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open Wonderbolt's Academy Always open!


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The wind blows, Your heart pounding, Wonderbolt's academy here I come! You got excepted into the academy after training night and day!  You fly up onto the cloud were the academy is and walked in to the building that say's registration. The pony sitting at the front desk see's you and say's "Welcome.. Oh wait! You must be our new student! Here's your dorm room number and key!" She passes you a number and a key. You take it a walk away into your new life as A Wonderbolt Student!




Keep swearing at a low level.

Please look at our sign up page first! Link : http://mlpforums.com/topic/42564-wonderbolt-academy-looking-for-people/

Please don't hurt other Pony's or colts without the user's permission!

You must say Chocolate rain in any part of the sign up sheet!

And Have lot's of fun!



6:00 AM : Wake up and shower

6:30 AM : Breakfast

7:00 AM : Warm ups

8:00 AM : Training in groups

9:15 AM : Wing workout's

10:00 AM : Water lifting and weather control course

12:00 PM : Lunch

12:30 PM : Speed course

1:00 PM : Cloud clearing course

2:30 PM : Wing speed test

3:00 PM : Dizzatron 3000 test

5:00 PM : Capture the flag

5:30 PM : Flying course

6:00 PM : Warm downs

7:00 PM : Dinner

8:00 PM : Shower

8:30 PM : Lights out


Coaches :

Captian Spitfire Played by: RainbowDash1013

Coach Soarin'

Coach Blaze

Coach Rainbow Dash Played by : Lillian



Oliveflame Played by : RainbowDash1013

Ashwing Palyed by : Rolle

SkyBlaze played by : Sky Blaze

Featherwhirl Played by : Lilymalady123

Daffodil  played by : Soulessduck

Orange Lightning Played by : Vedana Purity

Stratos Played by : Lightning Dust

Moondust Played by : Snowdrop  (Temp : Soulessduck)

Musix Note Played by : Musix

Jot Played by : Morethanicecream


Sign up sheet:


Eye color:


Coat :




Have fun!


Edited by RainbowDash1013


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Stratos - filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness - trotted down the wing of the dorm hall, his back satchel bobbing with each step.

"Let's see...room 251."

"247...249...here we go, 251!"

Stratos slid the key into the lock and promptly opened the door. His roommate had not arrived yet. The room was plain - bunk beds, two dressers, and two desks...but it would be sufficient for getting through the academy. With little to unpack, he simply left his satchel on the bed and left again, trotting back outside the dorm to see what he could see of the academy grounds before orientation would begin. He took a moment to meditate while trotting the open parts of the airfield.


He still couldn't believe that he had been given this opportunity...a chance to train with the Wonderbolts and possibly join their ranks. Most pegasi have such fantasies, but few have the opportunity to possibly live them out. He took a moment to daydream...a Wonderbolt jumpsuit suddenly enveloped his frame, his dark body suddenly transformed into a brilliant light blue decorated with lightning bolts. He liked what he saw.


"Mmmmmm," Stratos murmured with a twinge of satisfaction, as the suit faded and his mind settled back into reality.


He slowly trotted back toward where the other recruits were gathering.

Edited by StratoPegasus


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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Oliveflame trotted beside Spitfire. Spitfire was her sister and she had asked Oliveflame to join. She dreamed of being a wonderbolt! She had become lead pony right away becuase she was amazing. She has a special move called Black Blaze. It's like the sonic rainboom or the Golden bomb (Spitfires move) She idolize's Rainbow and Spitfire. She had learned to fly when Spitfire joined the wonderbolt's. She and her sister are 5 years apart in age. Her training had left her almost as good as her sister. She looked around and saw somthing.Her eyes set on the new stallion in camp. Stratos. Her heart quickned and she liked how he looked. He had a perfect head and body. His wings nice and strong. But her mind yelled "No! You can't fall in love! Being a wonderbolt is more importent!" she thought. She walked up fixed her long golden mane and smiled saying "Hi! You must be Stratos the new trianie! I'm Oliveflame a lead pony who has Spitfire for a big sister!" She flexed her wings and starred into his big amber eyes.


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Daffodil finally saw the academy, as she swooped down she saw some ponies she assumed were recruits gathering. She landed next to the dorm door, and headed down the hallway, she was greeted by the desk pony, and was given a room key, an informative paper of some sort, and a small rulebook. She looked at her paper, then looked at Scraet. "Room two forty 2even, ugh, really, it2 an odd number." She murmured to him. She continued down the hallway until she got to her room. She opened the door and walked inside. "Ye2! Bunkbed2!" she said excitedly, instantly claiming the top bunk for herself. She proceeded to place Scraets perch. "Hope my roommate doe2n't mind the bottom bunk." She said, slightly nervous, she only wanted to make friends here, no enemies. She unpacked the rest of her stuff from her saddlebags. She wondered if she should go to see the other recruits, she recalled seeing at least two. She decided she might as well try and make some friends. "C'mon 2craet, hop on." Scraet hopped onto her shoulder and she left the room and went back down the hallway to where she saw the other recruits. She trotted towards them and stopped, was that THE Spitfire? Her IDOL? IN THE FLESH?! Daffodil started to tremble, No, you must seem strong, no trembling in front of Spitfire, just, act confident, and go introduce yourself. Daffodil walked over to Spitfire. "H-hi, I'm Daffodil, and I'm new here, um, it2 a plea2ure to meet you!" she said smiling. Ugh stupid, stupid! Now shes going to think I'm some imbecile! she thought to herself.

Edited by soullessduck

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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(It's okay if I share with Daffodil, right? I can always change it if not.)

Moon Dust looked up from her map and she was amazed. The academy was bigger than she had expected, and cooler! As she flew towards the reception, she looked around in awe. She couldn't wait to start training!

She landed outside the reception, then walked inside. She was welcomed by the receptionist, and given her room number and key. Moon Dust counted all of the room numbers until she reached her room, number 247.

"Here we are." She murmured to herself as she unlocked the door. When she got inside, she was slightly disappointed, as the room was so plain. She noticed that her roommate must have already arrived, as there was already their stuff in the room.

Moon Dust shrugged off her saddlebag onto the bottom bunk, without bothering to unpack, as she figured she could just do that later. She looked out of the window, and saw that the other trainees were already gathering with the leader of the Wonderbolts, Spitfire. Moon Dust hurried outside, eager to meet the others and start training.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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(OOC: @Snowdrop Yes it is perfectly fine for Moon Dust to share a room with Daffodil :3)

Daffodil looked up at Spitfire and realized that she must have been talking too quietly because Spitfire hadn't seemed to have noticed her. Daffodil, slightly disapointed turned back towards the other recruits. She saw the two recruits she saw earlier. As she looked closer at the girl pegasus she realized that it wasn't just any random recruit, it was Spitfire's little sister Oliveflame! Daffodil decided she would wait a little longer to introduce herself to her. As she turned around to go back to the dorms she noticed a girl pegasus trotting over. Daffodil looked the recruit over, She was a light purple color that Daffodil really liked, and Oh! she thought, a star gazing cutie mark! Daffodil decided she looked like a nice pony, so she decided she would introduce herself. She walked over to the pegasus. "Um, hi there, my name i2 Daffodil, um, what i2 your name?" She asked sounding a lot less confident then she had hoped she would.

Edited by soullessduck

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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"Oh, hey Daffodil, I'm Moon Dust, nice to meet you," She replied, "Are you new here too?"

She looked this pony up and down as she spoke, seeing what she looked like and trying to figure out what her cutie mark meant. Seems pretty nice, although her cutie mark is a bit confusing. she thought to herself.

"Which dorm number are you staying in? I'm in 247 and I know my roommate has arrived, but I don't know who he or she is," She said, "So... Wanna have a look 'round this place with me? I'm trying to make new friends here, but I don't really like crowds of people, so I figured I could introduce myself to individual ponies..." She blabbed on, not sure of what else to say in this situation, but wanting to make friends with this pegasus.

"Where do you come from? I lived on the ground in a place called Ponyville when I was a filly, but now I live in Cloudsdale, which is pretty much above Ponyville, so I'm not too far away from the rest of the family." She kept talking, practically telling Daffodil her life story. She wished she could stop, but by now it was too late and she kept on talking. She stopped herself after a while and grinned awkwardly.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Oliveflame snickered as she saw the newbies talk. She shot up like a bullet and went high above the academy. She dived down and her eyes started to water. She didn't need much strength to do this move. BOOM!!! She had preformed the Black Blaze.



Spitfire rolled her eyes and yelled "STOP SHOWING OFF!"


Oliveflame landed beside Moon Dust and Daffodile and smiled "Hello my new wing ponies!" She wanted Daffodile as her wing pony because she looked strong. Moon Dust looked good though. Oliveflame removed her suit and shook her head so that her long golden hair flowed to the ground. Her black fur felt cool and her green eyes sparkled. She was a pretty pony who all the colts and stallions went gaga for. Olive handed Daffodil a wing pony badge and said "Follow me!" Than burst ino the air leaving a golden trail. She flew to the training ground were she yowled "LISTEN UP! WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT! NOW DON'T BE BITCHES AND BE MEAN! BE NICE OR I WILL HAVE YOUR ASS'S KICKED OUT OF HERE!" She pointed at a cloud control area and said "You two over there! Please! Than give me 100 wing ups!"


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Daffodil listened to Moon Dust with interest, she seemed very sweet and fun. She was excited to have this pony as her roommate. After Moon Dust finished talking Daffodil told her that she also was in room 247, and that's all she got to say before she heard a loud boom. Daffodil looked up startled and saw Oliveflame doing what appeared to be one of her signature moves. Spitfire started to scold her, but before Daffodil knew exactly what had hit her Oliveflame had landed between Moon Dust and herself, called them wing ponies and looked them over.Then  Oliveflame gave Daffodil a small badge that said 'wing pony' Daffodil was flattered, she had only just arrived! Oliveflame then called out for them to follow her over to what was probably the training ground. Daffodil flew over at a relatively fast pace, just to try and impress the others a bit. As Daffodil flew she heard Oliveflame telling the other students something that she didn't quite catch, but she landed in time to hear that she had to go do wing ups. Daffodil trotted over to where Oliveflame had pointed and did her hundred quickly, then she stood up and waited for more instructions.

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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(OOC - Sorry for not replying sooner, been a bit busy today, and I had no idea what to say. @RainbowDash1013, if you are interested in shipping our characters, that's fine by me).


Stratos took his spot on the flight line with the remaining recruits, waiting for his orders from Spitfire when she was finished with Olive and Daffodil. He figured he would make small talk with some of the other recruits in the mean time, so far the only other person who he talked to was Oliveflame, whom gave him a...vibe, that he couldn't quite place his hoof on yet. (OOC - Yes, Stratos is supposed to be a bit bad at picking up hints). He just wished he had the chance to compliment her on the Black Blaze before she flew off again.


Watching the fan of black spectra fan out in all directions, he remembered that he too had his own move akin to the Sonic Rainboom and Black Blaze. He called it the Borealis, because of the green-blue spectra that remained after he broke the sound barrier. He theorized that all pegasi had a unique spectral output when they broke the sound barrier, and he was researching the phenomenon at the Cloudsdale Weather Center prior to arriving at the academy. He only performed it once, one night when he was out flying on his own. He never performed it in front of a crowd and was worried if he could pull it off if need be during the academy.


He tried to put it out of his mind for the moment while he did his hundred wing-ups.

Edited by StratoPegasus


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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Jot stumbled with his schedule in his hand (along with his notebook) while Oliveflame did the Black Blaze. He was too nervous to talk, so he stepped in line for instructions from Spitfire. He started to talk to some recruits. He got even more nervous hearing that they could go really fast. He thought that his perfect wing speed of 15 wasn't enough to out beat anypony. Stratus started to talk to some of the recruits. Stratus yelled,

"Hey, you with the glasses." Jot freaked out and dashed quickly, tackling into Spitfire. Jot, almost had a breakdown.

"What was that for?" Spitfire asked Jot.

"Um, I'm sorry. I am very nervous today with being here and..."Jot started before being interrupted.

"Well, being nervous doesn't make you a WonderBolt. If you want to be a WonderBolt, you have to get rid of the nerves, for the crowds are much harsher than here. It even could be harsher than the Rainbow Factory," Spitfire yelled back. 

Jot asked, "Um, sorry to ask, but, what is the Rainbow Factory."

Spitfire was shocked that she said that, but, kept cool. "Oh, my bad. I don't know why I said Rainbow Factory. All you should know is that the audiences are harsh, very harsh. Try to keep calm by the line next to the recruits and try to not hurt anypony. We don't need to have another Derpy around here."

Jot sped back to the line. Jot tried to keep it cool.

Stratos yelled back, "Sorry for scaring you nervous nellie." Stratos walked up to Jot. "Hi, my name is Stratos. I saw how fast you flew, and, that was amazing."

Jot's confidence boosted, he was no longer nervous. "Thanks."

Stratos then challenged Jot. "But, not amazing enough. Come on, let's have a little race. I want to show you some good stuff."


(Stratos, what is your wing speed. Just curious @StratoPegasus )

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Ashwing saw the Academy and landed noticing the others where already gathering so as he was sneaking in to get his room to not get spitfire on her bad side, once he got in he walked up to the pony at the desk getting his room ¨so room number 239 is it huh better hurry there now¨ after he said that he started to fly to his room in hurry avoiding to crash into something at all, he got to his room and opened the door to notice that it was probally just like the others so he put his things on the lower bed then sneaked out and into where the other recruits were gathering.


'Hope i didnt miss anything too serious' He thought as he hid long down where he hoped nopony would see him being late as he is usual, he hoped spitfire and the others wouldnt notice that he was so late after coming a long time after the others, He noticed everyone was not seriously stressed or something so he tried to join in and hide as good as he could from Spitfire also hoping the others wouldnt be like those who chit chat to the teacher/coach (this was after the wing push-ups lol).

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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As Daffodil was waiting for more instructions from Oliveflame or Spitfire, she decided to entertain herself by watching the other ponies. She saw the boy recruit from earlier, Stratos she thought she heard somepony call him,  doing his wing ups, he looked very strong. She turned to her left and saw some-pony derp out and gallop straight into Spitfire.  Daffodil giggled to herself. Then out of the corner of her eye she saw an all black pony trying to sneak in late. Daffodil looked over at Spitfire nervously, she hoped for that pony's sake Spitfire didn't turn around. She tapped her hoof impatiently, then stopped herself, 'you are lucky you are here at all' she scolded herself. She looked over at Scraet who had been pecking at the ground for a while. "Hey 2craet, what are you pecking at?" she asked him. "I see something, I think its an ant." he squawked continuing to peck at the ground. "But, I thought you hated eating ant2..." "I do, I am just really bored." he said sounding slightly annoyed. Daffodil looked at him sternly. "You could have 2tayed in the room you know." she said poking him with her hoof. "Hey! watch it!" he huffed. "Ugh, anyway it would have been even more boring there!" "You could have 2tayed in the Everfree Fore2t with 2ayble." "And leave you here by yourself with all these crazy ponies? No thanks!" Daffodil giggled and pet him on the back. "Your 2o 2weet 2craet, but I highly doubt you could protect me from even the 2malle2t pony here." She laughed. Scraet puffed himself up. "Humph! I'll show you, watch this!" Scraet proceeded to hurl himself at the nearest pegasus, which happened to be Ashwing, while squawking loudly. Daffodil rushed over and grabbed Scraet off of Ashwing. "Oh my go2h! I am 2o 2o 2orry! Are you hurt?" Daffodil babbled her apology while mind-communing an extremely angry and curse word filled lecture to Scraet.

(OOC: If you all don't know who Scraet and Sayble are, check Daffodil's page below vvv)

Edited by soullessduck

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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Ashwing who was surprised by the attack of the peacock got a little weirded out by it but when he saw the yellow mare he just said ¨is this your peacock miss?¨ he hoped Spitfire wouldnt notice him when he said that ¨also i am fine thanks for askin the peacock just.. surprised me alittle¨ Ashwing looked at a cloud after that as if he missed his cloud home in ponyville or something/someone else that was his friend or maybe something more that that.


He wanted to know atleast someone so he tried to start a little conversation with Daffodil cuz she seemed to be the only nice around ¨Hey im ashwing just lettin you know, So what your name?¨ He kindly said that to the yellow mare while waiting for her response he looked at the compition he had.. Spitfire's sister and some more well trained ponies but he didnt think most of them knew a move like his Ash Raven, He noticed in the corner of his eye that one of the ponies was doin wing-ups noticing that this pony was rather strong in wing power 'so i gotta do all my power into this one' he thought (for those who dont know wat Ash Raven is its his version of rainboom also he didnt see the boom eariler also Ash Raven is highly damage to user and surounding becuz of the ash it produces ... i am first with negative to it *insert fluttershy yay here*)

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Daffodil was relieved he wasn't upset, but noticed him looking longingly at a cloud "Maybe he's from Cloudsdale and is homesick' she thought. She was about to turn around when he introduced himself. He seemed like a sweet stallion, and she owed him an introduction after being attacked anyway. "Oh, um, my name i2 Daffodil, it2 nice to meet you." she said noticing him start to gaze off at the other ponies, she suddenly realized she had forgotten about Moon Dust! She looked around for her and saw her over doing her wing ups, Daffodil decided not to bother her. She turned back to Ashwing and noticed a determined gleam in his eye. She liked that type of determination in a pony, she decided she would like to get to know this stallion named Ashwing, he seemed like a cool guy. "2o, A2hwing, are you a new 2tudent to, or can uppercla22men get away with being late here?" Daffodil asked giggling. Then Straet pecked her hoof. She looked down at the little peacock, ~What do you want Scraet?~ "I, I just want you to be careful, I don't like this guy very much..." ~Well I think hes pretty cool, so back off, plus you cant hate on him, you just attacked him for no reason!~ "Whatever, just be careful who you befriend" ~I can befriend who I want thank you!~ she mentally snapped at him.  Daffodil looked back up at Ashwing.

(OOC: I mean upperclassmen as in ponies who were here before the new recruits arrived, and also ~ before a sentence means Daffodil is talking using her mind, which only the bird she is talking to can hear.)

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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(OOC @morethanicecream - Stratos' wing power is about the same, I'll just say 15, too).


"5 laps around the runway - quick 'n clean - how about it?" Stratos said to Jot.

"Sounds good, you're on," Jot replied confidently.


The pegasus and alicorn trotted to the runway's threshold, making it their starting line. Both began taking stance at the rear of the runway's line-markings. Several of the other recruits gathered to watch the race. Stratos took a deep breath and stretched his wings, while Jot did the same. They looked at each other, each with a small grin of cockiness on their faces.


"Let's do this," Stratos remarked.

"Ready?," Jot asked.

*Stratos simply nods*

"3, 2, 1...GO!" Jot said as he and Stratos dashed down the runway.


Within only a few feet, each pony felt their weight drop to nothing as the lift beneath their wings carried them off the ground. As they each passed the other end of the runway, they pitched up and climbed into the vertical, Jot taking the lead in the climb. They passed back into horizontal flight, high above the runway. With Jot taking the lead, Stratos narrowed his eyes as they passed above their starting line and prepared to dive. As they pitched down, Stratos pumped his wings doubly hard and overtook Jot. As they leveled out again and passed the runway threshold at the end of the first lap, Stratos had the lead on Jot. During the second lap Jot pushed hard in the climb, overtaking Stratos, and Stratos overtook Jot during the descent. For the next two laps Jot once again overtook Stratos in the climb and Stratos overtook Jot on the descent, their flying abilities evenly matched as they passed the lead back and forth.


On the last lap each pony pushed their stamina to the limit, and both Jot and Stratos remained neck-and-neck the whole lap through. Just as they were about to pass the finish line on the last lap, a loud scream broke into the air. "BOTH OF YOU GET BACK DOWN HERE! NOW!!" yelled Spitfire. Their concentrations shattered, both ponies tumbled to the ground as they skidded through the finish line.


Dazed, Stratos picked himself up off the ground and trotted over to Jot, who was doing the same.

"You alright?" Stratos asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Jot replied.

"Who won?" Stratos asked.

"Let's just...call it a draw" Jot replied with some pain in his voice, as he worked some soreness out of his hind legs.

"Good race, friend," Stratos remarked, holding his hoof out in anticipation of a brohoof.


Both ponies quickly exchanged a brohoof as Spitfire approached them with anger on her face. "I've had just about enough of all this showing off, part of what it means to be a Wonderbolt is self control. It's a lesson you're going to need to learn if you want to join our ranks, and you can each think about that while you're doing 100 laps. After all, you both seem to enjoy flying the pattern so much."

Edited by StratoPegasus


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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¨Nice name Daffodil, its nice to meet you too¨ Ashwing knew that he could blow more than half here over with Ash Raven so he decided to mostly not use a deadly move like that for all of the ponies at the academys sake, ¨Oh, im a new student i came late because that i didnt find a thing, you know that searching for it like that kind of thing¨ Ashwing noticed that she mostly would have another friend and he didnt even know if she considered her a friend or just some other stallion that she have met.


Ashwing noticed the ponies racing ¨they sure show off here¨ He looked as they nearly passed the fifth time when Spitfire yelled at em ¨Hey Daffodil where do you live i just wanna know if you dont want to tell its fine¨ Ashwing was kinda bad at being friends since of him nearly never get any but he tried his best this time ¨Hey Daffodil, Do you know who Spitfire's sister is i just know that she attended the academy this year you know, well im not a stalker and i think everyone would know that.¨ Ashwing didnt know who Spitfire's sister was.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Oliveflame yowled "EVREYPONY GET OVER HERE FOR THE WING SPEED TEST" She started up the machine and walked over to the starting line. She dashed off and almost breaking the machine. It said "37 Wing speed" Oliveflame smiled and watched the other ponys. They all were around 14 and 15. Oliveflame watched Stratos with big eyes. He was very handsome! Oliveflame padded over and said "Um hi there! Your doing very good! I will talk to Spit to see what rank you get!" She smiled and walked over to the next pony who was struggling. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! MY BABY COSIN HEARTCAKE COULD DO BETTER THAN YOU!!! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU LAZY WEAKLING! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU TRAIN IN MT GROUP AGAIN TWINKLE STONE!" The purple pony ran away crying while Oliveflame shook her head in discust. Oliveflame siad to Stratos " Follow me please!" Than lead him to a course with a lot of wind blowers 4000's. "These are the srongest wing blowers ever and I think you can pass it!" She winked! Than whispered "I think your cute and awesome.." Than yelled "FEATHER WIND STOP FOOLING AROUND!" Than pushed Stratos to the starting line. "GO!" She said.


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Daffodil was just about to reply to Ashwing's question when she heard Oliveflame yelling for everypony to go over for the wing speed test. Before she trotted over to Oliveflame she whispered to Ashwing. "That pony over there i2 Oliveflame, 2he i2 2pitfire'2 little 2ister." Then she trotted over to do her wingspeed test. When it was her turn she was nervous because Oliveflame was right there and she wanted to impress her. She flew her hardest, and looked at her number. She felt a wave of dissapointment. Only 15.7?! Normally I get at least 17! She hung her head in embarrassment. she turned back around to watch the other ponies do their test. Scraet came up behind her and jumped up onto her head. "2erio2ly 2craet? 2erio2ly?" She said to him as she picked him up from off her head and sat him down in front of her. The little peacock made an adorable squeak then strutted off. Daffodil watched him strut off towards some bushes, then she turned back around. She saw that Ashwing had finished his wing speed test, and walked back over next to him. As she was walking she wondered where Moon Dust had gone off to, she wanted to introduce her to Ashwing.

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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Ashwing heard her and walked there to do the wing speed test he decided to go easy and once he was finished he looked at the meter 15.88 ¨well that was a new number well for me atleast¨ He knew he only got gently this time to not accidently activate Ash Raven, He noticed that he was after Daffodil but still was faster than her ¨Oh, Hey Daffodil how was the run?¨ Ashwing sat down on the ground with nearly no sweat breaked, he waited looking at the other speed runs while the clouds runned by ¨well this is boring waiting at the others to finish their runs right, Daffodil?¨ He wasnt scared or anything just he wanted to know someone and that someone became Daffodil obviously ¨Also, do you know any other at the academy except me¨ He tried to start a conversation again to keep on one line forward to friendship that other ponies called it. He looked at Daffodil and saw that she was looking for someone ¨Hey, who are you lookin for?¨ Ashwing kindly asked wondering who she wanted to know where she/he was so he decided to wait (as you notice hes chillin in the run just doing some for fun)

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Daffodil stopped looking for Moon Dust for now and looked back at Ashwing. "Actually, I got the worst 2core I've gotten in month2, I wa2 really nervou2, you 2ee, Oliveflame wa2 watching me, and I wanted to impre22 her becau2e 2he gave me thi2." She held out the little badge that Oliveflame had givin her. "Oh, and I'm looking for my friend Moon Du2t, I haven't talked to her 2ince we had to go do wing up2." Daffodil looked around again worriedly. "I really want you guy2 to meet 2ince you guy2 are my only friend2 here 2o far." Daffodil looked back over at the bush where Scraet had wandered off to and noticed he was walking up behind Spitfire. ~Scraet? What are you doing?~ "oh nothing!" He said jumping away from Spitfire hurriedly. ~Scraet...~ Daffodil growled menacingly. ~I swear to Celestia if you so much as think about pecking her I will lock you in the dorm!~ Daffodil turned back to Ashwing and noticed him looking at her funny. "Oh, 2orry, I zoned out, I do that 2ometimes." She said putting her hoof behind her head awkwardly. "2o, um, you a2ked me about where I wa2 from earlier. I am from the ponyville area, my hou2e i2 a little way2 into the everfree fore2t, I live there 2tudying bird2, I like bird2." She smiled at him.

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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Stratos lined up at the starting line. The vibe he felt before, now confirmed, his mind was aflutter. He was left...torn. He knew that he had to maintain a professional attitude if he wanted a chance at the Wonderbolts, but he couldn't help but find the thought of being with Oliveflame enchanting, to say the least. He would be lying if he said the feelings she felt for him weren't mutual.


There'd be time to deal with that later, though. He had a mission to complete.


Stratos looked at the course filled with the massive, turbine-like fans, peppered around the track at a variety of angles and pitches - the course was meant to simulate various levels of horizontal and vertical, directional and speed wind shear. The objective was simple, run the course through the gates while compensating for the wind shear and making it through the other side while maintaining situational awareness.


With a deep breath, and on Olive's "go," he jumped out of the starting as his wings caught the air. He flew over to the first gate, a turbine was placed close to it perpendicular to his flight path. Stratos powered through the crosswind and passed through the gate with little trouble. As the course continued the turbine's configurations got more and more complex, and the wind they blew became stronger. Though the blue pegasus easily powered through these, as well. His job at the Weather Center had him flying close to the storms over Everfree quite often, so he'd already experienced on many occasions the conditions the course put before him.


As he moved through the second to last gate, and his eyes shifted to the end of the course, he saw that the last turbine has different. It was turning slower, but it was much larger and was clearly generating a lot of torque. Stratos suddenly felt a thrash that knocked him to his left. The turbine was a vortex generator, and it was throwing Stratos into a spin. Disoriented, yet thinking back to his flight school time as a filly back in Cloudesdale, he remembered that anytime one is caught in a vortex, they should not fight it, but should rather roll with the air flow. He pumped his right wing to power into the left-hand roll, pushing himself out of vortex. He flew parallel to it as he pushed through the last gate.


Oliveflame was waiting on the other side. "Great flying there, recruit, have you done this before?" she asked him. "My job in Cloudesdale has me flying in conditions like this a lot." Just then Spitfire ordered all recruits back to the flight line. Before Stratos left, he took one last moment to whisper to Oliveflame.


"I like you, too"


And with a parting wink he trotted back to where the other pegasi were gathering.

Edited by StratoPegasus


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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¨Okay, So OliveFlame said your gonna be a wing pony well i guess i could be either right now but i dunno¨ Ashwing smileda weak smile ¨So this MoonDust is your first friend here may i guess?¨ he still had his normal kind tone to his voice, he saw her look around worried so he got a bit confused of this behaviour ¨Well whoever this MoonDust is im sure we can be friends¨ Ashwing saw her look at a bush as she said that she had zoned out he replied with a simple ¨Everypony zone out sometime¨ Ashwing told her to not feel embarresed or something like that ¨So you live in ponyville too what a coincidence and if your wondering what my house is its a cloud house a bit over at everfree forest but should be the other edge from you¨ Ashwing smiled at her now knowing they wouldbe very good friends for a long time ¨So what are your hobbies, interests and talents?¨ Ashwing asked ¨ill tell you mine right after you tellyours i promise,¨ He never lied about promises and he knew that he wouldnt do that to his only friend. (Ashwing never was the friend gatherer in ponyville)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Daffodil was extremely happy to hear that Ashwing lived near her, she couldn't wait to introduce him to her friends back home! She also was excited to hear Ashwing wanted to be friends with Moon Dust. She heard Ashwing ask about her hobbies. "Oh! Well, I like taking care of bird2. You 2ee, I can talk to bird2, it2 my talent, although I do like collecting flower2 to! Al2o, 2ometime2 I 2ing, 2omehow my 2tupid li2p goe2 away when I 2ing, but I dont like 2inging in front of people." She blushed a little and looked at her hooves. "Um, 2o what do you like doing?" Daffodil asked looking back up at Ashwing.


(OOC: if you haven't heard, I will be temporarily be writing for Snowdrop, so I will be Daffodil AND Moon Dust until further notice!)


Moon Dust finished her wing speed test, and she was pleased with her speed, .3 faster than her last speed! She looked around at the other ponies and realized she hadn't seen Daffodil in a while, not seeing anyone else she recognized she decided to go and find Daffodil. She looked around for a second, and she noticed Daffodil's little peacock. Guessing the peacock wouldn't stray too far from his owner, she decided to head that way to look for her friend. She spotted Daffodil sitting with a stallion she didn't recognize. She decided to head over but first she wanted to pet the peacock for a second. (OOC: Snowdrop, if I write anything you don't approve of Moon Dust saying, just tell me and I will change it, I am trying to write in character for her, but I don't know how well I am doing :3)

Edited by soullessduck

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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(OOC: sorry for the late reply since it is christmas and everything.)


Orange Lightening was busy training, doing lap after lap and after lap. His mind was in the zone, and knowing him he had little time with the other newcomers. "Come on now lap 150!! I'm-a- gonna do this!!!" Orange Lightening said to himself, as he was going full speed for a good couple of hours now, with each lap it sounded like a thunder and lightening clashing.


As The hyper Pegasus reached his 150 lap, he cheered in triumphant, "Haha!! 150 laps around this bad boy!!  How do you like dem apples!?" Orange Lightening said, borrowing a line from Applejack. He prepared an incoming land, using his huge wings to help gliding back ever so slowly to the ground. he pulled his shades up and saw the newcomers, "Hey dudes whats up!?" Orange lightening said with an assertive and lively personality.


"The names Orange Lightening, at your service." The Pegasus greeted the newcomers, trotting over to them with a big smile on his face, revealing his yellow/gold eyes.

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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