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Will Shining Armor and Cadence have a baby?


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Since we're all imagining it, I made this a few months ago. Princess Cadence getting an obstetric ultrasound.




The foal's head has a bump on it, suggesting it could be growing into a unicorn.



I made it so that Hasbro didn't have to.

While a new baby character might be fun for a while (if exasperating for Wifehorse and Husbandhorse), I really really hope Hasbro doesn't try to explain the "facts of life" using ponies.


Gravity Falls had the right idea in just making a joke about puberty.


Edited by Blue
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You know, I'd be very much on board for this idea, be it in the show, the books, or the comic. I mean, I loved the Cake Twins when they first arrived, and I get a warm feeling every time they're on screen. What's to say they can't have one for the royal couple? They'd be doing these two a favor, seeing as those two were just dropped on us in the Season 2 finale. Also, who wouldn't want to see Twilight become an aunt?


And best of all, Hasbro could market this easily for the little ones. It's the best of both worlds, really.


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Possible. But it's probably gonna be in a similar manner as the episode in which The Cupcakes couples delivered Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. No disturbing graphic content whatsoever.



Oh...you mean it won't be like Twilight? darn....



haven't seen any of the movies but read the books before it became a thing....I believed when they announced the 4 book turned into a (2 part) movie that it should have been rated R...I still stand by that today...

Yeah...i am okay with the books, won't read them again, but I refuse to watch sparkling vampies...Hellsing is more my thing...



ANYWAYS......I believe I have mentioned this before...If they were to have a baby, it's a bigger excuse to get them out of the story all together (being the Crystal Empire is excuse enough), and any interactions will be like "Baby Cakes" .....If they do, it's for marketing reasons alone...



-Love, Hasbro


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I doubt Chryssi will be involved, but I could see a little foal in their future given the merchandising and the stories that are available from it.


The stories would need to be well thought out in order not to retread the lessons learned in babycakes, but it could be a sweet story.Perhaps we'd see the bags under the eyes of the newly minted parents to contrast the cuteness from a bouncing baby. Perhaps it would be twins as well for an additional Pinkie tie in.


Maybe Twilight is visiting (for once the world isn't coming to an end). She tries to spend time with her BBBFF, but he's very busy with the foal. It could be a lesson in feeling abandoned because your sibling has a child, but that they still love Twily very much.

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I think Cadence and Shining Armor already got the spotlight, but them getting a baby could possibly be a side plot?


Or.. Maybe there could be more babysitting for Pinkie..

Actually no, I didn't like that episode.


Well, it's been speculated they might have a foal at some point in the series. Most likely this season. Why? Because of this...





img-969434-2-Skyla3-220x.jpgPink alicorn foal with blue eyes....some features reminicent of our favourite royal couple.



It's Princess Sweetie Belle, but recolored.

Edited by PonyLaces



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  • 1 year later...

The controversy is finally over folks! I just watched season 5 episode 19 and shining armor and princess cadence announced that they ARE in fact having a baby! :catface: I personally watched it on bing in videos. So happy for them!

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The controversy is finally over folks! I just watched season 5 episode 19 and shining armor and princess cadence announced that they ARE in fact having a baby! :catface: I personally watched it on bing in videos. So happy for them!

This was all over the board some time ago buddy :)


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We all know that they are having a baby now! It is also very unlikely that the baby will not be an alicorn too.... ._.

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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