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open The random, slightly insane, fun, happy, sad, romantic Rp (open)


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''Yeah.. I am.'' Splinter said while grinning. After opening the door, a look of shock fell among his face and he froze.

(''What's up?'' Chaser asked while cocking an eyebrow.)

''I think I might know who those guys could have been from last night..'' Splinter said while quickly pulling out a small book that on the cover, read 'Equestria : A History'. He quickly flipped through the pages as he grinned and found a certain page. ''Ah, yes, yes. I think I know who that pegasus was.. A Shadowbolt. Pretty much the opposite of the Wonderbolts. Says here most of them were members of the Wonderbolts who had either been expelled from the Wonderbolts or had quit. What do you think we could be getting into?'' Splinter said while cocking an eyebrow. ''I mean, if he was there.. He definitely wasn't there for no reason, now was he?'' Splinter said while slamming the book shut and putting it back in his saddlebag. ''Oh, there's Splash's house. She's probably awake by now.'' Splinter said with a note of excitement in his voice as he bounced towards the door and banged on it. He realized he had banged and then gently knocked.  

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It had been five minutes and tap lash obviously wasn't home. Splinter started panicking. "Don't worry she's just probably shopping. She'll be fine." Chaser looked through the window and on the hook where her scarf was kept it was gone...but something else was there. The alicorn amulet. " We need to find Splash fast. She doesn't have the amulet on. You go search for her and I'll get the amulet!" Splinter waited. He was about to ask her how she was gonna get inside. Oh yeah. Ninja. He quickly ran off. " He's gone now. You can come out." A white pony with an orange mane jumped out of a tree. "I'm surprised you didn't set the tree on fire!" Chaser said. "I'm not that much of a pyro!" The pony said. "I need to ask you a favor. I have a friend of mine who I need to find ASAP. She's blue and has black and white streaks in her hair. She's also wearing a scarf. Her name is Splash. Meet me back at Sugarcube corner at Noon. I think I've found two new members willing to join us!"


Chaser had the amulet. She snuck in through the chimney and out the window. She felt its energy but she dare not put it on. She wondered how it must of felt. To have that much power. She wasn't a unicorn though so it wouldn't help her at all. It was close to noon and he got to Sugarcube corner. He waited. And waited. And waited but...he didn't show up. I'm sure that he could find her in a crowd like this. It's not even busy! Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.


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Splash pranced happily around the market. She had successfully purchased every idem on her shopping list including Quirk's bed frame.

"Quit hopping. You're making me nauseous," Quirk quipped.

 Splash ignored her and double checked her shopping list. Potatoes, check. Socks, check. Universal hair dryer, crossed off due to lack of one in stock. Nightmare night costume, check. Nightmare night costume for Quirk, check. Bed frame, check. Stationary, oops, must've missed that one. She hopped into the postal office and counted out enough envelopes and paper to last her a month. She bought them quickly and also bought an extra set of quills and ink just in case. As she was leaving, she spotted the crazy pink pony she had seen at the station. The memory startled her so she quickly left. As she passed the fruit stand again, she noticed the strawberries on sale. I have extra time, and those strawberries do look good, so why not? She entered the shop and asked for a bushel of strawberries.

"Uh, lady? Is your horn all right?" the stallion at the stall asked.

Splash quickly dashed over to the mirror shop and peered at her reflection. Black electricity had begun to shudder in the air around her horn as black steam fountained off. Splash panicked. She glanced for the closest escape route from the large crowd. She identified one and speedily took off down it. It led to a dock, further reminding her of the time her fatal accident happened on the dock in Bridle Straps. Her vision began to darken as blackness poured down her face and the electricity spread down her neck.

"Um, Splash? Is something wrong, because your horn is spazzing...creepily..." Quirk remarked.

For Quirk's own safety, Splash bucked her of and took off in the opposite direction of the town, which happened to be the Ever Free Forest. She galloped deep into the forest, until she realized where she was. She screamed as a large animal made up of wood roared from behind her. Her magic had spread like a veil across her entire body and now started to suck in upon itself, preparing to launch. Where's the alicorn amulet? I thought that I put it on this morning! She screeched as the energy began to burn her body. Her horn itched crazily and she took off away from the creature,


       and accidentally back into town....

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Quirk. What are you doing here." Quirk was dashing as fast as he could to Chaser. "OHMYCELESTIASPLASHJUSTGOTMAGICANDSHESBLACKANDSHESSURROUNDEDINITANDSHERANOFFAND-" Chaser interrupted. "Which direction?" Quirk pointed to the center of the town and Chaser quickly flew off with the amulet in hoof.


Everything was blurry. She couldn't see scrap! Splash not only was nearly blind but she was dizzy and a massive migraine. She was running faster than anything but all the other ponies moved of course. "Splash!" Splash couldn't hear her and now she was deaf too. She moved the amulet in front of her. As Chaser tried to put it on something happened. It sorta sparked off. The force around her. It stopped anything from getting in. "DAMN IT!" How was this gonna stop. This isn't good. "Splash I need you to stop." Splash wasn't controlling herself anymore. She was running with no purpose. Who was controlling the running. "Splash if your in there I just need you to try. Just try to get out of there." She stopped running. She was struggling though. "You can do it! Just control. Control your emotions." She tried. The force field slowly evaporated. Started from the horn to her hooves. Chaser put the amulet on Splash. "Phew...that was really close!"


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Splinter had been trotting out of the market with a jug of cider in his hooves. He had heard commotion in the town and had cocked an eyebrow in confusion. ''What could be so exciting in a little old tow-Oh god.. Is that.. IS THAT SPLASH?!'' Splinter thought while jumping, dropping the cider jug. ''I'll clean that up later.'' Splinter said while staring at the pool of cider. He quickly ran towards the forest, and tugged Chaser rather violently as soon has he found where it had happened. ''Sorry, but what in Nightmare Moon happened here?!?'' Splinter exclaimed while looking at Splash. A wide look of worry appearing on his face. ''I mean, I've seen messed up shi*.. But how could this even happen? I thought the amulet..'' Splinter said before being cut off by a loud gasp of his. ''That's it! The amulet! Splash couldn't have done that without a corrupted amulet!'' Splinter said while his ears went bright red with anger. ''Yeah.. Safe.'' He muttered as he sat down next to Splash. ''Are you okay? Do you think she's okay?'' Splinter asked while turning his head back to Chaser and.. A new pony. ''Um.. Who's that?'' Splinter asked while cocking an eyebrow with a note curiosity in his voice.

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Splash staggered. Everything was clouded, even with the amulet on. She could barely see, much less think straight. Her tongue felt like play-doh and her head throbbed. And she kept seeing things that weren't there. A chimera danced crazily behind a pony who looked a lot like Splinter, but was wearing a top-hat. Bananas rained from the sky around a pony who looked like Chaser and another strange pony. A flock of parasprites slowly consumed a nearby apple the size of a house.

   Her deceased boyfriend stared snottily down his nose at her while her brother and his girlfriend laughed meanly at her from behind.

"Joy? Thresh? Allissa? What's going on? What's with the m&ms?" Splash slurred.

Her vision kept flipping on and off. A strange alicorn was fighting a shapeless cloud of blackness high above her in the sky.

"Hey, hey you!" she yelled at them. They stopped and stared down at her. "Why are you fighting?" she screamed.

The alicorn drifted down and perched on a tree. The blob of matter dripped off of the invisible perch it was on. It landed beside Splash.

"We are the two opposing forces inside you. We must fight, or the other will win," they said simultaneously.

"We don't you just become one so that I don't have all the side effects of ya'lls 'battles," Splash said.

The alicorn glanced at the blob.

"It might be worth a try," they said together.

The alicorn flew into the air and the blob hopped. They hit each other and after a brief flash of gentle light, a black alicorn emerged.

"Thank you," it said in both the blob and the alicorn's voices. "We will now reside in you peacefully, or until one disagrees with the other."

Everything began to fade.

"Are you okay?" the pony who looked like Splinter asked.

The black alicorn flew into the air, picked up speed, turned around and sped horn first into Splash, who passed out for the second time in front of her friends.

((Only Splash can see her illusions, such as the alicorn. Every one witnessed her talking to the air.))

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Again! Ugh. Okay I don't think a hospital will help her." She picked up the unconscious unicorn. "This is Flaming Ash. He's part of the protectors. Just call him Ash okay?" Splinter nodded. "How are we gonna get to canterlot without a unicorn?" Ash asked. Just then Quirk, who had not been noticed, had a very loud sneeze. There was a letter. The dragon opened it and read it.


Dear Splash and friends.


We have written this letter in great haste because of a bad event. We have been experimenting with potions recently and We have found a breakthrough. A potion that releases the mental form of evil into a physical form. We know how to make it however We may have accidentally released the evil from Us. Nightmare moon is to return very soon. The lab is in the royal side of the castle which normal ponies cannot enter. We have encased a seal in this letter that will grant you access. Our notes will be inside. We have locked ourselves in a dungeon to stall time for nightmare moon when she comes. Be prepared at every single moment.


-Princess Luna


"That's it. How are we gonna get to canterlot though?" This time Quirk burped out a package. It came with a note.


Inside this package are some potions that we have developed. It allows non-unicorn ponies to teleport. It is only a one time use though so use it wisely. Inside the pack were five potions. "Okay you ready?" Surprisingly everypony was packed with what they needed. "Let's save Splash!" Each one of them drank the potion. It literally tasted like dirt. And...metal. Whatever it was it didn't taste good. "How do we use it?" Asked splinter. "Consentrate. Think about the front of canterlot castle. Think about how it looks. Close your eyes and picture yourselves there. Now open." They were there. All of them. Even Splash. "Now we need to find the lab"


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Even in her unconscious state, Splash could feel the strange sensation of being magically transported by potion. She dreamed of her old art teacher who had been showing her how to paint with different shades of black to shade.

"This is an easy technique," her teacher said, "Just remember to always listen to whatever feels right in a picture. Let me show you something else."

Her teacher began a highly detailed picture of an alicorn. She shaded it and as soon as she had finished, the alicorn sprang from the page into full height. It was the black alicorn from earlier.

"Splash, my dear, we are the Dark Amulet. We are the combination of Black Magic and the Alicorn of the Great Alicorn Amulet. You have helped us, so in return, we must help you," the alicorn said in two voices without moving her mouth.

She began her tale: "The Alicorn of the Great Alicorn Amulet was once a normal unicorn like you. She made friends easily and also tried her hardest to protect her village. Her role model was Celestia and she dreamed of joining her in Canterlot. One day, she got her wish. Celestia came to her village just as a changeling swarm attacked. The unicorn saved Celestia by distracting the changelings and freeing her princess. In return, the far too generous princess sculpted her into an alicorn princess over nature. She loved her subjects and fulfilled all of her duties. But one fateful day, she was strolling through her favorite forest when she was approached by a mysterious pony who offered her power beyond Celestia or Luna. Greedily, the alicorn accepted. Her normal magic was traded for Dark Magic. She became the Alicorn of Darkness instead of nature. She attempted to overthrow Celestia, but in a last attempt to save her kingdom, Celestia locked her inside an amulet with a curse that anypony that should wear the amulet would become corrupted and only that pony could remove the amulet. Before the alicorn had completely disappeared into the amulet, she laid a curse on Celestia herself. The next pony that caused Celestia to lose her temper would be cursed with a horrible black magic that would be inherited through blood, for Celestia had a bad temper then. Celestia tried in vain to remove that curse. She was forced to learn patience and control. One day, a unicorn, your grandmother, angered Celestia when Celestia grew tired. That unicorn was cursed, and now you have inherited that magic. You must learn control as you have learned to bring together the alicorn and the part of herself she lost when she laid that curse. You must learn....."

the alicorn slowly faded as Splash's consciousness returned.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"But she even said in this letter that theres a lab!" The guards were being a royal pain. "Look if I can prove to you that if we don't get to this lab then bad things will happen." Still the guards refused. Splash started to open her eyes and return to consciousness. She rose to the five ponies before them. "What did I miss?"


They hurried in and searched throughout the castle. They found the library, the display room, the basement, but no lab. "Hey look! The lab." After what seemed like an hour they found it. "Books, potions, potions, more books, a wierd looking herb, potions, potions and potions. Lets get to work! Wait she said that she made a breakthrough. There aren't any notebooks here or notes or Anything! A little wierd. Where do we start?"


Finally! We're back! Nightmare moon is finally here! Move over Luna, there's a new alicorn in town! She summoned her orb. Her all seeing orb. Ponies very powerful and wise have these. They can see anypony...at any moment...anywhere! "What's this?" She said aloud. She saw them travelling through the hallway. "Time to make a fake! She laughed hysterically.


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Splash felt dizzy. Five ponies? I could've sworn there were only two...Splinter and Chaser. Where are these other ponies coming from and who are they? They trotted down a grand hallway.

"Hold on a sec. Where are we? Why does everything happen while I'm unconscious? And who are these other ponies? I only know two of you! Where did we pic ya'll up?" Splash inquired.

Just then, a tremor shook the ground.

"That wasn't me, I promise. I ate breakfast. A big one, that is. Where's Quirk?" Splash said.

Suddenly, everything came back to her again. She remembered the alicorn and bucking Quick as she sped into the strange woods. Why the heck do I get all the bad luck? Why doesn't anypony ask about anything? I just wish I had somepony to talk to about this...tendrils of smoke fluttered past the other ponies.

"Wait, is this..THE ROYAL CASTLE IN CANTERLOT? HOW IN EQUESTRIA DID WE GET HERE? THE PRINCESS TOLD ME TO STAY AWAY FROM HERE! Oh, wait. I forgot that I have the alicorn amulet. Well, that's not exactly reliable. Wasn't Princess Luna in Ponyville? Why aren't we talking to her if we needed something?" Splash panicked.

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Splashes vision returned to normal. She saw three ponies. Cloud chaser and Splinter of course but the third one... "He's Flaming Ash." Chaser said. "Did you just read my.......never mind" After about fifteen minutes of chit-chat and searching nothing was found. Not a single note... Flaming Ash saw Quirk standing by himself. "Wassup?" Flaming ash asked quietly. He was silent. "Anything wrong?" Quirk was a little worried. "I don't think is the lab." Everypony heard him and got a little confused. "When I hatched I hatched by myself. Most dragons need to be hatched by magic but me...I'm different. Since nopony had hatched me I lived in the castle. Both of the princesses used the lab and I assisted them and helped them. That was of course before I was assigned to you Splash. But this isn't the lab they used..." Everypony grew silent. "I'm gonna try something! This spell will lift off any illusion magic around the area." Her horn glowed her normal color for once. She didn't need to use most off her magic because this spell was simple. Just a detect spell. The walls and shelves of the room started to glow and in an instant. Poof! The whole room was gone. They were in an old dusty room with no purpose. "Damn it!" Chaser yelled. "I think nightmare moon is here. She's not out of her cage yet though. We really need to hurry. Lets go!" They left the old musty room and into the royal hallway. They quickly galloped through the hallway. "It's here!" Yelled Quirk. The room was clearly label Lab. They went through the door. This was definitely the real lab. This lab was pimped out with new technology and electronics for studying. Behind it was an armory. Ash found a note. He read it aloud to everypony.


Hello Splash and friends. Welcome to the lab. Our progress is on the second table from the left in the third column. The armory is full of weapons...only use them in the worst conditions. I hope you will be able to cure the curse and save equestria from us. Well the evil version of us. Good luck!


Splinter and Splash ran towards the table. No research was there. "You sure it's here?" Splinter asked. "Yep. Second table from the left in the third column." It was too late. Nightmare moon had stolen it. While all this happened Chaser was too busy in the armory. The armory was full of weapons! Katanas, wing blades, and a crossbow! Equestria has no use for electricity and weapons since magic exists. They also prefer trains to cars for obvious reasons (hooves) and haven't needed weapons since the Great War. They existed for only non-unicorn ponies. She was amazed. Astounded. She heard some commotion in the room behind her. "Hey what's going on in here?" She asked. "We're too late" Splash said. "What do you mean. She hasn't escaped yet! Look at the Sky!" Splash interrupted. "She stole the cure."


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Splash gasped.

"What the heck is going on? Can anypony explain this please? And where did we pick up Flaming Ash? And what's with Nightmare moon?" Splash asked.

Quirk cleared her throat.

"What is going on is that you were knocked out by your magical spell and missed a whole bunch of stuff!" Quirk yelled.

"Well, while I wasout, I happened to be visited by the two conflicting forces inside of me! I shouldn't have many more issues with my magic now. And I also recieved a brief history of alicorn darkness," Splash smirked.

Quirk's face twisted into a grimace. She suddenly belched a small note addressed to Splash. Splash collected it with a glare at Quirk.

       Splash and gang,

           My name is Bristol. I am an ally. I, too, have been informed of the recent catastrophy as well as learned a lot about magic. I think I can help you. My brother, Chalice, would like to help as well. Please meet us in the throne room.


The note was signed with a royal blue and silver flower.

"Um, guys? I think you should take a look at this..." Splash mumbled.

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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''Chalice and Bristol, eh? Those are some pretty humorous names. And my name is Splinter!'' He said while holding back a loud laugh. ''But, while we're still here, this seems like a pretty good idea. I've always seemed like the coward of the team. But wait until the coward gets a hold of some of these things!'' Splinter said while trotting into the armory and putting two Katanas in his saddlebag along with wing blades and a loaded crossbow. ''Now, all I need left is a bad ass looking bandanna to wear!'' Splinter said before his eyes shined with shock and happiness. ''Sweetzerz!'' Splinter said while pulling a red bandanna off the wall of the wall of the armory. ''Oh, and while we're still here.. Can I get some hay fries, a diet coke, and a leaf burger to go?'' Splinter asked while a curious smirk appeared on his face. Minutes later, he had finished his meal. ''Hey, *mmph* wait up *mmph* guys!'' Splinter muffled while trailing behind Splash, Chaser, Quirk, and Flaming Ash. Certainly the most unusual team to ever be known at this moment in time.

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Splash stiffled a giggle.

"Any blue bandanas in there? Might as well need a banana and a bonanza and a couple other similar things in words while your at it," she said.

She grabbed a horn saber and strapped it to her horn. It felt odd and heavy but added a sense of power to her stance. She smiled when she found some black paint. She wiped two streaks on each of her cheeks. She stumbled over a strange box which turned out to contain black ninja-like outfits. She quickly pulled one on. It fit perfectly, considering that it was one-size-fits-all.

"Hey, ya'll! Check these out! Now I look like Chaser and Ash! Being a ninja must be cool!" Splash giggled playfully. "We should all get suited up in case of attack. We don't know who either of these ponies are that we're supposed to meet. What if it's a trap?"

Quick rolled her eyes and grabbed a small dagger and belt (complete with a sheath), a small bow and quiver of arrow, and a blue marker. She strapped all them on and hopped up onto Splash's back. Splash put on a couple more weapons and some intimidating decorations.

"All set!" she said.

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Flaming Ash didn't grab anything. Splinter wondered why. "Arent you gonna. Get something" He asked. "Well I don't really need weapons right now. This is why." Ash lofted his hoof up to his face and a small spark of fire came from his hoof. "Whoa! How'd you do that?" "Oh I was sorta born with this. Cool huh?" Splinter nodded. "Whoever these other ponies are I'm sure we should be able to handle them. I reckon once we meet them we can come back here and then Ash and I can teach you how to use some of these weapons. These can be very dangerous if you don't know how to use them properly. Lets go." They finally left the armory and into a grand hall. "Should we tell them?" Ash asked quietly. "Not now. We must tell them after we defeat Her." The other ponies seemed confused. "What about you? Are you gonna tell them?" Asked Ash. "Tell who what?" Asked splinter. "It's........hard to explain. We don't have time enough now but once we defeat Nightmare Moon everything will be explained." Splinter and Luna still seemed confused but they trusted Chaser and ignored it. "Eventually I will show them. But for now it's best that I'm like this." After about five more minutes of walking they reaching a door with a golden panel around it. "I think this is it!" Ash said. "Mares first!!" Ash said as he opened the door for Splash and Quirk.


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''Jeez, Splash looks so hot in a ninja outfit.'' Splinter said while his eyes widened. (''What was that?!'' Chaser, Quirk, and Ash all said in perfect harmony.) ''Erm.. Nothing!'' Splinter said while blushing and rolling his eyes nervously. ''Anyways, lets keep moving and try to find that little.. Well, insanely tall phony of a Nightmare Moon!'' Splinter exclaimed while trotting out the door and noticing Luna looked a tad bit offended. ''Er, no offense.. Of course. Princess of the night.'' Splinter said while kneeling for a split second and getting back up. ''So, if any of us were Nightmare Moon (DUN DUN DUNN), where would we put a cure that I have no idea about?'' Splinter asked while cocking an eyebrow. ''Ooo! I know! She would probably be in the most active part of town causing all sorts of crazy and destructive havoc to destroy the city!'' Splinter said while raising both fronts hooves into the air, and short fell on his face afterwards. ''I'm okay, folks! It's all part of the show!'' Splinter said while getting up and spitting out a few teeth. ''I totally didn't mean to do that.''

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Splash blushed.  Quirk rolled her eyes.

"If I were Nightmare Moon, I'd keep it with me at all times. That way, it'd be harder to lose. I'm hungry," Quick declared.

Now it was Splash's turn to roll her eyes. She pulled a package of m&ms out of her saddle bag that she'd previously bought at the market. She offerd some to Quick first and then the other ponies. She munched a couple herself and thought about her current situation. Suddenly, she spewed m&ms everywhere.

"Hold the phone, did ya'll say....Nightmare Moon? Um, are we looking for her? 'Cause I can find her anywhere...it's all in the black magic," she said. She tenderly removed the alicorn amulet (the other ponies gulped nervously) and fired up her magic. The second it started, a blue wisp whipped around the corner and stole the amulet.

"Hey! I need that!" she shouted at it. She took off and chased it down many long hallways, leaving her friends behind. She twisted around many turns before running square into a dark room. By then, her magic had shut itself off due to lack of use. The door slammed behind her and a black alicorn stepped out of the shadows.

"Hello, deary. Long time no see," Nightmare Moon smirked.

  Splash gulped. A tendril of Nightmare's hair slid towards her and lashed her across the face. Splash fell into a corner but scrambled up quickly. Her eyes slowly changed to black, giving her a no-iris look to her eyes. Her eyes narrowed as her will became Nightmare's.

"What may I do to serve you, your Majesty?" Dark Splash asked.

Nightmare Moon laughed.

 "Get rid of those foals you were traveling with."

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I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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''BLARGLE! KILL IT WITH FIRE!'' Splinter said while slapping Ash. ''Oh, sorry. Overreacted.'' Splinter said while rolling his eyes and readying his bow and arrow. ''Come on, we might be able to find what had happened to he- Holy guacamole, do you guys hear that?'' Splinter said while hearing a few voices in the distance..

"What may I do to serve you, your Majesty?"

 "Get rid of those foals you were traveling with."

Splinter clenched his hoof as he went red with anger. ''THAT.. THAT LYING, STRANGELY ATTRACTIVE, CUTE, LITTLE DOUBLE AGENT!'' Splinter said while his red went even brighter with more anger appearing on his face. ''I swear to all that is holy, I'm going to kill, and display their skulls on a bookshelf.'' Splinter said while looking at Quirk, Ash, and Chaser. ''What? Just expressing my feelings. Now, on my go, we stay out here and wait for those.. No good evil doers, in a way. And as soon as they walk out of this hallway, give em' all living moon.'' Splinter said while tossing Quirk a katana. ''Might need this.'' Splinter said while rolling his eyes. ''What if it was possession? I guess I'll never know if I don't find out.'' Splinter thought while readying a bow and arrow.

((Overreacting OC's FTW))

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Flarony flies across the sky looking for the magic pony that will help Flarony find his way back to Ponyland, while Flarony is searching for days and days, Flarony finally says: "I can't do this anymore" I will never find my way back to Ponyland, but one day the magical and mystical magic pony who looked just like Flarony, flying through the sky magestically. Flarony flew up and approached the magic pony and said "Sister, is that you?" the magical pony responded

"Flarony, there is a hope, but when this journey has completed, I will not be able to see you again."

"Why sister, why? I have been searching for you for years and years, and now I have finally found you"

"Flarony, it is my mission to guide everypony through these parts, back to Ponyland."

The two rare magicial ponies started on their way, they were nervous because they were in the danger of the Dark Ponies that went around in these parts, not only was there evil ponies, but there was other dangerous creatures that they needed to worry about.

"We are almost there" said Flarony's SIster.

"Yay!" said Flarony.

As they approached Ponyland, Flarony's Sister disapeared without a goodbye. It was sad, but Flarony went back to his little house in Ponyland, and went to sleep. He did not sleep at all during his long journey of being lost, so he was very tired. As he fell asleep he thought about his sister, and suddenly remembered her name "Bronette" that's her name.

"She left when we were little" he whispered to himself and went into a deep sleep.

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"Hold up! It doesn't matter if she's possessed. If you kill her she's dead either way. We need her to defeat nightmare moon." Splinter ignored Chaser. "We'll that's too bad." He let loose the arrow just as it was about to hit Splash who was slowly walking towards the group She deflected it with a shield. Splash started walking faster. "Damn it! She can still use good magic." Splash then materialized a spear and threw at flaming ash. He quickly jumped and dodged it. "We need to get that amulet fast! Ash you stay here and deal with Splash and Ill get nightmare Moon." Just again Splash materialized another spear with her magic and threw it at chaser who had just taken off. Luckily Chaser missed.


Nightmare moon was only a few meters away from Chaser. She was pretty fast. Eventually Chaser caught up but Nightmare Moon transformed into her dust form. "You think you can defeat me! Your just a mere Pegasus. Sure your a protector but a few swords and some magic isn't enough to stop me." Chaser smirked. "You don't recognize me yet?" Nightmare Moon rematerialized her horn glowed and an aura surrounded Chaser. All of a sudden Chaser started transforming. Her hair became Spiked and was in a sort of Jagged pattern of yellow and orange. Her coat became Orange and her eyes became a deep light blue. "How about now?"


 Music Blog - Pastebin (Under Construction)

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Splash's magic giggled playfully as it finally grasped control of the form it had for so long fought to obtain. Now, it had been granted such and it enjoyed it. It coated its new form in a glossy armor. It levitated itself and began hurling energy in all directions. It'd do anything for its master. It had given it what it wanted. It threw lightning towards columns which collapsed into dust. It wanted to show its power and have its master realize its full potential. It also wanted revenge on the pony who had held it in for so long. It needed to destroy everything she had loved. It began a Transformation. It kneaded the body it possessed into a lot more powerful and intimidating creature. A dragon would not suffice; it held no magical potential. It twisted into many forms before finally settling for a dark red alicorn with a fiery mane and fiery hooves. Even fire lit its horn. It screamed in pleasure and grew to massive heights. Then, it identified its targets:

 Target #1. That obnoxious stallion Splinter whom Splash had felt attraction to. Definately primary target.

 Target #2. The tiny but seemingly powerful pony that had just Transformed itself that threatened its master.

 Target #3. Everypony else that her master hated.

The magic Transformed its massive coat so that it changed constantly from dark color to dark color so that it'd match its surroundings. It became practically invisible. It cast a Hold and Still curse on Splinter which froze him in whichever position he was in and slowly tortured him by showing him false and disturbing realities that were actually possible but unlikely. It threw a Nehtihng spell at the intimidating pony that held her fast to the ground. Nightmare Moon, the only pony that could see the enormous alicorn, smiled happily up at it. It felt so joyful to have pleased its master so much. It cast more Nehtihng spells at Splash's comerades before turning to take care of the rest of the world. It stepped outside the castle and set one of its gargantuan hooves on the earth. It repeated that action again with its other hooves. The transaction was slow because it was not used to the size of its new body. It gathered a tiny amount of itself and began charging a powerful beam of dark energy inside its mouth. It opened its mouth and obliterated a nearby village ((not ponyville)) with the laser. It cackled again and began to repeat.


((note: its hard for the magic to move and it has the tendency to repeat itself. USE THAT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE!))

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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''You're ugly, you're fat, and you're not funny!'' A group of pegasai cackled as they all pointed at a rather plump and twisted face Splinter. 

''Okay, now this is just disgusting.. And totally creepy!'' Splinter thought while a tear rolled down his eye staring at his insanely unattractive counterpart. ''Oh no, not another one!'' Splinter thought while another dreading fantasy appeared. It was Splash. ''Okay, I kinda had this coming.''

''Fool! You think I would ever help such a group of stupid scumbags? My loyalty belongs with Nightmare Moon and the darkness of the night!'' Splash said while pulling out a knife.

''You don't have to do this!'' Splinter screamed while struggling to get out of the trap Splash had put him in. 

''Traps? Meh, as long as I don't get cut u- Awww, they did it.'' Splinter thought while sticking out his tongue in disgust and suddenly feeling the pain of the knife. ''Yowch! Son of a sally!'' Splinter thought while wishing he could check down for any effect. ''I really hope someone does a charm or something to get me out of this.'' 

((Just keeping him in the curse for another post to add a bit of humor. :3))

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The new transformed Chaser heard a giant crash behind her. It was Splash. She had to choose. Stop Splash or Chase Nightmare moon. "I Will be back for you. I will get you." Chaser flew off towards the others. She freed the others from Splashes spell. "What the hell do we do now?" Splinter asked. "Well...we fight fire with fire." Ash winked at the new Chaser. He obviously knew and Splinter knew who she was but now why she transformed like this. They dashed outside. "Splinter! I need you to take this." Chaser took something out of her saddlebag. It was a book. "Whatever you do don't let any pony but you have this. Only use this when we are in deep trouble. Ok?" Splinter nodded even though he had no idea what it was. Chaser flew at lightning speed to this Alicorn. She could see the Alicorn. (Remember at the start of the story? Chaser can see dark magic!) The Alicorn dodged Chaser easily. Ash threw a firebolt at the Evil Alicorn. It morphed into her mane. "Damn it! We need to get the others!" Ash called. "No time!" The Alicorn remembered her first target. Splinter. Splinter looked out the castle to see the Alicorn. It was slowly approaching him. "Read from it! Read from the book" It wasn't yelling that Splinter heard but a whisper. He didn't have time to look to who it was so he quickly opened the book. "Tis I call upon the sens of time, to stop time until I reach my destiny. Guide me through this moment and through a time of life. So mote it be!" Just as the Alicorn reached him everything stopped. Evil Splash stopped, The flames of the torches stopped. Time had stopped! "Hello?" Splinter yelled. "Anypony?" Of course Nopony answered. Time was frozen. "Now what?" He said. He heard a voice behind him. "Welcome to Time-Space"


 Music Blog - Pastebin (Under Construction)

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The alicorn huffed as the other ponies tried to stop it.

"Pathetis, you foals! Taste some of your own medicine!" It screamed as black flames lept towards its attackers. then, it felt it. A powerful spell was beginning. It identified the source as Splinter and lunched into a punce. Just as it reached him, it entered a Time as Ice dimension alongside most of the other ponies. It wished it could scowl. That would totally add to its evil personality. It was a bit new at being awfully evil, but it was starting to get the hang of it.

Quinky Bolts, a pegasus stallion, felt the Time as Ice coming. He created a shield against the magic with the electrons floating in the air around him. An electric forcefield defelected the magic and allowed himn to enter Time Space with the caster, whoever it was. He fluttered into the air, surrounded by his electrical protection. He flew right up and perched right on the nose of the enormous alicorn that he had been trying to avoid. He felt the aura for a moment before recognizing it.

"Oh, Splash. Not again. Why does this seem to happen?" he said to the frozen alicorn. He felt along the base of the skull before finding the nerve that led directly to the brain. He sent a twist of his own arua down the nerve.

"Now you have a fighting chance. But while your frozen like this, I would like to read some of your future," he said to himself.

He pressed a hoof firmly against the alicorn's skin above the nerve and pulled up some future history. The images floated around him.

"Getting out of this....saving Celestia...with friends? That's different...abduction directly afterwords...hmmmmm...by changelings? Well, we can't have that now. I should intervene. Changelings harnessing the power...destroying Equestria....I don't think I like that," he said to himself as he examined the images. He pushed them back into the alicorn and turned to scan his surroundings. He saw another one of Splash's dark signatures. And the caster. He fluttered down next to him. Another pony stood behind him.

"Interesting. You've been Marked. You should learn how to use that. I'm Quinky. Quinky Bolts. I specialize in magical disorders and special cases. You've recieved a touch of black magic. Seems like there's a ton of power lingering in the air. FYI, try stopping that alicorn by yourself and you're doomed. You've gotta stop that with the magic within yourself. I trust you'll find a way. Ah, I see a couple of old friends. Hello Chaser. Hello Ash. Don't try to hit the alicorn with any element. Use its opposite, light. And try to include this young stallion here!" he hollered to the ponies without the room.

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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''Who, what, where, why, and when?'' Splinter muttered as his eyes widened and a face of simple confusion appeared on his face. ''So, you ponies are telling me that Splash is only possessed by dark magic?'' Splinter said while raising his eyebrows. ''And I was going to put her skull on a bookshelf..'' Splinter said while sighing. (''You were?'' Quinky Bolts asked with a look of fear.) ''Yeah, I was. Now, how can I unfreeze my friends without unfreezing Ms. Exorcism here?'' Splinter asked while tapping Chaser on the mane and cocking an eyebrow. ''I, for one, want to unfreeze everypony as soon as possible. If people stay still for too long, I start taunting them. And I reaally don't want to taunt Ash or Chaser. Those ninjas can do some serious damage.'' Splinter said with a tone of fear while shivering. ''And what can I do? I'm not magic.. I survived the hospital bed, and all I got were this lousy wings!'' Splinter said while his wings flung up and he shrugged. ''Besides, even if I could do magic.. I'd be a scrub. Scrubs are ponies who.. Erm. Aren't very good with magic.''

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