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open Equestrian Civil War- Take Two

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Glad that the other ponies had ignored or not noticed his smoke trail Benethor sighed with relief and despite the guards at the door he actually managed to eavesdrop. Being a farmer near wild animal nests had taught him to enhance his hearing. He continued to stand by the door listening to every word the ponies said. He continued to listen and raised his eyebrows at the idea that Celestia would try and go to a peace treaty while preparing troops for war. He heard a cough of impatience from one of the door guards and he smiled back weakly hoping they wouldn't warn the occupants of his eavesdropping. He looked again at the mysterious priest. Benethor didn't know why but he felt strangely obsessed by him. Maybe he thought he was a spy or just a crazy old fool but something about him interested Benethor greatly. He bit the bullet and decided to try and get his attention so he could take a look at his blindfolded face, he let off a loud whistle at the unicorn causing the door guards to look angrily at him

As Vedana leaned forward, placing his hoofs together as he was just about to end his advise on the matter. "And i do hope you are not treating me like a fool young pony. To eavesdrop, let alone whistle to gain my attention at this sort of desperate time is very unwise indeed." Normally Vedana would welcome him in open arms. However, due to the war, violence reports, and the wildlife in despair, Vedana is in no mood at all to play whistle games.


The blind unicorn turned his head to the left, sensing the presence of Benethor, "For your sake dear pony. I hope you are not a spy." Vedana warned him, as the guard got more angry. It is clear that Vedana is not foolish, considering the amount of riddles and old sayings he speaks.

  • Brohoof 2

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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As Vedana leaned forward, placing his hoofs together as he was just about to end his advise on the matter. "And i do hope you are not treating me like a fool young pony. To eavesdrop, let alone whistle to gain my attention at this sort of desperate time is very unwise indeed." Normally Vedana would welcome him in open arms. However, due to the war, violence reports, and the wildlife in despair, Vedana is in no mood at all to play whistle games.


The blind unicorn turned his head to the left, sensing the presence of Benethor, "For your sake dear pony. I hope you are not a spy." Vedana warned him, as the guard got more angry. It is clear that Vedana is not foolish, considering the amount of riddles and old sayings he speaks.

Benethor bite his lip hard till it almost bled. He had not wanted to insult the pony, let alone one so close to the princess. He opened his mouth to speak but his face stopped him. The pony's handsome yet disturbing features interested yet scared Benethor. He saw the ragged blindfold that covered the ponies face and he gulped hard, more terrified that this pony could sense his presence.

'Well i better get going....er.....Armour isn't going to polish its self.'

He bit his pipe and stared at the blind unicorn, not moving out of fear and the expectation that he might be dragged into the room for a bollocking

  • Brohoof 1

img-892511-7-t8R36.png (made by Jokuc thanks so much

Quotes me and dr stable like: "Age wrinkles the body quitting wrinkles the soul" Douglas Mcarthur

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The sound had awoken the Lietutenant from his daze. Golden Age turned around to view the source of the voice. He stood up and returned the gesture. "Hello, ye were that captain in the throne room yes? Pleased to meet ye sir, 'name's Golden Age! An' I'm guessin' yer a..mercenary of some sort?

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"Aye, ye may call me that. Sorry for the interruption, ye know, this place is kinda confusing" Cunning Horn glanced around and moved his hoof and head in a weird gesture, "Oh. Captain Cunning Horn The Horn Breaker. I guess ye have ever heard me name 'eh Lieutenant Golden Age?".



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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"Nay, I've ne'er heard the name until now. An' aye, this place can be quite confusin, surely the Princess gets lost every now and then! I'm assumin' ye have somethin' to do with the process of breakin' horns? By Celestia, I've ne'er been more happy to be an Earth pony in all me days!" Golden Age let out a grin. "But, it is a rather nice setup considerin' I've spent the last week sleeping in a bleedin' wall tent!"

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"Ye really have never heard me name?" Cunning Horn pulled his upper lip to the left quickly again, "I really need to raise me reputation. Well, at least he doesn't know the bad side". "Ah aye. I broke some Solarian officers horn while I'm doing me" He moved his hoof in a small circle, trying to find a word "Campaign. Some by swashbuckling, capturing, and some of them broke their own in their stress" He laughed when he said the last part, "Can't wait to break that Twilight Sparkles horn". He smirked at Golden Age, "Well say Lieutenant Golden Age. Maybe you will enjoy some shots o' rum with me?".



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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The phoenix in question sat on a perch within one of the buildings, and the Poacher examined it cautiously. It was next to an open window, so capture would be easy...


A slender chain shot from beneath the Poacher's clothed body, ensnaring the phoenix. With another sharp tug, the legendary bird was safely captured and the Poacher moved away from the building.


Back towards his masters...


The trapped Phoenix shrieked in fear, struggling against its chains while looking for help.

Edited by Silverpoint345
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Pinkie Pie:

"Hmmm...I see your point. Sure, we can have a meeting conference! I'd just like to be your guard on this one: I wanna protect you in case Luna goes bozo. And I want Luna to scare me again!" Pinkie told Celestia with a huge grin.


Lightning Dust:

Lightning skidded to a stop in Canterlot. Yes, best time, 10 minutes and 53 seconds! She ate a slice of a cake to celebrate.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Wavering watched silently the scene in front of his eyes. First, the mysterious pony was blind, then a soldier who was smoking his pipe and Pinkie Pie debating on the use of the Mirror Pond, Wavering was done being silent and took a word.


"*ahem* In case you all haven't noticed, we are in war! There are people who are risking their lives right now while we ramble about things without a point, so I would appreciate you all to be as serious as possible, there's people waiting at the Hospital. I understand that we need a little fun sometimes and even more due to this war, but right now is not the proper ocassion. Now, about making peace, I agree with trying to make an agreement or something like that, I would offer myself and some of the staff at the hospital to treat their wounded, I'm sure where they are, their equipment is not as advanced as ours, in case of a betrayal I want you to take a look at this"


Wavering took a pill from the piece of clothing around his neck and presented it to Celestia, the pill was the size of an aspirin and it was almost transparent. "This, your highness a magic inhibitor, is not complete yet, its a project I've been working and it is supposed to be used with magic related injuries. I've improved so that the effect can be triggered via remote control and it lasts 5 minutes, enough to escape difficult situations or win territory, however it does no harm. My plan is if we can make an agreement, I could put this pill inside of the Lunar Mages and that way have an advantage over the enemy. As I said is not finished yet, I need to understand more about magic and how to make the pill more resistant to stomach acids so that it can still be functional fo at least 4 days. Now if there isnt an agreement I will still develop the pill to make our Soldier more resistant to magic," Wavering took a huge breath and continued. "But all of this is reduced to your decission based on our opinions, Princess..."

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Golden Age pondered for a bit before finally responded. "Eh..Aye, why not? I still have a few hours left." The Lieutenant quickly unbuttoned his frock coat and tossed it upon his bed, leaving his undershirt which was covered by a vest. "I would expect a pony like you would know the way to the tavern like the back O' yer hoof!" Golden Age joked as he began to walk towards the stair case.

Edited by HistoricallyInaccurate
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Benethor continued to stare at the blind pony, he wandered if the blind pony knew if he was staring and then he swallowed still not daring to move. Soon an insane resolve possessed him as he opened his mouth slowly.

'I'm sorry but I couldn't help but um..over hear that you were discussing a peace treaty.....'

Benethor bit his pipe hard barely believing what he was going to say.

'Could I um....give some advise on how to approach it...Or at least the incoming war. I know i am just a corpral but i might have a few ideas.'

Apon finishing his mind was screaming


img-892511-7-t8R36.png (made by Jokuc thanks so much

Quotes me and dr stable like: "Age wrinkles the body quitting wrinkles the soul" Douglas Mcarthur

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"Aye, but the problem is Princess Luna is a kind of hiding me presence here, so I think I can't go to the tavern. Actually I have to meet a scallywag there" Cunning Horn followed Golden Age as he figured out what would Hatcher do with the reward when he heard that Cunning Horn was executed.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Golden Age stopped and looked back towards his room. "Uh, hold on a second." He said as he went back in his room and quickly put on his belt. Cunning Horn's words had convinced him to bring along is sword should the need arise "Alrighty then, let us be off!" Golden Age stated as he made his way down the staircase and to the tavern.

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Cunning Horn followed Golden Age out of the castle. Everything went well until they reached the gate. Two guards stood there, guarding the way. He recognized one of them. The guard was the same unicorn who dragged him to the Princess. He took a step in front of Golden Age and led the way to the gate. The other guard crossed his spear, blocking their way. The guard who dragged him earlier looked hesitate at first, but crossed his spear as he looked at his mate with a worried look on his face. The second guard snorted and rose his voice "You are not permitted to pass this gate prisoner".

Cunning Horn pointed the first guard, "Oy ye. Ye know me don't ye? I'm just going to the tavern for some rum with me hearty. I bet five pieces of dubloon that ye know Lieutenant Golden Age" He titled his head to Golden Age, "Well, ye can simply let us pass or ye can just stand there and I will tell the Princess that two scallywags refused an order from a Lieutenant and treated her new Captain like a prisoner?".

The two guards looked at each other. The first guard whispered something to his mate, and they let Cunning Horn and Golden Age pass.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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The unicorn scientists sat together, anticipation filling the air. They had been waiting for hours now, and the outcome of the month's work was uncertain. Would the creature return, and if so would it return with a Phoenix?


A chill seemed to converge upon the room as a figure climbed effortlessly through the lone window of the laboratory. The Poacher was met with fascinated gazes, looks that grew even more shocked as the unicorns saw what he held in one hoof.


A Phoenix chick, cawing desperately for its owner. The silence that followed seemed almost as loud as gunfire, and was broken at last by the creature himself.


"The task has been completed." the Poacher spoke in a blank voice without accent or tone. The others looked to the head unicorn for help, and at last he answered. "So... it does work... incredible..."


"Should we inform princess Luna?" another unicorn suggested quietly, his gaze never leaving the clothed automaton.


The head scientist paused for a moment, then answered. "No. Our experiments are not yet... complete. We know that it works, but not at what level and to what standard... We should keep it here until another opportunity to test it springs up..."

Edited by Silverpoint345
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For the rest of the walk Golden Age and Cunning Horn were not harassed. "Well lad," Golden Age spoke "they was mighty clever of ye, but I suppose that's why they call ye Cunning Horn aye?" 


As the two soldiers walked through the streets, they were constantly passed by columns of soldiers and officers of all ranks. It was only on occasion that they would pass a civilian. It was as if the entire Lunar army was camped in the city. There would be columns of artillery pieces rolling by and supply wagons as well. 


After some time they eventually reached the tavern. 

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Pinkie Pie:

"Aw, come on guys, give him a break." Pinkie said happily, bouncing over to Benethor.


"So, what's the idea you have? I'm all ears, we're alllll one the same side here." Pinkie said in a reassuring tone.


Lightning Dust:

Lightning looked at the time. Dang it, she had to get to Cloudsdale for some prepping and stationary! She grumbled and dashed off.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Pinkie Pie:

"Aw, come on guys, give him a break." Pinkie said happily, bouncing over to Benethor.


"So, what's the idea you have? I'm all ears, we're alllll one the same side here." Pinkie said in a reassuring tone.


Lightning Dust:

Lightning looked at the time. Dang it, she had to get to Cloudsdale for some prepping and stationary! She grumbled and dashed off.

Benethor looked oddly at the Pink Earth pony, something about her seemed familiar, as if she had an aura of familiarity about her, as if she had once worked on a rock farm that was near his farm years ago, but Benethor knew this was a ridiculous idea he took the pipe out of his mouth for the first time in ages and placed it in his saddle bag still blushing at the enthusiastic Pink pony.

'Um..Thanks for backing me up...um...' He said while raising a hoof and pointing at her.

'You.....but I don't think the others would like to hear what ideas i have.'

He looked around again keeping a close eye on Vedana who still creeped the bejebus out of him before moving his head slowly to Celestia who he hoped wouldn't turn him into a pile of ash anytime soon.

Edited by TheLionPaladin
  • Brohoof 2

img-892511-7-t8R36.png (made by Jokuc thanks so much

Quotes me and dr stable like: "Age wrinkles the body quitting wrinkles the soul" Douglas Mcarthur

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Benethor looked oddly at the Pink Earth pony, something about her seemed familiar, as if she had an aura of familiarity about her, as if she had once worked on a rock farm that was near his farm years ago, but Benethor knew this was a ridiculous idea he took the pipe out of his mouth for the first time in ages and placed it in his saddle bag still blushing at the enthusiastic Pink pony.

'Um..Thanks for backing me up...um...' He said while raising a hoof and pointing at her.

'You.....but I don't think the others would like to hear what ideas i have.'

He looked around again keeping a close eye on Vedana who still creeped the bejebus out of him before moving his head slwoly to Celestia who he hoped wouldn't turn him into a pile of ash anytime soon.

Vedana did not move his head, his face let alone his ears were fixed onto Benethor. He did feel bad slowly for mistreating him right. However there is no crime without keeping his guard up. The blind unicorn's sensed were heightened even more when Pinkie pie jumped over to him. "Pinkie how can you be so sure...he could be a spy..."

  • Brohoof 1

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Vedana did not move his head, his face let alone his ears were fixed onto Benethor. He did feel bad slowly for mistreating him right. However there is no crime without keeping his guard up. The blind unicorn's sensed were heightened even more when Pinkie pie jumped over to him. "Pinkie how can you be so sure...he could be a spy..."

Before Pinkie could even answer Benethor almost burst out laughing, scraping his hoof against the ground to try and stop himself from cackling.

'A spy...A spy alerts his presence to the one he is watching does he?'

Slowly Benethor was starting to let out his fear in the form of slight anger he narrowed his eyes at the blind unicorn.

'And who are you then hermit? A servant of Celestial beings? A speaker of nature itself or a beggar who managed to impress royalty by twisting words in ways that made it music to their ears.'

Though Benethor was never normally this nasty, which he hoped the others would notice there was nothing he hated more than assumptions being made of him that were untrue. He swallowed bitterly from his outburst preparing for the consequences of his wicked words.

  • Brohoof 2

img-892511-7-t8R36.png (made by Jokuc thanks so much

Quotes me and dr stable like: "Age wrinkles the body quitting wrinkles the soul" Douglas Mcarthur

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Before Pinkie could even answer Benethor almost burst out laughing, scraping his hoof against the ground to try and stop himself from cackling.

'A spy...A spy alerts his presence to the one he is watching does he?'

Slowly Benethor was starting to let out his fear in the form of slight anger he narrowed his eyes at the blind unicorn.

'And who are you then hermit? A servant of Celestial beings? A speaker of nature itself or a beggar who managed to impress royalty by twisting words in ways that made it music to their ears.'

Though Benethor was never normally this nasty, which he hoped the others would notice there was nothing he hated more than assumptions being made of him that were untrue. He swallowed bitterly from his outburst preparing for the consequences of his wicked words.

Vedana did not even need to reply to that, but the Celestia royal guard surely did take a serious offense to that, just like two guardsman trotted to Benethor with an angry glare. "How dare you talk to Vedana purity, the unicorn who has saved alot of Ponies throughout equestria from the brink of self destruction! He has touched more lifes than you can possibly imagine, and it is HE who actually helped princess Celestia with one of her problems!!" One of the guardsman shouted at benethor, with a face on the edge to smack the pony. T


The other three guardsman then added, "If I were you young pony, I would choose your words very carefully, unless you want Celestia to send you to the darkest dungeon in this castle. Never call him beggar...in fact I'd suggest you take back those very words, before we do something about that." The second guard told him, as the rest of the Celestia guards, from inside the hall stared angryly like darts on a board at benethor.

  • Brohoof 1

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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It didn't take very long for Benethor to regret ever opening his fat trap. He winced almost as soon as he said and, the guards stares and screams of outrage didn't help either. Benethor did feel guilty, even before he was told what a great pony Vedana was, he couldn't believe he stooped to such a low level because he was called a spy. Benethor sighed and slowly and carefully trotted over ot the blind unicorn which he was sure bought him more angry stares. He stopped right next to him and lied on the ground putting his head next to the blind pony's hoof.

'I had no idea you were Verdana the pure. I had heard the stories about you but never did i think you were him.'

Benethor sighed again keeping himself in this odd position.

'But even if you were a normal pony i had no right to speak to you like that. I am truly sorry, I know you can't see me but if you could you would see me in the lowly position that i am, I am the beggar Verdana not you. And i am begging for forgiveness. He then raised himself from this position and swallowed slowly

That sounded so cheesy Benethor don't do that again!

  • Brohoof 1

img-892511-7-t8R36.png (made by Jokuc thanks so much

Quotes me and dr stable like: "Age wrinkles the body quitting wrinkles the soul" Douglas Mcarthur

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It didn't take very long for Benethor to regret ever opening his fat trap. He winced almost as soon as he said and, the guards stares and screams of outrage didn't help either. Benethor did feel guilty, even before he was told what a great pony Vedana was, he couldn't believe he stooped to such a low level because he was called a spy. Benethor sighed and slowly and carefully trotted over ot the blind unicorn which he was sure bought him more angry stares. He stopped right next to him and lied on the ground putting his head next to the blind pony's hoof.

'I had no idea you were Verdana the pure. I had heard the stories about you but never did i think you were him.'

Benethor sighed again keeping himself in this odd position.

'But even if you were a normal pony i had no right to speak to you like that. I am truly sorry, I know you can't see me but if you could you would see me in the lowly position that i am, I am the beggar Verdana not you. And i am begging for forgiveness. He then raised himself from this position and swallowed slowly

That sounded so cheesy Benethor don't do that again!

Vedana then left his chair and trotted to Benethor with a smile. His ears picked up every detail that was based on the tone and pitch of Benethor's voice. "And I am sorry to for doubting you..." The blind unicorn turned his head to the guards. "He is no spy my dear friends, he is a normal pony." The guards went quiet and calm at that and sighed with relief. "I do hope you forgive me young pony, these are indeed unfortunate time, please do understand on my actions earlier." Vedana continued to Benethor, looking at Pinkie pie to his right, "Although if you were a Spy, I believe my General Pinkie Pie, would deal with you faster than any pony could say 'Cupcakes'."

  • Brohoof 1

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Vedana then left his chair and trotted to Benethor with a smile. His ears picked up every detail that was based on the tone and pitch of Benethor's voice. "And I am sorry to for doubting you..." The blind unicorn turned his head to the guards. "He is no spy my dear friends, he is a normal pony." The guards went quiet and calm at that and sighed with relief. "I do hope you forgive me young pony, these are indeed unfortunate time, please do understand on my actions earlier." Vedana continued to Benethor, looking at Pinkie pie to his right, "Although if you were a Spy, I believe my General Pinkie Pie, would deal with you faster than any pony could say 'Cupcakes'."

Benethor chuckled and smiled and Vedana.

'Yes I am sure she could. Have you had any Lunar spies yet, infact have you had any other spies.'

Benethor of course knew of the Lunar threat but he had always wandered if any other faction could threaten the solar empire. Though were there any other factions? Benethor wanted to ask Verdana but he knew his curiosity on that subject could wait.

img-892511-7-t8R36.png (made by Jokuc thanks so much

Quotes me and dr stable like: "Age wrinkles the body quitting wrinkles the soul" Douglas Mcarthur

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Princess Celestia:

All this time the Princess had kept her peace, content in knowing that her subjects would handle the situation with ease. Finding that her confidence had been correctly placed, she finally spoke. "I would be interested to know what your idea is sir pony, guards, please return to your posts. I'm sure there are matters of more importance to be had," Her stern gaze scattered the guards back to their respective posts like ashamed sheep. Waiting until the last one had returned to his or her post like a sheperd watches his flock, Celestia turned her attention back to the meeting at hand. "Thank you all for your adivce. A monarch is nothing without her subjects, especially her advisors. I have listened carefully and have decided upon my course of action."

A flare of magic made the images previously shown on the magical screen disappear, replaced with a blank slate. Soon enough a map of Equestria appeared, a comprehensive and everchanging drawing of all known confrontations and borders. This would zoom in on an area that all ponies would be familiar with. "I will request that the Peace Embassy be held in Ponville, at the Town Hall. Its primary purpose will be to secure a lasting peace in Equestria. Secondary objectives are as follows: Consolidate the rebels back under our rule, retrieve prisoners and property, and if all else fails: Gather as much information on the disposition of the rebels as possible. While some of these goals may seem a bit fanciful on my part, it truly neccesary that we do everything possible to end this war."


"This brings me to a regretful second point," she said with a sigh. "I have high hopes that the Peace Embassy will suceed. But we must be prepared for its failure. Several contingiency plans have been put forward by my generals, only a few of which even look feasible. The first and most likely to suceed is shown here." The screen would change to show large scale excavations on the side of the mountain nearby Canterlot, higher up the slope. "Digging crews have begun to prep the mountainside to hold this proposed solution: The Helios Bombardment Platform. Simply put, it is a fortress and weapons system at the same time." The screen changed yet again to show a preliminary plan for the HPB. Featuring tunnels and bunkers buried deep within the mountain, the most obvious feature was a gigantic cannon, nearly half the length of the entire structure.


"As some of you know, there are crystal caves beneath Canterlot, one of the reasons for its location. Research has been completed recently that allow for the weaponization of these crystals, primarily in long range artillery. The Helios Bombardment Platform, shortened to be known as HBP is to be powered by these crystals. Using high density magical projectiles, this cannon wil be able to flatten a battlefeild in seconds if all go as planned." A wink dissipated the magical screen back into the air. "As you can likely see, it is of utmost importance that the Peace Embassy not fail. If it does, we will be forced to take extreme action."

  • Brohoof 2


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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