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The Prancing Pony- RP Thread

Rainbow Sparkle

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The door to the Prancing Pony burst open suddenly and a dark purple unicorn scrambled in. Just as quickly (and loudly!) she slammed the door shut again and pushed herself up against it. She was gasping for breath and clearly in a state of disarray, with leaves in her mane and a vine wrapped around left hind leg. It took a few moments, but she caught her breath and realized nothing was attempting to push through the door. She heaved a sigh and slumped to the ground. Then, realizing this was definitely not part of a jungle, she blinked and looked around at the tavern.


"...this is new." She mumbled to herself, looking more at the building itself than the ponies inside it.


Lingo popped up beside the new pony and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey, whatcha running from deary?" Satisfied with the ponies surprised reaction, Lingo laughed. "No worries! You're in The Prancing Pony Tavern now, the friendliest place in the multiverses! Most of the time." She chuckled. "So sit back, cool your hooves, and let me pour ya' a cold one! What do you feel like today, doll?"

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Solidus chuckled a bit. "Sorry, but everything about that is fake. I don't even have a brother." He stopped, and thought about when he was growing up. He always wanted a sibling..somepony to grow up with. He was upset that he lied, especially over something like this. If Solidus did have a brother, it would have been safe to say that they'd be stuck together.


But it was a game, meant to have fun. He shrugged it off, and let out a fake grin, hoping Trinity would go on with the game so they could continue having fun.



"Thanks, it means a lot." Solidus smiled at the kind pony. He was unsure about when they were going to get to repairing the wheel, and thought about going ahead and getting it out of the way. ..But he was having fun, and he hoped that Trinity was too. So he left it alone.




Trinity sighed, but she was still smiling at Solidus. "That's what I love about this game, we can learn so much about each other without the awkwardness." Games always made things easier when getting to know other people.

"I think it's your turn to ask a question now." She giggled and waited for him to ask her any question.

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Lingo popped up beside the new pony and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey, whatcha running from deary?" Satisfied with the ponies surprised reaction, Lingo laughed. "No worries! You're in The Prancing Pony Tavern now, the friendliest place in the multiverses! Most of the time." She chuckled. "So sit back, cool your hooves, and let me pour ya' a cold one! What do you feel like today, doll?"

Lucky Guess looked up at the bartender greeting her. Multiverse tavern, eh? She had to admit, she'd seen plenty of things that made way less sense than this.


"Well, got anything you'd recommend?" Lucky Guess asked as she righted herself and shook the clingy vine off her hoof. "I'm not picky, and this doesn't seem like the place to have the same ol' same ol'."


"As for what was chasing me," she continued with obvious annoyance, "the answer is not velociraptors."

Ponysona - Lucky Guess

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Lingo threw her head back and laughed. "I swear, out of all the different universes, velociraptors cause most of the problems. Come here, honey, sit your flank down and let me get you a nice cup of radigator cider!" Lingo hurried behind the counter before immediately emerging with a frothing mug of green-tinged cider. "Lemme know what you think - I'm trying a new ingredient. And, the usual warning: if you start puking blood or having hallucinations," here she glanced across the bar at Solidus, "make sure to let somepony know. Something might be wrong with you. Or the drink."

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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"Nuh nuh nuh nuh noooo, I said not velociraptors! Those were way too big to be velociraptors. I was expecting velociraptors. I did not get velociraptors," she ranted as she approached the counter, but the thought was abandoned as her drink was presented. Lucky Guess eyed the mug with some wonder.


"How do you make cider out of a radigator?" She asked as she levitated the mug over, her horn and the mug glowing a faint silver. She sniffed the drink gingerly, then took a sip. Uff-da, bitter! But strangely good. "I don't feel any odder than usual so far, but I'll let you know if that changes."

Ponysona - Lucky Guess

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Lingo blinked. "Well, uh, there's lots of different ways to make cider out of radigator...for this particular blend, you take their stomach and intestines and boil them. Then you take that, strain it into a pot, and add a couple herbs and spices and maybesomepoisonjokethistime." She coughed, then added "Y'know, I always have to try new ingredients." She leaned over the counter and peered into the mare's eyes. "You don't seem to be dilating...oh, sweety, I don't even know your name!"

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Trinity sighed, but she was still smiling at Solidus. "That's what I love about this game, we can learn so much about each other without the awkwardness." Games always made things easier when getting to know other people.


"I think it's your turn to ask a question now." She giggled and waited for him to ask her any question.


Solidus started to think for another question to ask, as he placed his hooves on the table. "In your days of traveling, have you ever gotten in serious trouble?"






"Nuh nuh nuh nuh noooo, I said not velociraptors! Those were way too big to be velociraptors. I was expecting velociraptors. I did not get velociraptors," she ranted as she approached the counter, but the thought was abandoned as her drink was presented. Lucky Guess eyed the mug with some wonder.


"How do you make cider out of a radigator?" She asked as she levitated the mug over, her horn and the mug glowing a faint silver. She sniffed the drink gingerly, then took a sip. Uff-da, bitter! But strangely good. "I don't feel any odder than usual so far, but I'll let you know if that changes."


Solidus noticed that the new unicorn also decided to try the radigator cider. Hopefully he'll be alright he thought. Better keep an eye on him.

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Solidus started to think for another question to ask, as he placed his hooves on the table. "In your days of traveling, have you ever gotten in serious trouble?"





Solidus noticed that the new unicorn also decided to try the radigator cider. Hopefully he'll be alright he thought. Better keep an eye on him.



Trinity giggled when Solidus asked his question. Oh she could go many routes with her answer, but she'd been asked this question before in many other games. Ponies were always curious about distant lands and what it was like to travel.

"Oh no, I've been very lucky during my travels." Trinity said with a shrug. "My parents taught me how to keep an eye out for trouble so I can avoid it." She was lying of course. She'd come across trouble many times during her travel. She'd just been able to talk her way out of those situations. And the fact was she really didn't have much to steal. Not many bandits were interested in paper and a pencil. Her apples were often taken, but she hid her money well enough that she could always buy more.

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"A decoction of gator guts with a pinch of poison plant," she summarized then took another drink. "I probably shouldn't be drinking this, but I probably shouldn't do a lot of things I do." Besides, nopony in the tavern looked like they were dying. Everypony was either chatting or flirting. It was probably safe. Probably.


"My name's Lucky Guess. What's yours?"

Ponysona - Lucky Guess

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Trinity giggled when Solidus asked his question. Oh she could go many routes with her answer, but she'd been asked this question before in many other games. Ponies were always curious about distant lands and what it was like to travel.


"Oh no, I've been very lucky during my travels." Trinity said with a shrug. "My parents taught me how to keep an eye out for trouble so I can avoid it." She was lying of course. She'd come across trouble many times during her travel. She'd just been able to talk her way out of those situations. And the fact was she really didn't have much to steal. Not many bandits were interested in paper and a pencil. Her apples were often taken, but she hid her money well enough that she could always buy more.


Solidus raised his eyebrow and rubbed his chin with his hoof. Well, I know she's too shy to start anything with somepony, and she's too kind and gentle to get in trouble with authorities...he thought. But then the idea of robbery came into mind, but it was quickly thrown away. Who would steal art supplies? he asked himself.


"Alright, I believe you. Surely a cute mare like you doesn't get herself into trouble." He smiled, thinking he was right. 

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Solidus raised his eyebrow and rubbed his chin with his hoof. Well, I know she's too shy to start anything with somepony, and she's too kind and gentle to get in trouble with authorities...he thought. But then the idea of robbery came into mind, but it was quickly thrown away. Who would steal art supplies? he asked himself.


"Alright, I believe you. Surely a cute mare like you doesn't get herself into trouble." He smiled, thinking he was right. 


Trinity blushed brightly. "Y-you think I'm cute?" Sure she'd been called cute before, but in her enebreated state coming from a rather handsome pony, it meant a bit more. She tilted her head down so that her bangs came forward to hide part of her blush.


She pulled her mug of cider over and took a sip from it. After a moment, and a few giggles, she was able to look up at Solidus again. Trinity was still blushing, but she could at least speak. "I've been robbed a couple times. And I've gotten into a fight with a rather rude pony some years back. He was insulting a friend of mine." Other then that she'd done pretty well at not getting into trouble.


"Do you flirt with many mares?" Trinity asked quickly.

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Draco chuckled and said "I know that feeling all to well. When ever my friends come by with their special somepony I always felt out of place. I've survived a fire when I was younger so that's why I have asthma or my mama had it but it passed her and onto me,"


"I never even thought about studying magic when I was a filly," Clover replied. "I liked it, but never really settled down to doing anything much. I got bored at school and Stargazer and I used to skip class sometimes; I'd use my magic to make sure that we never got caught. It was only after we went into the Everfree Forest and found that strange pony town that I got my cutie mark and realised that magic spells were my talent."



"Thanks, it means a lot." Solidus smiled at the kind pony. He was unsure about when they were going to get to repairing the wheel, and thought about going ahead and getting it out of the way. ..But he was having fun, and he hoped that Trinity was too. So he left it alone.


Pripy looked at the new arrival. So many of these ponies seemed to have a better and more interesting story than the one she had told... anyway, she was good at repairs and also at construction, so any time for fixing the wheel would do with her.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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"I never even thought about studying magic when I was a filly," Clover replied. "I liked it, but never really settled down to doing anything much. I got bored at school and Stargazer and I used to skip class sometimes; I'd use my magic to make sure that we never got caught. It was only after we went into the Everfree Forest and found that strange pony town that I got my cutie mark and realised that magic spells were my talent."
"Ponyville? I actually live there heh trust me it's not that bad only when things get crazy that's when I break out my finest bottle of cider. I mean come on seriously who brings an Ursa Freaking Minor to town just to test as unicorn's boastfull nature okay those two were dimwits I'll grant them that but then the 6 element users had to interupt a show. Mind you a magic show with nice pyrotechnics. I swear one of these days I either move to Manehatten or move to Canterlot," Draco ranted. "I'm sorry I'm much more composed than that,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Trinity blushed brightly. "Y-you think I'm cute?" Sure she'd been called cute before, but in her enebreated state coming from a rather handsome pony, it meant a bit more. She tilted her head down so that her bangs came forward to hide part of her blush.


She pulled her mug of cider over and took a sip from it. After a moment, and a few giggles, she was able to look up at Solidus again. Trinity was still blushing, but she could at least speak. "I've been robbed a couple times. And I've gotten into a fight with a rather rude pony some years back. He was insulting a friend of mine." Other then that she'd done pretty well at not getting into trouble.


"Do you flirt with many mares?" Trinity asked quickly.


"Well, your sparkling eyes and the way you try to hide your blush make it kind of impossible to think otherwise." Solidus always did prefer the more shy, modest type.


Solidus was surprised when the mare had told him that she had been in trouble. He wish he had been able to stop the robberies, but there was no way he could prevent them. But hearing she stood up for a friend put out a sense of comfort and trust.


Solidus nodded his head 'no'. "I tend to keep to myself. Plus, I'd rather get to know the mare before I flirt." He had a more serious look than before. Solidus really does keep to himself quite a bit. He only really speaks up if somepony needs his assistance. Other than that, he's kind of just there.


Having not drank anything in a while, he became a bit thirsty. He was debating whether or not to order something. He was thinking just a normal cider. But he never acted on his desire.

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"Well, your sparkling eyes and the way you try to hide your blush make it kind of impossible to think otherwise." Solidus always did prefer the more shy, modest type.


Solidus was surprised when the mare had told him that she had been in trouble. He wish he had been able to stop the robberies, but there was no way he could prevent them. But hearing she stood up for a friend put out a sense of comfort and trust.


Solidus nodded his head 'no'. "I tend to keep to myself. Plus, I'd rather get to know the mare before I flirt." He had a more serious look than before. Solidus really does keep to himself quite a bit. He only really speaks up if somepony needs his assistance. Other than that, he's kind of just there.


Having not drank anything in a while, he became a bit thirsty. He was debating whether or not to order something. He was thinking just a normal cider. But he never acted on his desire.


Trinity felt her blush heat up her cheeks again when he explained why he thought she was cute. It wasn't really something she thought much about. She only really cared about her tail when it came to appearances, that's why she took such good care of her tail. She couldn't remember running into another pony with a tail as long as hers.


"I believe you." Trinity said softly when he answered her question. Solidus really didn't seem like the type to just flirt with any mare. She liked that. It made her feel...special in a way. "You're question."

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Solidus looked down as he thought about his question. Well, not so much the question, as much as the answer. He looked up at Trinity.


"Have you ever had anyone travel with you, or have you been roaming across the land by yourself?" He quickly looked back down. He never felt so nervous or shy before. He almost didn't want to ask it, but if he didn't..he would never know anything about what he was wondering about.

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Solidus looked down as he thought about his question. Well, not so much the question, as much as the answer. He looked up at Trinity.


"Have you ever had anyone travel with you, or have you been roaming across the land by yourself?" He quickly looked back down. He never felt so nervous or shy before. He almost didn't want to ask it, but if he didn't..he would never know anything about what he was wondering about.


Trinity tilted her head at the question. Did he mean did she ever travel with just one person? "I've traveled with many people." She started off slowly. "But when I travel with others, it's always in a group. When I don't, then I am alone." For a gypsy pony, she was rather strange. Most tended to stay with a large group, a family. She'd broken off on her own as soon as she was old enough.


"I've never traveled with just one person." She shifted and tapped her hoof on the table. "Never found the right person to travel with."

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Trinity tilted her head at the question. Did he mean did she ever travel with just one person? "I've traveled with many people." She started off slowly. "But when I travel with others, it's always in a group. When I don't, then I am alone." For a gypsy pony, she was rather strange. Most tended to stay with a large group, a family. She'd broken off on her own as soon as she was old enough.


"I've never traveled with just one person." She shifted and tapped her hoof on the table. "Never found the right person to travel with."


Solidus had a blank face. "If you don't mind me asking..." he started to say, after a moments thought, "why didn't you stay with the others?" Were they just the wrong crowd, or do you prefer being alone? He kept thinking of questions to ask, but he never asked them.


He waved for Lingo to swing by. He decided he wanted that cider after all.

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Solidus had a blank face. "If you don't mind me asking..." he started to say, after a moments thought, "why didn't you stay with the others?" Were they just the wrong crowd, or do you prefer being alone? He kept thinking of questions to ask, but he never asked them.


He waved for Lingo to swing by. He decided he wanted that cider after all.


Trinity knew the game had pretty much ended, it had ended when he had asked if she had ever traveled with anyone. It had ended when she had told the truth rather then jokingly tell a lie.


"Often times they were going one way, and I was going another." She said with a shrug. "They were just...going until they found a place to stop while I...I couldn't." She looked at her cider for a moment, debating on whether or not she should drink some more. She decided against it. She knew her limits.


"And before you ask, I don't know why I can't stop traveling. I guess it's just the gypsy in me." Trinity shrugged it off. She often blamed her art for her traveling, but sometimes it didn't feel that way. Sometimes it felt like she was just searching for something. "It gets lonely when I break off from groups. When it gets too quiet or too lonely I stop at the next town or city and I stay for awhile. Make some new friends or reunite with old ones. Then when the itch in my hooves comes back I either find another group to join up with or I just go."

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"Well, that pretty much answers my question." Solidus smiled at her. "I just wondered what it must be like, traveling all the time. Sounds interesting."


Solidus was not sure what he should say, since he had ended the game. He played the situation off as smoothly as he could by shifting positions a keeping a smile on his face.

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"Well, that pretty much answers my question." Solidus smiled at her. "I just wondered what it must be like, traveling all the time. Sounds interesting."


Solidus was not sure what he should say, since he had ended the game. He played the situation off as smoothly as he could by shifting positions a keeping a smile on his face.


Trinity smiled calmly and nodded. "It can be. But like most things, it's a way of life. Just like settling down and working in a small town your whole life. I suppose if I were to ever try to settle down it would be just as strange to me as traveling all the time would be for another person."


She sighed and shrugged then. Trinity made a few additions in her head and she giggled. "Looks like you won the game. What would you like for a prize?" She left the question open, to see what Solidus would ask for.

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Trinity smiled calmly and nodded. "It can be. But like most things, it's a way of life. Just like settling down and working in a small town your whole life. I suppose if I were to ever try to settle down it would be just as strange to me as traveling all the time would be for another person."


She sighed and shrugged then. Trinity made a few additions in her head and she giggled. "Looks like you won the game. What would you like for a prize?" She left the question open, to see what Solidus would ask for.


Solidus had forgotten that the game had a wager. Unable to remember the score, he assumed her math was right. ..but what could he want? He thought about what all he could actually receive. She's an artist. She couldn't have too much.


He looked at the pen he had taken out earlier. "You have a piece of paper?" He had a big smile on his face. It didn't seem like much, but it's what he really wanted right now.

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Solidus had forgotten that the game had a wager. Unable to remember the score, he assumed her math was right. ..but what could he want? He thought about what all he could actually receive. She's an artist. She couldn't have too much.


He looked at the pen he had taken out earlier. "You have a piece of paper?" He had a big smile on his face. It didn't seem like much, but it's what he really wanted right now.

Trinity tilted her head and nodded. "Yes, back in my wagon." She hopped down out of her seat and giggled when the world decided to spin a little. "I'll be right back!" She said brightly as she happily cantered towards the door.


Once outside she was glad to see that her wagon was exactly where she had left it. She went over and, using her magic, brought out several sheets of paper and her favorite pen.


Her canter was a little wobbly as she made it back into the tavern, but she made it back to the table successfully. "Paper!" She said brightly.

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Trinity tilted her head and nodded. "Yes, back in my wagon." She hopped down out of her seat and giggled when the world decided to spin a little. "I'll be right back!" She said brightly as she happily cantered towards the door.


Once outside she was glad to see that her wagon was exactly where she had left it. She went over and, using her magic, brought out several sheets of paper and her favorite pen.


Her canter was a little wobbly as she made it back into the tavern, but she made it back to the table successfully. "Paper!" She said brightly.


"Perfect! Thank you so much!" He chuckled a bit, then grabbed a piece of paper. Solidus had no idea what was going to appear on the paper, but he grabbed his pen and started drawing. He was extremely amused, and was hoping whatever he was creating would be something great.


He noticed she, too, had a pen. He wondered what she was going to create.

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"Perfect! Thank you so much!" He chuckled a bit, then grabbed a piece of paper. Solidus had no idea what was going to appear on the paper, but he grabbed his pen and started drawing. He was extremely amused, and was hoping whatever he was creating would be something great.


He noticed she, too, had a pen. He wondered what she was going to create.


Trinity waited until Solidus began drawing before she looked down at her own sheet of paper in thought. She tilted her head one way and then another before lightly setting her pen down on the paper. Slowly, one line after another, an image began making itself known to her. As she drew, a small tune started to come to mind and before she realized she was doing it, Trinity was humming softly.


When she was done, she had drawn Solidus's cutie mark. Surrounding it though, on the ground, were small gifts. Trinity thought of them as trinkets left there to thank Solidus for his kindness and his help. He seemed like the kind of pony that was always helping others one way or another. She even smiled and placed a wagon wheel just next to it.


Just as she was finishing her drawing, her hummed song came to an end. Already Trinity was thinking of a story to go along with the song and drawing, but she wouldn't write it down. She didn't always have to write down the stories she thought of.

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