each time I got into a town or city this things happen” he told her “Im sure you can find my record being held, detained, arrested so many times… just for crimes like… trying to buy fruit, or asking for directions… for being…me”. He stopped looking into his still red claws. “But then I got here, and things were not the same… I found hope in my boss her friend at the library and… you. ” he reached and embrace her with a tight hug “I found love and hope in you and in a way believed that all would be different… im sorry that was stupid but I still want to believe, believe all that. I still want to feel like part of this world, your world” some tears began to flow out from him.


“The way she screamed, the way she begged for his life…” The dragon was referring to the young filly in the foresr but stopped there, he knew she would not understand, not just with words not by that time. “Sorry, just bad memories”, were his words before hope raised from Celes yet again.

"My parents want to learn about you, and after they approve your character and soul, you will get acceptance everywhere."

The letter, he have forgotten about that, after so many things going on the day Colt’s mind just got that detail out until now. “A place to belong?” he then realized something, she was no mad or scared of him, she was all he have been looking for, he knew it and the eyes of those other ponies made him forget, she was his heaven.


Colt took Celes’s hooves in his paws with the letter and reached out to kiss her. “I hope I can be accepted by them Celes that would be just perfect, but now I know all I need is to be accepted by you”. The dragon said with some cracking in his voice ”You are such a cheesy wuss” his mind screamed just to bother the dragon, truth was all him was speaking those words, he may not be able to change from day to night, he may still be shaken by the scared pony eyes but with her heart as a place to return he will be able to find the strength to go on.

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A pegasus mare  of rust colored with blond hair walked off the train that had recently broken down. She had the air of the Canterlot elite she slowly walked through the streets looking for somepony a relative. She walked towards the Gaurdian tower slowly. The gaurdians were always helpfull to her. Her husband was back in Canterlot doing his job. She walked up to the Guardian tower's door and knocked with a lady like grace. She waited for somepony to answer.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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She waited for somepony to answer.

“Well that walk around the town was an unfruitful waste” said an alabaster pegasus around the corner, of the guardian tower looking at another of her kind knocking the door she showed a very cute blonde mane and a crimson coat.

“You better drop that idea sweet heart” there is nopony at home, “I cheeked thrice by now” she said sharing the red Pegasus her experience of the day. She has been looking for her brother all day and some ruckus in town made her efforts useless, she was not mad or anything like that the town looked like a nice place for him so as normal she just hoped for the better.


“The name is Earth Miracle, but everypony calls me Emi” she said bowing a little like a old fashioned lady. “Want to walk together?”

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“The name is Earth Miracle, but everypony calls me Emi” she said bowing a little like a old fashioned lady. “Want to walk together?”

"That sounds wonderfull," the mare said as she looked at the mare. She would put a hold on her search for her brother for now. "The names Sarah O'hare and it's a pleasure to meet you," she said as she started to go into town with Emi. "So tell me about this brother your looking for Emi," said Sarah with a slight smile.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"So tell me about this brother your looking for Emi,"



The pegasi pair walk in direction to the center of the town. When you have wings getting lost in a small town like this was impossible so Emi just let her hooves trot free and walk along side Sarah “oh… well he is mmm… kind of a trouble magnet” she said moving her eyes as remembering or thinking of some things “he always has good intentions but end up making a mess, I used to take care of him and fix all his bloopers but then…” she said with a little giggle “We were traveling together some months  ago. While we were near Baleston I got an invitation, a student grant of some kind for the Royal Academy of Music ” she said with some sparks in her eyes.


“But well finding a place for us both on Canterlot was difficult and he insisted that I should take the chance on the academy so I went to Canterlot and he kept on traveling” now Emi’s voice went kind of down. “Normally we write to each other and when some ponies told me how… friendly Ponyville was I advice him to stay here, that way we won’t be that far”. Emi said saying yes her head with some pride behind the move.


“What about you Sarah how is life here at Ponyville?” she asked to the red mare.They were allready at the market place.


(OCC: Baleston == Boston)

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"Well I'm just here visiting for afew day. You see I'm here visiting my idiot brother. So yeah he's a courier pony he's a lighter red and blonde hair. Plus he's taller than me. He's abit too forward to the mares. Anyhow I heard he got injured and plus I'm expecting," Sarah said with a slight blush at the last part. "You see my family the O'mallies are singers but then he got his cutie mark which was a box and notepad. But then he has this idiotic idea that he could interperate his cutie mark. For instance he delivers on entertainment. Isn't that idiotic?" she asked.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Iron Wing





“Im sure you can find my record being held, detained, arrested so many times… just for crimes like… trying to buy fruit, or asking for directions… for being…me”.


"I don´t have to look at your recording..." she said quickly. Iron already knew already that there was a recording about Colt, but she never had looked into it. A copy of the recordings was on her desk, but she prefered to look at the pony... or in his case dragon by herself. As Colt entered Ponyville and met her on the library she didn´t even know that his recording were already within her watchtower, because she wouldn´t read every recording. It would be too much paper work. And on the time she had seen that the recording was about him, she had put the file away. She just didn´t want to know about the things they wrote about him, because she had the information right at her hoove.



“I found love and hope in you and in a way believed that all would be different… im sorry that was stupid but I still want to believe, believe all that. I still want to feel like part of this world, your world” some tears began to flow out from him.


"You found me and i will be here, all the time. And you are already part of my world, and i will share something with you today." she said, brushing away his tears. "Just wait here until i grab some things!" she said and went upstairs. While Iron was gone, Duran came near Colt and looked at him. He meowed at him to get his attention. As Colt finally looked at him, he was purring, nearly hypnotic and healthy for the dragon. Duran spoke to him, but this time not with his typical cat voice. He started to speak directly in his mind. "I wish you much luck with herrr parrrents my frrrriend. I am prrrrroud to see such a purrre soul next to herrr. Don´t ask questions i won´t answer to you, but know this: You arrre almost rrreaching a place otherrrs would drrream about. Enjoy this trrrip, as much as i did decades ago..." he spoke with a mystical purring cat voice in his mind. It seemed that Duran was more than just a lynx, but he wouldn´t want to talk about that. Duran jumped away to the couch as Iron Wing came back down.


"Well then, we can leave now! Did somepony just knock?" she asked, looking out of the window. But the ponies who might have knocked were already gone. Iron Wing was wearing the armor Colt knew from her dream she had under the big tree earlier. "I wrote a letter for the other guardians that we will be back the other day! We can leave now!" she said and exited the tower. She waited for Colt to get out too. On the time he did, she lifted off and flew into the direction of Cloudsdale, enjoying the flight and waiting for Colt to say something.

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"You found me and i will be here, all the time. And you are already part of my world, and i will share something with you today."

Her kind words as usual were a good remedy for his burden, what happened on the hospital was still there but with her promise, care and surprice make the bad feelings more easy to take, It was simple for his heart to understand that the dozens of times he got those kinds of eyes and insults were easily overcome by the words of care and love he got from Celes. This was not going to wipe out the pain from him in seconds but it was one amazing way to start doing so.


She went upstarirs and colt waited in silence the little linx came closer to him and started to play with the dragon’s tail, Colt looked at it with a “what do you think you are doing "face he was still upset to the feline about those “rude words” he misunderstood from it the last night .


"I wish ... .... luck with ...... parrrents my fr...iend. I am ......... to see such a .rrrr.. .... next to herrr. Don´t ask questions i won´t ... to you, but know this: You arrre almost .... a place otherrrs would drrream about. Enjoy this ....., as much as i did ... ago..."


“Look sharpy” he told to the lynx with some confusion breaking his head to glue the words, purrs, together. “I don’t get what was with you yesterday and now I dont…” he felt something strange from the cat and he just was able to get all of what the cat said to him the dragon's eyes sharpened in responce there was something about him... Colt’s voice suddenly changed to a more serious deep and low tone “What do you have to do with the red eye?” it was a long shot but he felt some “link” around "it".


"Well then, we can leave now! Did somepony just knock?"

Colt was into the "chat" with the lynx, he wasn’t able to tell if there was or wasn’t a knock in the door, the voice of Iron brought him back from his theories and got some mind sin line “If we are going out I cant look like this”. Thruth was the dragon was still a mess, red was still over him and his claws and there was no way he could go out looking like that.


The went over to the barracks floor and enter the shower, the water was cold, in a way he needed that, for some seconds he stood there his claws against the wall as the water broke on his back neck, some deep breaths later the water and some scrubbing with his claws slowly took down the “stains” of his scales with the worries in his mind and he was ready to go. “That lynx would have to come up with something next time we purr.. talk ”


Colt followed Iron, he noticed the armor and tighten his fist, he was still holding that little treasure he wanted to give her, still he didn’t say a thing and took up flight with her. The wind helped him to feel better and looking at her violet eyes helped even more. “Where too?” he asked “What part of your world is next?” he said with a light smirk in his face.



Anyhow I heard he got injured and plus I'm expecting,"


“O my…” Emi said when he got the tip of bad news but it all went away about she expecting “Really? ” she said with emotion “That is wonderful congratulations, I would have never guessed… I mean you look so “normal”, this is such a nice surprise. What about I treat you something?” the white pegasus said looking around there were a couple of choices “That coffee shop over there looks nice” Emi was trotting around like a little filly, for her that meant a lot.

Edited by Colt
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“O my…” Emi said when he got the tip of bad news but it all went away about she expecting “Really? ” she said with emotion “That is wonderful congratulations, I would have never guessed… I mean you look so “normal”, this is such a nice surprise. What about I treat you something?” the white pegasus said looking around there were a couple of choices “That coffee shop over there looks nice” Emi was trotting around like a little filly, for her that meant a lot.

"Trust me i just found out yesterday. So he's going to be an uncle but I won't let him see the little one," Sarah said with an uppity air.  "I know he's my brother and all but really he sent me to our relatives in Canterlot. After our parents, brother, and grandfather passed awayhe gave me to our uncle and aunt in Canterlot. Draco then walked off alone into the world," she said slightly.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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  • 2 weeks later...


"Trust me i just found out yesterday. So he's going to be an uncle but I won't let him see the little one,"

“I don’t understand” Emi said while sitting on an outside table and raising his hoof calling a waiter. “If you are not going to let him see your child why are you going to tell him…That just makes no sense ” the while mare said while shaking her head.

"I know he's my brother and all but really he sent me to our relatives in Canterlot. After our parents, brother, and grandfather passed awayhe gave me to our uncle and aunt in Canterlot. Draco then walked off alone into the world,"

The pegasus listen to all of the words Sarah said and in a way they made sense over her. After all Emi and her brother went through something similar but confront it in a different way “I know how it is too lose your family” she said with a deep stare and a compassionate glare “But there must have been a reason behind your brother leaving you with your uncles, and was that such a bad life… I mean you found someone to love and now you are expecting a new life” Emi said with enthusiasm and optimism. “Leave the bad behind and keep the good to walk on” she completed just before the waiter came by.

“O great I was getting hungry ” she said looking at the menu. “oh, I will have big Icecream with fruit you have here please, do you want something Sarah, its on me for you and your baby.” Emi said with a cute smile trying to sweet a bit Sarah’s desition.

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Sarah smiled abit and laughed "Maybe but still he abandoned me. Honestly Emi do you have a special somepony?" Sarah asked as she ordered a muffin and coffee. She smiled mischiviously as she thought of romance scenarios. "Sorry for asking Emi," Sarah said as she waited for her order.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Maybe but still he abandoned me. Honestly Emi do you have a special somepony?"


The white mare was about to reply Sarah’s statement but the shock of the special somepony wiped the words on her mouth and replaced them with a little blush on her cheeks. “Ahem… well… not really” she said stumbling up her own words. “There are some guys back on Canterlot who have shown some interest but my heart is not really pointing in that direction” she said with a sight while the waiter placed their orders on the table.

“Oh, great time to eat bon appétit“ Emi said getting out of the fire of the question tasting the nice, frosty and tasty Ice cream “To both of you of course” she completed with a cute smile as she was very happy of meeting this two life’s.

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"Oh how shamefull no special somepony?""Maybe I can set you up with my older brother. I heard about his last relationship. It was disgracefull how she used him and tried to kill him using a manticore," Sarah said between bites of her ice cream. She shook her head. "I've heard how he treated her like a goddess,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Colt, @@dragon4111,


Duran the lynx


Since Iron Wing and Colt were out of the house, the lynx did not have much to do, so he started to take a walk through Ponyville. It was a nice and sunny day and he enjoyed the fresh air. Walking into the direction of the market place was one of his favourite hobbies, since most of the ponies gathered there and talked a lot. He loved to watch them, listen to them and learn from them. He got sight of two mares sitting within a cafe and talking friendly to each other. Since he was curious he got near the two ponies and jumped onto a railing on the cafe and sat down, watching those two. They seemed to talk about special someponies, a thing he did not fully understand. But this was the perfect opportunity to learn something new. But since he got into the near of those ponies, there was a feeling that something was hidden within one of those. What could it be? He started to sharpen his senses to reach out and to feel the source of this sensation.

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