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planning Equestrian Civil War (Take Two)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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RP Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/43186-equestrian-civil-war-take-two/


Hello, everyone!



***Roleplaying Rules:***


 1. PLEASE, attempt to use proper spelling and punctuation (you'll receive 3 chances to fix your posts)


2. No Godmodding (Controling other's characters, making your character all powerful,  or making up a random event. (ex: Giant Dragon invading SE or NLR) (ex: OC finding out secret base of NLR or SE))


3. Keep all OOC in OOC thread unless a small message. (ex: Hey guys I'll be leaving in an hour.) (ex: This is my last post for the day)


4. Swearing is allowed, but not to an excessive amount. 


5. If you have a problem with another RP'er or DM, PM me or another one of the DM's. Do NOT post in OOC or RP thread complaining about it.


All Rules apply to every poster. PonyEcho, Meta Knight, and I, are allowed to give you warnings, if you receive 3 warnings, you'll be out of the RP.






Equestrian Military Database
Playing Video

New Lunar Republic Letter of Introduction
- To whom it may concern:

So, you've decided to join the Lunar Republic. From this day forth, you are part of the greatest army ever to exist in Equestrian soil. We will overthrow the tyrant Celestia and our Princess of the Moon bring forth equality and unity of all races: Ponies, Dogs, Griffons, and all other races alike!

The Lunar Infantry - Strong, Disciplined ground units.
The Lunar Mages - Powerful, Tactical Support Units
The Lunar Airforce - Fast, Agile Air Units
Solar Kingdom Letter of Introduction
- To whom it may concern:

So, you've seen the light and wish to fight for the values of righteousness? Welcome to the Solar Kingdom. It is our duty to preserve the peace and stability that the Great Princess Celestia had gifted us over the last thousand years for all ponies. It is our job to quell this rebellion and protect Equestria from Princess Luna and her forces.

The Solar Infantry - Strong Earth Pony Ground Units
The Solar Mages - Skiled Unicorn Support Units
The Solar Airforce - Fast Pegasus Air Units


Rules for Magic


There are four elements-

Nature beats Chaos

Chaos beats Light

Light beats Dark

Dark beats Nature


Nature- Earth and Nature Magic

Chaos- Fire and Chaos Magic

Dark- Necromany, Water and Ice Magic

Light- Air and Healing Magic


There are nine rankings

1- Beginner

2- Novice

3- Average


5- Dedicated

6- Elite

7- Guild Master

8- Element Master

9- Element Embodiment


Earth Ponies can have a 2-nature, and pegasus have a 2-air.





Private First Class
Sergeant First Class
Sergeant Major
Second Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
Lieutenant Colonel


Brigadier General

Major General

Lt. General


General of the Armies


Permissions for Lv.1 DM's (Higurashi)


Higurashi- since you're not a DM, yet you play an important character that can make important decisions, and affect the RP. I'll allow you to do minor attacks, ONLY as Celestia, any other important events such as you blowing up a town, or Celestia attacking Dragon mountain, will be discussed by me and the other DM's, make sure to PM us all before making a major decisions, since warning points'll still be given to you.



Permissions for Lv.2 DM's (PonyEcho, Obsidian Winter)


PonyEcho- My right hand man Can approve OC's for the RP's or any minor character, hand out warnings, approve/disapprove of ideas brought up, will PM of any suggestions to improve the RP, and will, most likely, be given out more power as time goes by and the RP grows.

Obsidian_Winter-You'll mostly work on who's doing what, and who's joined the RP, if you like you can keep track of those who've joined, I haven't updated the OP post, so it'd be mighty helpful if somepony could get a list of all of the people in the RP.



Permissions for Lv.3 DM's (Meta Knight, Berryzoid)


We'll make new rules to fit the RP, such as no _____ allowed. We'll approve of the suggestions made by other DM's/Members, Alongside all of the other "Mod" privileges.




(This Character sheet doesn't need a link, but if you give me a link make sure to also add some of the parts here)


Cutie Mark (if any):


Lunar Republic or Solar Kingdom?
Branch within Faction:
The mission for both factions will be given by the Supreme Commanders of each faction. When engaging each other...don't kill other players without the consent of both players.





Solar Territory : East of the Everfree Forest.


Lunar Territory : Everfree Forest + West



KirbyStompFilms for making this idea. 
Crepuscularity for the orginal RP
Toothless for making the part 2
Berryzoid! for making the remake

Higushari for blowing it up ( :P)

ReferencePart 1 and Part 2



Solar Empire:

1. Vedana Purity - Vedana Purity

2. Steeleye Sungazer - Higushari

3. Wavering Bass - Danny Hollow




Celestia- Higurashi

Rainbow Dash- Berryzoid!

Twilight- Open!

Pinkie Pie- The Cool And Awesome Shiftsa


Lunar Republic:

1. Valkyrie - zRenavantz

2. Fyrin Toxix - Drop It

3.Golden Age - HistoricallyInaccurate

4. Lance Vanguard - The_Master

5. Air Opal - The Alicorn Amulet

6. Shadow Bite - Pr3datorTaco

7. Cunning Horn - Sky Warden

8. The Predator - Silverpoint345

Luna- Meta Knight

Fluttershy- Open!

Rarity- Open!

Applejack- Open!


Neutral (Permission required)

1. Whirlwind - PonyEcho



Other characters:

WonderBolts (SE)

ShadowBolts (NLR)

Spike (SE)

Scootaloo (SE)

Sweetie Belle (NLR)

AppleBloom (NLR)

Big Macintosh (NLR)

Shining Armor (SE)

Cadence (SE)



*will add more if requested as so*





Any sort of intelligent creature shown in the show before is allowed in the RP, HOWEVER

only dragons & ponies are allowed in the Solar Empire, Any other creature is allowed int eh NLR

Edited by Meta Knight
  • Brohoof 1
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That was a pain.
Age: 19
species: Mutant unicorn
gender: female

Her right eye is magenta, her left is a light blue

Cm: A red sphere surrounded by a blue bubble

Personality: Loyal to those she sees worthy/trustworthy of it. cunning,  short tempered, quiet. She is a strong fighter

Bio/backstory: She grew up in the wastes of sydneigh, a place brutally ravaged by magical radiation during the griffon-pony war. When soldiers came into the wastes and slaughtered all the other mutants, she managed to escape due to fooling the invaders with a gas mask and armor she found a few years earlier. She has a burning hatred for Celestia, due to the fact the soldiers armor bore her mark.

She constantly has the gas mask that saved her life, either slung around her neck or actually wearing it. 

During her wandering she made friends with Rainbow dash.

Faction: Luna republic 

Branch: cqb mage
Rank: Es

Edited by zRevenantz
  • Brohoof 1
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Name: Whirlwind
Age: 20
Species: Pegasus



Cutie Mark (if any):
A tornado 
Personality: see link
Biography: see link but for the RP specifically he's a former Athlete/Wonderbolt who became a mercenary and fought battles in Saddlearabia (i can go into more detail if necessary) 

Lunar Republic or Solar Kingdom? neither he's a sell sword 
also he a more renown scenery which will explain why both sides would like to hire him 


Also you could all do with mentioning how you OC will fight too and what weapons the are best with.

Whirlwind is a skilled Bowpony along with other tolls he gat buy from the black market, and he uses a Rapier (dusk) and a parrying dagger (also dusk) so his fighting style is more reliant on finesse 

Edited by PonyEcho

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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Oh, right. 
Valkyrie, prefers using magic to fight. She is talented in Air/repulsion. Dark/shadows and a little bit of necromancy. Chaos/magic absorption ( Think of her like a sponge, she can absorb a certain amount before she cant take in anymore. Thats when magic strikes home on her.) Her preferred magic from are shadows that take on a more psychical form. Able to stab,slice, impale,grab. She also wields a sword for when her mana runs out.  

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I'll be Vedana purity for team Solar Empire :)

Character sheet is in my signature :D Lets get this great Rp back up and running, with more organization.


Also, just another thing comes to mind, we need to be more thoughtful of others of time difference (i'm from the Uk, and there are at least 4-5 hour difference from the USA.)

  • Brohoof 1

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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That was a pain.


Age: 19

species: Mutant unicorn

gender: female



attachicon.gifValkyrie experiment 2.png

Her right eye is magenta, her left is a light blue


Cm: A red sphere surrounded by a blue bubble


Personality: Loyal to those she sees worthy/trustworthy of it. cunning,  short tempered, quiet. She is a strong fighter


Bio/backstory: She grew up in the wastes of sydneigh, a place brutally ravaged by magical radiation during the griffon-pony war. When soldiers came into the wastes and slaughtered all the other mutants, she managed to escape due to fooling the invaders with a gas mask and armor she found a few years earlier. She has a burning hatred for Celestia, due to the fact the soldiers armor bore her mark.


She constantly has the gas mask that saved her life, either slung around her neck or actually wearing it. 


During her wandering she made friends with Rainbow dash.



Faction: Luna republic 


Branch: cqb mage

Rank: Es


Accepted. Welcome back.






Name: Whirlwind

Age: 20

Species: Pegasus






Cutie Mark (if any):

A tornado 

Personality: see sheet

Biography: see sheet but for the RP specifically he's a former Athlete/Wonderbolt who became a mercenary and fought battles in Saddlearabia (i can go into more detail if unnecessary) 


Lunar Republic or Solar Kingdom? neither he's a sell sword 

also he a more renown scenery which will explain why both sides would like to hire him 


Also you could all do with mentioning how you OC will fight too and what weapons the are best with.

Whirlwind is a skilled Bowpony along with other tolls he gat buy from the black market, and he uses a Rapier (dusk) and a parrying dagger (also dusk) so his fighting style is more reliant on finesse 


Hello, PonyEcho. Can't really say no to you- not that I want to.




I'll be Vedana purity for team Solar Empire :)

Character sheet is in my signature :D Lets get this great Rp back up and running, with more organization.


Also, just another thing comes to mind, we need to be more thoughtful of others of time difference (i'm from the Uk, and there are at least 4-5 hour difference from the USA.)

Hello. Welcome back, Vedana. :D

  • Brohoof 1
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Hello. Welcome back, Vedana. :D

I am always here Metaknight, I was even in the rp (but no one wanted to tell me where the damn solar empire base was) xD


Anyway I am fired up. :D

  • Brohoof 1

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Name: Fyrin Toxix

Age: 23

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Male


Appearance: White skin/fur/hair (Whatever it's called), Black long mane, tall, thin.

Cutie Mark (if any): U.S. Army 1st Infantry Division badge.


Personality: Loyal, humorous, juggernaught-ish, encouraging.


Biography: Born being the oldest child of the family. Lived through school with his two sisters. Finished school with good grades. Decided to join the military after he suffered a massive terrorist attack on his home town. Right after joining, he served in war as a part of the infantry and was part of a massive invasion. He then went on to live alone after the war. He was called to active duty when the Civil War started.


Lunar Republic or Solar Kingdom? Lunar Republic

Branch within Faction: Lunar Infantry

Ranking: Colonel (If allowed)


I'll be making a character file about him. When I'm finished I'll inform you.

Edited by Drop It


Signature made by me. ^-^


Ask Discord thread!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/52658-ask-discord/


"James Bond wasn't given an awesome name...

He himself made it an awesome name." - A Glimpse of Everything


Ä̛͍̟̯́͊ ͈̟̟̒̅̀G͚̻̳͂͆̀l̨͍̞͋́̊í͕̠̰̾̒m̤̙̮̆̃̕p̗̣̞̒̓̕ṡ̨͖̩͆̔e̢̙̭̍̈́̿ ̼̜̹̅͘͘ỏ̢͓͙͗͆f̯̬̎̓͜͝ ̟͍̮̅̓͠E͚͓̱̅̈́͑v͚̟̘͊̀͘ȩ̝̱̊̈̽ŗ̱̮̒̒͠ÿ̧̝̱͂̅ẗ͖̼͔́̀̉h̨̛̯̘̀̐í͕͕̜̏̈́ņ̭͕́̌͘g̰̻̖͂͐̾.̙͙̽̍̿ͅ.͉̪͔̽̂̏.̰̬͉̏̈́́

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Name: Fyrin Toxix
Age: 23
Species: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Appearance: White skin/fur/hair (Whatever it's called), Black long mane, tall, thin.
Cutie Mark (if any): U.S. Army 1st Infantry Division badge.
Personality: Loyal, humorous, juggernaught-ish, encouraging.
Biography: Born being the oldest child of the family. Lived through school with his two sisters. Finished school with good grades. Decided to join the military after he suffered a massive terrorist attack on his home town. Right after joining, he served in war as a part of the infantry and was part of a massive invasion. He then went on to live alone after the war. He was called to active duty when the Civil War started.
Lunar Republic or Solar Kingdom? Lunar Republic
Branch within Faction: Lunar Infantry
Ranking: Colonel (If allowed)
I'll be making a character file about him. When I'm finished I'll inform you.


Hello, Drop It. You are accepted.


We will begin when we get confirmation to start from Higushari and Obsidian_Winter.


That, and... we need more members! Everypony can join as long as they have an acceptable OC. Advertise! :D

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Name: Golden Age
Age: 22
Species: Earth Pony
Gender: Male

Appearance: Grey Skin, Blonde mane/tail, brown eyes, a Hardee Hat and a frock coat
Cutie Mark (if any): Book with two crossed sabers on it.

Personality: Smart, Loyal, Can sometimes appear as though he's from a different era (not physically) Can be a tad selfish at times. Prefers having orders
Biography: A former member of Solar Empire, Golden Age has had the experience of being under fire. He can be calm in battle situations. He resigned and enlisted in the Lunar ranks due to his changing beliefs.

Lunar Republic or Solar Kingdom? Lunar
Branch within Faction: Lunar Infantry
Ranking: Lieutenant

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Name: Golden Age

Age: 22

Species: Earth Pony

Gender: Male


Appearance: Grey Skin, Blonde mane/tail, brown eyes, a Hardee Hat and a frock coat

Cutie Mark (if any): Book with two crossed sabers on it.


Personality: Smart, Loyal, Can sometimes appear as though he's from a different era (not physically) Can be a tad selfish at times. Prefers having orders

Biography: A former member of Solar Empire, Golden Age has had the experience of being under fire. He can be calm in battle situations. He resigned and enlisted in the Lunar ranks due to his changing beliefs.


Lunar Republic or Solar Kingdom? Lunar

Branch within Faction: Lunar Infantry

Ranking: Lieutenant


Nice. We got our Golden Age back again! (yay)


Welcome back, HistoricallyInaccurate. Enjoy the RP!

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Nice. We got our Golden Age back again! (yay)


Welcome back, HistoricallyInaccurate. Enjoy the RP!

You needn't fret about that, I shall most certainly enjoy it.


Nemo me impune lacessi! (No man strikes me with impunity!)

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Here's a picture of my OC:



I made it with the Hubworld pony creator and did a little magic to make the flower base thing go away. Then I added the cutie mark. I hope you find this as an acceptable appearance.


Signature made by me. ^-^


Ask Discord thread!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/52658-ask-discord/


"James Bond wasn't given an awesome name...

He himself made it an awesome name." - A Glimpse of Everything


Ä̛͍̟̯́͊ ͈̟̟̒̅̀G͚̻̳͂͆̀l̨͍̞͋́̊í͕̠̰̾̒m̤̙̮̆̃̕p̗̣̞̒̓̕ṡ̨͖̩͆̔e̢̙̭̍̈́̿ ̼̜̹̅͘͘ỏ̢͓͙͗͆f̯̬̎̓͜͝ ̟͍̮̅̓͠E͚͓̱̅̈́͑v͚̟̘͊̀͘ȩ̝̱̊̈̽ŗ̱̮̒̒͠ÿ̧̝̱͂̅ẗ͖̼͔́̀̉h̨̛̯̘̀̐í͕͕̜̏̈́ņ̭͕́̌͘g̰̻̖͂͐̾.̙͙̽̍̿ͅ.͉̪͔̽̂̏.̰̬͉̏̈́́

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Uhh... I dunno about this. My character doesn't really fit in, and he'd probably just ruin it for everyone else... So I'm not really sure wether to sign up again. I don't want everyone to hate me for having a wierd character XD


Join in or else no cupcakes!!

So do not make me pull a Pinkamena move on you sunny boy! because you know I will. >;3

  • Brohoof 2

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Name: Steeleye Sungazer
Age: 25
Species: Unicorn
Gender: male
(Other details in link.)

Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/steeleye-sungazer-r1455

Lunar Republic or Solar Kingdom?: Solar
Branch within Faction: Solar Mages
Ranking: Colonel


(Plan: Blow up roleplay, restart, blow upm again... Not really.)


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Name: Steeleye Sungazer

Age: 25

Species: Unicorn

Gender: male

(Other details in link.)

Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/steeleye-sungazer-r1455


Lunar Republic or Solar Kingdom?: Solar

Branch within Faction: Solar Mages

Ranking: Colonel


(Plan: Blow up roleplay, restart, blow upm again... Not really.)


OK. Well, then. Hello, Higu. Warning: If you blow it up again...


Anyways, welcome back.


I just got in some trouble with mah folks (I'm homeschooled) and I have to lay low for a bit. Don't expect me to post too much in this period of time. I'll probably get my computer mouse back over the weekend. :(


Ah, well. The RP will start at either 6 more people, Obsidian's and Berryzoid!'s entry post, or Christmas Day (Hearth's Warming Eve). Until then... I will see you later.


My poor, poor computer mouse... Luckily I have a laptop, but... :(

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Hey guys, Obsidian Winter here. I played Applejack in the last thread. After careful consideration I will not be partaking in this new Civil War Rp. THe main issue it ended was because of Higu, who Godmodded himself through every play he made. He is not only still here, but now a DM. And with him making PM's about him "Killing every pony and salting the earth" I can't really see how this will end any different. Yes new rules have been made but these new rules have been made with very little feedback from me because they keep posting and approving things within a few minutes to an hour of posting them up for discussion. Example, there was a roll to see who got control of ponyville. I didn't even get to call head or tails because I'm at work. They know I work. Higu picked heads and won Ponyville. I was one of the most acvtive players in this Rp and kept some ponies from leaving it because I felt Higu could be contained. He hasn't. As he says he hates to lose. He is in this to win, while I would be in it to have nice, long, fun battles for everypony to play in. Not enoug has been done to ensure we all don't waste our time again. I am 2 other Rp;s at the moment plus working on Voice Acting as Applejack for "The Moonstone Cup" and a video game by "the Collector". My time is precious to me and as much fun as this COULD be, with people like Higu still around, I just don't think it will. I'm sorry guys.


Obsidian Winter\ General Applejack

Edited by Obsidian_Winter
  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Hey guys, Obsidian Winter here. I played Applejack in the last thread. After careful consideration I will not be partaking in this new Civil War Rp. THe main issue it ended was because of Higu, who Godmodded himself through every play he made. He is not only still here, but now a DM. And with him making PM's about him "Killing every pony and salting the earth" I can't really see how this will end any different. Yes new rules have been made but these new rules have been made with very little feedback from me because they keep posting and approving things within a few minutes to an hour of posting them up for discussion. Example, there was a roll to see who got control of ponyville. I didn't even get to call head or tails because I'm at work. Higu picked heads and won Ponyville. I was one of the most acvtive players in this Rp and kept some ponies from leaving it because I felt Higu could be contained. He hasn't. As he says he hates to lose. He is in this to win, while I would be in it to have nice, long, fun battles for everypony to play in. Not enoug has been done to ensure we all don't waste our time again. I am 2 other Rp;s at the moment plus working on Voice Acting as Applejack for "The Moonstone Cup" and a video game by "the Collector". My time is precious to me and as much fun as this COULD be, with people like Higu still around, I just don't think it will. I'm sorry guys.


Obsidian Winter\ General Applejack

you're jumping the gun again :/ tho i agree with what you're saying too.


also there should not have been a coin toss Ponyville should always start off under SE control.


also it all still under development and the RP won't be starting just yet.

  • Brohoof 2

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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you're jumping the gun again :/ tho i agree with what you're saying too.


also there should not have been a coin toss Ponyville should always start off under SE control.


also it all still under development and the RP won't be starting just yet.

Sorry Echo, you know I wanted this to work but my time is just too valuable to waste on all that work being for nothing again. Its done and I have no intention of changing my mind. Why the DM's would have a Godmodder over quility Role PLayers like we have lost (4 to be exact) is beyond me but whatever.

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Hey guys, Obsidian Winter here. I played Applejack in the last thread. After careful consideration I will not be partaking in this new Civil War Rp. THe main issue it ended was because of Higu, who Godmodded himself through every play he made. He is not only still here, but now a DM. And with him making PM's about him "Killing every pony and salting the earth" I can't really see how this will end any different. Yes new rules have been made but these new rules have been made with very little feedback from me because they keep posting and approving things within a few minutes to an hour of posting them up for discussion. Example, there was a roll to see who got control of ponyville. I didn't even get to call head or tails because I'm at work. They know I work. Higu picked heads and won Ponyville. I was one of the most acvtive players in this Rp and kept some ponies from leaving it because I felt Higu could be contained. He hasn't. As he says he hates to lose. He is in this to win, while I would be in it to have nice, long, fun battles for everypony to play in. Not enoug has been done to ensure we all don't waste our time again. I am 2 other Rp;s at the moment plus working on Voice Acting as Applejack for "The Moonstone Cup" and a video game by "the Collector". My time is precious to me and as much fun as this COULD be, with people like Higu still around, I just don't think it will. I'm sorry guys.


Obsidian Winter\ General Applejack


Hold on there buck-o. You are definitely jumping the gun hereabouts. Since you've insisted on calling me a godmodder, I'm going to respond to this. I have not killed anyone's character. Unless I specifically say 'This person is dead, whoopy!' I am allowing a broad feild of opprotunities for people to do otherwise. Its like saying the sword auto-hits, just on a larger scale. Who knows? Maybe they were out on patrol, not near the mountain? I frankly don't care! If they decide they were caught inside the destruction, thats up to them.


Note: Nope, not a DM. Given Celestia, still not a DM. It has been said VERY clearly that anything above the scale of minor (meaning probing attacks, patrols, and so forth,) has to be cleared with the DM's before I even make a post.


Also, I fogive me for forgetting, are you in charge of the Lunar forces? I need to write that down if so.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Hold on there buck-o. You are definitely jumping the gun hereabouts. Since you've insisted on calling me a godmodder, I'm going to respond to this. I have not killed anyone's character. Unless I specifically say 'This person is dead, whoopy!' I am allowing a broad feild of opprotunities for people to do otherwise. Its like saying the sword auto-hits, just on a larger scale. Who knows? Maybe they were out on patrol, not near the mountain? I frankly don't care! If they decide they were caught inside the destruction, thats up to them.


Note: Nope, not a DM. Given Celestia, still not a DM. It has been said VERY clearly that anything above the scale of minor (meaning probing attacks, patrols, and so forth,) has to be cleared with the DM's before I even make a post.


Also, I fogive me for forgetting, are you in charge of the Lunar forces? I need to write that down if so.

YOU SUMMONED THE SUN!!!!! Yourself said 10's of thousands of ponies died. You had GOlden Eye, Sky Warden, Applemint, Col Mac practically sitting in the area and you expect them to just say "Oh yeah, that sun TOTALLY missed me". They wouldn't say that because unlike you they play fair. Its why we as DM's exist to prevent Godmodding so people who play fair don't get screw. You killed Luna for goodness sakes. I don't buy for a second you really believe people could have escaped, but I'm done with you. I'm done with this. I am not over anything Lunar because I refuse to play with you. You cheat and I cannot abide a cheater. These good ponyfolk here can deal with your poor Rp because I won't.

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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YOU SUMMONED THE SUN!!!!! Yourself said 10's of thousands of ponies died. You had GOlden Eye, Sky Warden, Applemint, Col Mac practically sitting in the area and you expect them to just say "Oh yeah, that sun TOTALLY missed me". They wouldn't say that because unlike you they play fair. Its why we as DM's exist to prevent Godmodding so people who play fair don't get screw. You killed Luna for goodness sakes. I don't buy for a second you really believe people could have escaped, but I'm done with you. I'm done with this. I am not over anything Lunar because I refuse to play with you. You cheat and I cannot abide a cheater. These good ponyfolk here can deal with your poor Rp because I won't.


Obsidian, calm down. Please PM me. I'll listen to you rant so that valuable space is not wasted here in an argument... I'd really hate for you to go.




Hold on there buck-o. You are definitely jumping the gun hereabouts. Since you've insisted on calling me a godmodder, I'm going to respond to this. I have not killed anyone's character. Unless I specifically say 'This person is dead, whoopy!' I am allowing a broad feild of opprotunities for people to do otherwise. Its like saying the sword auto-hits, just on a larger scale. Who knows? Maybe they were out on patrol, not near the mountain? I frankly don't care! If they decide they were caught inside the destruction, thats up to them.


Note: Nope, not a DM. Given Celestia, still not a DM. It has been said VERY clearly that anything above the scale of minor (meaning probing attacks, patrols, and so forth,) has to be cleared with the DM's before I even make a post.


Also, I fogive me for forgetting, are you in charge of the Lunar forces? I need to write that down if so.




Sorry for that. Anyways, if you put one toe out of line, I will have no choice but to remove you. I don't want anything like this to happen here again. I'm sorry that I have to be so harsh, but... it's mainly for the others.


And, honestly, I thought the sun thing was awesome. OP'd, but awesome.




Name: Lance Vanguard

Age: 23

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Male


Appearance: Blue Coat with Red Mane

Cutie Mark: Golden Laurel Wreath


Lunar Republic

Branch within Faction: Air force

Ranking: First Lieutenant


Link: Lance Vanguard

Welcome back. try to avoid defecting this time, OK?

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