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private Cirque de l'Amour RP


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It is a beautiful spring day. The sun is shining, the bees are humming, and romance is in the air. And to make things even better, the circus is in town! You have a week long pass to go enjoy yourself. We will all have fun, enjoy the atmosphere, and we may even find true love.
The Circus has begun!




Dusk Chant walked through the massive crowd of circus-goers, towards one of the large tents.His first show wasn't for at least an hour, but a friend of his was going to go on soon, and he did a much more dangerous show. He entered the tent, and he walked into the back-stage area.


"Hey, Flame! How ya feeling before the big show?" he inquired. When Flame Dancer joined the circus, they quickly became good friends, joking around with eachother all the time. Flame wasn't new to his act, but considering the possible danger of the act, Dusk liked to make sure that there wasn't anything that would take from Flame's attention, illness or otherwise. This time, though, Flame seemed fine enough.

Edited by MelancholicMemory
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Scamps had finished unpacking and setting up her magic act. She was scared; opening night was the second toughest. The second night was always the worse.


But, nonetheless, Scamps was scared.


She needed to be comforted. And she only knew of one pony who could do so. She walked to another dressing room and popped in. She quickly walked up to him, and rubbed against him so they were next to each other. "Hello, Airy," Scamps said, smiling at her fiance.

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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(OOC: Before we start...Just wanna say. Welcome to my world, My Imagination and...MY LIFE.)




Flame was backstage in his dressing room putting on his makeup when he heard somepony come in. "Hey Dusk." Flame jokingly punched him on the shoulder and smiled. "I'm feelin just fine, I cant wait to get started...After my first act I have eight minutes to get ready for the space wheel so...That will be interesting, I hate how all the acts change around every time we move to a new town...How are you feeling ?" He asked, Finishing the last bit of makeup and looking over at Dusk. *I honestly dont know why mares enjoy putting on makeup...I hate it.* He thought.

Something something something something


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Descant smiled at the brightly coloured tents skirting the normally empty fields at the edge of Ponyville. His neighbor's fiance seemed grateful to him, as it was indirectly Descant's doing that brought him and Descant's neighbor together in the first place, and as such, had bought Descant tickets to the carnival! He was so very excited, he had never been before, and his roommates Ragtag would be performing there. 




Rag and Tag were fooling around backstage, looking through their props for their upcoming performance. They had been travelling with this carnival for some weeks now, and it had finally stopped in their hometown. But they wanted to make sure they had everything.


"Giant beach ball?" The mare asked, holding a checklist.

"Check," said the stallion, identical to the mare in all but gender and eye colour. He was holding out a deflated, multicoloured ball that, when inflated, must be at least as large as he was.





"Squirt guns? The usual gag equipment? Smoke bombs?"


"Check, check, and check."


After completing the lengthy checklist, they pair laughed at each other merrily, and exited the tent. They didn't perform for another hour, so they had a good 45 minutes to goof off before they had to get ready, and makeup on, and all that jazz.

Edited by Descant

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Flip Flair had received a invatation that she was going to preform at some sort of carnival called Cirque de L'amour. She was very desperate to finally preform. She was currently living with her cousin, Leaf Orange. So she packed her equipment, left a note for him, and headed off. She followed the directions of where the Cirque was, until finally, she made it. Flip Flair then showed her backstage pass to the guards of the backstage entrance and she entered. 

Edited by Danger Dashie
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"I'm feeling great! I don't need to prepare as much as you, but the time-scale is still a hassle. The guys in charge really need to get their act together." Just as he finished talking, the announcer for Flame Dancer walked out into the performance area, and loud cheering could be heard.


"Well, it looks like you're up soon. I'm gonna let you go, buddy," Dusk said, putting Flame on the shoulder as he walked towards the exit. He turned around as he reached the exit, "Good luck!"


He then turned back and walked off into the crowd. There was a new musician in the circus who joined with his fiance, a magician, and Dusk wanted to meet him before the first performance.

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Bob was walking along to his store that seemed to be located near a Circus of some kind. He had never had thought about asking where his stand will be , Bob figured that during the few weeks that he will be here that he might as well have fun by himself.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Flame smiled at Dusk as he left. "I talk to ya later dusk." Flame smiled at him and trotted out onto the stage. He placed a belt around his wings keeping them from being able to open. *I wonder what I am going to eat for dinner tonight.* He thought, Climbing onto the wheel and starting his act.


(OOC: Imma say that when Flame is Fire breathing and stuff, He does that outside by the entrance to the tent at night, Before the circus's nighttime performance. Also his act is kinda like this

but he is by himself...Not with somepony else.)

Something something something something


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(OOC: When do Flip and Flame get "engaged"?)


Flip Flair was just in time, they just recently called out the first performer, who went by the name Flame Dancer. "Sorry if I'm late, I got from the outskirts of Canterlot to here, really long way..." she said. Flip then rushed into her dressing room to get ready.

Edited by Danger Dashie
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Descant entered the Circus grounds, wandering between all the giant, wonderful tents. He was grimacing slightly; he always hated carnival music. It was always too light and cheery, and never had any depth. Face value, just like this circus. He sighed. He shouldn't be reading too far into it.




Rag and Tag were bored. There was nopony to talk to, so they re-entered the backstage tent, figuring they'd go ahead and get their makeup done. The grey ponies started by streaking their flaming red manes and tails with all sorts of various colours.


Rag, who was leaning over to swipe the purple hair dye off her twins' desk, paused. There was a photograph of a gorgeous dark violet mare, with narrow eyes, and holding a mug of tea. She had never seen this mare before. "Who's she?" She asked, looking intently at the picture. "That's my marefriend."

"I didn't know you had a marefriend."

"There's a lot you don't know about me."

"Don't kid yourself. You've never been able to hide anything from me."

Tag merely hid a small smile. He knew she couldn't stand that he had a special somepony when she didn't. Poor mare.


(OOC: In case you can't tell, the darker shade of red is Tag, the stallion, while the lighter shade is Rag, the mare, and the one who will be romantically involved in this RP.

Edited by Descant

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Flame performance was slowly coming to an end but not without a grand finale. *I think I will see what the Cirque is selling for dinner.* He thought, Climbing onto the outside of the wheel and blind folding himself. he made one loop around the wheel and jumped off when it was close to the ground. He took off the blindfold and bowed to the audience.

He smiled and happily trotted off stage. "Now, Where is my new flying partner ?" He muttered, trotting around backstage.

Something something something something


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Flip Flair just came out of her dressing room, not much different really. All she had to do was her performance. She then waited outside the entrance for the stage, waiting for her name to be called. She went and passed some time by practicing some of her performance...


"Yep, that's my name alright, and you must be Flame?" she asked.

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Flame trotted into his dressing room and got on his outfit for the next act, He also wiped off all the make up and put on a different style.

Then he walked out of the change room and past a small tent where he saw a pegasus pony flying around. "Hello up there...Are you Flip ?"

Something something something something


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Today was a great day in equestria, or so Electro Dash heard. It was kinda hard to tell when your locked in a cell up in canterlot. The other prisoners wern't bad, they had just done bad things. She was looking out the barred window when a poliece officer opened the door.

"Miss Dash."


"ya'll coming with me"

Electro Dash just sighed. Nothing good happened to her any more. This was probably just going to be an interorgation. This time however it was different. They had led her over to the changing rooms, and then gave her old suit back. The suit had similar patterns to a wonderbolts costume, except it was grey. At first she was confused as to why they had given it back.

"hey officer"

"what ya"ll want?"

"Why are you giving me my suit back?" At first there was a pause, but then he finally answerd.

"ah'v been told ta take ya' to the front door. Somepony's paid alot of money to get ya'll out.

"how much?"

"1 million bits."

A million bits! Who could have such money wnd be botherd to pay for her? And then it hit her. Only a lover would even pay for this.

When she reached the front door she was greeted by a certain colt, with black and red hair and a fedora. But something else was there aswell. He had a ring around his horn.

"Spark!" she went over to hug him "i knew you loved me!"

"ah not to burst your bubble but i dont"

"what'ya mean? You spent your own bits to let me out!"

"only because i grew impatient. And you need to hear the news."

"what news?"

"I'm engaged."

"What? Oh no way who to?"

"wait i have something else. You still like carnivals?"

"like them? I LOVE them!"

"good. Now you see that one over there? Its only staying for a week and i got you the full pass" He handed the week pass over. Electro Dash took the pass and started to bounce around eagerly "thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou!!" was all she managed to say before dashing from the canterlot prison. She was still a smart little pony howver, and showed the ticket mare her pass, before entering the carnival.

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Star Keeper's secluded home lied on the outskirts of town, resting near the edge of the Everfree forest in the eaves. It was a pleasant enough place during the day and even more spectacular at night. The night sky graced him with a number of brilliant constellations and anomalies. How better to record all of this than stick a ruddy great observatory on your house? It arched precariously off the side of the structure but somehow managed to remain stable, even if Dash couldn't help but crash into it ever now and then.


But this morning wasn't pleasant at all. No, it was rather distasteful  Instead of the usual sounds of the small trickling stream and the summer birds came the sounds of the bustling crowd. That stupid circus was drawing them in like a moth to a lamp. Star never liked the fair, nor anything that festive.It was all a bit too out thereish. He planned to spend the rest of the day recording last nights planetary alignment but it seemed that was destined not to be.


He decided to give it a shot, seeing as he was likely to get no work done today. He wore his usual old brown scarf and trotted cautiously out the front door. What could possibly go wrong?

Edited by The-Master


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"You're making me do WHAT NOW?!"


The cry came from a small trailer home, a sign that said "Apply Here!" on the front of the door. Inside, two ponies were inside, conversing. One of them in a suit with shades, the other... A pale turquoise pony with a large orange mane. His red eyes seemed to stare deathly into the other pony. His beard seemed to roll all the way down to the floor.


"Yeah, yeah, you heard me, Short Fry--"




"Whatever. Listen, you either take the job, or you stay bitless and homeless. Deal? Deal. Now go out there make this circus a success."


At that moment, Fuse couldn't even disagree as the other pony pushed him out of his office and slammed the door in his face. Fuse looked like he was going to blow up...


"I can't BELIEVE THIS! I get one shot for this place, and he sticks me with THE FREAK SHOW?!"


His horn was starting to glow, but sputtering, with a white magic. After a few seconds, it died down, just adding to his anger. He walked to the circus grounds, boiling and fuming by this point...




Rockshire awoken in her bed, walking out of her home. She left a note for Percussive telling her where she was. Outside, she found a piece of paper, colorful in words and pictures. She picked it up, reading it, smiling. "The circus is in town again! Yay!"


She runs off to the circus grounds, happier than a young filly in a sweets shop.

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Electro dash eventually made it to the carnival, her face lit up the moment she ha heard the music. She showed that she had the week pass, and went inside. She looked around at all the tents and confectionary stands around the area, and the lavender pony in the middle. Electro Dash had yet to see the performers. She flew over and went on to hover upside down, yet still make eye contact. "So, i heard you like (mudkipz) the carnival."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"The one and only. Its nice to meet you Flip. Those were quite the tricks you were just doing." Flame smiled.

"The circus gave you the performance we will be doing, right ? I mean...You have practiced the act ?" He asked, jumping into the air and flying up next to her. 

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"Yep, I've been practicing the act all of the time! So, what did you do for your performance" Flip answered and questioned at the same time. She demonstrated her trick while flying with throwing 3 balls in the air and using her wings to keep them up in the air.

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Umbra laid back in the carriage as it drove further onwards. These circuses were famous all over the world and he needed the rest. He hummed a little but stopped when the others gave him the evil eye. "Hay, I'm just humming for Gods sakes." he sighed as hey looked away from him.

'The dark lord was stood in front of his throne of lies and deceit and he was playing the violin.
He looked towards them, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Why don't you stay a while and listen as all turns to dust at the hands of my son?" his voice as soft as silk........'

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Short Fuse walked inside the circus grounds, seeing everypony here was happy and upbeat. 


All these ponies... Watch. They're going to look at me, and just run away, or laugh, or something like that. Because NO ONE is going to love "THE FREAK SHOW." *sighs*




Rockshire walks inside, paying for a weekly pass, observing the grounds. She honestly couldn't be any happier than she could be as of now.

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"Yep, I've been practicing the act all of the time! So, what did you do for your preformence?" Flip answered and questioned at the same time. She demonstrated her trick while flying with throwing 3 balls in the air and using her wings to keep them up in the air.

"Awesome." Flame said, watching her juggle. "Well...I have been here since I was about eight...So I have three acts in total. First one I do in the morning and the afternoon...Its called the wheel of death, Or the space wheel...Anyhow, I just finished that performance.

now I have the flying performance...Which I believe is with you.

And then later when it gets really dark out, I do some crazy stuff with fire." He smiled.

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~

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Short Fuse walked inside the circus grounds, seeing everypony here was happy and upbeat. 


All these ponies... Watch. They're going to look at me, and just run away, or laugh, or something like that. Because NO ONE is going to love "THE FREAK SHOW." *sighs*




Rockshire walks inside, paying for a weekly pass, observing the grounds. She honestly couldn't be any happier than she could be as of now.

//Ooc what's different about short fuse?\\

Umbra stepped of the carriage, smiling Cirque Du l'amour. Circus of love. He hoped that it boded well, he'd been very lonely as of late and he hoped he might meet somepony. He paid the entry fee, a week's pass should do, and the hotel was cheep too. He noticed a strange looking mare walk past towards the freak's hut. She caught his eye in a fashion that made him walk head first into a lamp post.

'The dark lord was stood in front of his throne of lies and deceit and he was playing the violin.
He looked towards them, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Why don't you stay a while and listen as all turns to dust at the hands of my son?" his voice as soft as silk........'

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//Ooc what's different about short fuse?\\

Umbra stepped of the carriage, smiling Cirque Du l'amour. Circus of love. He hoped that it boded well, he'd been very lonely as of late and he hoped he might meet somepony. He paid the entry fee, a week's pass should do, and the hotel was cheep too. He noticed a strange looking mare walk past towards the freak's hut. She caught his eye in a fashion that made him walk head first into a lamp post.


((OOC: Short Fuse is a unicorn, but his horn had been blown off. So, there's just ponies that make fun of him for it. And the agent guy in my first post named him the "Freak Show" because of that. Since it's not normal for unicorns to be seen without a horn.


Also, I don't know who you are referencing in this post, but I'm just going to say it's Rockshire. Sorry if it's not.))


Rockshire couldn't help but hear some thud a bit away from her. She turned to see that a pony had run smack dab into a lamp post post... She ran over to help him.


"Oh my gosh, are you OK?"

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Short Fuse walked inside the circus grounds, seeing everypony here was happy and upbeat.


All these ponies... Watch. They're going to look at me, and just run away, or laugh, or something like that. Because NO ONE is going to love "THE FREAK SHOW." *sighs*




Rockshire walks inside, paying for a weekly pass, observing the grounds. She honestly couldn't be any happier than she could be as of now.

Electro Dash heard somepony else behind her. Not adressing her or anything, just trotting in the area she cannot see "cant talk now, more ponies!" she exlaimed before flying backwards. She landed infront of another pony, but this one didnt seem happy. "hey whats wrong. Need somepony to turn your frown upside down?"

(ooc: im adressing short fuse.)

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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