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private A Strange World RP

Miss Light Diamond

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After what seemed like a while Carlos headed down to the holding area where they were keeping the ponies. Luckily for him he had access and entered. There he saw a few of the ponies waking up and talking in clear English. He noticed the one pony he had shot earlier who was at the intercom and went up to it..or her since it claimed she was Captain Snow. With a sorrow expression he put his hands on the bar. "Im sorry." was all that came out of his mouth. And he truly felt that way. He didn't want to have to do what he did, but what's done is done.

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"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Lex slowly opened his eyes. "Wha...Where am I ? What am I." He muttered, Looking at his hooves, He was on a small metal bed at the back of a metal cage.

He looked at the other side of the cage and saw another pony, She also had wings and a horn, Lexon's eyes widened and he stared at the pony. "Ummm...Hi ?" He said.

Something something something something


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Robert made his way into the labs , he realized that he had forgotten both his lab coat and his staff i.d.   He  was hoping that his boss wouldn't fire him , he needed this job for his family and wasn't going to allow it to slip through his fingers. Robert slowly made his way into the room and waited to be seen by the supervisor

Edited by Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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After what seemed like a while Carlos headed down to the holding area where they were keeping the ponies. Luckily for him he had access and entered. There he saw a few of the ponies waking up and talking in clear English. He noticed the one pony he had shot earlier who was at the intercom and went up to it..or her since it claimed she was Captain Snow. With a sorrow expression he put his hands on the bar. "Im sorry." was all that came out of his mouth. And he truly felt that way. He didn't want to have to do what he did, but what's done is done.
Her back was turned to him.


"Carlos?" She sighed. "Carlos, its okay. I forgive you. You were following orders and I could not have asked anymore of you. Now we have a problem. We all are victims of this experiment gone wrong and we shouldn't be locked up. Tell the next line in command to let us go. Thats an order. I may be a.....a pony, but I am still the commander of Security for this Facility."


She turned and focused her gentle, yet icy eyes on him.


"Please Carlos, do what you can....I need sleep to figure this out and get the drugs out of the system. At the very least see if you can get us out of these cages."


She smiles to him.. "Thank you"


She turned to the other pony next to her. He ws cute, actually in a pony kind of way.


"Hi" was all she said. She was beat, exhausted and needed rest.


With that she drifted off to sleep.


(Night guys! Work tomorrow!

Edited by Obsidian_Winter

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Fletcher could feel his vision trying to blur again, but he forced himself to stay conscious. He wanted to understand.


Looking to his right, he noticed Carlos talking to someone two cages over from him. Carlos still looked like Carlos. Whatever happened must have had no effect on those not in the room. He was Carlos' peer, the same rank. They had always gotten along well, and he'd rather talk to someone he could recognise, but... Carlos was intent on whoever he was talking with. Instead, Fletcher looked to the pony between them. "Any idea what happened?" He had no idea who he was talking to. He sort of hoped Carlos heard the question. There had been cameras for those stationed outside to see what was happening...



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Carlos was lost for words. He didn't know the next line in command and even if he did they probably would revoke the order. Over all he really had no power and was just considered a grunt man. He got up from her cage and walked around checking on the others. He almost hated himself for doing what he did but if he tried anything he would have been court martialed. Still. Snow wanted him to get them out, and he would have them out in the morning one way or another. He went to the door and turned, "Im getting all of you out of here tomorrow morning. Or die trying." what he said was in a low voice to where they couldn't hear. He had a new mission to complete, and he was determined to finish it. One way...

or the other. 


(Night every pony. FYI I have my Skype name on my profile so if y'all want to request for pictures to be drawn and so forth, just send me a message there. I do have a web cam so if you want to see the pictures I can do that as well. Btw Descant, im done planning out North Arrows picture. I think you'll like it.)

Edited by Marathon

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Flame looked at the pony who had just addressed him. "Well...I think...I...I dunno. This goes against all science and physics...It must be like...The portal back fired or something...Like, When we opened it up, The magic from their world seeped into our world...and since our DNA didn't mach the DNA of a pony...The magic tried to fix it. That is what makes the most sense in my mind...Its Lexon by the way." He said, tapping his horn with his hoof.

Something something something something


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Fletcher shrugged. "That makes sense to me. Certainly a better explanation than I could have come up with." He hadn't liked Lexon much before, it was true, but for know he was going to have to put that dislike aside. He couldn't afford to allow grudges to get in the way. "Mine's Fletcher. I've thought about it some, too. Our brain structure must have been slightly altered, too, to account for physical changes, and access to magic, and, well, these." He unfurled his wings, only to bump them against the ceiling of his cage painfully. They were much larger than he had expected. "And... the Captain's accent disappeared. Further evidence. But as far as I can tell, our personalities and memories have been preserved." He waited for Lexon, who had shown signs of recognition at his name, to be surprised at his little theory. Usually they scoffed at his dabbling in demology and psychology, since he lacked a doctorate, and didn't always come across as the brightest bulb.

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"I think...I think you're right. You are a security guard ? Why aren't you a scientist ?" He asked. "You are right...If we had kept the same brain structure...I dont really think we would be able to move our wings, The human mind doesn't know what these muscles feel like...so our minds must have been altered." He said, opening then closing his wings.

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~

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Fletcher's ears twitched frustratedly. It felt strange, his ears twitching.


"I'm not a scientist because nobody considered what I knew relevant at all. I was scoffed at by almost every scientist here when I tried to help out, and my skills were all that kept me stationed here. I was hoping to get my time in with the military so I could go back to college one day..." Fletcher's ears had flattened to his head, and his wings plastered to his sides. The subject had recently developed to a touchy one. He was surprised that Lexon was unaware of the way he had been treated. He seemed far less like the rest of them than Fletcher had expected, being their leader and all.


(OOC: Which of your OC's did Lex become?)

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(OOC: Himself http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lexon-r2133 )


"I'm sorry to hear that...If I had known I would have done something about it. But with the way we are being treated right now...I think I am going to quit...They're treating us like science experiments, Keeping us locked up in cages...Its just not cool." He said, Looking around at the bars then at the back of the cage, He saw his reflection. "I hope we can find a way to get back to normal." He muttered, staring at his wings.

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~

Something something something something


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Fletcher was starting to become drowsy. He laid down, and curled his wings up around himself like a blanket. He remained alert, however, and looked at Lexon. He couldn't keep himself from chuckling. "I doubt that you're even a person in their eyes anymore, let alone a scientist. A resignation would be pretty much pointless." He turned, to see what Lex was looking at, and accidentally pushed his wing up against the side of his small cage in the process. It really hurt. These wings were fragile. He was going to have to be far more careful with them.


Repositioning himself, he saw a mirror at the back of the cage. He could see a trace of his old face in the one he saw in the mirror... His features were still slightly hawklike, his hair still wavy, although no longer brown, but a silvery colour that sparkled, as if it was powdered with fresh snow. His eyes were still golden. He wondered if it was because of the contacts, if they were still in. Well, if they were, there was no way he could get them out now. No fingers. He looked more closely at his hoof, which was a steely blue-green. Like a Robin's Egg Blue, but grayer and slightly darker. He liked the way he looked.

Edited by Descant

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Lexon nodded and also lay down on the bed. "These...Are rather uncomfortable, I wish they gave us blankets." He said, hugging his legs. he glanced over at Fletcher and noticed his wings hugging his body. *That's...Not a bad idea.* He thought, Opening his wings and wrapping them around his body, trying to stay warm.

Something something something something


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Fletcher bowed his head and fell to sleep instantly. These wings were rather comfortable, he supposed.


His dreams were strange, oddly disjointed. Every now and then, he would catch sight of a beautiful and tall dark blue pony, with a flowing mane that twinkled like the night sky... Who was that? He chased after her, calling for her in a voice that was his, but also not his... But she always eluded him. He could hear her laughing, and he was not sure if it was in the joy of the chase, or if she was laughing at him. Either way, he grew annoyed and unfurled his wings, which caught onto the branches of the trees of the dense forest he was running through, bringing him to a jolting halt. He cursed. "Now I've definitely lost her." He paused, examining his own voice. He hadn't noticed it before, but his voice, which had before carried traces of the Queen's English due to influences from his parents, who had moved to California from England, now sounded like a Brooklyn accent. He was confused. He had never been to New York once in his life. He could still detect the Queen's English scattered about in there, but... His accent had changed, as surely as had Captain Snow's.


Still sleeping, Fletcher could be seen to let out a snort, mumble softly, and pull his wings back in around his body without waking. 

Edited by Descant

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(OOC: where is everypony now?)

Derek had expectex something lije this to happen, so he had simply put on a prototype pair of sunglasses, designed to help astronaughts if they look at the sun. The light was now merely as bright as a spark (bright spark, cwutididthar?) as the machine broke down. When the flash of light stopped completley, he appeared alone. "Thats what happes when you test prototype sunglasses." he before his feet buckled beneath him. A little confused as to why, he realised he should do a full body synopsis, in case he lost an arm or something. "Alright lets see. I am alive so my body and head are in complete working order. I know I have my legs... Wait do i have my legs?" he looked behind him. "yeah I have my legs. And my arms appear to be- wait a minute. Are theese hoofs?" He looked at both his hands and then his legs. Sure enough he was now hoofed. He then rememberd the part of the portal in which he was building. The part that would stop your atom from de-bonding. And it did this by turning you into the most humanoid species. Oddly those were ponies, and Derek was unsure if he shhould be joyful or stay emotionless. He went for the second option as he went out the door

"well, it appeares tge trans genetic modifier succesfully worked."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Carlos made his to his room in the barracks. He didn't know what to do. All those scientist had been turned into ponies and he had to do something. He thought for a second then went to his locker. When he opened it he was again met by the pictures, and quickly grabbed those and stuffed them into one of his pockets. He then grabbed some mags with live ammunition and loaded up. When he was finished he went back to the holding area where a few of the ponies were asleep. He went up to the cages where two ponies were sleeping with their wings wrapped around them for warmth and he felt bad for them. Pausing a second he slammed the butt of his rifle against a cabinet to give them all a good scare and get some adrenaline in them. "Move to the back of the cage and quickly. Cover your ears too." Carlos ordered.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Leafdew, who was next to Fletcher, overheard his conversation with Lex. "To them, we are science experiments. Or,, maybe the result of one. Everyone else probably thinks that the portal worked, and that we're from Equestria." He sighed as he curled up around his wing-less body. Suddenly, he awoke and jumped as he heard a noise. "Carlos!" Leafdew screamed excitedly. He then obeyed orders and pushed himself to the back of his cage and plugged his ears with his hoovess.

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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Fletcher leapt to his feet at the loud banging noise, a reflex borne of his training. Unfortunately, he had forgotten he had wings, which tripped him up, and was a pony, as he tried to stand on his hind legs and his back spiked with pain. He also managed to hit his head on the roof of the cage hard enough to move the cage several inches.




Fletcher shook his head. He tried standing on all fours, which, not only was there room for, but felt natural. He recognized Carlos as being in command, so he responded, "Yes sir," again detecting the touch of Brooklyn as well as that of London upon his deep, slow voice. As ordered, he huddled up against the back of the cage, ears flattening tight against his head.

Edited by Descant

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Carlos went up to the pony who yelled his name. He looked at the lock on the cage and set the barrel on it and pulled the trigger. He noticed it didn't come off but there was a clean hole so he kicked it and the lock fell to the floor making a loud metallic bang. Carlos then went to the next ponies cage and did the same thing until all the ponies were released from their cramped jails. Carlos sat down giving the ponies some time to wake up and get ready for what was coming next. 

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Capt. Snow jolted awake at the sound, knowing at once what it was. She reached her hoof over to grab her side arm on instinct but of course it wasn't there and she had no fingers. She saw what Carlos was doing and totally lost her cool.


"What the hell are you doing, Carlos?! You are in a Maximum security building and you just shot of rounds. I designed the security here. As soon as the first shot went off the place went into lock down! You can't just blow your way out of here. I had the security designed in case something horrible came through that portal. What were you thinking man?!"


Her Icy blue eyes were locked on his. She spread out her large wings and shook her withers, stretching from being in the cage.


"While most of you were sleeping, I was up late last night wrapping my head around things. If we're going to get to a safer level I am going to need every pony with a horn to help."


First thing she did is close her eyes and point her horn at the door. She focused all her attention on it. She began to shake and sweat and her knees got weak, but finally light blue frosty mist glowed around her horn as a thick sheet of solid Ice surrounded the door. When the spell was done, she fell to the ground. Just that simple spell was all she could manage.


"Listen, Magic works like it does in Equestria. You don't need fancy spells, you just need to study structure, how to put what you want into reality. The more complex the spell, the harder it is to memorize every detail. I just did a simple freeze spell.I slowed the molicules in the moisture through the air, moved them to the hard, then slowed them to a solid state. That buys us time, but we have to get out of this room!"

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Leafdeq jumped out of his cage as Snow lead all the unicorns and alicorns. "Er...um, Earth ponies and pegasi, guard the area to make sure we aren't caught while alicorns and unicorns do that. Pegasi, fly up, if you can, to check overhead, and earth ponies, stand guard here..." Leafdew tried to command. He wasn't sure if anyone would listen to an 11 year old kid, but he figured it was worth a shot

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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Fletcher jumped when he heard the gunshot. The door of his cage, as well as the one next to him, were shot open. Fletcher pushed the door all the way open and hopped down onto the ground, stretching his wings thankfully. He looked around, and saw Snow lecturing Carlos. He heard the young pony trying to give orders. He didn't want to listen, but what the pony hesitantly said made too much sense. He flew up, and checked the catwalks that hung above in the room. They were thankfully deserted, but the door up there looked bolted shut. "We're clear up here," he called.

Edited by Descant

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(OOC: Oh my... I had to read 67 posts because you told me to read what everyone says... My eyes are almost dead...)


Perttu noticed a comotion in the lower chambers in the Laboratory. A gun-shot? Something's not right... He was sure that there were no weaponry tests right now going on.


He decided go deeper and try to find what was going on.

Perttu was in the cell level, deep inside the facility. He then looked at the impossible.




No way.




NO... WAY!


NO, NO, NO, NO!!!


Perttu fell to his knees, almost like something pushed him down. He was hallucinating, for sure.


"Oh, my. Those  are... Ponies! In real life! That was about that new world the scientists were referring to... Now I see! I can't wait to..." Perttu stopped. He was now in shock. Why were there ponies in the cells?! He was confused, but decided to meet them.

He went down the as he saw a pegasus flying.


"Hey, you!" He said, but then immediately regreting so.

Edited by Devious Detonation

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Oh, yes... My OC/ponysona: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/metalic-strings-r1553

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(OOC: I am just making this one post after this I think I am going to wait for Rockshire to catch up.)



Lex stared at the now. "How...Did you just...That's not possible." He said, taking a few wobbly steps out of the cage and towards the door, He tapped on the ice.

Just then he heard a voice coming from the other door. Lex turned around and pointed his horn at whoever it was. "I...I will magic you. Now, Are you here to help or here to...Not help ?" He asked, staring at Perttu.

Something something something something


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(OOC: Oh my... I had to read 67 posts because you told me to read what everyone says... My eyes are almost dead...)


Perttu noticed a comotion in the lower chambers in the Laboratory. A gun-shot? Something's not right... He was sure that there were no weaponry tests right now going on.


He decided go deeper and try to find what was going on.

Perttu was in the cell level, deep inside the facility. He then looked at the impossible.




No way.




NO... WAY!


NO, NO, NO, NO!!!


Perttu fell to his knees, almost like something pushed him down. He was hallucinating, for sure.


"Oh, my. Those  are... Ponies! In real life! That was about that new world the scientists were referring to... Now I see! I can't wait to..." Perttu stopped. He was now in shock. Why were there ponies in the cells?! He was confused, but decided to meet them.

He went down the as he saw a pegasus flying.


"Hey, you!" He said, but then immediately regreting so.

Fletcher heard the shout, and looked. He saw one of the scientists, still human, standing next to an open door, and staring directly at him. He felt a jolt of excitement, and swooped down, almost bowling the fellow over in an attempt to get to the door and ensure it stayed open. 

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