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searching War of The Gods: The Third Great Dragon War Arc


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This rp is set in an Equestria where there is multiple gods.

They war with each other endlessly, using their raw power and their followers as weapons. The gods are immortal, but they can be harmed, and sometimes even killed.


 Sometimes good wins, other times evil. The realms are in constant conflict. Legends tell that a group of six heroes would rise to restore harmony... And they've arrived.


Please read the Lore, Story and Rules sections BEFORE posting your OC.

(The following things in the lore section are required to read: 

-The Races section

-The Realms Section

-Dra'Kon, Meutre, Vivana, Discord, Celestia and Luna's bios.


Though it's suggested to read everything)











The most abundant race in Equestria.


>Earth Pony

Though not able to use magic, Earth ponies are the fastest runners and are the most physically strong pony subspecies. Their very presence is capable of making plants (especially crops) grow at an alarming rate.




Though not usually strong physically, Unicorns are great magic users and strategists.




Capable of flying at high heights and speeds. Pegasi even have the uncanny ability to control weather clouds.



Zebras specialize in healing spells, auras and curses. They are great potion creators.





Griffons are Fast, Agile and strong. They are capable of flying higher than pegasi, but have only a limited control over weather.




Changelings are insect-like ponies capable of changing their forms. They can fly, and use limited magic. They feed off of love.



Diamond Dog

Humanoid, dog-like creatures.

What they lack in brains, they make up for in strength and brutality.




Half fish, half ponies capable of breathing underwater. They have horns and a limited number of spells.



Dragons are reptilian creatures with infinite possibilities of colors, wings, textures, spines, limbs, tails, breath weapons, magic, etc. Dragons are born with one breath weapon, and can sometimes learn another. They also know a few spells.

Dragon breath weapons are:


-Frost and Ice



-Toxic Gas

-Raw Magic

-Sleep Gas

-Gusts of Wind

-Loud soundwaves



Put the words "Banana Pudding" at the beginning of your post, this is to see if you actually read this :P 



Monstrous versions of boars. They are savage and brutal, and some are gifted with the ability to control fungi to an extent.


Your character can be any of the races listed as playable, but you have to be sided with Equestria.




The Gods





Meurtris is the deceased father of Princess Luna and Celestia. Not much is known of his past. He was killed by Discord when the draconneques went on his rampage across Equestria.

Gender: Male

Race: Alicorn

Alignment: Good

Agenda: Death



Vivana is the deceased mother of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Not much is known of her past. She was killed the same way as her husband was. 

Gender: Female

Race: Alicorn

Alignment: Good

Agenda: Life


Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia is the ruler of the realm of Equestria, but rarely ever takes part in battle. Celestia is highly protective of her sister, and your life might be in danger if you threaten or insult Luna.

She rises and sets the sun.

Gender: Female

Race: Alicorn

Alignment: Lawful Good

Agenda: The Sun, Day, Light, Peace and Order.


Princess Luna

The co-ruler of Equestria. Princess Luna is known for frequently participating directly on the battlefield with her subjects. She sometimes uses her "Nightmare Moon" persona during battle, giving her enhanced speed, stamina, agility, magic power and strength.

Luna rises and sets the moon.

Gender: Female

Race: Alicorn

Alignment: Unlawful Good

Agenda: The moon, Night, Darkness and War.



Discord used to be part of the pantheon of Equestria, ruling alongside Meurtris, Vivana, Celestia and Luna.

The Draconneques was "child hood" friends with Celestia, until he was taken away by his dragon father, Apophis. (An ancient dragon god, currently deceased)

Apophis corrupted the young Discord, and forced him to use his powers for evil and to destroy his enemies. 


This eventually led to the death of Meurtris and Vivana. Celestia pursued Discord, and the two had a long and tiring battle, but Discord eventually became victorious. He left Celestia alive, and fled into the Darklands with a large group of his most loyal followers. There he prepared his army, creating horrific monsters beyond imagination.


After one hundred years passed since the death of Celestia and Luna's parents, Discord, his cult and his abominations waged war upon Equestria. 

Many lives were lost on both sides, but Equestria suffered more. Discord took hold of Equestria a moment after the two princesses were announced missing. 


Many thought the Princesses had abandoned Equestria, but in reality they were searching for the lost Elements Of Harmony.


They triumphantly returned, slaying all foes that stood in-between them and Discord, then used the powers of the elements to seal him in stone.


The statue of Discord was stolen by his cult, and now lays within one of the many castles that Discord created in the Darklands.

Though imprisoned in stone, he can still speak to his followers through magical stones.

Gender: Male

Race: Draconeques

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Agenda: Chaos, Disharmony


Princess Cadence

Princess Cadence is the ruler of the crystal kingdom and a longtime enemy of King Sombra.

Gender: Female

Race: Alicorn

Alignment: Lawful Good

Agenda: Love, The Crystal Heart


Queen Chrysalis

Chrysalis is the queen of the changeling hive. The Changelings loyal to her follow her ever order without question.

Gender: Female

Race: Changeling

Alignment: Evil

Agenda: Lies, Disguise, Change


King Sombra

King Sombra was reincarnated by the Discord cult (Something Discord ordered) and was convinced to join the Pantheon of The Darklands. Sombra is highly skilled at black magic and his very presence makes all foes around him overcome with fear.

Gender: Male

Race: Unicorn

Alignment: Evil

Agenda: Shadows, Sorrow, Black Magic, Hate



Aqua is the ruler of the ocean and the hippocampus race. She sometimes helps Equestria when it is in times of conflict.

Gender: Female

Race: Hippocampus

Alignment: Good

Agenda: Oceans, Sea storms



The ruler of the griffins. Zeus can preform a maneuver similar to a "sonic rainboom" except with lightning. His forces sometime skirmish with Equestria, though he mostly remains neutral.

Gender: Male

Race: Griffin

Alignment: Good/Evil 

Agenda: Storms, Lightning



The father of all dragons, Dra'Kon is capable of using every dragon breath weapon and ability.

The color of his scales is constantly changing.

He was originally against starting the third great Dragon War (Known to the dragons as the third great Equestrian War), but his daughter Tiamat persuaded him.

Gender: Male

Race: Dragon

Alignment: Unlawful Good (Though in this arc, he is considered Evil)

Agenda: Fire, Elemental Magic,  Dragons



Tiamat is the goddess daughter of Dra'Kon. She is greedy, and sometimes manipulates her father into doing things that would benefit her. 

Gender: Female

Race: Dragon

Alignment: Unlawful Evil

Agenda: Greed, Treasure



Jellar'had is the supreme commander of the Orc race, and also a god. He sided with the Dragons when the war started.

Gender: Male

Race: Orc

Alignment: Evil

Agenda: Fungus, Mud


Zul Thalia

Zul is the Queen of the Zebras. She supports Equestria when it is in need. She is known for her extreme kindness, sometimes even guiding enemies to safety.

Her very presence can reduce any pain someone is feeling, be it physical or mental.

Gender: Female

Race: Zebra

Alignment: Lawful Good

Agenda: Healing, Herbs





Pantheons are a group of two or more gods that are allies.


The Equestrian royal pantheon






The Legion of the Darklands













-The Darklands

The remnants of Discord's kingdom. Some dragon forces have taken control of sone of the castles and are looking for the lost Elements of Harmony.



Home of demons and evil souls, Tartarus is a fiery but dark realm containing abominations from the worst nightmares of all.



The realm of the Hippocampus.


-The Zebra Lands

The home of the Zebras. Is composed of Jungles, Savannahs and forests.


Put "BUT WHO WAS PHONE" at the end of your post, this is a test to see if you read this section. :P


-The Old North

The lost lands of the past where ponies came from. It is completely frozen over and constantly snowing. Unspeakable horrors stalk the snowy terrain while hiding in the constant blizzard.


-The Griffin homelands

A highly mountainous area with cloud cities above


-Dragon Homelands

The dragon homelands are split into six areas representing six elements of nature: 

The Flooded areas and swamps (Water), the deserts, tunnels and canyons (Earth), the volcanoes and fire fields (Fire), the storm cloud cities and mountains (Air), the forests, jungles and overgrown ruins (Plant), the tundras, alps, taigas and glaciers (Ice).


-Diamond Dog homelands

A highly mountainous area with a  few crags. It is rich with precious gems and minerals. The Diamond Dogs have built tunnels everywhere in and under the mountains.









Six dragon Demi-gods have been created, each representing one of the elements of nature. 

They have challenged Equestria, starting The Third Great Dragon War. 

Fighting with the Dragons, are the Diamond Dogs, the Orcs and the Griffins.

Fighting with the Ponies, are the Zebras and a few rebels from the other races.


The six dragons are trying to find the Elements of Harmony in the Darklands.


Equestria's forces have to find them first, or all is lost.








(If you think anyone is god modding, pm me)


-If your OC dies, make a new one and join right back in.


-At least try to use proper spelling and grammar


-Romance is allowed, but don't focus on it the entire time.


-As the DM, I control the RP and I control the gods and the dragon demi-gods


-Only control your OC and minor NPCs



-Guide on making your character:

Aside from the normal things you put (ei: Backstory, Race, Cutie Mark, etc), make sure to include the following:

-Your main god. (It has to be a good one for this story arc)

-Weapon of choice

-Spells  (A maximum of six, not counting levitation and limited teleportation) Nothing too OP. Only Unicorns, Zebras and Dragons can use spells.

-There are six slots open for an element of harmony. You don't have to be a pony to be an Element of Harmony. Specify which element you would like to be.

(The Element Of Magic might be taken by me)

NOTE: If you choose to be a certain element, your OC will have to go through a difficult test relevant to their chosen element.




If this role-play is successful, I may have another story arc. 

(Ei: A war with the Darklands)


Sign ups start NOW :)


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Banana Pudding!

Lol, That would be so much fun to yell as I walk into a room.

Name: Cosmo Shadesteel

Cutie Mark: An image of the Milky Way with the constellation Libra on it

Main Goddess: Princess Luna

Race: Unicorn


~Ghostly (Can make an object able to pass through any non-magical substance)

~Invisibility (I doubt that needs explanation)


~Shadow Clones (Can make clones of himself and objects. They are broken if attacked or hit something too hard.)

~Shadow Bolts (a spell that acts like a sniper rifle with a silencer)

*Illusions- Cosmo was trained to use illusions by servants of Discord, the God of Chaos. You have been warned.

Element: *Loyalty, Cosmo is devoted to Princess Luna and any one he considers his friends, which means his RP group

*Loyalty- If someone else wants to be Loyalty, I don't think Cosmo is a perfect match so if anyone has a better OC for this, Cosmo will step down and just be a non--element member of the group.

Backstory: Cosmo was raised in a clan of assassins. He never flet right in it but he knew nothing else. One of his contracts involved living as a regular townpony for several months to plan out a massacre of the town. He began to like living in the town more than being an assassin. He was unable to stop the massacre of the twon when his clan came in but somehow he was able to defeat the entire clan in retribution. He went to Celestia to confess his crimes in his other contracts, but Luna was sympathetic to the guilt he showed. She felt the same about being Nightmare Moon. She gave him a pardon and made him her assitant and eventually, her apprentice. He is nowhere close to using very high level magic but he is an expert on fighting with three swords he carries. Two long knives called The Black Swans and a long katana called Altiar. Cosmo has sworn his life to Luna and acts as her champion. If his order from Luna give him liberty to do so, Cosmo acts against Discord and his followers. His clan was devoted to the god of Chaos and Cosmo believes the only way to truely redeem himself for the crimes of his past is to fight against the very God he commited those crimes for. Whatever his orders and missions, Cosmo is a trained assassin who has sworn his service to the Princess of Shadows and War. If you aren't his friend, you're most likely dead.

Btw, Cosmo is my OC...


Edited by TheBreech
  • Brohoof 1

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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You have been accepted into the role-play! :)


The fact that your OC's main goddess is Luna is perfect for what I had originally planned for the element of Loyalty. :P


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You have been accepted into the role-play! :)


The fact that your OC's main goddess is Luna is perfect for what I had originally planned for the element of Loyalty. :P

Sweet! I like the look of this and I hope more people show up!

Cosmo's Response to these "plans"

"So you've made plans for me?" *unsheathes Altair and The Black Swans* "Well then? I'm right here. What're you waiting for?"

(Lol, I get excited for RPs like this. Sorry if I come across as pushy)

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Banana Pudding.
Name : Cunning Horn.
Race : Unicorn.
Cutie Mark : Two horns. One breaks another one.
Main Goddess : Princess Luna (All hail Luna! :lol:).
Weapon : Schianova (A kind of rapier. Well, rapier).
-Ignite : Cast a small fire to an object in sight.
-Smoke : Cast a smoke in an area in sight.
-Telecut : Cut a not-hard object in sight with his magic.
-Horn Harden : Manipulates his horn to be harder (He uses it every morning).
(That's all. He's not good at magic)

Personality : On link.
Backstory : Once was a lawful Captain, Cunning Horn betrayed Princess Celestia when he lost the half of his army because of a mistake of the Princess. With another half of his army, he did many reason less personal campaign against the world which slowly banished his army. Even though he led no pony, he still mentioned himself as "Captain Cunning Horn" and did some of his minor campaign like burning granaries and armories of the fighting factions.

Reputation as a criminal made him been captured so many times, but always escape. Well known as a military genius and The Horn Breaker. Recently Princess Luna captured him and brought him to Princess Celestia. Instead of executing him, she offered him a second chance to serve Equestria under the command of the Princess of the Night. Trapped by the hunted situation with no army to led and a silly crush on the Princess of the Night (No romance, really, but if you permit, LOL :lol: ), he decided to serve Equestria one more time as long as the Princess keeps his Captain title, but may deceive when he can fulfill his hidden plan.


Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Ok, before I start I might want to mention this, I really like banana pudding, I mean REALLY. Just wanted to warn you. So anyways...


Name: Vita (profile link, you may want to read this, it has more details on her.)

Race: Unicorn

Cutie Mark: A glowing horn

Main Goddess: Vivana

Weapon of choice: Scythe or Sickle


Echolocation: pretty much self explanatory, it lets her use echolocation, but it sends out a pulse of magic instead of sound.

Flash: her horn sends out a very bright light, temporarily blinding everyone around her

Mind communication: self explanatory, she can talk directly into others minds (others as in every creature with more than 5 brain cells)

Item invisibility: she can make any inanimate object invisible for up to an hour

Increased Speed: she can run/fight faster for about 5 minutes at most (she gets extremely tired afterwards though)

Element: Magic (or laughter if magic is already taken)

Personality and Backstory are in the link to her profile.


Ok, so recently I was on skype with four friends and my self, we all were using weird aliases, but one of us noticed there was an extra person in the call. So we all admitted our names, except this guy named phone, who instantly disconnected. BUT WHO WAS PHONE?!  Sorry, just had to tell someone that since its been bothering me ;-;

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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he decided to serve Equestria one more time as long as the Princess keeps his Captain title, but may deceive her when he can fulfill his hidden plan..

As you say that last part, you the faint click of three blades start to come out there sheathes. You look over and find Cosmo glaring at you intensely... Just saying :)

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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As you say that last part, you the faint click of three blades start to come out there sheathes. You look over and find Cosmo glaring at you intensely... Just saying :)

LOL. Aye. He's tricky and may deceive if he has a bigger, well, plan for a bigger opportunities.


Don't worry. He's pretty good at escaping.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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LOL. Aye. He's tricky and may deceive if he has a bigger, well, plan for a bigger opportunities.


Don't worry. He's pretty good at escaping.

Lol, ok then. Well Cosmo is faithful to the Princess and he doesn't tolerate traitors; especially when they're given a chance to redeem themselves.

Oh and you don't worry either. Cosmo's very good at hunting...

(Lol, at this rate one of us is gonna kill the other before the RP even starts. XD Seriously, lets save this for RP dude.)

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Lol, ok then. Well Cosmo is faithful to the Princess and he doesn't tolerate traitors; especially when they're given a chance to redeem themselves.

Oh and you don't worry either. Cosmo's very good at hunting...

(Lol, at this rate one of us is gonna kill the other before the RP even starts. XD Seriously, lets save this for RP dude.)

LOL. That's why this RP gonna be so awesome! :wub:

No. He will help Princess Luna for a, well, pretty long period (You know that he has a silly crush on her), so we're not going to kill each other before the RP start. :lol:

I can't wait to start.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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You Have been accepted into the role-play  :)





and You have been accepted into the role play as well :D

Edited by Zalgo


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Name: Vita

Interesting backstory... I must admit, I never would've imagined a blind pony and a mute being able to become friends. I like it :)



So the adventuring party consists of a former assassin who has sworn his life to Princess Luna, an infamous criminal in service to the same due to a crush on her, and a blind spell caster... This will definately go in an uncommon direction. :lol:

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Interesting backstory... I must admit, I never would've imagined a blind pony and a mute being able to become friends. I like it :)



So the adventuring party consists of a former assassin who has sworn his life to Princess Luna, an infamous criminal in service to the same due to a crush on her, and a blind spell caster... This will definately go in an uncommon direction. :lol:

Yeah! I can't wait for this to get going! :D And thank you! I take pride in making my characters backstories as interesting as possible, without making them Mary-Sues. I like to believe people don't think my characters are Mary Sues ;-; Also I am a sucker for cute friendships! I've always wanted to write about a friendship between a mute and a blind, I think it would be a very difficult friendship, but they would have a very strong bond, which is adorable! x3 I try to make my character so they make the roleplay or story have more variety, although between you, Sky Warden, and myself, I think we have great variety already xD

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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Yeah! I can't wait for this to get going! :D And thank you! I take pride in making my characters backstories as interesting as possible, without making them Mary-Sues. I like to believe people don't think my characters are Mary Sues ;-; Also I am a sucker for cute friendships! I've always wanted to write about a friendship between a mute and a blind, I think it would be a very difficult friendship, but they would have a very strong bond, which is adorable! x3 I try to make my character so they make the roleplay or story have more variety, although between you, Sky Warden, and myself, I think we have great variety already xD

Well, I can't speak for everypony on the forums but I don't think Vita is at all Mary Sue. lol, I keep picturing Vita "Maka-chopping" Cunning Horn and Cosmo as they get into arguments during the RP.





This part is for everyone.

Anypony know someone who'd want to do this RP? I'm not sure but I imagine the wait is for other people to join.

I don't mean to be impatient but school starts back up Monday for me and I'd like to RP while I'm still on break when I wont be drowning in homework.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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This part is for everyone.

Anypony know someone who'd want to do this RP? I'm not sure but I imagine the wait is for other people to join.

I don't mean to be impatient but school starts back up Monday for me and I'd like to RP while I'm still on break when I wont be drowning in homework.

Well, some people said they were interested, but they never signed up :(


We just need the rest of the EoH then we can start...


I guess I should post my OC soon.


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