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The Seventh Stone (open)


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Hello, everypony, and welcome to The Seventh Stone.


The Seventh Stone is an extensive role play that I have plotted and planned for ponies of more advanced games. Long story short, this is not for the faint of heart or those who write short post lengths! I’m looking for ponies that can write in a novel format, write coherent and proper sentences, and contribute to the plot (that means not leaving someone else filling in all the holes). Also, please be literate and please play nice! Anypony can join!


One more thing: When speaking out of character, please, please, please, distinctly tell us so!

If you wish to join The Seventh Stone, please follow the rules I have written above and post your profile using this skeleton:



Pony Type:






Once you post your profile, you are set into the game and may begin! Though if you post your profile and your introduction at the same time, then that counts.



The Seventh Stone

Deep in the heart of undiscovered Equestrian lands lies a secret protected by an ancient civilization of Earth Ponies called the Sages of Time. These sages, along with the aid of a single family line of unicorns, have harnessed the power of dark magics dealing with the delicate balance of time and space itself. Rumor has it that the earth has become so tainted that scarce anything aside from their native plants will grow; seeds that fall upon that darkened earth will shrivel and die before their roots even attempt to grow.

Their community is said to lie in the mountain ranges, hidden by a veil of steam from the natural springs.

Once thought to be long lost and is now nothing more than an old pony’s tale, a map has suddenly appeared in the possession of a young Pegasus of an unusual and unknown origin. She appeared in the newly settled Ponyville with two broken wings and a terrible case of amnesia. In her saddle bag she carried nothing but a map, a dull green stone speckled with dark blue. Now, she finds herself a little lost, a little confused and in need of a helping hoof.

The year is 1910. Ponyville has barely been settled. The land is fresh and fertile, the ponies are developing their homes and magical sciences, and a great adventure is about to unfold.

What will you do?


>>I will be posting my first right after this<<

Name: Sky Song

Pony Type: Pegasus

Age: 20

Talent: Singing

Job: None

Home: Currently residing in Ponyville under the care of the local physician


It had been three days since the pegasus pony found herself in Ponyville. Her first instinct had been to fly, to shroud herself in the clouds and relish the soft, cool rush of wind and misty water. But when she stretched out her legs and stumbled in a dreary stupor she began to feel a constraint. Her wings had been bound by medical cloth and set with dowels of soft wood so the hollow bones would set properly. It was then that the pain had begun to ache and grow until her head spun and she sat down. A bowl of hot liquid was pushed to her lips and after realizing through the haze of her brain it was food she drank greedily.

"They're broken." a voice had caught on her ears. She opened her eyes to match a face to the silky smooth drawl. "Do not fret, you are sure to have a swift heal but I would ask you not to stand so suddenly. Would you like some more?"


Sky Song had learned, ironically, that she was suffering from amnesia, broken wings and was currently set up to live and sleep on the floor of Valium Vermont, the local physician. It was a nice little set up with a pile of hay topped with a bear pelt and a home-made quilt. The small shanty had recently been built with a clinic attached to the east where he cared for his patients and bandaged them. The fact that she had been taken into his home was nothing but an act of charity for the unknown pegasus. Well, maybe she wasn't entirely unknown, her cutie mark had sparked a flash of a memory and she had remembered her name and she had also remembered her love of song, thanks to the power of her heart's desire.


Now, there was a different feeling in her chest; the feeling of a heavy burden was weighing her down like a tonne of bricks and her head felt thick as she wracked it in an attempt to remember. If only she could remember...


Sky Song found herself at the center of the little village, watching the hustle and bustle of the settler ponies as they did everything from build to bake. Maybe if she had some pony to talk to, some pony who could at least keep her company until her mind defogged and allowed her to see the world in a clearer light.


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(Ooh, I could be intersted in this type of rp)


Name: Crystal Flame


Pony Type: Pegasus


Age: 20


Talent: Engineering (His dad was an Earth Pony with a love for inventing)


Job: Town scout (since Ponyville is barely settled, the town most likely would have formed a group of citizens, a militia of sorts, to protect it)


Home: In the middle of Ponyville, as he likes being in a crowd

Edited by Aureity


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Name: Fire Lily

Pony Type: Unicorn

Age: 19

Talent: Burning old dead plants down and growing new ones in their place.

Job: Land Cultivator (since it's been barely settled, I assume there's a lot of weeds and land that needs smoothing out. She burns out the ugly old weeds and plants pretty flowers, like her special talent.)

Home: Ponyville, in a secluded location near the Everfree Forest.


(Appearance-wise, she looks like this.)


The drudgery of the typical day laid its humdrum heat onto her exhausted horn. Were it not made of a hard material, it would have sagged from its fatigue. So many spells to cast, so little time... a town that was still being settled? Why in the world did she ever think that was a good idea? Yet her abilities were extremely useful, and the other ponies valued her hardwork. Also, they left her alone. Which was good. Communicating with other ponies was always far too awkward.


Her horn's glow faded away slowly as she wiped a foreleg over her forehead. Whew. That was enough work for one day. It was time for rest... rest in her nice secluded home. The mare trotted on inattentively through the relatively tiny town square, her mind focused on the pursuits she would do within her home. Probably take a nap. A nice nap atop her soft bed... or maybe read a book on magic. She did need to refine her firecasting technique. Or-




The pony collided directly with some four-legged object as she exclaimed in shock, stumbling and catching herself before she fell. Her dark eyes scanned at the thing in front of her... of course, it had to be another pony. Her face reddened in embarrassment as she uttered a quiet apology, barely looking in the direction of the stranger at all.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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By standing in the middle of the town square, she was simply asking for someone to bump into her. With all the hustling and bustling of the busy ponies working happily on their town, it was only a matter of time. But when it happened, it happened hard. Sky Song, in her unfocused and hazy state, was suddenly met by the force of a healthy but tired pony making her own way through the crowd. She had not been expecting the blunt trauma (if you could call it that) and in doing so, she stumbled, tripping over her own hooves and falling to the dirt with a soft "Oomph" of exclamation.


"H-huh?" the charcoal coloured pegasus blinked open her eyes that had been tightly shut just a second before and looked around her for the source of the collision. Her sight fell upon a unique looking unicorn with soft tan fur and bi-coloured hair. It was, to her memory, her second interaction with a pony from Ponyville aside from Dr.Vermont. Speaking of him, Sky Song gasped and brought herself to her hooves, suddenly anticipating pain from her wings. It didn't come.


"My apologies." she mumbled quietly, more intent on looking at her wings than she was with the unicorn anymore. "I shouldn't have been..." the soup Dr.Vermont had given her must have had something in it or this just wasn't making sense. In her reality, nothing was making sense and it frustrated her that a simple interaction was hard enough to wrap her brain around.


"Excuse me, I am distracted today."


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Name: Axis

Pony Type: Pegasus (female)

Age: 18

Talent: Anything related to axes (log splitting, axe throwing, etc)

Job: Log splitter/sawmill owner

Home: A sawmill in Ponyville

Appearance: White, axe cutie-mark



The final log for today split in half, and Axis, proud of her work, was ready to visit the other ponies to see how all the other work was going. After she put her axe and the split wood neatly where they belong in the sawmill, she locked everything up and left.

She trotted into the town square, looking for anypony she knew. She saw two ponies collide with each other, and giggled. Axis walked up to them.


"Hey ponies, how's it going? I couldn't help but notice that you collided with each other, haha."


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Crystal Flame glanced around the busy settlement. Ponies everywhere were carrying logs, planks and bricks of mud and finishing the last parts of their houses. Carpenters worked feverishly, and the air was choked with sawdust. He sighed, flapping his wings in a vain attempt to blow away the dust. Even still, looking at the new town, he couldn't help but feel a little proud at what he had been a part of. He had watched this town grow, and even helped his neighbors create their own houses while he was idle. The town had sprung up from barely more than a muddy plain to what it now was. Soon, it would be finished.


Crystal Flame froze in midair. He knew he had forgotten something-the daily patrol. Curses, he thought, mentally hitting himself. He scanned the sky, and sure enough, the few other town militia had already left for their daily patrols. Although it was really hard to tell from the sawdust. Charging back towards his house in desperation, he burst through the wooden door, and quickly snatched up in his mouth the first thing he saw that was sharp, which turned out to be a small dagger that he used more for cooking than for fighting. Good enough, I don't have time to dawdle. Not like I'll actually need a weapon today anyway, he thought, gripping it between his jaws. If the captain finds out, he'll rail on about how irresponsible I am...again.


As Crystal Flame dashed back out of his house and skidded to a halt in the middle of the town square, he saw two ponies crash into each other. Really? he asked himself. But wait, if I can tell the captain I was helping them recover, maybe he'll let me off easy.The idea cheered him immensely. Walking up to the scene of the collision, he asked the ponies "Arhh yfou ophay?" Good enough considering he was clenching something between his teeth.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Let's see if this will be the one Role Play that does not bore me anymore.


Name: Rose


Pony Type: Earth Pony


Age: 17


Talent: Has a unique power to control the landscape, even without a horn.


Job: Gardener


Home: Small shop in ponyville





With the sun now creeping through the blinds of her window, Rose slowly opened her eyes to the sun's rays. Stifling a small giggle inside of herself, she picked her small body off of her bed and stretched, letting the stress of the previous night release from her body. A small giggle escaped her lips as she did this, the feeling of the stress escaping felt beyond amazing. Jumping off of her bed, she walked towards her mirror and began to brush her hair with her hoof rapped around the brush. The other ponies never understood how she could hold this without magic, but Rose never really cared what others thought of her. She was a gardener after all, not a therapist pony. Finishing with her task, Rose walked towards the door of her room and opened the knob with her mouth, slowly opening the frame. Stepping down the stairs of her house, she walked into her living room, the suns light luminating everything around her. Rose stepped over to her front door, taking in a deep breath. Opening the door, the suns light bathed her in it's warm glow. Smiling at the sky, she walked over to her beloved garden, and began to care for her babies.


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The mare noticed that there were a lot of pegasi out and about today... for soon, this scene had attracted two more ponies. Two! She supposed it was such a boring work-filled place that even something of the slightest bit of interest attracted attention. The unicorn didn't blame them, but still felt uncomfortable in their presence all the same, uneasily backing away slightly. The dooziness of the first pegasi she had crashed into gave her a bit more confidence though... she didn't seem that threatening... or all there, really. So she directed her attention onto this interesting blackened pony.


"No, no... I apologize. I wasn't looking where I was... going." She shook her head, her face becoming redder as she was encroached by the other strangers. "I'm also distracted today, so you... uh... really shouldn't blame yourself." The pegasi seems intently focused on her wings... which... eee, why didn't she notice that before? They didn't really look all that good. But she wouldn't ask. It was none of her business. Although it made her feel even worse from crashing into the obviously addled pegasus... she was injured. So she added: "Yeah, yeah... really really sorry about that. Are you all right?"


She briefly turned her attention to the other ponies, to the pegasus who stated the obvious about them colliding, she merely snorted in frustration. The other one... she could barely understand what he was saying because of the knife in his mouth... which, to be honest, made her rather uneasy. She sure hoped he had a grip on that thing. All she could do in response to that was was stare at him nonplussed.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Crystal Flame gave a garbled reply of disappointment when he realized she didn't understand a word of what he said. Oh well, I better just cut my losses and leave. Captian'll have my wings for breakfast if I'm any later. The sawdust was getting extrememly annoying, as well, and it was starting to clog his throat. "Okay,nice ta meet ya..." he tried to say, although he didn't think he managed anything remotely close. The knife almost slipped out of his mouth, and he had to use last minute reflexes to bite the edge of the handle. Which did nothing to help his image with the pony in front of him, he was sure.


Taking a step backwards and turning towards the sun, he launched himself into the air in the direction he was supposed to fly that morning. Soaring over the almost-completed town hall, and up into the clouds, he still couldn't find a trace of any of the other town militia. Maybe they're busy napping too, he though hopefully, scanning the horizon. Hrmm...All at the same time?


Whatever, I'm late as it is, he decided. I'll drop by the village outpost where I should find at least a couple of them napping. Reversing direction, he flew off towards the south, making sure to steer clear of the blinding dust.

Edited by Aureity


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Moving the soft soil that was under Rose, she planted the precious seeds that would soon become beautiful roses. Just the thought of these flowers blooming sent excitement down her spine, and she grinned from ear to ear. Moving the soil to the top of the hole, she walked back to grab her pale and she watered down her plants, giving them their much needed nutrients to survive. Satisifed with her work, she put her tools back in her home, and washed off the dirt that found it's way on to her coat. When she was sure that she was as beautiful as ever, Rose walked outside her home and into the streets to enjoy the beautiful day that she was blessed with.


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Ah... wonderful. What? Oh boy, who were all these ponies? What happened?


Sky Song had a very brief moment of anxiety as she felt that the couple other ponies who joined the fiasco were hundreds. In her mind, she indulged a fantasy that maybe she had offended a pony of power and maybe she was- did that pony have a knife!? "I'm sorry!" her immediate response was to apologize to that pegasus and she lowered herself slightly, subconsciously trying to seem less threatening. "I really didn't mean to, really..." she turned her attention back to the unicorn she had originally been bumped into by and noticed her unease at the stallion as well. If she had been of a better mind-frame, Sky Song would have been able to recognize the other's intentions and the unfortunate mistake of holding the knife between his teeth.


The other pegasus with the redundant personality was sort of... silly, and Sky Song felt a little easier with a smiling face around. "Hah, yeah... w-we did." Taking a deep breath, she turned herself to check her wings one more time, squinting at the doweling in case it had broken. In fact, it had not, and she felt a little better.


When she turned her attention back to the other ponies, the stranger with the knife had gone but she looked just in time to see him fly off through the saw dust clouds and she wondered what he was up to. Either way, she was glad he was gone. The unicorn who had originally bumped into her was now her full attention; mostly out of manners since it seemed like the matter had not been settled but she starting to calm down. "I'm quite alright. Are you?"




Name: Post Haste

Pony Type: Earth Pony

Age: 15

Talent: Running/Racing

Job: Delivering mail to the ponies of the newly developing Ponyville and performing various tasks for ponies who need his help. He considers himself a member of the militia.

Home: Ponyville; was born in Trottingham


In the meantime, a young Earth pony, barely a stallion, was sitting by the village outpost with an empty saddle bag beside him and a letter opener strapped to his side within easy reach of his mouth; it was obviously his make-shift weapon. He was looking up to the sky, obviously intrigued by something but it wasn't clear what. His front hooves were tapping idly on the dirt as though he was trying to look like something wasn't bothering him.


It was clear that he had just finished his daily routine that morning and since there were not many ponies nor ponies really needing mail sent within Ponyville it was very easy for him to finish. With being a pony that longed to run, he finished in no time flat and found himself staring into the sky. His white body was showing the filth of his labour. His hooves were brown with dirt and his body speckled where he had run through some mud. His mane and tail were the shade of golden wheat, with eyes to match, and were both wild and tangled and simply uncouth. Much like his personality.


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Axis noticed that the wings of the charcoal pegasus didn't look too healthy.

Axis lost all interest in the whole collision scene and was very worried.

All she wanted to do was help her heal.


"Oh my gosh, are you okay?! Did this unicorn do this? What happened?!

Your wings look terrible, you need to let them rest and heal up! What are you

doing hanging out in the open like this? Are you TRYING to hurt your wings

even more? You need to see a doctor, or come with me! I go through a lot of

wing injuries while working at the sawmill. You need to get help immediately!"


Axis just blurted all of this out, without even thinking about the unicorn that bumped into her.

The unicorn looked fine anyway; just a little tired though.


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She jumped in fear and snorted in offense as the pegasus began to hoist accusations in her direction, her horn sparking slightly with a red aura. This unicorn? She didn't look like some common petty criminal! At least knife boy had left... she didn't really want to deal with having to decipher his words... or his ominous weapon. He was probably part of the Town Scouts... and she liked to stay away from them. They especially intimidated her the most out of all the ponies. This unicorn wasn't one for violence. Nor confrontation... and glared at the redundant pegasus from the corner of her eye.


"Um... no, no! I didn't do anything! She was like this when I already found her." How rude. She turned her attention back to the injured pegasus, and bit her lip in slight concern. Hrmm... even though she had said she was all right, now with that one's accusation... it didn't sit right with her to bump into this other. Maybe she was so off in the mind that she was just saying she was fine... the mare sighed. Why did she have to worry so much about things? She knew she'd probably regret this...


"I'm more than okay, yes... but... I don't really think you look so good. You should at least go with... what's her face over there. Maybe she can help you. But uh... if not... I guess I'll take you too. Um, only if you want though. I mean, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do... but I'd suggest it, at least." The unicorn inclined her head uneasily. She wasn't really good with these interaction thingies.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Crystal Flame flew over the heavy, low-lying rainclouds on his destination. The thought of rain washing away the sawdust cheered him slightly, but the confusion still weighed heavily on his mind. Not paying attention to what was in front of him, he just barely missed a tower, veering to the left at the last second. As the updrafts carried him higher, the ponies in town dwindled to ant size. Empty air was all around him. Empty air. The thought snapped him out of his thoughts. He had still seen not a single scout in the air. And judging from the empty tower he had just almost crashed into, the watchtower guards were gone as well.


Maybe it's a holiday today, he thought hopefully, though he didn't really believe it. Or maybe I should have paid attention yesterday during briefing instead of sneaking off to get an early sleep...Scanning the ground anxiously again, he caught sight of Post Haste daydreaming absentmindedly.One militia, that makes a grand total of two, Crystal thought dryly. Woohoo, let's hope bandits don't try their hooves at pillaging like they did last week. Passing the pony, he flew straight northwards, picking up speed as the outpost, finally visible, grew steadily larger. Dropping with a thud onto the rooftop of the wooden building, he swiveled his head. A battered old telescope, still fixed to the guardrail, was the only interesting object. It might as well have been abandoned, he snorted derisively, for all the security they're using...They're definitely all asleep downstairs, I just know it. He eagerly galloped down the ramp, ready to pounce on the ponies he was sure were asleep. "Hey guys," he shouted, dropping the knife from his mouth, where it clattered onto the ramp floor. "WAKE UP!"


Nopony answered him. He blinked in confusion. The beds, every single one of them, were completely empty. In fact, the entire room was completely musty, dark, and devoid of life. "Did...I miss something?" he asked the wall uncertainly. "Okay, maybe this wasn't a good time to check." Frustration overcame him and he chucked a glass cup from the bedside table into a particularly lump bed. "Ah, where'd the kitchen knife go?" he asked himself, preparing to leave the building. "Oh there it is..." He bent under the table to pick it up. "Funny," he thought. "I could have sworn I dropped it somewhere else."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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This moment was becoming more than tolerable for Sky Song. She raised her front leg in order to rub her irritated eyes which must have been from all the dust. If she hadn't noticed that until now, then maybe she wasn't exactly hitting on all sixes. She certainly couldn't tell, herself, for she felt just fine and her wings were still in her bandages and set to heal. A simple accident like this one certainly couldn't have caused severe damage, could it? Everything seemed to be happening so fast and for a brief moment the pegasus felt like the Earth shifted beneath her, causing her to stumble slightly to the left.


Sky Song turned her attention to the other pegasus for a moment and shook her head, "No, I'm quite sound, really. And if this unicorn had injured me intently, do you think my wings would be bandaged already?" her tone was a little bit harsh, and she really didn't mean it to be, but she was getting foggy headed and kind of wanted to lay down. "I actually just came from the doctor's a few moments ago. He is the one who bandaged me up like this; in fact, I've been sleeping in his living room as an in-home patient for the past... uh... for a little while, I think. Anyway, I thank you both for your concern but I am earnestly fine."


She tried to offer them a smile but it likely came off more like a grimace. Her eyes were watering slightly from being irritated.With a gentle motion, the unicorn sat herself down on the ground and sighed. She was longing for the sky... "Though, I guess both of you could help me if you have the time. I'm looking for a place to eat."




"Oh!" Post Haste had caught sight of the pegasus swooping by above him which had been the whole idea behind staring at the sky in the first place. With twitching ears he scrambled to his hooves, snatching up his saddle bag; in his excitement it was tossed over his back carelessly and barely strapped on before he bolted toward the direction of Crystal Flame.


It would be a few minutes before he arrived. He was a fast pony but the mechanics of galloping did not have the same ease as flying and because he was quite young still, his muscles still needed to grow. But that was nothing that practice couldn't fix! And boy, did he practice. Every day when he was done his route in Ponyville he would find himself on the outskirts of town racing imaginary ponies. He leaped over fallen trees, trampled the grass to the point where he had begun to make a noticeable path and once or twice he even chased the animals that lead wild lives. Sometimes he would try and time himself by racing toward the Everfree Forest and back. Of course he never really got close enough to the edge of it and if this mother knew what he was doing he would get smarted but it was the thrill he sought.


As Post Haste ran towards the ever growing tower, he threw his head back and whooped loudly!


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Crystal Fire gathered a few documents from the tableside for closer examination. He noticed a surprisingly large number of them were titled with "Warning" or "Security Alert", which (hopefully) explained the disappearances. Never again, he sighed, Never again will I skip my briefing, no matter how much sleep calls to me.Turning to leave, he spotted something glinting by the access ramp. He frowned and bent over to examine it. And there it was, the kitchen knife, in the exact spot where he remembered that he had dropped it.

What's this then? he asked himself, dropping the knife he was holding to the ground. It fell with an ominous clatter, the blade slowly spinning, until it came to a complete halt, the sharp edge pointing at him.Just probability...he thought, but he was wasn't so sure anymore. The eerie darkness was getting to him.

"Enough," he growled. "I'm imagining things. I thought I had trained myself to stay calm in these situations." Maybe he just needed a rest? He plonked himself down on the nearest bed, which onfurtuantely was the lumpy one he had thrown an item at earlier. Poor quality creation, he sighed. If my dad was here, you'd have a bed softer and warmer than a pile of a thousand feathers.He made a mental note to build a comfy bed as soon as he got home. But seriously, what's with all of these lumps...? Yanking back the red bedsheet, he jumped in surprise. The captain of the militia was lying facedown on the bed.

"Sorry, sir!" he said, automatically springing to a salute.

A few awkward moments passed and the pony didn't say anything.



"Sir, please wake up...all of Ponyville's security forces are missing, we're extremely vulnerable..."

He could have heard a pin drop. His irritation started building.


The only thing that responded was his own echo as it bounced off of the walls. His anger reached a boiling point. He had flown all the way here to get ignored. He bonked the captain hard on the head with the handle of the knife. "WAKE UP RIGHT NOW AND TALK TO ME...sir."

No response. He was left looking incredulously at the captain. Colt of a... He readied himself, preparing to roll the sleepy captain right out of the bed. Summoning what was left of his anger, he muscled the burst of strength, and the captain crashed to the ground with a thud. Crap! Didn't mean to do that! There goes my career...He closed his eyes and waited for the burst of anger to send him packing.

It never came. Extreme anxiety started to creep up upon him. "This place is creepy," he declared, backing away slowly towards the ramp. He quickly picked up the documents and his knife, and as he turned to leave, he glanced one last time at the captain's scarlet coat, which matched the scarlet bedsheets to a T. He blinked once, slowly. And then he knew.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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She watched the other stumble and rub her eye... feeling still uncertain about her demeanor. Well, if she said she was fine... and she seemed rather adamant about it, which causes her to back away slightly unconsciously. The unicorn didn't want to anger the pegasus.and make her start yelling... because yelling was quite scary. Well, if she already has a doctor as well... being a pony who lacked common sense, this mare did not... actually think that the bandages signified medical aid already. Maybe because she was rather inattentive. In any case, she mentally berated herself for her ditziness. How silly.


Then the pegasus... made a... kind of disgruntled looking face. It confused the unicorn. She was rather unsure now if this pony liked her, and perhaps thought it best that she just leave her alone. After all, she didn't seem to want company. Her eyes were watering... and overall, she was just giving off this exasperated sort of vibe. But then... the other pony said that she wanted some help finding a place to eat. Overall... she thought it was a bad idea since she didn't seem to want others around. But this pony was extremely terrible at saying no, and didn't want to be rude. After all, she could just leave her be when she showed her a place... there wasn't one too far by.


...Also, she wouldn't mention her ability to grow flowers. Which many ponies liked to eat. Yes, best keep that quiet. At least her cutie mark was relatively unrevealing as to what she could actually do.


"Yes... yes... of course. My apologies for asking so much. As for the food... I erm... well, it's a small town and all... there's a place nearby though. It's got hayfries... and stuff." She looked to the other pegasus to help her out on this. Maybe they'd get distracted with each other and she could get out of this situation.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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'Food'. Axis' stomach started growling. She hasn't eaten anything

for a few hours, and she would love to get something to eat.

Also, making new friends would be a plus too.


"Hmm.. Food.. There isn't really much places to eat, but

there is a place with hayfries and other food like that, just

like this unicorn said. Their food is pretty good in my opinion!"


Axis started to get excited, because she was going to have a meal

with new ponies that she never met before.


"I'll pay for all of us! The sawmill makes me a good sum of money.

So, what are we waiting for? Are we going? I'll lead the way!"


Without even letting the other two ponies give any answer at all,

she started walking towards the restaurant.


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Name: Arthur

Pony Type: Earth Pony

Age: 27

Talent: Stealing, sneaking and tricking other ponies

Job: Thief

Home: Originally from Fillydelphia, just came to Ponyville.


When Arthur woke up it was already past noon. He had been sleeping in a chicken barn, hidden behind some sacks. Slowly he raised his head and looked around. There was nobody there, just a bunch of chickens. Sadly for him, their eggs had already been picked.


He looked outside, there where some pigs and cows, but the closest pony was atleast 200 meters away, working in a field. He had the chance to sneak out of the farm, and go to the center of the town to look for some food. He skillfully walked past the animals making sure none of them would alert their owners of his prescense, and also going from hiding spot to hiding spot, just incase the ponies working on the fields would decide to take a look at their animals.


He finally made it out unnoticed, and walked towards town. Certain pony was carrying a cart full of apples, and Arthur began planning a way to get steal some without getting caught. Then his opportunity came; one of the cart's wheels went over a rock, and some of the apples fell off. He quickly rushed to help the pony pick up her apples. "Thank you sir", she said kindly, after all of the apples were back in the cart. "Your welcome, ma'am", He awnsered, and walked away. Of course he had hidden a couple of apples in his bag before she could notice.


Another regular day in Arthurs life. Well, actually it was better than regular. The ponies in Ponyville are much easier to trick that the ones in Fillydelphia.

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Name: Cloud Chaser

Pony Type: Pegasus

Age: 18

Talent: Can stop and create severe weather

Job: Currently works temporarily for weather control

Home: No home, is residing in Ponyville until he finds his next adventure. (He is an adventurer, looking for unsettled lands and wild terrains) Decides to help around in the settlement of Ponyville

Appearance: Silver body with a blue mane and sapphire blue eyes. Cutiemark of a cloud where half of it is white and the other half is dark with a lightning bolt




Cloud Chaser had just finished clearing the skies for the day. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead and he wiped them off with a foreleg, as he did so, his stomach growled loudly. Shoot he thought, I knew it was a bad idea to skip lunch!. Cloud flapped his wings toward the town square, where the markets and restaraunts were. He had only been in Ponyville for a couple weeks, so he didnt know anypony here, he often ate alone because of this. Why do I have to meet anypony here? he thought, I'm only staying here until I find my next adventure! Whenever that may be.


Cloud touched down in the town square, and headed straight for his favorite restaraunt. On his way there, he saw a group of other ponies heading to the same place, two pegasi and a unicorn. One of the pegasi caught his attention though, seeing as her wings were bandaged up. Wonder what happened to her he thought to himself, it was then he noticed he was staring, a chronic habit that he had yet to break, he quickly looked to the ground as he entered the restaraunt...

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Rose had gotten bored walking through the streets, and felt a pang of hunger touch her stomach. She had completely forgotten about lunch! She laughed at her poor intelligence and started to trot towards Ponyvilles only resteraunt, and happily stepped inside. The resteraunt was busy today, going through the lunch hour. It was extremely crowded in the room, so much so that she had to back up against a pony, which made her squeak. She quickly turned around and apologized, her cheeks completely red.


*Stupid Rose, stupid!*


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Cloud Chaser looked down at the Earth pony who had backed into him, a small, pretty mare with a rose colored mane and pale colored fur, as she started apologizing, he waved a hoof, "Its alright really" he said smiling, "Its pretty crowded here anyways" he backed up slightly so as to give the mare more room, then extended a hoof, "Im Cloud Chaser, whats your name?". As he said this he began to think, Wow... she's beautiful... maybe staying here wont be so bad after all...


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Rose smiled back at the silver pegasus in front of her, sending excitement through her vains. *maybe this town isn't boring after all...* Rose said proudly, "My name is Rose, and may I say that your name fits you. It seems powerful, and you fit the picture." Rose moved to where she could talk to Cloud and not be pushed by other ponies, moving closer to him.


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Cloud blushed slightly at the compliment and the fact that Rose had moved closer to him, Oh man... quit blushing... he thought frantically to himself. "Uh, hehe, thanks" he said rubbing the back of his head and smiling, "Your name suits you well too... fair and pretty, just like the flower..." Oh geeze, that sounded so corny!! he thought. He looked and saw that many of the tables were full, with only a few small tables available. "Well Rose... uh... If you arent busy... or meeting anypony else for lunch... would you like to join me? We could have the chance to get to know eachother better" Cloud said somewhat nervously, but still smiled nontheless.


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