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Let's Talk Relationships


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Let's see: I'm 19, I'm a freshman in college, and I'm currently single even though I've been in a few relationships in the past. However, I might be in another relationship soon, and I have high hopes. There's this girl that I've known since grade school, and we want to take our relationship to the next level. We've gone on a few dates so far, but they've been more friendly get-togethers than serious dating. We both have a lot of other stuff on our plates and we want to take it slow.


Now a topic to throw out for discussion: common interests, how important are they? One of the reasons I have such high hopes with my friend is because we have a lot in common. We have similar tastes in music, we have similar tastes in humor, and I even think she might be a pegasister. At the same time my best friend has been in a relationship for going on 2 years ( a storybook relationship, they've never had a serious argument), and they have a common love of superheroes and punk rock. At the same time I didn't have a lot in common with my exes when it comes to interests. I know a lot of experts say that common interests are not an important part of relationships, and that opposites attract, but from my experiences the exact opposite has been true.



Let's see: I'm 19, I'm a freshman in college, and I'm currently single even though I've been in a few relationships in the past. However, I might be in another relationship soon, and I have high hopes. There's this girl that I've known since grade school, and we want to take our relationship to the next level. We've gone on a few dates so far, but they've been more friendly get-togethers than serious dating. We both have a lot of other stuff on our plates and we want to take it slow.


Now a topic to throw out for discussion: common interests, how important are they? One of the reasons I have such high hopes with my friend is because we have a lot in common. We have similar tastes in music, we have similar tastes in humor, and I even think she might be a pegasister. At the same time my best friend has been in a relationship for going on 2 years ( a storybook relationship, they've never had a serious argument), and they have a common love of superheroes and punk rock. At the same time I didn't have a lot in common with my exes when it comes to interests. I know a lot of experts say that common interests are not an important part of relationships, and that opposites attract, but from my experiences the exact opposite has been true.


Same here! I think common interests are very important. Take for example a relationship where a guy is a brony but his girlfriend isn't. She's going to get bored when he talks about ponies.


As for myself, I've been with my girlfriend for over a year now, and we both love ponies. (We also have many more common interests)  BEST RELATIONSHIP EVER!

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Hmm. Relationships.

I don't really have a crush on anyone at the moment. I did but it wouldn't really work out, and I don't really care much for relationships at the moment, seeing how my other one turned out.

The problem is that I'm just too "obscure" to be likable. I like video games, indie music, and science. I also wear baggy clothing and don't care much for what others think of me.

In today's society, most girls are expected to wear tight clothing and loads of makeup and act like idiots to be "cute". I don't fit in that generalized norm and I don't want to, so I usually get passed over. Also, I play "hard to get". Because I don't date every guy that asks me out, I'm automatically a snob who's doing it for attention.

Bitch please.


In short, I'm happy being me, and if sacrificing a part of myself means getting a boyfriend then hell no.


EDIT: And there is the fact that I am pansexual. I want to get to know the person at an emotional level and not just for how they look. If I was to date, it needs to be someone I'm really comfortable with and have known for a significant amount of time.

Edited by PinkieDaShy
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Well, I've never been in a relationship, or really even had any crushes. Girls have apparently had crushes on me before, but I never really cared or did anything about it.


I suppose I would want someone with similar interests and beliefs, who is also kind of quirky to keep life exciting. She would also have to be more extroverted and excitable than me to make up for my hermit tendencies. I think what's most imortant to me is the ability to have a real deep, intellectual conversation. I also would want the ability to share feelings. I am a very romantic person and I write love stories and poems pretty frequently.


Unforunately it seems like I'm going to die bitter and alone one day because I have trouble letting myself get attached emotionally to anything or anyone, and I also lack the kind of social grace to meet someone whom I would be interested in. I have no trouble talking to girls, I just can't motivate myself to care enough to talk to them in the first place. I guess I too am forever alone :(

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I'm 13 and I like this girl. One day she gave me a brofist for joining this Pokemon thing, my reaction: :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D (On the inside of course)


But, I suspect my best friend likes her. And he's more of a 'ladies man' so to speak. He's not afraid to speak to girls, he plays sports, he's fit, etc.


And I'm this 5ft 11 Slenderman-like figure. I don't work out in any way, I'm not fit, I don't play sports. And I'm never active. I'm just that guy who knows almost everything about computers, makes movies, and stays inside all of the time. I'd rather play video games then work out.


Don't get me wrong, I love to socialize with people, and I love being with my friends. But, with girls I'd rather just keep my mouth shut, as I always screw it up.


I'm honestly fine with her liking someone else. As long as she's happy it's fine. Life doesn't seem to treat me fairly. But it's fine.


Life sucks. That's why God gave us imagination.

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Now a special thanks to Becker (Fender) for making me feel like a creeper But at least the topic is indeed interesting, so I wanted to participate.


No problem, hahaha, thanks for participating.


EDIT: And there is the fact that I am pansexual. I want to get to know the person at an emotional level and not just for how they look. If I was to date, it needs to be someone I'm really comfortable with and have known for a significant amount of time.


Good on you, you are smart to base interest in someone more than solely on looks. I am the same way, though I do still appreciate a person's looks, but know that that will never be why I take interest in that person.


In short, I'm happy being me, and if sacrificing a part of myself means getting a boyfriend then hell no.


And honestly, I do envy you for that statement.




On another note: All of you who see yourselves as too dorky, weird, or obscure (PinkieDaShy); use that all to your advantages. Really, it doesn't hurt to show off a little bit of who you are to people. Who knows, they might just find that dorkiness the most charming thing about you. Just be...you, simply. As cliche as it will sound, that is byfar the easiest way to become someone's freind and then lover if it comes to that.

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Dude I'm 14 and at the moment I have no interest in dating. In fact I haven't had a crush in over a year. I just haven't found a girl who's special. I'm probably not going to get a girlfriend until college. It seems like all the girls my age are just really stupid and the good ones are taken. 



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I met this guy, first trough transformice but later we started talking on skype. He's epic, he might not be famous or popular but he's really nice. I really like him, but he had a relatonship with another girl (they broke up for some reason, I think it was she who dumped him for an other guy). We've been like BFFs for a year soon, and maybe a month ago I decided to tell how I really felt about him. I was really scared. I'm not that type that hangs with boys, to be honest I've NEVER had a boyfriend.. I was scared that he would be mad at me, and I could never talk to him normally. Maybe, I could never talk to him again. And because he's the one I could trust more than my girl friends and that I would be horribly awkward and depressing if he didn't like me at all. Ah well, I wrote a little text in Open Office, and yeah I sent it and regretted it directly. I crawled up on my chair, almost shaking. And then, I stopped shaking and being nervous. He said he liked me more than a friend too. I was overjoyed with happyness, but we agredd that we wouldn't become a couple until we met IRL, instead of ruining it on the computer. He will visit Sweden in about 2 years.


Can you understand how slow the days go?

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I am 22 years old and quite sadly, I have not been in any relationships since High School :(

I guess I am just too dorky to be in a relationship :/


I am feeling rather lonely :(


I don't see why, you seem rather nice to me. ^^ Having a dorky love interest is one of the best! I mean... What fun would it be if you were with someone who couldn't be fun and silly?


My love interests? Well... I honestly have no preference in ages. I believe an age number is a number used against people more than anything. Maturity is by personality in my opinion. I'm 22, I don't mind Stalion or Mare... I don't mind who or what they are so long as they can treat me right, and be by my side during my hardships and understands how I feel on a everyday bases. I prefer somepony who is strong in will, smart, funny and charming, and polite. Currently I don't have a special somepony.. Maybe someday. Looks are never a complication for me. Looks are a bonus if anything at all. ^_^

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And well the IRL status is even worse xD I actually can't judge a guy on the outside. I like this other guy a little because he studies a lot and isn't like wasting his life writing personal stuff about him self on a MLP foru... wait a sec.. But because I'm a foreveraloner hanging out with 2 girls from an other class, that I can only hang out with when I have a break or me or they skip a class. So yeah xD

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Hmm. Relationships.

I don't really have a crush on anyone at the moment. I did but it wouldn't really work out, and I don't really care much for relationships at the moment, seeing how my other one turned out.

The problem is that I'm just too "obscure" to be likable. I like video games, indie music, and science. I also wear baggy clothing and don't care much for what others think of me.

In today's society, most girls are expected to wear tight clothing and loads of makeup and act like idiots to be "cute". I don't fit in that generalized norm and I don't want to, so I usually get passed over. Also, I play "hard to get". Because I don't date every guy that asks me out, I'm automatically a snob who's doing it for attention.

Bitch please.


In short, I'm happy being me, and if sacrificing a part of myself means getting a boyfriend then hell no.


EDIT: And there is the fact that I am pansexual. I want to get to know the person at an emotional level and not just for how they look. If I was to date, it needs to be someone I'm really comfortable with and have known for a significant amount of time.

For the love of Celestia! Nicholas Cage is a brony. LOL. :lol:


Okay. Talking about love and relationship, I guess it's a little different. I share my love to everypony like my friends, strangers, and children all over the world. I see no "sane" reason why we shouldn't share our love to everypony and for the sake of humanity, don't be afraid to share your love.


About relationship, I think my previous post it is. :D

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No problem, hahaha, thanks for participating.



Good on you, you are smart to base interest in someone more than solely on looks. I am the same way, though I do still appreciate a person's looks, but know that that will never be why I take interest in that person.



And honestly, I do envy you for that statement.




On another note: All of you who see yourselves as too dorky, weird, or obscure (PinkieDaShy); use that all to your advantages. Really, it doesn't hurt to show off a little bit of who you are to people. Who knows, they might just find that dorkiness the most charming thing about you. Just be...you, simply. As cliche as it will sound, that is byfar the easiest way to become someone's freind and then lover if it comes to that.

Oh, I don't give a flying feather about being obscure. I know what I like and like what I like, and I'm happy being single at this stage of my life. Not gonna rush into something for the sake of being able to say that I'm in a relationship; I'm gonna wait until the right guy or girl comes along, and then take it from there. Pretending to be someone I'm not gets me nowhere in life. If they can't see who I really am there's no guarantee they'll accept me as that, and if they don't like who I am, that's fine; they can find a new friend. No way am I dating them :P

I also need someone who can teach me about new things, too; celebrating each other's differences is a significant part of a relationship. And I like people who march to their own drum :)

Edited by Nicolas Cage
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as much as i want a relationship, i equally dont want one. im honestly perfectly content and happy being single. it gets lonely sometimes, but those are just low points, considering that im happy the other 95% of the time. my parents actually find it straight that im not married with kids yet, but i dont buy into the lifestyle at all. 


theres no manual on how to live life, so i can only go on what feels right. iono... its complicated and difficult to write out all the stuff that goes through my head whenever girlfriends are brought up. 

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I just got into a relationship last week, actually.


She's a year older than me (WOO OLDER WOMEN), is an avid gamer, plays Dungeons and Dragons, is in the band, and is a cheerleader. Basically, what I've always envisioned as every nerd's perfect girl.


The only problem is her and my mom share the same first name...  <_<

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Ah, relationships, my kryptonite. I'm really bad at anything when there's a girl around other than my family. I just don't know why but they make me so nervous. My relationships have all been quite long, shortest being 7 months, for when I was 15 I'd say that was pretty long ^^


Nowadays? Well, there's this one girl that I'm interested in, I don't see her often but she's simply the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. The kindest, sweetest girl I've ever known, her smile just warms me up every single time and her voice is so nice to listen to... Wow, this is almost sounding kinda creepy, isn't it?


We're both gamers, metalheads and dubstep junkies so there's an area to work with. Too bad I'm too nervous, I just don't wanna break the friendship we have now. Guess I gotta take things slow, but not too slow of course, can't let her slip away like I did with others.

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